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The New York Kangaroo Court Case Against Trump

Trotting out the "he said soldiers who died in combat were fools" bullshit. What a shock.

Proven to be a lie, dillweed.
Provide your proof that both Milley and Kelly are liars. I suppose Trump didn’t also say POWs weren’t war heroes because they got caught?
Oh, and your guy showered with his daughter and murdered 10 Afghani civilians. But I guess that pales in comparison to the bullshit tale about "said soldiers who died were fools" idiocy.
Talk about retorts that bear no relation to what someone said.
No retard. As well documented, she did concede the 2016 election. She later warned Biden about Trump and the 2020 election. In hindsight, for very good reason.
she warned Biden about the 2020 election in 2017, before Biden was even considering running? and then she warned him just last week about the election that occurred in 2020?

fuccking kocksucking retard. go suck down a box of donuts.
she warned Biden about the 2020 election in 2017, before Biden was even considering running?
2017? WTF?

YOU provided the article dated OCTOBER 9th, 2020, you ******* imbecile.
Provide your proof that both Milley and Kelly are liars. I suppose Trump didn’t also say POWs weren’t war heroes because they got caught?
And you assumed right.

As idiotic and insensitive a comment it was, it was aimed solely at McCain out of Trumps disdain for him. Trump labeled McCain a loser at everything he did. Trump went for the throat, the worst insult he could conjure up by saying McCain was a loser even at war because he got caught.

Trump has been a champion of our veterans and military. That said, I'd rather he just confesses that it was a poor choice of words rather than try to rationalize his way out of it. But his ego prohibits it.

Our ruling

Trump said, "Four times, I said (McCain) is a hero but you know … people choose selective pieces."

Trump literally said McCain is a hero five times, but never without caveats. Once, he added "perhaps, I believe" before conceding the point. Twice, he was interrupted. And the last two times, Trump said, "He is a war hero because he was captured." In other words, Trump also chose "selective pieces" and misquoted himself.

I suppose during COVID you believed Trump advised people to drink fish tank cleaner right?
Or during the riots in Charlottsville, when Trump said "there are good people on both sides" he was talking about the white supremacists and Antifa right?
2017? WTF?

YOU provided the article dated OCTOBER 9th, 2020, you ******* imbecile.
like arguing with a retard who insists on eating soup with a fork. i even provided photographical evidence.

Like arguing with a retard, you say? 😂
in your world, she's only said this once. and that was in 2020.

you're so arrogantly ignorant.
like arguing with a retard who insists on eating soup with a fork. i even provided photographical evidence.

View attachment 12649

And watch, Dr. Flogstain, walking champion, ded dog dragger, cushion crusher, Top Chef - Pangolin Edition champion, election expert, math whiz, will refuse to acknowledge he is wrong.
Provide your proof that both Milley and Kelly are liars. I suppose Trump didn’t also say POWs weren’t war heroes because they got caught?

From John Bolton, a MAGA enthusiast according to you I guess:

One of the sources who refuted the Atlantic's reporting is not a fan of Trump. Both sources said that Trump was upset about not being able to go to Aisne-Marne and said they had never heard Trump refer to war dead at Aisne-Marne or in the battle of Bellau Wood as "losers" or "suckers." Former national security adviser John Bolton, who has openly opposed Trump, saying he will vote for neither the president nor Joe Biden in November, wrote a scathing memoir about his time in the White House. In a passage in that memoir, Bolton actually defends Trump over the decision not to go to the Aisne-Marne.

Pompeo: I never heard the president speak ill of service members

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo responds to report President Trump called fallen soldiers 'losers' and 'suckers.'

"Marine One's crew was saying that bad visibility could make it imprudent to chopper to the cemetery," Bolton wrote. "The ceiling was not too low for Marines to fly in combat, but flying POTUS was obviously something very different. If a motorcade were necessary, it could take between ninety and a hundred and twenty minutes each way, along roads that were not exactly freeways, posing an unacceptable risk that we could not get the President out of France quickly enough in case of an emergency. It was a straightforward decision to cancel the visit..."

Talk about retorts that bear no relation to what someone said.

And watch, Dr. Flogstain, walking champion, ded dog dragger, cushion crusher, Top Chef - Pangolin Edition champion, election expert, math whiz, will refuse to acknowledge he is wrong.

You guys should know by now that will never happen.
😂 Your false equivalency couldn’t be more absurd.

Did Clinton concede the election on or around November 9, 2016. Yes or No?

Was there a smooth transition of power, did Hillary attend Trump’s inauguration, and was Trump in the Whitehouse on the date listed above, September 18, 2017. Yes or No, Yes or No, Yes or No?

Did the January 6th attempted insurrection occur in 2017, or 2021?

On what date did Trump concede that he was the LOSER of the 2020 election?
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she conceded, but still, to this very goddamned day, says she was cheated.

fucck her and fucck you.

her bullshit is full on why BLM caused the bul1shit they did for four years under Trump. You know it, I know it, they know it, everyone knows it.

Classic case of irony. Would fit right in with the examples below.
Often people confuse coincidence with irony.

May as well add humor to this thread.






Here's one I discovered all by myself.
A faux woman opposite the words "100% real, original."

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goddammit, Flog

😂 Your false equivalency couldn’t be more absurd.

Did Clinton concede the election on or around November 9, 2016. Yes or No?

Was there a smooth transition of power, did Hillary attend Trump’s inauguration, and was Trump in the Whitehouse on the date listed above, September 18, 2017. Yes or No, Yes or No, Yes or No?

Did the January 6th attempted insurrection occur in 2017, or 2021?

On what date did Trump concede that he was the LOSER of the 2020 election?

Just as well I can turn around and say that you're the one presenting a false equivalency.

Clinton had no basis for her claim that she had been cheated. Trump did.

The events that led up to the 2016 election and all the hanky-panky that took place in the wee hours of the morning was unprecedented.

You people became unhinged when Trump won fair and square.
Jeezus, could only Imagine had Clinton been the recipient of what appeared to be blatant cheating on the scale of Trump.
You'd better believe all you leftists, the media, and demonrat politicians in the middle of your meltdowns would be demanding an all-out investigation.
Could just hear it...the 24/7 media coverage..."Was Hillary cheated"?

You people spent 4 years trying to prove Trump colluded with Russia to win the election with zero proof or evidence.

Yet, considering the possibility that cheating may have occurred in 2016, based on the evidence that was highly unprecedented you choose to take the "nothing to see here" route. Just shut up and accept the results.
Just as well I can turn around and say that you're the one presenting a false equivalency.

Clinton had no basis for her claim that she had been cheated. Trump did.

The events that led up to the 2016 election and all the hanky-panky that took place in the wee hours of the morning was unprecedented.

You people became unhinged when Trump won fair and square.
Jeezus, could only Imagine had Clinton been the recipient of what appeared to be blatant cheating on the scale of Trump.
You'd better believe all you leftists, the media, and demonrat politicians in the middle of your meltdowns would be demanding an all-out investigation.
Could just hear it...the 24/7 media coverage..."Was Hillary cheated"?

You people spent 4 years trying to prove Trump colluded with Russia to win the election with zero proof or evidence.

Yet, considering the possibility that cheating may have occurred in 2016, based on the evidence that was highly unprecedented you choose to take the "nothing to see here" route. Just shut up and accept the results.
And lets not forget that Bernie was cheated out of the dem nomination, Hillary shouldn't have even been on the ticket in the first place.