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The official President Donald J. Trump Thread

While there is a lull in the news, let me show yinz an article in Forbes that was interesting. I heard of this guy a little but he is not prone to give audience to the press, so it's a rare thing to see this much about him in print or otherwise.Here is a very clipped preview.

How Jared Kushner Won Trump the White House

Kushner almost never speaks publicly–his chats with FORBES mark the first time he has talked about the Trump campaign or his role in it–but interviews with him and a dozen people around him and the Trump camp lead to an inescapable fact: The quiet, enigmatic young mogul delivered the presidency to the most fame-hungry, bombastic candidate in American history.

“Jared Kushner is the biggest surprise of the 2016 election,” adds Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, who helped design the Clinton campaign’s technology system. “Best I can tell, he actually ran the campaign and did it with essentially no resources.”


JARED KUSHNER’S ASCENT from Ivanka Trump’s little-known husband to Donald Trump’s campaign savior happened gradually. In the early days of the scrappy campaign, it was all hands on deck, with Kushner helping research policy positions on tax and trade. But as the campaign gained steam, other players began using him as a trusted conduit to an erratic candidate.

Kushner stepped up to turn it into an actual campaign operation. Soon he was assembling a speech and policy team, handling Trump’s schedule and managing the finances. “Donald kept saying, ‘I don’t want people getting rich off the campaign, and I want to make sure we are watching every dollar just like we would do in business.’

At first Kushner dabbled, engaging in what amounted to a beta test using Trump merchandise. “I called somebody who works for one of the technology companies that I work with, and I had them give me a tutorial on how to use Facebook micro-targeting,” Kushner says. Synched with Trump’s blunt, simple messaging, it worked. The Trump campaign went from selling $8,000 worth of hats and other items a day to $80,000, generating revenue, expanding the number of human billboards–and proving a concept. In another test, Kushner spent $160,000 to promote a series of low-tech policy videos of Trump talking straight into the camera that collectively generated more than 74 million views.

Kushner says. “I asked, How can we get Trump’s message to that consumer for the least amount of cost?” FEC filings through mid-October indicate the Trump campaign spent roughly half as much as the Clinton campaign did.

“Jared understood the online world in a way the traditional media folks didn’t. He managed to assemble a presidential campaign on a shoestring using new technology and won.

He brought the Silicon Valley ethos, which values openness and inclusiveness, to a campaign that promised closed borders, trade protection and religious exclusion. He is the scion of prodigious Democratic donors yet steered a Republican presidential campaign. A grandson of Holocaust survivors who serves a man who has advocated a ban on war refugees. A fact-driven lawyer whose chosen candidate called global warming a hoax, linked vaccines to autism and challenged President Obama’s citizenship. A media mogul in a campaign stoked by fake news. A devout Jew advising a president-elect embraced by the alt-right and supported by the KKK.
So he's not going to look into Hillary's emails or foundation. On the one hand, if that means I don't have to see or hear from the Clintons anymore, that's great. On the other hand, it seems like some really illegal **** went down and it sucks to just let her walk. If I'm Trump, I'd also probably just want to forget about that whole mob and move on.
The FBI can still go after her for the Clinton Foundation illegal actions.
Trump Tweets That He's 'Seriously Considering' Carson For HUD Secretary

President-elect Donald Trump tweeted on Tuesday that he is "seriously considering" nominating retired neurosurgeon and top Trump surrogate Ben Carson as head of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

"He's a greatly talented person who loves people!" Trump wrote in the tweet, which was sent from a Twitter web client rather than the Android device associated with his most unfiltered posts.

I am seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the head of HUD. I've gotten to know him well--he's a greatly talented person who loves people!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 22, 2016

So he's not going to look into Hillary's emails or foundation. On the one hand, if that means I don't have to see or hear from the Clintons anymore, that's great. On the other hand, it seems like some really illegal **** went down and it sucks to just let her walk. If I'm Trump, I'd also probably just want to forget about that whole mob and move on.

I think this is more political smoke. If he were to persue Hillary, it would look like he was playing politics with his position and the media would swarm like flies on ****. If he stays out of it, he looks more like he's moving on from the election to the business of the Country. Hopefully the new AG takes the FBI info on the pay for play and runs with it toward an indictment...which should have happened already.
I think this is more political smoke. If he were to persue Hillary, it would look like he was playing politics with his position and the media would swarm like flies on ****. If he stays out of it, he looks more like he's moving on from the election to the business of the Country. Hopefully the new AG takes the FBI info on the pay for play and runs with it toward an indictment...which should have happened already.
Agree, Trump should stay out of it and let the new AG and presumably new FBI director handle it. Don't waste the political capital. Trump knows how to deal and may be able to get the Democrats in Congress not to block as much of his **** if he agrees to lay off The Hildebeast. Some of the Dems are probably glad she's gone anyway since she's wrecked the party.

Nikki Haley supposedly to be tapped for UN Ambassador. Interesting pick and surprised she would take it. Not official, I don't think.
So he's not going to look into Hillary's emails or foundation. On the one hand, if that means I don't have to see or hear from the Clintons anymore, that's great. On the other hand, it seems like some really illegal **** went down and it sucks to just let her walk. If I'm Trump, I'd also probably just want to forget about that whole mob and move on.
Heard some real optimists suggest that this is a ruse to keep Obama from pardoning her. No way.
TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!! **** yes! He won, baby!! Shart into your crying towels and get over it *******! Make America Great Again and shut the **** up *******!
Stein has the money to get recounts in PA, MI and WI. Don't the states still need to allow that to happen? Love how they are crying the computers may have been hacked but say nothing about Dems stuffing the ballot boxes and having illegal people vote. I'd love to see any recount come out more in favor of Trump just to shut these whiny ******* up.
Liberals always double down on their stupidity.

Jill Stein’s guilty conscience: Donald Trump won Wisconsin by 22,000, but the Green Party won 31,000 votes . In Michigan, Trump won by 11,000, but Stein got 51,000.

In Pennsylvania, she got 49,000 votes, and margin was 70,000 so that's not even a thing
Liberals always double down on their stupidity.

Jill Stein’s guilty conscience: Donald Trump won Wisconsin by 22,000, but the Green Party won 31,000 votes . In Michigan, Trump won by 11,000, but Stein got 51,000.

In Pennsylvania, she got 49,000 votes, and margin was 70,000 so that's not even a thing

So....she's trying to come out ahead of Gary Johnson?
eh, who cares what the losers do


Trump names McGahn as White House counsel

President-elect Donald Trump has named Donald McGahn as White House counsel and assistant to the president.

McGahn, a partner at Jones Day, previously worked as general counsel for the Trump campaign and is a former FEC chairman.

“Don has a brilliant legal mind, excellent character and a deep understanding of constitutional law,” Trump said in a release from the Trump transition team. “He will play a critical role in our administration, and I am grateful that he is willing to serve our country at such a high-level capacity."




Election law lawyer. Sounds like a solid choice.
eh, who cares what the losers do


Trump names McGahn as White House counsel

President-elect Donald Trump has named Donald McGahn as White House counsel and assistant to the president.

McGahn, a partner at Jones Day, previously worked as general counsel for the Trump campaign and is a former FEC chairman.

“Don has a brilliant legal mind, excellent character and a deep understanding of constitutional law,” Trump said in a release from the Trump transition team. “He will play a critical role in our administration, and I am grateful that he is willing to serve our country at such a high-level capacity."

The adults will be in charge again.
K.T. McFarland Joins Donald Trump’s National Security Team


Trump, in a statement, noted McFarland’s “tremendous experience and innate talent.” McFarland said in a statement that Trump “has the courage, brilliance and energy to Make America Great Again, and nobody has called foreign policy right more than President-elect Trump, and he gets no credit for it. I’m honored and humbled that he has asked me to be part of his team.”

McFarland has held national security posts in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan Administrations, and, according to her bio, served as an aide to Dr. Henry Kissinger and as senior speechwriter to Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger.

McFarland has held national security posts in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan Administrations, and, according to her bio, served as an aide to Dr. Henry Kissinger and as senior speechwriter to Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger.

JFC, how old is this woman???