Transcript from the Clay and Buck show on comparing the extreme things done to Trump and the extreme things Trump did.
I did not know about changing NY state law in which they could sue past the statute of limitations just to be able to get Trump.
What a crock.
Speaker 1 (39:03):
I think if you were to do a a sane
and honest, side by side comparison of the extreme things
done to Trump and the extreme things done by Trump,
we can let's let's start with it's a great analogy.
Speaker 2 (39:20):
Yes, extreme things done to Trump.
Speaker 1 (39:23):
Uh. The first, sorry, the Russia collusion hoax, which was
a hoax that is not an exaggeration at all. As
we know, even the Muller probe was unable to find
anything having to do with Russia and the Trump campaign
working together to steal the election. Not a single vote
was changed by Russians hacking into machines, but they used,
as I always say, the process is the punishment. So
the Russia collusion hoax, that is an extreme thing done
to Trump. The first impeachment of Trump, the second impeachment
of Trump. The holding of four criminal indictments, four in
hetments to drop so that they all happened in the
election year.
Speaker 2 (40:04):
Okay, the so do you just put that? Put that
in the column.
Speaker 1 (40:08):
The changing of New York state law so that Trump
can be sued for a an alleged sexual assault from
thirty years ago, right, I mean that was basically they
changed the law so that now you can be civilly
sued for something that the statute of limitations exist for
a reason. You just can't defend yourself against things that
happened thirty years ago. That someone says you did a thing,
and you say, well, I mean, I didn't do the thing,
So how are you proving? But they went after Trump
on that the four hundred and eighty million dollars of
four hund and eighty million dollars of judgments against him.
I mean, I know, Sorry, this is going on for
a long time because of all the things, Okay, that's
in the a column of extreme things done to Trump?
What are the extreme things that Trump has done?
Speaker 2 (40:54):
The Muslim band.
(Yeah I know, the Muslim "band",
LOL. That was supposed to say "ban".)
Speaker 1 (40:55):
Supreme Court ended up upholding that, by the way, it
wasn't a Muslim band.
Speaker 2 (40:59):
That was just racle lie.
Speaker 1 (41:01):
The saying both people al on both sides were good,
that's a lie. That's not the only thing that I
think that a reasonable person could point to would be
the post twenty twenty election rhetoric from Trump, or the
January or the rhetoric you know, leading up to and
on January sixth, and to this.
Speaker 2 (41:19):
I would just say.
Speaker 1 (41:21):
Trump wasn't in any way criminally culpable for anything that
happened on that day. And emotions are running very high,
and Democrats Biden voters had been riding for months, and
it was like our sacred democracy on display, even during
you know, COVID and everything else.
Speaker 2 (41:37):
So I'm just if you're going to do a fair
okay January sixth.
Speaker 1 (41:40):
No, that's the thing that they will point to and say,
But it wasn't a coup, it wasn't an insurrection. It
was one Republican or you know, one right of center riot.
You add up all the other things they've done to Trump.
Who are the real extremists, That's really what this is
all getting to, or rather who is using extreme political
measures against their opponents? And I think it's not a
close call. I think it's not close at all.