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The official thread dedicated to "Biden saving us"

I'm dead serious asking this question....is that a man saying he is having a period or a woman dressed like who knows saying she is having a period? I'm so F'n confused by this BS. Imagine being called a bigot or misogynist or transphobic when I don't even know what the hell I'm looking at.
First. Female. President.

Biden getting a tube in his *** has nothing to do with it.

First. Female. President.

Biden getting a tube in his *** has nothing to do with it.

That was always the plan. Xiden doesn’t have three more years in him. It’ll be funny when other countries stop taking Hunter’s phone calls though.

Damn, that girl missed her last psychological counseling session. Know why? She did not have the deductible.

Know what the deductible is? $50.

Fifty-*******-dollars. Why the hell does that exact amount of money keep appearing in everything you do or say, jizzer$50?
First. Female. President.

Biden getting a tube in his *** has nothing to do with it.

Saw this and thought about that first female 'women of color' president comment.

Dow is over 36,000, an all-time record. 401Ks growing. Unemployment has dropped from 6.3 in Jan to 4.8 currently. Over 5 million jobs added, a record. More than 80% of jobs lost during the pandemic have been recovered. 220m vaccines in 10 months.

Yeah, things suck all over. In your hearts and minds, that is. Must suck to be you.


What is the composition of the Dow? Unemployment vs. Underemployment? What’s the U6 #? That’s the real gage of Unemployment.

Will save you the time since you’re a simpleton. The Dow is where it’s at due to valuation of commodities vs. Devalued $. It’s not reflective of a booming economy. The unemployment # is going to be low when you’re not even counting a significant percentage of individuals in the labor force. And a significant amount of the labor force is not collecting unemployment benefits. #TheGreatResignation

Jobs added is 100% a reflection of the fact that the jobs were eliminated and as far as what had returned—it’s at a significant amount less for the same position prior to how everything was shut down. There’s no economic growth—you’re a jackass for even suggesting it.

“80% of jobs lost are back”. 110% of your statistics are bullshit. Tell that to the small businesses that went under because of the shutdown that was “for our protection” but in reality was to destroy the economy for political benefit of libs.

In the meantime everything you buy cost more—commodities you dumbass—40% of all money that’s ever existed has been created last 12 months. 6% inflation, supply chain debacle, strengthen the Taliban, allow China to buy (brokered by Hunter) the biggest Colbalt mine in world (cobalt is key to batteries for electric cars), border crisis ignoring and even aiding by trying to put illegals in red states.

You’re out of your league talking economics with me you spineless worm. Here’s to you actually believing that the economy is strong while you continue to flounder and go broke.
What is the composition of the Dow? Unemployment vs. Underemployment? What’s the U6 #? That’s the real gage of Unemployment.

Will save you the time since you’re a simpleton. The Dow is where it’s at due to valuation of commodities vs. Devalued $. It’s not reflective of a booming economy. The unemployment # is going to be low when you’re not even counting a significant percentage of individuals in the labor force. And a significant amount of the labor force is not collecting unemployment benefits. #TheGreatResignation

Jobs added is 100% a reflection of the fact that the jobs were eliminated and as far as what had returned—it’s at a significant amount less for the same position prior to how everything was shut down. There’s no economic growth—you’re a jackass for even suggesting it.

“80% of jobs lost are back”. 110% of your statistics are bullshit. Tell that to the small businesses that went under because of the shutdown that was “for our protection” but in reality was to destroy the economy for political benefit of libs.

In the meantime everything you buy cost more—commodities you dumbass—40% of all money that’s ever existed has been created last 12 months. 6% inflation, supply chain debacle, strengthen the Taliban, allow China to buy (brokered by Hunter) the biggest Colbalt mine in world (cobalt is key to batteries for electric cars), border crisis ignoring and even aiding by trying to put illegals in red states.

You’re out of your league talking economics with me you spineless worm. Here’s to you actually believing that the economy is strong while you continue to flounder and go broke.

Not to mention the Job Participation rate, the real measure of persons in the workforce is at 61% and hasn't moved since Biden took office. But don't tell that to Tib the moron as it will interfere with his copy & paste leftist propaganda.
Still waiting for the twatwaffles to tell us what single thing - ONE goddamn thing - King Fartbag the Soiler has improved for Americans. Not for the Chinese or Russians, that is obvious, but for Americans. Let's take a look:
  • Labor participation - nope.
  • Gas prices - nope.
  • Home heating prices - nope.
  • Grocery prices - nope.
  • Supplies - nope.
  • Inflation overall - nope.
  • Real wages - nope.
  • Median income - nope.
  • Deficit - nope.
  • Debt - nope.
  • GDP growth - nope.
  • Afghanistan - nope.
  • China - nope.
  • Russia - nope.
  • Foreign relations overall - nope.
  • Getting America back to work - nope.
  • Covid - **** no.
  • Not ******** his pants - nope.
  • Not farting loudly in front of royal family - nope.
  • Minimizing sharts - nope.
  • Completing sentences - nope.
  • Being coherent - nope.
  • Not selling out America to make dirty money for his grifter son and "10% for the big guy" - nope.
"Oooh, the stock market," say idiots who don't have goddamn nickel invested in the stock market and are ignorant at how the roiling market is killing those with real money invested and who planned on using savings to pay reasonable prices, rather than getting raped by inflation and a roller coaster market.

To sum up - King Fartbag is the dumbest, most incompetent, dishonest, sleazy hack ever to hold the office of the Presidency, and the stench emanating from his pants and his lineage is now staining America.
Still waiting for the twatwaffles to tell us what single thing...

5150 is the number of the section of the Welfare and Institutions Code, which allows a person with a mental challenge to be involuntarily detained for a 72-hour psychiatric hospitalization. A person on a 5150 can be held in the psychiatric hospital against their will for up to 72 hours.

Another lunatic.

More great news for liberals on the amazing success California is having. Incredible weather, massive coastline, greatest access to Asian trading partners, incredible farmland, clean water, highway system and schools built in the 1950's and 60's under conservative (D)imbos and the Great One - who the hell could **** that up?

Liberals. MASSIVE emigration out of California, led by the liberalist of liberal areas, the Bay Area, followed by So Cal.

Almost as if the massive liberalism of loving genius liberals ***** up everything it touches and smart residents move out.*

* Looking at you, Donkey. Thyroid Geeraffe? Too late. His brain is fried.
Has anyone ever challenged a BLM activist about their privilege?

I mean, far as I know there's no Hispanic Lives Matter movement. No Hispanic History Month. I don't recall seeing any Hispanic only colleges or the nationally funded American Hispanic College Fund.

Don't get me STARTED about the poor under represented Asians.
Has anyone ever challenged a BLM activist about their privilege?

I mean, far as I know there's no Hispanic Lives Matter movement. No Hispanic History Month. I don't recall seeing any Hispanic only colleges or the nationally funded American Hispanic College Fund.

Don't get me STARTED about the poor under represented Asians.
Remember that week of stop Asian hate and blaming the whites? Yeah that stopped real quick after all the videos were of a different color.
Has anyone ever challenged a BLM activist about their privilege?

I mean, far as I know there's no Hispanic Lives Matter movement. No Hispanic History Month. I don't recall seeing any Hispanic only colleges or the nationally funded American Hispanic College Fund.

Don't get me STARTED about the poor under represented Asians.

I'm sorry, I really hate these arguments. Specifically the "black only" college thought. Name one college/university that only allows black students and no one else. I know you are referring to the HBCU's - It's "Historically" Black Colleges and Universities. You know, set up at a time where black people weren't allowed to attend college with all the white people. So, all those other colleges and universities that were running at the time could consider themselves HWCUs.
I'm sorry, I really hate these arguments. Specifically the "black only" college thought. Name one college/university that only allows black students and no one else. I know you are referring to the HBCU's - It's "Historically" Black Colleges and Universities. You know, set up at a time where black people weren't allowed to attend college with all the white people. So, all those other colleges and universities that were running at the time could consider themselves HWCUs.
Fair enough. Yet I still seek one or more HHCU's for my daughter to tour, or better yet, a HACU.