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The official thread dedicated to "Biden saving us"

Ahh Philly and the great Dim City

Remember that week of stop Asian hate and blaming the whites? Yeah that stopped real quick after all the videos were of a different color.
Yeah, it turned out that virtually all the crimes against Asians were committed by blacks.
Has anyone ever challenged a BLM activist about their privilege?

I mean, far as I know there's no Hispanic Lives Matter movement. No Hispanic History Month. I don't recall seeing any Hispanic only colleges or the nationally funded American Hispanic College Fund.

Don't get me STARTED about the poor under represented Asians.
September is hispanic history month.
There are scholarships for being hispanic.

But no hispanic only colleges and no college funds aside from a few scholarships
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Checking in again to see the ever-growing list of successes by Sloppy Joe, the dim-witted plagiarist moron scumbag rapist groper.

Still cannot seem to find a single damn one for some reason. Not ONE list by the Biden butt-kissers and their moron yes-men in the media. So I will lend a hand to the intellectually-deprived, the dishonest, the stupid, the halt, the blind, the lame - (D)imbos! Here is my list of the "successes" of the Sloppy Joe, Plagiarist-in-Chief, dementia-addled moron, adminstration:

Covid! "I will beat this virus." /s Sloppy Joe, Plagiarist-in-ChiefNot so good. "There is no Federal solution." Not under this idiot, that's for sure.
InflationJimmy Carter without the comedy of a rabbit attack. (Look it up.)
Gas pricesDisaster.
Energy pricesHorrible.
AfghanistanDreadful. Sloppy Joe kills troops, abandons Americans, butt-licking media ignore the story.
Foreign affairsHorrid. United States an embarrassment, mocked, dismissed by Russia, China.
Chinese aggressionRamping up. China does not fear the dementia-ridden dolt on whom they have a ton of compromising information thanks to imbecile drug addict son.
Chinese spyingHas stupidest human ever to fall for honey trap with Chinese spy a key figure relative to national security.
Labor participationAwful. Makes Jimmy C's economy look like Reagan Part II.
GDP growthDisappointing. Goddammit, can a crazed rabbit run Sloppy Joe off the trail and out of our lives?!?!
Checking in again to see the ever-growing list of successes by Sloppy Joe, the dim-witted plagiarist moron scumbag rapist groper.

Damn, starting to sound like you have Biden TDS. Over and over again, the same ****. Do you even know why you hate Biden so much? Cause he kicked your guy Trump to the curb? Is that it? Or do you really, truly not like the guy, like me *hating* Donald Trump's ***** *** for four years. Is it really at that level with you guys and Biden? Sure seems that way. Biden's no Ulysess S. Grant, Reagan or JFK, but he doesn't seem to warrant the type of visceral, deep-rooted hatred you feel for him. Like say with Obama. That seemed more genuine. I guess it's true what they say. You just need a boogeyman, someone to kick around, no matter who they are. I guess Biden will have to suffice for now.
Damn, starting to sound like you have Biden TDS. Over and over again, the same ****. Do you even know why you hate Biden so much? Cause he kicked your guy Trump to the curb? Is that it? Or do you really, truly not like the guy, like me *hating* Donald Trump's ***** *** for four years. Is it really at that level with you guys and Biden? Sure seems that way. Biden's no Ulysess S. Grant, Reagan or JFK, but he doesn't seem to warrant the type of visceral, deep-rooted hatred you feel for him. Like say with Obama. That seemed more genuine. I guess it's true what they say. You just need a boogeyman, someone to kick around, no matter who they are. I guess Biden will have to suffice for now.
If there is one person on this board that shouldn't give a **** who is the president of the United States, it's you! You're a Hungarian! You live in Hungary! None of these discussions have anything to do with you. Nothing!
I am - and always will be - an American, who currently lives and works abroad. Along with millions of others, just like me. I vote diligently at every opportunity. I closely follow politics, along with millions of other Americans, just like me, who live and work abroad. You can eat a **** sandwich, as you sob and cry over the fact that there are millions of Americans living, working- and voting - from overseas. I will be forever faithful to the Stars & Stripes and proudly represent my country wherever I am. Because I'm not a paranoid, xenophobic little ***** like you. Oh, and I'll continue to vote diligently in every single election, making sure dipship, far right MAGA losers stay out of office, wherever, and whenever possible. (y)
I am - and always will be - an American, who currently lives and works abroad. Along with millions of others, just like me. I vote diligently at every opportunity. I closely follow politics, along with millions of other Americans, just like me, who live and work abroad. You can eat a **** sandwich, as you sob and cry over the fact that there are millions of Americans living, working- and voting - from overseas. I will be forever faithful to the Stars & Stripes and proudly represent my country wherever I am. Because I'm not a paranoid, xenophobic little ***** like you. Oh, and I'll continue to vote diligently in every single election, making sure dipship, far right MAGA losers stay out of office, wherever, and whenever possible. (y)
Even if everything you just said was true.....IT HAS NO EFFECT ON YOU! Don't you get it, you retarded, dirty hungarian?
Even if everything you just said was true.....IT HAS NO EFFECT ON YOU! Don't you get it, you retarded, dirty hungarian?

You truly are a gutter rat, you know that. A weak, yellow-bellied, ****-eating scumbag. Sad to see you wallowing neck-deep in your own bile. Thankfully, you're unlike most every other American I've ever met. Because I don't hang out in the pigsty. Never had much of a chance to meet a true ******* redneck like you, face to face. Too bad. Though I am grateful to make your acquaintance on this messageboard. I've made a mental note that sopping vaginas like you, do in fact, exist. I guess SN *is* good for something.
You truly are a gutter rat, you know that. A weak, yellow-bellied, ****-eating scumbag. Sad to see you wallowing neck-deep in your own bile. Thankfully, you're unlike most every other American I've ever met. Because I don't hang out in the pigsty. Never had much of a chance to meet a true ******* redneck like you, face to face. Too bad. Though I am grateful to make your acquaintance on this messageboard. I've made a mental note that sopping vaginas like you, do in fact, exist. I guess SN *is* good for something.
Come to America. We can arrange a face to face meeting. But that ain't gonna happen, is it? lol..."Tibor"...doesn't get any more American than that...:ROFLMAO:
Come to America. We can arrange a face to face meeting. But that ain't gonna happen, is it? lol..."Tibor"...doesn't get any more American than that...:ROFLMAO:

I *come to America* all the time, ******* *******.

You are beyond pathetic. But you know that. Feel bad for you, that you have to project your insecurities onto others. Wishing you the best. Hope you can turn the corner someday.
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You are beyond pathetic. But you know that. Feel bad for you, that you have to project your insecurities onto others. Wishing you the best. Hope you can turn the corner someday.
You're the only insecure one here. Any time someone questions your American/Hungarian status, you fly off the handle and start repeating your tired old ex-pat story.
I am happy to note however, you really go a little extra bezerker when I take a dig at you. I like that, really...I do. But none of this changes the fact that American laws, American policies, good or bad, have anything to do with you. Just like What happens in the shithole of Hungary has anything to do with me. I mean you could pretend you are affected by what's going on in America, just like Bruce Jenner pretends to be a woman, but we both know the truth. So you should focus your energy into making the best cup of coffee for your fellow Hungarians as you can. Doesn't seem too hard to sell your snake-oil to the Hungarian masses as evidenced by your marginal success.
Damn, starting to sound like you have Biden TDS. Over and over again, the same ****.

I listed Sloppy Joe's actual record. Accurately. I did not whine incoherently for four years about bullshit Russia collusion, or a supposed unarmed armed insurrection where nobody was charged with insurrection, or "Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation."

Want me to continue with your embarrassing record of stupidity and falling for imbecilic conspiracy theories spewed by your heroes at Media Matters, a George Soros propaganda outlet? I have plenty more ... "D.C. police asked Congress to investigate," "Trump's tax records will get him indicted," "a grand jury in New York is indicting Trump," and on and on.

Because the dimwitted scum that voted for him are too embarrassed to list Sloppy Joe's "accomplishments."

"Oooh, infrastructure!"

Except Trump proposed actual infrastructure for 35% less cost and (D)imbos refused to allow a vote for purely political reasons, solely to deny Trump a legislative accomplishment before the election. In other words, (D)imbos - vile, stupid scum - had no problem delaying needed repairs and construction on highways and airports for purely political reasons.

I have asked four times for one of you Biden apologists to list his accomplishments and this entire ******* thread was started FOR THAT VERY PURPOSE, with literally zero contributions by you idiots. I have therefor posted three lists of Sloppy Joe's "accomplishments." So your turn. Still waiting ...

Do you even know why you hate Biden so much?

Because he is an idiot moron child-groping rapist plagiarist scumbag liar grifter dirty cheater lowlife who is set on ruining America.

Cause he kicked your guy Trump to the curb? Is that it?

No. It's because he is an idiot moron child-groping rapist plagiarist scumbag liar grifter dirty cheater lowlife who is set on ruining America.

Biden's no Ulysess S. Grant, Reagan or JFK,

He's not even Jimmy Carter, you imbecile.

but he doesn't seem to warrant the type of visceral, deep-rooted hatred you feel for him.

Well, he is an idiot moron child-groping rapist plagiarist scumbag liar grifter dirty cheater lowlife who is set on ruining America.

I guess it's true what they say.

Who's "they"? The same idiot moron liars who pushed a blatant lie about "Russia collusion" and tried to remove a duly-elected President with that same bullshit lie?

If so, then **** those losers with a barb-wire wrapped cactus.

You just need a boogeyman, someone to kick around, no matter who they are. I guess Biden will have to suffice for now.

Sure. Right. Not because he is an idiot moron child-groping rapist plagiarist scumbag liar grifter dirty cheater lowlife who is set on ruining America.

You bet. That's the ticket.

I listed Sloppy Joe's actual record. Accurately. I did not whine incoherently for four years about bullshit Russia collusion, or a supposed unarmed armed insurrection where nobody was charged with insurrection, or "Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation."

Want me to continue with your embarrassing record of stupidity and falling for imbecilic conspiracy theories spewed by your heroes at Media Matters, a George Soros propaganda outlet? I have plenty more ... "D.C. police asked Congress to investigate," "Trump's tax records will get him indicted," "a grand jury in New York is indicting Trump," and on and on.

Because the dimwitted scum that voted for him are too embarrassed to list Sloppy Joe's "accomplishments."

"Oooh, infrastructure!"

Except Trump proposed actual infrastructure for 35% less cost and (D)imbos refused to allow a vote for purely political reasons, solely to deny Trump a legislative accomplishment before the election. In other words, (D)imbos - vile, stupid scum - had no problem delaying needed repairs and construction on highways and airports for purely political reasons.

I have asked four times for one of you Biden apologists to list his accomplishments and this entire ******* thread was started FOR THAT VERY PURPOSE, with literally zero contributions by you idiots. I have therefor posted three lists of Sloppy Joe's "accomplishments." So your turn. Still waiting ...

Because he is an idiot moron child-groping rapist plagiarist scumbag liar grifter dirty cheater lowlife who is set on ruining America.

No. It's because he is an idiot moron child-groping rapist plagiarist scumbag liar grifter dirty cheater lowlife who is set on ruining America.

He's not even Jimmy Carter, you imbecile.

Well, he is an idiot moron child-groping rapist plagiarist scumbag liar grifter dirty cheater lowlife who is set on ruining America.

Who's "they"? The same idiot moron liars who pushed a blatant lie about "Russia collusion" and tried to remove a duly-elected President with that same bullshit lie?

If so, then **** those losers with a barb-wire wrapped cactus.

Sure. Right. Not because he is an idiot moron child-groping rapist plagiarist scumbag liar grifter dirty cheater lowlife who is set on ruining America.

You bet. That's the ticket.

I have no idea what you were responding to, but it seems to be an appropriate response.
I don't hate Joe Biden. He's a well documented idiot, and his record so far as President is abysmal to put it mildly. Not a whole lot to hang your hat on.
I don't hate Joe Biden.

I'd like to say I don't, but I can't help develop hate for men that abuse women. His daughter (per her diary), countless women he gropes on TV, the Tara Reade scandal.

I can't help develop hate for racists, and Biden has a 40 year well-documented history of racism.

I can't help develop hate for plagiarists and grifters who cheat the system for self gain at the loss of those around them.

Most of all, the thing that really pushed me over the edge, is how Biden treated the man who was involved in the accident that killed his first wife. Destroyed the man. Blamed him for drunk driving. He was 100% exonerated. Yet Biden ruined the man. Never, ever apologized for doing so either. Exactly like Hillary destroying Billy Blythe's mistresses. All for personal gain, their lives be damned.

Hard not to hate people like that.
I don't know who at Syracuse Law School - an eminently mediocre facility - made the decision to allow Biden to continue attending after he was CAUGHT PLAGIARIZING, but whoever he is, I hold him in contempt. You let a moron cheater graduate which greased his "climb" down the grifter political ladder, hurting Americans every step of the way - being the bludgeon for credit card companies and big banks, screwing over Americans regarding credit card interest rates, screwing over Americans regarding bankruptcy and credit card debts, screwing over Americans regarding illegal immigration, stuffing his own pockets at the expense of the middle class, being a slimy apologist for the Chinese, oiling his son's filthy, drug-addicted corruption.

If that slimy Syracuse Law administrator had simply told the stupid, diseased grifter to hit the road, he would be where he belongs - sliming his way to mediocrity by conning old ladies out of their retirement, harming those poor ladies here and there but not ******* over an entire nation.
I am - and always will be - an American, who currently lives and works abroad. Along with millions of others, just like me. I vote diligently at every opportunity. I closely follow politics, along with millions of other Americans, just like me, who live and work abroad. You can eat a **** sandwich, as you sob and cry over the fact that there are millions of Americans living, working- and voting - from overseas. I will be forever faithful to the Stars & Stripes and proudly represent my country wherever I am. Because I'm not a paranoid, xenophobic little ***** like you. Oh, and I'll continue to vote diligently in every single election, making sure dipship, far right MAGA losers stay out of office, wherever, and whenever possible. (y)
Follow politics locally. Even then you should be aware by now politicians are crooked. It’s not just a MAGA thing. Liberals are just as bad
America is kicking off 2022 with a strong base. Without a single Republican vote, the Democratic majorities in Congress and President Biden rescued our economy — delivering the strongest 1st year economic performance of any administration in 40+ years.

- 6 million jobs
- 4.2% unemployment
- Jobless claims at 52-year low
- Record growth

Happy New Year, folks. Wishing you a healthy, peaceful and prosperous 2022. (y)
I don't hate Joe Biden. He's a well documented idiot, and his record so far as President is abysmal to put it mildly. Not a whole lot to hang your hat on.
But he's not Trump therefore he's awesome. /Dems
America is kicking off 2022 with a strong base. Without a single Republican vote, the Democratic majorities in Congress and President Biden rescued our economy — delivering the strongest 1st year economic performance of any administration in 40+ years.

- 6 million jobs
- 4.2% unemployment
- Jobless claims at 52-year low
- Record growth

Happy New Year, folks. Wishing you a healthy, peaceful and prosperous 2022. (y)

You must be a drug addict.

This post is literally an example of the cliche, putting lipstick on a pig.
  • Giving credit to man because people went back to work, not for job creation.
  • The highest inflation we've seen in 30+ years.
  • The worst Presidential approval ratings ever.
  • More Covid deaths this year than last.
  • Under Trump unemployment dropped from 4.7% to 3.5% before the pandemic.
  • The Labor Force Participation Rate is now equal to what it was in 1976 - 61.8%. It was 62.7% when Trump took office, growing to 63.3% before the pandemic, when it fell -but rose back to 61.4% by the time Xiden was sworn in. It has grown under Xiden from 61.4 to 61.8.
  • He completely bungled Afghanistan in one of the worst military leadership disasters this nation has seen
  • He is withholding therapeutic treatments for Covid from states
That's just a quick list. We are suffering under the worst President this nation has endured. The only good news out of 2021 is that Xiden now makes Jimmy Carter desirable.
We are suffering under the worst President this nation has endured.
Yes Tim, WE , in America, are suffering but, Tibs doesn't feel any of that living in Hungardistan. He's just satisfied Trump is gone , Americans be damned.
A representation of how idiot politicians adopt laws making other people do things that the idiot politicians know NOTHING about:
