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The Liberals on this board have disappeared...........

Sarge listen to Mueller's presser, he goes into some detail on why he was unable to do that, why it would have been unconstitutional for him to articulate charges against a sitting president. His investigation and subsequential report should be looked at as the findings & base evidence of a thorough, unbiased investigation. It is up to Congress - and only Congress - to act upon and make decisions based on it.

so what you're saying is Mueller didn't complete his job as appointed by Rosenstein.

If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is

authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.

So either Mueller fleeced taxpayers for 2+ years or there was nothing for Special Counsel to prosecute, as that is what he was assigned to do.
Can not be neither. One of the other. Which is it?

I'll help you out some. This is Mueller after 2+ years of looking into Russian conspiracy to aid the election of Trump. Mueller found **** unrelated to this investigation (Stormy Daniels, Karen MacDougal). Speaking of Stormy Daniels, we all can agree she's a *****. Can barely piece together a sentence without her jaw getting locked when she says any word with an "o" in it. Yet the left vilified Melania and called her a *****, despite being extremely educated and for all we know not being a porn star. Nevertheless, back on track - Mueller managed to get some people to lie about things that had nothing to do with the Russian conspiracy theory. His witch hunt is summed to zero. Empty handed. Did not catch The Whale. Failed fishing expedition.

What he did find is a lot of Americans - not Russians - voted for Donald J Trump. More will vote for the guy in 2020. Why? Well, what piece of legislation have the Dems passed since 2016, other than to try to "impeach the ************"?

Trump's actions during the investigation were understandable when you look at the whole thing from outside the political spectrum. He saw these people wanting to investigate him as his own employees wanting to walk into his mansion, turn over the nightstands, see what falls out and declare him morally bankrupt if anything did fall out.

You've said you own a restaurant or two. Do you let your employees come into your home, your bedroom and see which dildos you use on your wife? If not, why not? I'd guess because it's none of their business. Same thing, here. Trump thought none of his private life was any business of anyone else's. For ****'s sake, the Dems have long-said what goes on behind closed doors between two consenting adults married or not is no one's business. Yet suddenly it is. Even after 8 years of being told Obama's private life was not anyone's business.

So, yes, he was outraged when this investigation began. Why wouldn't he be? He even said that this investigation would undermine his presidency. Which it has. Yet, as callous and unpolitical as he has been, our economy is soaring. Overall, people have a better way of life. The strife being shown by the MSM is fringe. The BLM protests, which populated the Obama presidency as often as sunlight hits the planet, have become a thing of the past. Why? Could it be that those people are now working and finding a better way of life? Or are they too busy playing the latest Call of Duty in mom's basement? One of the other. Or are they that far gone that they've taken up seclusion under bridges and overpasses?

While you breathlessly read the Mueller report, hoping in your most patriotic way that our sitting President was colluding with a foreign government, you also said you'd accept the report's findings. The report found nothing. Yet now it's up to "interpretation", which harkens back to when Obama said some people live in different realities than others. The only interpretation you need is right in front of you, on the daily. President Donald J Trump occupies the White House and is not being brought up for impeachment. His actions and rants may not meet the definition of presidential, but he's doing a fine job with the country. Despite being attacked non-stop, 24/7, 365.
Sarge listen to Mueller's presser, he goes into some detail on why he was unable to do that, why it would have been unconstitutional for him to articulate charges against a sitting president. His investigation and subsequential report should be looked at as the findings & base evidence of a thorough, unbiased investigation. It is up to Congress - and only Congress - to act upon and make decisions based on it.

I listened to the presser, and I read the transcript for good measure. It is not unconstitutional to say "The President did this, but we can't charge him." He can articulate whatever he wants. However, it is unconstitutional to seal charges until after he leaves office, file charges while he is in office.

Look, I know what you are saying. I know what Mueller is saying. My point is that he doesn't have to ******* dance around it. He can say what he wants.

This **** needs to end, one way or the other. It is everywhere you go. Work, the airport, the radio on the ride home, everywhere you turn. And if all of it is so god damn clear, then I can't even begin to imagine why Nancy Pelosi doesn't bring articles of impeachment. What are they waiting for?

You want my opinion? I think he did something, knew something, said something or maybe all three. He has his hands in everything his administration does, he is a control freak and an egomaniac. Knowing that, it would be hard to convince me that anything happened that he didn't at least know about. I don't know. Just tired of it. There is a lot of work needs done around this nation, and sadly, Trump is the only guy trying to do any of it. Impeach or don't, **** or get off the pot, fish or cut bait. But this needs to end.
I read the transcript for good measure.

In my reading he spelled it out quite clearly.

We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime. The introduction to the volume two of our report explains that decision. It explains that under long-standing Department policy, a President cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional. Even if the charge is kept under seal and hidden from public view, that too is prohibited. The special counsel’s office is part of the Department of Justice and by regulation it was bound by that Department policy. Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider.

And here he focuses in on the issue quite succinctly:

And second, the opinion says that the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting President of wrong doing. And beyond Department policy we were guided by principles of fairness. It would be unfair to potentially — it would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of the actual charge.

And what is that process, 'other than' the criminal justice system? Impeachment hearings undertaken by Congress. Mueller is simply abiding by the rule of the law and above all else, the Constitution.
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The whole point of the investigation was to prove collusion with Russia. Mueller did clearly state that there was no collusion with Russia. He then implied but never actually said that Trump maybe possibly could have obstructed justice.

Justice would be punishment for a crime.

To sum up, Mueller declared Trump innocent of the crime, but now they want to investigate whether Trump is guilty of obstruction and covering up for a crime he never committed.
In my reading he spelled it out quite clearly.

And here he focuses in on the issue quite succinctly:

And what is that process, 'other than' the criminal justice system? Impeachment hearings undertaken by Congress. Mueller is simply abiding by the rule of the law and above all else, the Constitution.

Impeachment for what crime?
Mueller slammed the book on his report, its over im done here, dont bother calling me i will say nothing more than whats in the report. Case Closed..

Its up to Congress to decide now to impeach....none of the rest of your jibber jabbering matters now.

**** or get off the pot Nancy
Nancy says only 38 Dems in House want impeachment and 200 oppose it


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Impeachment for what crime?

For getting elected. For being unorthodox and brash and calling the media out on their repugnant bullshit. And for being a little nutty sometimes & not overly likable.

Seriously, can you imagine what these twisted, hateful souls are going through? They hate a man with such vitriol they'll never in their life meet, and one who essentially has not changed their lives in any way, shape or form for the worse. Talk about insanity. I knew it was going to be a rough ride the day he was elected when people were comparing 11/9 to 9/11 (the worst mass terrorist attack in United States history!), but this is just batshit crazy stuff.
For getting elected. For being unorthodox and brash and calling the media out on their repugnant bullshit. And for being a little nutty sometimes & not overly likable.

Seriously, can you imagine what these twisted, hateful souls are going through? They hate a man with such vitriol they'll never in their life meet, and one who essentially has not changed their lives in any way, shape or form for the worse. Talk about insanity. I knew it was going to be a rough ride the day he was elected when people were comparing 11/9 to 9/11 (the worst mass terrorist attack in United States history!), but this is just batshit crazy stuff.

I posted a news blurb on FB in a Pittsburgh group I belong to about the discovery that Kennywood Park was serving Hunt's ketchup (the horror!) and not Heinz. I said between the cheese fries change and the Hunt's, Kennywood must not be run by Yinzers any more. The first reply was by a TDS'er who said that "Kennywood must be run by ************* Trumpists who hate Heinz." BTW, this is not a political page.
So 38 new seats coming avail soon?

Not really. AOC, Mustafa Omar, the other Muslim babe, and the loon from Hawaii are from heavily Libtard districts and will win comfortably.
So, he is suggesting that he may have found evidence of collusion but couldn't do anything about it because its unconstitutional to charge a sitting president? So we are to believe that he found evidence against Trump, but no one else in his campaign? Because if he did, surely the constitution doesn't protect the underlings. So this would mean that found NO EVIDENCE that anyone in Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. But he may have found evidence that Trump did?

Are we really to believe that Trump had direct contact with Russian operatives? No one else present, just Trump? No one else took a phone call, sent a text, delivered cash, or did anything else that they could've been charged for? Only the President? For the first time in his adult life Donald Trump did not delegate any tasks at all to subordinates?

Sorry, if you believe that you're too stupid to remember to breathe.

And if any of those things did occur, and Mueller was unable to find it even after 2 years and $43 million, then he is the worst investigator on the face of the planet. He should be forced to repay whatever money he's been payed over the past 2 years, or be charged with theft.
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The Dems and the media need this. The media needs it to try to get back some credibility after they spent 2 years saying it was obvious Mueller would find a ton of crimes then found nothing.

The Dems need it because they have nothing else. They can't talk economy. They know most of the SJW policies only play in primaries. The only thing they have is the same as Hillary - Orange Man Bad

They will grasp at any straw to keep up the investigations to smear Trump. It's all they have,
So, he is suggesting that he may have found evidence of collusion but couldn't do anything about it because its unconstitutional to charge a sitting president? So we are to believe that he found evidence against Trump, but no one else in his campaign? Because if he did, surely the constitution doesn't protect the underlings. So this would mean that found NO EVIDENCE that anyone in Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. But he may have found evidence that Trump did?

Are we really to believe that Trump had direct contact with Russian operatives? No one else present, just Trump? No one else took a phone call, sent a text, delivered cash, or did anything else that they could've been charged for? Only the President? For the first time in his adult life Donald Trump did not delegate any tasks at all to subordinates?

Sorry, if you believe that you're too stupid to remember to breathe.

And if any of those things did occur, and Mueller was unable to find it even after 2 years and $43 million, then he is the worst investigator on the face of the planet. He should be forced to repay whatever money he's been payed over the past 2 years, or be charged with theft.

Mueller is either a moron or a liar. The constitution isn't what he is referencing. He's talking about DOJ guidelines. They are not laws and sure as hell isn't a constitutional issue. Be damn sure if he had found evidence of law breaking he would have indicted everyone associated with it (which isn't in the DOJ guidelines) and he would have shown the AG all the evidence against Trump. He should be brought before the Senate to answer questions. He is placing the burden of proof on Trump to prove he is innocent which isn't how our system works.
What are the DOJ guidelines on knowingly keeping an innocent man in prison to protect a mob boss you're using as an informant?
What are the DOJ guidelines on knowingly keeping an innocent man in prison to protect a mob boss you're using as an informant?

Or letting Whitey Bulger continue in business and murder people because he was an informant giving you info on the Italian mob?
Or letting Whitey Bulger continue in business and murder people because he was an informant giving you info on the Italian mob?

I saw Whitey’s headquarters when I was in Boston last year. It was a non-descript, ****** little building.
The Dems and the media need this. The media needs it to try to get back some credibility after they spent 2 years saying it was obvious Mueller would find a ton of crimes then found nothing.

The Dems need it because they have nothing else. They can't talk economy.

They will grasp at any straw to keep up the investigations to smear Trump. It's all they have,

b b b but


That's ALL we heard about for 2 years and now....

it's MYSTERIOUSLY removed from all the

FAKE NEWS REPORTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



NOPE, not a one

wait, I better look again


not a SINGLE word about



How can that be???