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The official thread dedicated to "Biden saving us"

Another great contribution by the Grifter-in-Chief, here showing us how to save CO2 emissions by riding a bike. Look at how graceful the old guy is when he stops the bike ...

Uhhh ... never mind. Nothing to see here. An adult cannot ride a bike without falling off. No worries, nope, none.
Another great contribution by the Grifter-in-Chief, here showing us how to save CO2 emissions by riding a bike. Look at how graceful the old guy is when he stops the bike ...

Uhhh ... never mind. Nothing to see here. An adult cannot ride a bike without falling off. No worries, nope, none.

I guess I'll give him a break because I can't imagine, but getting closer everyday, what it must be like attempting to ride a bike at 80.
Like everything else, his handlers continue to make bad decisions.
High praise all around to the wonderful job Cumallah is doing at the border.

Whoever did this owes me a keyboard....



Oh yeah .....and strike two...

Jobs keep humming along, another 372k. This must be the jobs more jobs recession.
Jobs keep humming along, another 372k. This must be the jobs more jobs recession.
.Im sure your aware Jobs added are not a very good economic indicator.

Anyway after you factor in the 265,000 or so that left their jobs...that number becomes not so impressive..
Last edited:
.Im sure your aware Jobs added are not a very good economic indicator.

Anyway after you factor in the 265,000 or so that left their jobs...that number becomes not so impressive..
Right. Just go to any industry. They are dying for employees. Lol. 21.
Jobs keep humming along, another 372k. This must be the jobs more jobs recession.
That will come crashing to a halt soon. We had been training 3 new guys over the last 6 months, they finally were ready to get out and sell and our leads plummeted in the last three weeks. We went form 8 people seeing 2 to 3 customers a day to not having one a day for 8 people. Two of the three are now back at home looking for work. I feel bad but the 5 five of us and the one new guy who are producing will get enough to keep us going. Luckily I work for a company that wants to hold onto experienced people that now how to properly sell the product. They were worried about losing us so they cut personnel. This is happening all over in our industry. Between that and the fact we can barely get the windows manufactured for the jobs we have sold due to supply issues installers will be hurting for jobs soon. Thanks Joe!
That will come crashing to a halt soon. We had been training 3 new guys over the last 6 months, they finally were ready to get out and sell and our leads plummeted in the last three weeks. We went form 8 people seeing 2 to 3 customers a day to not having one a day for 8 people. Two of the three are now back at home looking for work. I feel bad but the 5 five of us and the one new guy who are producing will get enough to keep us going. Luckily I work for a company that wants to hold onto experienced people that now how to properly sell the product. They were worried about losing us so they cut personnel. This is happening all over in our industry. Between that and the fact we can barely get the windows manufactured for the jobs we have sold due to supply issues installers will be hurting for jobs soon. Thanks Joe!
Man, there are jobs everywhere. The Walmart by my house is hiring associates at $19 an hour. Taco bell is hiring staff at $15 an hour and management at $20 an hour. It's like that everywhere around here. You could walk in a place for about two minutes and walk out with a job that pays decent. Although, with inflation it won't matter much.
Man, there are jobs everywhere. The Walmart by my house is hiring associates at $19 an hour. Taco bell is hiring staff at $15 an hour and management at $20 an hour. It's like that everywhere around here. You could walk in a place for about two minutes and walk out with a job that pays decent. Although, with inflation it won't matter much.
Yeah if you want to make the equivalent of minimum wage. $19 an hours isn't what it used to be. The market is hot at the bottom end right now and may stay that way, at least until more o these companies go under because they can't sustain the strains of inflation, supply issues and labor shortages/cost. In the home improvement market inflation and a tanking stock market have ended the best 24 month period we have ever had. I doubled my pay from 2020 to 2021 and was on pace to make about 20 - 25 % more this year until the second week of May. The bottom fell out of the market as prices and lead times have pushed back and killed the golden goose. We don't have work for installers because we can't get aluminum cladding to make our windows and we are now seeing a glass shortage of all things.
now that we have a cross-dressing tranny wannabe leading the nuclear energy department, nuclear energy should be safe for the LGBTWTF community


interesting, no?
Yeah if you want to make the equivalent of minimum wage. $19 an hours isn't what it used to be. The market is hot at the bottom end right now and may stay that way, at least until more o these companies go under because they can't sustain the strains of inflation, supply issues and labor shortages/cost. In the home improvement market inflation and a tanking stock market have ended the best 24 month period we have ever had. I doubled my pay from 2020 to 2021 and was on pace to make about 20 - 25 % more this year until the second week of May. The bottom fell out of the market as prices and lead times have pushed back and killed the golden goose. We don't have work for installers because we can't get aluminum cladding to make our windows and we are now seeing a glass shortage of all things.
Wages are like most anything else, determined by supply and demand and by extension, how replaceable you are. That’s why when I went looking for a new career ten years ago my criteria was something where you need to be licensed or certified and something not everyone can do.
Jobs keep humming along, another 372k. This must be the jobs more jobs recession.

You are here to brag about Sloppy Joe's economy? Are you serious?

Median income - down
Inflation - up, way up
Interests rates - up
Gasoline costs - way the **** up
Home ownership - down
Labor force participation - down
Stock market - freefall
GDP - down
Trade deficit - way up
National deficit - waaaay up
National debt - waaaay up

Exactly what economic successes do you claim on behalf of Sloppy Joe, the dementia-ridden grifter plagiarist serial liar? You criticized Trump (rightly) for overseeing a massive uptick in the national deficit (Covid or not), but lick Sloppy Joe's crusty *** relative to the economy despite his spending TRILLIONS of dollars we DO. NOT. HAVE.
And crime is way the F up too, mostly in lawless cities run by commie libtards.

Libbies: "Crime is not up. It's just a normal reaction to Sloppy Joe bringing Covid under control and letting people go outdoors again."

Wages are like most anything else, determined by supply and demand and by extension, how replaceable you are. That’s why when I went looking for a new career ten years ago my criteria was something where you need to be licensed or certified and something not everyone can do.
did you get your OgurrHunting License, as you were advised?
And crime is way the F up too, mostly in lawless cities run by commie libtards.
thats only because the right wing Supreme Court restricted all of our abilities to have abortions.
****... what's a fella to do when he gets knocked up now?
You are here to brag about Sloppy Joe's economy? Are you serious?

Median income - down
Inflation - up, way up
Interests rates - up
Gasoline costs - way the **** up
Home ownership - down
Labor force participation - down
Stock market - freefall
GDP - down
Trade deficit - way up
National deficit - waaaay up
National debt - waaaay up

Exactly what economic successes do you claim on behalf of Sloppy Joe, the dementia-ridden grifter plagiarist serial liar? You criticized Trump (rightly) for overseeing a massive uptick in the national deficit (Covid or not), but lick Sloppy Joe's crusty *** relative to the economy despite his spending TRILLIONS of dollars we DO. NOT. HAVE.

YES. They need to repeat the facts on all news channels, even NBC, CBS, and CNN have guest speakers ( Independent or Republican ) Bring this up as often as you can.