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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Biden Destroying Us"

Don't forget that Joe has yet to cure cancer, like he promised.
Xiden said you shouldn't be President if you allowed 220,000 Covid deaths under your watch.
Xiden is up to 260,000 deaths so why is he still here?
More evidence of Dementia Joe's lying.

Total and complete piece of ****. ******* guy is a complete fake and total fraud. He is everything wrong with politics and should have never held any public office at any level.

And here he is with advanced dementia as our first illegitimate president. Just amazing. Still a big fat ******* liar.
Some of them are rapists. Close the border Xiden, you piece of ****.

Illegal Alien Charged With Raping Girl In 'Sanctuary' State Of California​

GLENDALE, CA - On December 20, police arrested Simon Lopez, 21, after he was reportedly seen physically assaulting a young girl in Canoga Park.

During the course of their investigation, detectives learned that Lopez had been sexually assaulting the girl, according to court documents.

Despite the serious nature of his current charges, his past criminal record, an outstanding warrant and his immigration status, Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon wanted to release Lopez without bail.

In a press release, the Glendale Police Department stated:

Due to L.A. County’s emergency “Zero-Dollar” bail order, the district attorney’s office recommended bail be set to $0; however, a $100,000 bail hold was set. The following charges reflect what the district attorney’s office has filed against Lopez: unlawful sex with a minor, oral copulation of a minor, domestic violence, contact with a minor for sexual offense, and possession of child porn.

Lopez has been charged with kidnapping, engaging in intercourse with a minor (Victim Under 15) and domestic violence. He is currently being held at the Los Angeles County Jail’s Twin Towers Correctional Facility.

*Of course, California has a statewide ‘sanctuary’ policy which protects criminal aliens from deportation.

View this suspect’s booking info…

**** Joe Biden

View attachment 7442

Beginning on December 11th and set to conclude on December 30th, hundreds of what are believed to be underage, illegal immigrants have been flown into the Pennsylvania by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

The flights are believed to have originated in Texas, with some stopping in Cincinnati, according to Jim Gallagher, president of Aviation Technologies Inc., the airport’s fixed-base operator.

Thats where Dunder Mifflin is located. The Scranton branch.
Makes you wonder if Oscar Martinez is an illegal.

China Again Uses Biden's Own Words to Make an Utter Fool out of Him​

By Mike Miller | Dec 30, 2021 10:30 AM ET
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AP Photo/Alex Brandon
Joe Biden is the gift that keeps on giving to conservative political pundits. I for one cannot remember a more target-rich environment than the current president of the United States. If anything I have to triage Biden news before deciding on which idiotic thing he said or did today that most trips my journalistic trigger.

Put simply, to call Joe Biden the Barnie Fife of U.S. presidents would not be an overstatement. Someone who shares that view is Chinese Communist dictator Xi Jinping and his ruthless comrades in Beijing.

The ChiComs, as the late great Rush Limbaugh referred to China, have again humiliated Biden — and by extension, the United States — this time by using our hapless president’s own words against him after he said there is “no federal solution” to dealing with COVID-19, despite promising on the 2020 campaign trail that he was going to “shut down the virus.”

Not that it’s a tough task, given that Biden only opens his mouth to change feet — or lie some more.

To refresh, during a call with governors earlier this week, Arkansas Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson told Biden during the virtual meeting:

And so one word of concern or encouragement for your team is that as you look towards federal solutions that will help alleviate the challenge, make sure that we do not let federal solutions stand in the way of state solutions. And the production of 500 million rapid tests that will be distributed by the federal government is great. But obviously, that dries up the supply chain for the solutions that we might offer as governor.
Biden’s response was pure Biden; he seemingly and cluelessly did an abrupt 180, which set off alarms throughout the media as only Corn Pop’s pal can do.

Look, there is no federal solution. This gets solved at the state level.
Enter, the Chinese propaganda machine to jump all over Biden’s admonition with both Communist feet.

China’s state-run propaganda machine, Global Times, quickly capitalized on Biden’s comment, asking, “Did American politicians’ promises during the US presidential elections mean anything at all?”

“I’m going to shut down the virus, not the country,” US President Joe Biden said ambitiously during his presidential campaign in October 2020. However, judging from Biden’s current attitude toward the COVID-19 fight, similar promises made by US politicians are nothing but hollow slogans used to attack other candidates and collect votes. …
During the 2020 presidential elections, many American people had high expectations of Biden because they were convinced that he could curb the raging epidemic. In fact, this was also one of his key platforms. Unfortunately, since US elections have become displays of bipartisan disputes and empty slogans, it is always the American people who ultimately suffer. […]
If the leader of the only superpower in the world today is unable to formulate a unified policy to deal with the public health crisis, and only brag about goals to win more votes, then the US’ system and leadership are dubious.
Do the ChiComs have this inept guy’s number or what? And that now-silly infamous tweet:

I’m going to shut down the virus, not the country.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) October 23, 2020

Welp, that aged well, don’t you think?

As my colleague Sister Toldjah reported on Wednesday, Biden’s year of “shutting down the virus, not the country” hasn’t gone well at all. From shamelessly casting doubt on “Trump’s vaccine” prior to the election to “magically” touting the vaccine, post-election, to misstep after misstep he has tried his damnedest to impose mask mandates and vaccine mandates on pretty much the whole country, only to be rebuffed by the nation’s governors and federal courts along the way. Biden’s Year of COVID has been an unmitigated disaster — and it continues to worsen by the day.

Incidentally, as we reported, Biden subsequently backtracked on his “no federal solution” declaration.

Why? Because Democrat power is a hard thing to relinquish — even when you’re sucking mud.
1640904275518.jpegThe continued weakening of America.

More than 100 Marines discharged for refusing Covid vaccine as troops across services face discipline

This is what will fill our armed services if this crap continues.
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You can't make this **** up. Biden and Dems have made life so bad in areas, that even in LA, the elite Leftists are scurrying to get licenses and buy handguns.

They don't realize that their stupid policies, allowing riots last year, making crime no longer a crime leading to smash & grabs and assaults has Liberals rushing to buy guns and destroy their desire to rid America of weapons. Instead, they are further arming her.


Meanwhile, Libs double down on stupid and want to make punishment for drive by shootings less severe.

God...help us.

You can't make this **** up. Biden and Dems have made life so bad in areas, that even in LA, the elite Leftists are scurrying to get licenses and buy handguns.

They don't realize that their stupid policies, allowing riots last year, making crime no longer a crime leading to smash & grabs and assaults has Liberals rushing to buy guns and destroy their desire to rid America of weapons. Instead, they are further arming her.


Meanwhile, Libs double down on stupid and want to make punishment for drive by shootings less severe.

God...help us.

This would fit in nicely in the Liberalism is a mental disease thread.
You can't make this **** up. Biden and Dems have made life so bad in areas, that even in LA, the elite Leftists are scurrying to get licenses and buy handguns.

They don't realize that their stupid policies, allowing riots last year, making crime no longer a crime leading to smash & grabs and assaults has Liberals rushing to buy guns and destroy their desire to rid America of weapons. Instead, they are further arming her.
Because until now crime only happened in "other places". Now it's in their neighborhoods.
Scathing. Truthful. Funny. Incredibly sad. All in one. Please read.

Biden Gets His GOAT

Unique distinctions now await the Delaware Democrat.

Joe Biden had barely escaped from his military-guarded inauguration when people began to wonder if he would become known as the worst U.S. president of all time. Yet by the end of 2021, Biden was clearly in the running for the greatest of all time, but not in the sense he might have hoped. Such an outcome was entirely predictable.

Joe Biden was never much of a scholar or thinker, otherwise he never would have taken up plagiarism. That started in law school where Joe was a bottom feeder, though he later claimed otherwise. A legal career was not to be and when politics beckoned, Joe came running. Before long, he had his eyes on the prize. In his first run for president in 1988, the Delaware Democrat plagiarized a speech by pro-Soviet British Marxist Neil Kinnock, perhaps the worst choice he could have made. To say the least, that calls Joe’s judgment into question.

Some Democrats thought Biden packed Kennedy-style cred, but he hung out with segregationists and his idol was Democratic Senate boss Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) a former big shot in the Ku Klux Klan. Byrd voted against African American Supreme Court nominee Thurgood Marshall, and Biden followed the former Ku Klucker in his vote against Clarence Thomas—after Biden conducted what Thomas rightly called a “high-tech lynching.”

Mark Bowden described Biden as “plenty smart” but “not an intellectual,” which in 2010 was pretty funny. The Delaware Democrat showed no sign that he had read anything of significance, so no surprise that he never wrote or said anything that would make a sub-moron’s mouth twitch. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Except perhaps in derision.

Biden’s achievements in the Senate were hard to find but, perhaps for that very reason, he caught the eye of the composite character David Garrow described in Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama. As vice president, Biden got the China gig and the PRC proved fond of son Hunter. The “big guy” had a piece of the action, but for Democrats that was only “Russian disinformation” and Joe stayed in the race. He claimed to “choose truth over facts” and told African Americans “you ain’t black” if they didn’t support him. Some blacks did support him, for curious reasons.

Angela Davis, winner of the Lenin Peace Prize in 1979, spent much of her life propping up an all-white Soviet dictatorship and in 1980 and 1984 ran for vice president on the Communist Party USA ticket under white Stalinist Gus Hall. During the 2020 campaign, Davis supported Joe Biden as the candidate “who can be most effectively pressured into allowing more space for the evolving anti-racist movement.”

Joe boasted about deploying the most extensive system of voter fraud in American history, so it makes sense that he didn’t get out much during the campaign. 😂 :ROFLMAO: 😂He did tell one autoworker, “You’re full of ****,” instead of answering his question on the Second Amendment. As this revealed, Joe does have a rather nasty side, but on the other hand, he’s good at sniffing out the ladies. :rofl: Joe wants to “build back better,” but at the end of 2021 embattled Americans have to wonder.

As parents have noticed, the Biden Junta is all-in with BLM and “1619 Project” indoctrination. Lenin Peace Prize winner Angela Davis got what she wanted, and she had to be pleased with Biden’s choice for comptroller of the currency in the Treasury Department. Moscow State alum Saule Omarova, a Lenin scholar who wrote a sympathetic thesis on Marx, aimed to replicate Soviet banking in America. Fortunately, a few Democrats opposed her.

In early December, Biden claimed to have met with Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir during the Six-Day War, when “she invited me to come over because I was going to be the liaison between she and the Egyptians about the Suez.” Trouble was, Golda Meir was not Prime Minister during the Six Day War, and at the time Joe Biden was still in law school. Like many in government, the delusional Biden seems to live under the Dictatorship of the Subjunctive Mood (DSM). 😂 😂 😂 Should that be doubted, consider Biden’s views on his $3.5 trillion spending plan.

“My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars,” Biden tweeted. “And it adds zero dollars to the national debt.” As that suggests, the books Biden has not read include Business Math for Dummies, and Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell. And remember, Joe is plenty smart; just not an economist or an intellectual. :rofl: :rofl:

Joe Biden inherited a surging economy with high rates of employment for all American workers. For the first time in decades, the nation was self-sufficient in energy. Illegal border crossings had been reduced to a trickle. When Biden took over, terrorists were running for their lives and national adversaries like China, Russia, and Iran were back on their heels. By the end of 2021, that has all changed.

China, Russia, and Iran are all rattling sabers. Workers are giving up on the job market. America is again energy-dependent and gasoline costs more than $5 a gallon in some areas. The vaunted stimulus failed to stimulate much of anything, and the economy is a joke. Biden’s performance recalls Jimmy Carter, a leading candidate for worst U.S. president of all time.

While living under the Georgia Democrat’s “misery index” Americans did not crowd into stadiums telling Jimmy to self-stimulate. In 2021, on the other hand, people in stadiums readily denounce Biden in no uncertain terms. Though “not an intellectual,” the Delaware Democrat has doubtless figured out what “Let’s go Brandon,” means.

The composite character president, formerly known as Barry Soetoro, claimed to lead from behind but it’s hard to see Biden as a leader in any sense. The Delaware Democrat, 79, is an obedient follower of a leftist Junta, and as Angela Davis noted, easily pressured by comrades on the farthest reaches of the Left.

Given the conditions prevailing when he entered the White House, Joe Biden could be the greatest failure of any politician attempting to lead an industrialized nation. If his current trajectory continues, Biden may wind up as the first national undertaker, the outcome many of his backers seek.

For this crowd, the United States of America has never been anything more than a hothouse of racist oppression. Therefore, the USA must be demolished to make way for Soviet Amerikhastan, with Saule Omarova heading up the Federal Reserve and maybe Ilhan Omar as defense secretary. Happy New Year everybody!

The best part is, watch Jill as Brandon says "Let's go Brandon, I agree." She loses her smile and goes full ***** face.
Then, when vegetable says "I think we lost him." she says... "Ya."
More documented overnight flights of illegals to states to change the balance of voting power.

More documented overnight flights of illegals to states to change the balance of voting power.

It's criminal what they're doing. It shows the great contempt they have for American citizens as well. Even more so for people who politically oppose them. Which is the sole purpose of doing this. It's a big fat **** you to certain states.

I really do hope we have a day of reckoning. This kind of government needs to go. The criminal power hungry unconstitutional kind.