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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Biden Destroying Us"

Caption time.

No. Alito says the claim - delayed 8 years - is a lie. It is an attempt to remove Alito from the court and have Dementia Joe Sloppy Joe's handlers appoint a new U.S. Supreme Court Justice.
The Conservative justices would have no reason to leak the Dobbs decision early.
Caption time.


He just did a few big lines of Hunter's blow.

Speaking of that. Biden should have already been impeached and jailed along with his son for that **** with Ukraine.

Trump got impeached for a phone call. He would be in prison along with his son for money laundering and probably a dozen charges if that had been him. They dishonored the entire country and what it stands for by burying the truth.

This stuff is why I really don't care anymore. It's pointless as long as our justice system and media refuse to report truth.

If anything good comes out of a republican led congress it will be exposing these political gangsters.
If anything good comes out of a republican led congress it will be exposing these political gangsters.
Except it will be portrayed as the Wascawy Wacist Wepubwicans not wanting to help Ukraine and no letting brown people into the country.
All those conspiracies keep coming true. From ThreadReader

Yesterday's conspiracy theories are today's legacy media news reports...

2. WashPost reports after all that "secret docs!" drama, Trump raid produced basically nothing of interest.

"Do not point to any nefarious effort by Trump to leverage, sell or use the government secrets..." more just about "ego" and keeping "mementos":

3. NBC reports the January 6 committee will ignore "law enforcement failures" in final report, instead making it all about Trump.

An entire team was working on that aspect, but was given a “pens down” order recently: nbcnews.com/politics/justi…

very interesting. we were told that these were documents of national security, and that every man woman and child in this country was endangered.

from the WaPo link:
That review has not found any apparent business advantage to the types of classified information in Trump’s possession, these people said. FBI interviews with witnesses so far, they said, also do not point to any nefarious effort by Trump to leverage, sell or use the government secrets. Instead, the former president seemed motivated by a more basic desire not to give up what he believed was his property, these people said.

but wait ... there's more.

Court papers say the Justice Department has been investigating Trump and his advisers for three potential crimes: mishandling of national security secrets, obstruction, and destruction of government records.

Except it will be portrayed as the Wascawy Wacist Wepubwicans not wanting to help Ukraine and no letting brown people into the country.

They'll say that lie no matter what. Just get after it and ignore them. I'd tell them to stop smoking hunters crack.

This should be so easy when you're on the side of truth.
No. Alito says the claim - delayed 8 years - is a lie. It is an attempt to remove Alito from the court and have Dementia Joe Sloppy Joe's handlers appoint a new U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

Hope yer right. Not Floggy right. Like...accurate right.
I think this observation belongs here, given (D)imbo's relentless obsession with more and more agencies and government overseers and bureaucracies:

Everyone in modernizing ‘Western’ societies (roughly the USA, UK, Western and Central Europe) will, no doubt, have noticed that there has been a long-term, progressive growth and spread of bureaucracy. Except during major war; this has not been a matter of pendulum swings, with sometimes less and sometimes more bureaucracy, but instead of relentless overall expansion — albeit sometimes faster and at other times slower.

The bureaucratic takeover applies to science, medicine, education, law, police, the media — indeed to almost all social functions. Such unrelenting growth implies either that 1. Bureaucracy is vital to societal functioning and the more bureaucracy we have the better for us; or that 2. Bureaucracy is parasitic and its growth is uncontrollable. Since the first alternative has become obviously absurd, I am assuming the second alternative is correct: that bureaucracy is like a cancer of modernizing societies — i.e., its expansion is malignant and its effect is first parasitic, then eventually fatal.

The Cancer of Bureaucracy,” Charlton’s Notions, 31st October 2013)

Each day brings another assault on the values and traditions that made Western societies the most successful the world has ever seen - every advance in science, medicine, mathematics, law, physics, travel, communication, energy, farming - every one can be traced to Western cultures. Yes, great, the Mesopotamians built the Bablyonian Hanging Gardens and the Egyptians built the pyramids. But they could not invent the wheel let alone railroads and radios and computers. But how are these great traditions treated today, and how are the lessons of our modern Western societies passed on to our children?
  • Worship of God has devolved to worship of celebrity
  • Honoring the family structure has descended to glorifying LGBTQ+ monstrosities.
  • Academic rigor has deteriorated to protesting difficult professors
  • Hard work has devolved to "quiet quitting."
  • Respect of law enforcement descends to overt hatred of police.
  • Contempt for criminals devolves to a worship of the criminal.
  • Personal responsibility has declined to worship of victimhood.
  • Paying your debts has degenerated to living on government largesse.
  • Reading genuinely great works by geniuses has dwindled to reading ephemeral garbage by nitwits.
I genuinely fear for this nation. We cannot continue on this path - we can't. We are too important to a free and prosperous world but each passing year brings about continued assaults on every part of the nation's history, and language, and place in the world. A nation whose citizens are taught to hate it can never succeed. Don't take it from me - ask Djfan about his experience in public education. Check out Libs of Tik Tok and see who is teaching our kids.
America has declined a great deal. Much of it from progressivism (communism). This was assisted by the CCP and other organizations that want to weaken America. Many Americans have been brainwashed into this way of thinking. They have succeeded in their takeover.
America has declined a great deal. Much of it from progressivism (communism). This was assisted by the CCP and other organizations that want to weaken America. Many Americans have been brainwashed into this way of thinking. They have succeeded in their takeover.

Many Americans are now too intellectually weak to understand what it means that the Soviet Union helped fund the anti-nuclear weapon campaign in the West or that the Chinese bankroll a lot of the "global warming" crowd today.

According to its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement, China aims to peak carbon dioxide emissions around 2030. Beijing therefore has an incentive to ramp up its greenhouse gas emissions in the current decade to bank the maximum possible peak. But the billions that China is pouring into new, long-lived carbon-emitting assets demonstrates the worthlessness of China’s accompanying NDC pledge to make “best efforts” to peak emissions before 2030.

A western country so flagrantly in breach of its Paris commitments would be slammed by green NGOs as a climate criminal imperilling planetary survival. China is different. “Prioritizing sustainability will cement China’s legacy as it assumes a larger role on the global stage,” declared Greenpeace. This is more than deluded wish fulfilment. Adams shows how a 2017 law governing green NGOs has turned these organizations into propaganda tools of the regime. They now must be sponsored by a designated agency or government department that monitors and supervises their activities, and they must submit annual workplans and budgets to these bodies. Failure to comply can result in seizure of assets, detention of staff, and a ban from conducting activities in China for five years – with no right of appeal.

Beijing doesn’t even need to pay for the propaganda work it wants to do inside the United States. The San Francisco-based NGO, Energy Foundation China, has disbursed over $330 million to U.S. registered organizations operating in China, funding provided by multibillion-dollar foundations such as the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. The CEO of Energy Foundation China is Ji Zou, a Chinese national and former government official and climate negotiator.

“China is a big country and other countries are small countries, and that’s just a fact,” Beijing’s foreign minister, Yang Jiechi famously told a meeting of South East Asian nations in 2010. During the Cold War, Sweden, a small country, found itself precariously balanced between East and West. Hoping to transcend East-West tensions, it embraced environmentalism and preened as a moral superpower. In 1972, Sweden hosted the first UN conference on the environment, which led to UN treaties on acid rain. It later led the push on climate change. But the underlying geopolitical realities of the Cold War were not dissolved – or even much affected – by holding conferences on environmental doom.

China is a great power using global warming to advance its geopolitical interests. Unlike the Soviet Union’s sclerotic economy, China’s is far from a state of collapse. Indeed, China is likely to be the only major economy to emerge larger at the end of 2020 than at the beginning. For China, climate change offers a strategic opportunity. Decarbonizing the rest of the world makes China’s economy stronger – it weakens its rivals’ economies, reduces the cost of energy for its hydrocarbon-hungry economy, and sinks energy-poor India as a potential Indo-Pacific rival.

This country will miss us when were gone.

Who will be left to teach our the children about the great history of America?
Who will left to do the "hard" work that makes the country strong and prosperous?
Who will be left to farm the land to feed the nation with compensation that doesn't match the importance of the job?
Who will be left to defend this country from its enemies because they love the country and our way of life?
Who will be left to keep Christianity as the guiding force in our families and what this country was founded on?
Who will be left to continue the nuclear family way of life?
Who will be left to patrol and defend our towns and cities?

Today as you gather with friends and family, talk to the young people about faith, love of country, and keeping our core values and traditions strong and on-going long after were not here to help keep America great.

Its important we do these things.
America has declined a great deal. Much of it from progressivism (communism). This was assisted by the CCP and other organizations that want to weaken America. Many Americans have been brainwashed into this way of thinking. They have succeeded in their takeover.
It started through education and entertainment a long time ago. You can argue with his methods but Joe McCarthy was right.
Hmm. Now the EU sees through the dims bs too? Bout ducking time
