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The official thread dedicated to "Biden saving us"

He also told congress to look at the schedule for Marijuana.
No, he directed the AG and HSS to do that. The AG is always empowered to change Controlled Substances scheduling, so that really means zip....unless HSS can move the AG to understand that cannabis is not like cocaine or heroin.
The effort to pardon pot criminals will effect zero people. There is no one in the Federal prison system for mere pot possession.
This was a purely political stunt.

And marijuana needs to be re-scheduled. I would be in favor of that.
Pete Buttgieg says what we all know: (D)imbos biggest problem this election is the fact that (D)imbos have been TOO successful. I **** you not:

“I do think we run the risk — because there have been so many accomplishments — right, the CHIPS Act which is bringing manufacturing back to the United States, the PACT Act, getting veterans the benefits they deserve, of course the infrastructure bill, the Inflation Reduction Act, on top of that American Rescue plan … in some ways having achieved so much legislatively makes it hard to talk about it all at once because there are just so many accomplishments.”

Pete Buttgieg says what we all know: (D)imbos biggest problem this election is the fact that (D)imbos have been TOO successful. I **** you not:

In a way that's true, if you look seriously at what the Democrats want.
Absolute brilliance displayed by the Great Wordsmith, Joseph Raisinette Xiden. He humbles Shakespeare, overshadows Emerson, minimizes Milton, dominates Donne:

Well, yeah, but since I learned men can get pregnant, I'm re-thinking this whole abortion thing.
As someone who paid $1000 a month for 10 years in child support I'm still pro-choice. Also more Democrats will get abortions than Republicans.
The Dim TV commercials right now look like great pro-life commercials though.
hip hip hooray!

"tHerE is nO sPenDinG tHaT sHoULd Be KuT!"
- Liberals
Your voting decision should be an easy one, because, you know, democracy.
Yeah,,,'bout that Zona........................

"The lesson one gains is that the elected politicians are outnumbered and outwitted on all sides, only pretending to be in charge when in fact the actual affairs of state are managed by experienced professionals with permanent positions. They all know each other. They have mastered the game. They have all the institutional knowledge."




When I see someone with a Fetterman lawn sign, I think one thing.......
It is obvious that you are an idiot, but do you have to advertise it?

And they are blatant about it in public....


I guess it's because they know their back is covered...

A brilliant recitation of the amazing goodness of the (D) party.

Can't argue with a thing she says. But if you do, YOU ARE A RACIST!