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The official thread dedicated to "Biden saving us"

This has to be posted somewhere:

Wife said he looks and acts like one of her residents in the memory support unit
It's not Obama but Obama is definitely above Potato Head.

You don't think it's Obama? I'm sure it's a team effort, but if not Obama, who would be your guess?
You don't think it's Obama? I'm sure it's a team effort, but if not Obama, who would be your guess?
I wouldn't say it's a single person. Too much accountability if it was. I'd say it's a conglomeration of major domestic and foreign players. Members of The Big Club that we ain't in.
I wouldn't say it's a single person. Too much accountability if it was. I'd say it's a conglomeration of major domestic and foreign players. Members of The Big Club that we ain't in.

I don't disagree at all. Domestically, I think it's Klain, Jarrett, Brian Deese & Obama with some help from ***** like Zuckerberg, Fauci, Gates and others. Foreign players you have George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Larry Fink, probably at least a dozen CCP top-dogs and others.
I don't disagree at all. Domestically, I think it's Klain, Jarrett, Brian Deese & Obama with some help from ***** like Zuckerberg, Fauci, Gates and others. Foreign players you have George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Larry Fink, probably at least a dozen CCP top-dogs and others.
Don't forget to add the Clintons.
Don't forget to add the Clintons.

JFC, how could I forget them. I wouldn't put anything past some Bushes in there as well. They sure are good buddies with the Obama family.
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Reminds me exactly of my uncle who had Alzheimer's. When my aunt died he was wandering around the funeral home telling people, "Did you know my wife died?"
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THIS is the adult you ************* voted for

THIS is the adult you ************* voted for

Democrats just clapping away like.
They really do need to have another teleprompter for everyone else to read along.

WASHINGTON, DC—Weeks into Joe Biden’s presidency, Democratic strategists have finally find someone capable of interpreting what the hell he is saying.

After an exhaustive search, the Democratic National Committee has selected world renowned rock star Ozzy Osbourne to interpret the unintelligible former vice president.

“We were a little worried about Ozzy after the elderly rocker was stricken with pneumonia, but we were encouraged after listening to Ozzy’s peaceful spoken word meditations album and he really is the only person who speaks anything close to Bidenese,” President Vice President Kamala Harris said.

After going through several speech writers during the campaign including Jar Jar Binks and The Swedish Chef, staffers realized that it wasn’t the speech-writers making Biden sound like a complete jumbled mess but the senile politician himself.

Osbourne is excited about the new role.

“I just flumbba jigga pallug muhd, see?” Osbourne said in his first interview as translator. “And the jifflun huhhzzah willy jiggles.”

Biden expressed some hesitance.

“Only one person can fill the tank of a leaf blower on a sunny day and that ain’t slack, Jack. What am I doing here again?”
Joe steps up and helps his son out when he needs it. Good on Joe, right?
