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The official thread dedicated to "Biden saving us"

America is kicking off 2022 with a strong base. Without a single Republican vote, the Democratic majorities in Congress and President Biden rescued our economy — delivering the strongest 1st year economic performance of any administration in 40+ years.

- 6 million jobs
- 4.2% unemployment
- Jobless claims at 52-year low
- Record growth

You really are this stupid, aren't you?

(D)imbos throw 1,000 kids who cannot swim into a lake. They pull 800 kids out the water before they drown.

Tibilo: (D)imbos saved 800 kids!
I'd like to say I don't, but I can't help develop hate for men that abuse women. His daughter (per her diary), countless women he gropes on TV, the Tara Reade scandal.

I can't help develop hate for racists, and Biden has a 40 year well-documented history of racism.

I can't help develop hate for plagiarists and grifters who cheat the system for self gain at the loss of those around them.

Most of all, the thing that really pushed me over the edge, is how Biden treated the man who was involved in the accident that killed his first wife. Destroyed the man. Blamed him for drunk driving. He was 100% exonerated. Yet Biden ruined the man. Never, ever apologized for doing so either. Exactly like Hillary destroying Billy Blythe's mistresses. All for personal gain, their lives be damned.

Hard not to hate people like that.
I don't hate anyone. I just don't. I dislike a lot of people and things, but honestly, I'm not sure I've ever hated anyone or anything. Except liver. I ******* hate that ****. Vehemently.
I am - and always will be - an American

You pay taxes to de America? Last time you lived in de America? Tibor - about as American as goulash washed down with palinka.
truer words never spoken.


allegedly finishing construction on a fountain
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PLEASE stop deleting posts by the leftist geniuses who visit this thread! I have gone through it again and cannot find a single post - not ONE - in this entire thread from the more liberal persuasion outlining anything Dementia Joe, Grifter Plagiarist, has done to improve this nation.

You idiots need to stop censoring the brilliance of the left extolling the amazing successes of the Sloppy Joe, Grifter Plagiarist, administration! I mean look at energy prices, gas prices, heating oil, groceries, Afghanistan, the southern border, unskilled illegals, Covid, Covid testing, economy, inflation, supply chain, shortages, foreign affairs in general, Russia, China, deficit, debt, and on and on.

Breathtaking successes, one and all.
I have read your request and submitted a ticket to the board software developers to restore those posts. Please be patient, as it may take decades for them to repost the millions and millions of positive actions Joe and the Ho have already accomplished.
I have read your request and submitted a ticket to the board software developers to restore those posts. Please be patient, as it may take decades for them to repost the millions and millions of positive actions Joe and the Ho have already accomplished.

"i KneW Itt!"
- Tibilo
So time for a little scoreboard check on Dementia Joe, Plagiarist Grifter, what the two sides thought would happen if he won and what has happened. Shall we?

What Lefties Said a Biden Win Would BringWhat Conservatives Said a Biden Win Would BringWhat Happened
He'll beat the virus!The virus is not going anywhere.The virus *****-slapped demented old man!
He'll bring unity!He is a partisan hack.He is a partisan hack dividing us
He'll bring back normalcy!He is a demented geezer puppetHe is a demented geezer puppet, controlled by radical ideologues
The Hunter Biden laptop story is Russian disinformation!The Hunter Biden laptop story is true and shows that Biden is a corrupt grifterThe Hunter Biden laptop story is true and shows Dementia Joe is a corrupt grifter
He'll spend public money efficiently!He is a free-spending demented old geezer whose spending will drive inflationHe is a free-spending demented old geezer whose spending drives inflation
He'll end kids in cages!He'll open the border and the media will just stop caring about "kids in cages"He opened the border and the media just stopped caring about "kids in cages"
He'll shut down the virus, not the economy!He'll **** up both the economy and the virusHe ****** up both the economy and the virus
He'll tell the truth, unlike Trump!He is a serial plagiarist dementia-ridden grifter liarHe is a serial plagiarist dementia-ridden grifter liar
He'll be straight with us!He is a serial liar, Corn Pop editionHe is a serial liar, Corn Pop edition
He'll be fair to every American, no matter politics!He is a lying grifter who will use the Presidency to advance his extremist puppet controller's ideasHe abuses his authority, targets political enemies, started an FBI arm to investigate political enemies, withheld monoclonal antibodies from Red States
He is a foreign policy guru with sooo much valuable experience!He is an imbecile who has been wrong about every foreign policy issue for 40 yearsHe is an imbecile wrong about every foreign policy issue during his Presidency
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Yet another - I know, hard to keep up, right?? - monumental victory by Dementia Joe, the Plagiarist Grifter. Remember his awesome success in withdrawing from Afghanistan, right? I sure as hell do. It turned into a goat-**** only because NOBODY warned Dementia Joe, Plagiarist Grifter what would happen if the US pulled its forces before the civilians were out. And who the hell could possibly foresee the Afghan "army" capitulate so fast? Nobody, right, amirite????

Months before President Joe Biden announced the U.S.’s complete withdrawal from Afghanistan last year, Washington’s watchdog warned that the Afghan air force would collapse without critical American aid, training and maintenance. The report was declassified Tuesday.

The report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction John Sopko, submitted to the Department of Defense in January 2021, underscores that American authorities had been alerted that Afghanistan’s air force did not have the capabilities to survive after a U.S. withdrawal. In particular, the report points to U.S. failure to train Afghan support staff, leaving the air force unable to maintain its aircraft without American contractors.

U.S. air support to government forces was key in the 20-year-war against Taliban insurgents. Its removal — along with the inability of the Afghan air force to fill the void — was one factor that contributed to the Taliban’s sweeping victory as the Americans withdrew.

******* Trump ...
Today marks the 108th day of the "Biden Saving Us" thread, begun on September 9, 2021 by a moderator who expended every ounce of useful thinking in creating this glorious honoraria to the great work done to ... for the United States by two grifters, the angry old man and his badly-aging, golddigging number 2. I post yet again in protest to the fact that these horrible moderators, in true 1984/Soviet Union/North Korea fashion, have deleted the dozens numerous couple any posts by our Biden-lovers, including Tibilo, an imbecile of such epic proportions that he admits to voting for Biden, outlining the amazing work by Dementia Joe.

I call on Tibilo the Dumb, Floggy Supervax, 21IQ, Coupon for Diapers, Bag of Dildos, and all other supporters of the wonderful Xiden administration to re-post their comments about the wonderful things King Fartbag and Queen Blowjob have done to ... for this country!! This time, damn it, don't delete these amazing posts, moderators!!
Today marks the 108th day of the "Biden Saving Us" thread, begun on September 9, 2021 by a moderator who expended every ounce of useful thinking in creating this glorious honoraria to the great work done to ... for the United States by two grifters, the angry old man and his badly-aging, golddigging number 2. I post yet again in protest to the fact that these horrible moderators, in true 1984/Soviet Union/North Korea fashion, have deleted the dozens numerous couple any posts by our Biden-lovers, including Tibilo, an imbecile of such epic proportions that he admits to voting for Biden, outlining the amazing work by Dementia Joe.

I call on Tibilo the Dumb, Floggy Supervax, 21IQ, Coupon for Diapers, Bag of Dildos, and all other supporters of the wonderful Xiden administration to re-post their comments about the wonderful things King Fartbag and Queen Blowjob have done to ... for this country!! This time, damn it, don't delete these amazing posts, moderators!!
With all due respect counsellor, a noble, yet humble member started a thread titled "Why Biden?" long before the 2020 election.
Shirley, the answer to your questions will be found there, unless of course the damn moderators deleted all of the praise given to the current President.
With all due respect counsellor, a noble, yet humble member started a thread titled "Why Biden?" long before the 2020 election.
Shirley, the answer to your questions will be found there, unless of course the damn moderators deleted all of the praise given to the current President.
I don't hate anyone. I just don't. I dislike a lot of people and things, but honestly, I'm not sure I've ever hated anyone or anything. Except liver. I ******* hate that ****. Vehemently.
I hear ya Sarge. We peoples down here have an import problem, we don't hate them either but some ain't much better than liver...ya know ?


God I wanna share that on MetaFaceZuck but I think some people might get extraordinary pissed. Not that I typically care that much, but....this one might cross the line a lil
One of Sloppy Joe's ardent supporters voicing her inclusivity.

The professional liar:
  • Got wasted at a party featuring 12-year old girls.
  • Insulted a little girl by calling her an "acne-******."
  • Called another little girl an "Hispanic ******."
  • Puked in a laundry basket.
  • Denied being at the party.
  • Changed story when confronted with photos of her at the party.
  • Claimed she was drugged the homeowner.
  • The same homeowner who donated $2500 to her campaign.
(D)imbos ... lying scum who get blitheringly drunk, puke on your stuff, insult little kids, lie about it, claim to have been drugged by supporters. I guess I'm supposed to say something positive at the end, but sorry, (D)imbos are a pestilence, vile the to the core. This episode is simply one of many showing how disgusting (D)imbos are.

Liberals Overdose on Cope After Biden's Pathetic Weakness Is Laid Bare​

By Bonchie | Feb 22, 2022 12:15 PM ET
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AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster
As RedState has reported, Russia has officially thumbed its nose at Joe Biden and invaded Ukraine. That happened after Vladimir Putin formerly recognized regions of Eastern Ukraine as autonomous, setting up the pretext to move in troops across the border as a peacekeeping force.

The administration has responded by quibbling about the definition of “invasion,” and signing a toothless executive order to sanction financial dealings in the Donbas and other regions now officially occupied by Russia. Whether tougher measures are coming is still an open question.

Regardless, what we do know is that Biden, for his proclamations of Putin being afraid of him, has been thoroughly embarrassed, having a Russian invasion of Europe take place on his watch. How has the left decided to cope with that?

By talking about Donald Trump, of course.

Yes, we are so lucky Donald Trump isn’t president today. Otherwise, Russia might go off and do something crazy like…invade Eastern Europe.

These reactions are comical and clearly coordinated in some way. The Washington Post has no less than three op-eds out this morning trying to spin Biden’s abject failure as some kind of victory, including one by the gaslighter du jour, Jennifer Rubin. No doubt, shadow president Ronald Klain will be hitting the retweet button soon enough.

Yet, despite these desperate attempts to deflect, what can’t be explained away is the clear fact that Russia behaved while Trump was in office. Whatever one would like to attribute that to, that is the reality of what happened. Obsessions about Helsinki (which had no practical impact on anything) and platitudes about Biden being the “adult in the room” will not change that. Russia waited to make its move once Trump was out of office, and that was not a coincidence.

We could also talk about the fact that early in Biden’s presidency, he lifted sanctions on Russia and green-lit the Nordstream 2 pipeline, which went a long way in making Putin believe he had the leverage to go ahead with his incursion. But I digress, that’s hardly new information.

In the end, what we are witnessing is Democrats doing their best to cope with the fact that they were simply wrong. They truly thought that a senile old man could be put into the White House, and that it wouldn’t lead to horrible consequences. In their world, “mean tweets” and arguments over gender pronouns were the most important issues of our time. Well, how’s that working out?

It’s honestly pathetic to see this kind of flailing, with the left falling back into its obsession with the orange man, instead of dealing with the problems at hand. Donald Trump is not president, and no matter what they thought of him personally, he was far more successful in his foreign policy pursuits than Joe Biden. That inconvenient truth enrages them, and it shows.
Yes, we are so lucky Donald Trump isn’t president today. Otherwise, Russia might go off and do something crazy like…invade Eastern Europe.

Okay, but Russia would quake in fear at the amazing Obama-Biden duo and never invade Crimea ... never mind.

In the end, what we are witnessing is Democrats doing their best to cope with the fact that they were simply wrong. They truly thought that a senile old man could be put into the White House, and that it wouldn’t lead to horrible consequences.

Oh, if only - IF ONLY - some had warned of the obvious consequences of putting a stupid, lazy, lying, plagiarizing grifter in the White House!!

In their world, “mean tweets” and arguments over gender pronouns were the most important issues of our time. Well, how’s that working out?

As expected.

It’s honestly pathetic to see this kind of flailing, with the left falling back into its obsession with the orange man, instead of dealing with the problems at hand. Donald Trump is not president, and no matter what they thought of him personally, he was far more successful in his foreign policy pursuits than Joe Biden. That inconvenient truth enrages them, and it shows.

And yet not a single one of them - not a goddamn one - can admit how wrong they were. Nobody on this forum, no political leader, not one of the Squat, not Newsom or Whitmer or Schumer or Pelosi. Not a single goddamn one of them has the candor to say, "Wow, all that crap we threw at Trump for Covid, turns out that was utter bullshit. And the border, inflation, Afghanistan, Russia, China, debt, deficit, wages, crime, race, energy, gas prices, food prices, shortages, lockdowns of Americans, no lock-up of criminals, wow - don't get me started!!"
Okay, but Russia would quake in fear at the amazing Obama-Biden duo and never invade Crimea ... never mind.

Oh, if only - IF ONLY - some had warned of the obvious consequences of putting a stupid, lazy, lying, plagiarizing grifter in the White House!!

As expected.

And yet not a single one of them - not a goddamn one - can admit how wrong they were. Nobody on this forum, no political leader, not one of the Squat, not Newsom or Whitmer or Schumer or Pelosi. Not a single goddamn one of them has the candor to say, "Wow, all that crap we threw at Trump for Covid, turns out that was utter bullshit. And the border, inflation, Afghanistan, Russia, China, debt, deficit, wages, crime, race, energy, gas prices, food prices, shortages, lockdowns of Americans, no lock-up of criminals, wow - don't get me started!!"
It's almost as if they want to crash this country.... Many have been saying that for years and it's unfolding in front of us. All self inflicted.

A foreign power couldn't have done it any better but I think there's definitely outside forces at play here. Spurred on by corrupt and useful idiots inside federal, state and local governments as well as their constituents and govt bureaucracies.

Bottom line is,,,, we're ******.
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It's almost as if they want to crash this country.... Many have been saying that for years and it's unfolding in front of us. All self inflicted.

A foreign power couldn't have done it any better but I think there's definitely outside forces at play here. Spurred on by corrupt and useful idiots inside federal, state and local governments as well as their constituents and govt bureaucracies.

Bottom line is,,,, we're ******.
You sound like some crazy conspiracy theorist, so why does that make sense to me?