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The official thread dedicated to "Biden saving us"

What a complete ****-show...where are all the lefties from the board? Serious! The ones who said Trump would crash the economy and lead us to wars? The ones who claimed racism and calling crazy people by their preferred pronouns were the crisis of the times!!! This isn't a joke any more. We're pretty damn close to war and I'm sure China is now empowered to take Taiwan with a braindead President and cackling harpy Vice-President leading an administration of woke hipsters leading the country. Biden asking for guidance from college professors on way-ahead....probably the least capable and knowledgeable of what to do in the real world. Well, we voted for this....eat up.
What a complete ****-show...where are all the lefties from the board? Serious! The ones who said Trump would crash the economy and lead us to wars? The ones who claimed racism and calling crazy people by their preferred pronouns were the crisis of the times!!! This isn't a joke any more. We're pretty damn close to war and I'm sure China is now empowered to take Taiwan with a braindead President and cackling harpy Vice-President leading an administration of woke hipsters leading the country. Biden asking for guidance from college professors on way-ahead....probably the least capable and knowledgeable of what to do in the real world. Well, they voted for this....eat up.
Fixed it for ya. The lefties on this board come and go with the tide, I'm not surprised that they're being quite right now, what else can they do?
Gasoline and gold are going through the roof, and what ever you do, don't look at your 401K.
There is nothing that has occurred in the last year that has been beneficial to the average citizen, nothing.
The only possibility of an accomplishment is that perhaps some of those that decided to vote for him may have come to the realization that they are the ******** we said they were.
Don’t you dare insult my dead grandparents like that again
What a complete ****-show...where are all the lefties from the board? Serious! The ones who said Trump would crash the economy and lead us to wars? The ones who claimed racism and calling crazy people by their preferred pronouns were the crisis of the times!!! This isn't a joke any more. We're pretty damn close to war and I'm sure China is now empowered to take Taiwan with a braindead President and cackling harpy Vice-President leading an administration of woke hipsters leading the country. Biden asking for guidance from college professors on way-ahead....probably the least capable and knowledgeable of what to do in the real world. Well, we voted for this....eat up.
I still want to know what makes voting for Trump racist? That is one mystery, despite the four years of meltdowns by hipsters that has baffled me.

As for the whole russia/ukraine thing. It eventually will lead us and some other allies into war. This thing reeks of baiting putin into it for whatever resources the ukraine provides. We go to war if we get the resources. I’m not buying the whole russian propaganda ordeal when we have commies in political power in our own country
I still want to know what makes voting for Trump racist? That is one mystery, despite the four years of meltdowns by hipsters that has baffled me.
Republicans like to create meaningful private sector jobs for everyone, including black folks, instead of government handouts in exchange for votes.
Therefore racist.
I still want to know what makes voting for Trump racist?

Nothing, and everyone with a functioning brain knows that and has known it.

If he's shown it with things he's continuously said or any legislation he's ever enacted as POTUS, I'm all ears. People who are genuinely racist in my experience/opinion either come out and directly say it & show it with their actions, or they overcompensate or are just constantly fixated on the issue of race:

"The first African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

"In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent."

Said that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.”

In response to a black journalist asking him a question he didn't like “That’s like saying you, before you got in this program, you take a test whether you’re taking cocaine or not, what do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?”

“Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community w/ incredibly different attitudes about different things.”

While eulogizing one of the highest ranking members of the Ku Klux Klan - “one of my mentors” and “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.”

"If you're unsure whether to vote for me or Trump, then you ain't black!"

- ShitsHisPants
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"Poor kids are just as bright and talented as White kids"

If the media repeats a lie long enough, it becomes the truth for many, but honestly, you'd have to be a complete moron to keep believing this, or deliberately not paying attention.

When I first saw the thumbnail, I for a moment thought she was actually talking to preschoolers. Then I clicked on the link. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

And who in their communications department thought that was a good idea to let get released?
When I first saw the thumbnail, I for a moment thought she was actually talking to preschoolers. Then I clicked on the link. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

And who in their communications department thought that was a good idea to let get released?
This is on the same level as the vice-*****'s words. I could picture her narrating this video.

to be fair, AOC is the show's only listener. Well, AOC and The Squawk.
honestly, you'd have to be a complete moron to keep believing this, or deliberately not paying attention.
Caption Time.

Sleepy: I **** myself on the plane.

Airborne dude: I know you still ******* stink.
When I first saw the thumbnail, I for a moment thought she was actually talking to preschoolers. Then I clicked on the link. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

And who in their communications department thought that was a good idea to let get released?
Just laugh man. Life is too short to cry.
We have a bunch of numb skulls in high positions nationwide. Just do what you can for for your community. The rest is out of your control at that point.