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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Translation: These morons are going to get their ***** handed to them by Trump

Trump got a lot smarter about politics and government after his first year in office. The debates this year will be an epic beatdown.
Trump will have more flexibility after the election.
wig, Trump himself called for witnesses now that he'll get a 'fair trial' in the Senate. He himself barred anyone from providing testimony in the House, withheld subpoened documents, screamed bloody murder about how unfair it all was. Now, here is his big chance to get the fair trial he's been crying for. Bring on his closest advisors to testify, allow them to defend his actions and clear his name once and for all. Any President who's been accused of wrongdoing and impeached 'unfairly' - as he claims - would jump at the opportunity to prove his critics wrong and set the record straight. What gives?

A page or so back, you stated "Even if by fraud, political pressure, and intimidation he manages to escape conviction in the Senate....." You already have him convicted, as do the Democrats in the House. Like there is anything any witness or Trump himself could say or do that would get you or any other Democrat to look at any of this objectively. You have no right to talk about fair, considering how the House impeachment inquiry went down.

If it was me, I would tell them to go **** themselves.
This farce is simply a Hail Mary, last ditch effort to try and win 2020. They know they can’t beat Trump, so they made up these lies and unfair House hearing. Not only are the Dims going to get crushed this year, it will carry over into the next few elections as well. They slit their throats and hurled themselves into the pits of Hell. They have gone full libtard.
This farce is simply a Hail Mary, last ditch effort to try and win 2020. They know they can’t beat Trump, so they made up these lies and unfair House hearing. Not only are the Dims going to get crushed this year, it will carry over into the next few elections as well. They slit their throats and hurled themselves into the pits of Hell. They have gone full libtard.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">GG Speaks For US! <a href="https://t.co/uP72D59p8J">pic.twitter.com/uP72D59p8J</a></p>— Michigan Accomplished (@Ann_marie1231) <a href="https://twitter.com/Ann_marie1231/status/1217582695427006469?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 15, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Not sure where to put this. But I consider Vince Vaughan spending time with Trump at the NCAA National Championship game winning. Cancel Culture and whack-a-doodle libs went after Vince.

But read this story then judge the man. Bravo sir.

Iraq Veteran Shares ‘Heroic’ Story About Vince Vaughn Following Uproar Over Trump Handshake

Iraq veteran Colby Smith revealed a “heroic” story about Vince Vaughn following the uproar on social media over the actor’s handshake with President Donald Trump.

Smith, who served as a combat medic for the scout platoon of 108th Armor, 48th Combat Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division after being deployed in May of 2005 to Mahmudiyah, Iraq, just south of Baghdad, didn’t hold back as he spoke to the Daily Caller on Wednesday about the day he met the 49-year-old actor in the “violent area” known as the “triangle of death” when Vaughn stopped by the FOB (Forward Operating Base) St. Michael.


“When we got there the marines had just pulled out,” Smith shared, as he took us back to that day. “We had lost a lot of guys. I want to say 11 guys within a few weeks before he [Vaughn] arrived. It was a very tough time.”

“Like we heard about the Denver Broncos coming to Baghdad and no one ever stopped where we were at,” he added. “We were getting shot at. I got hit by four IED’s myself. So Vince Vaughn came, we got mortared.”

The veteran continued, “He [Vaughn] had been fully prepped that this was not a safe place. He did this [visit] because he heard that there was no one else coming to see these guys. And he did.”


Smith at one point notes that Sergeant First Class Bince Vattaglia responded to his original post on FB that, “all other celebrities decline to come to our area because its hazardous. Vince Vaughn and his manager(she) were the first and only who [accepted] the challenge to come visit soldiers that had so little entertainment.”

“He was perfect,” Colby went on to explain, noting how he lifted them all at a time they so desperately needed it. “He smiled, he was happy. One of the guys in the unit made a sign that read, ‘if you can dodge an IED, you can dodge a ball.’ He [Vaughn] thought it was great, so he was running around with the sign.”

“He figured out where the medic station was,” he added “[Vaughn] said, ‘I wanted to come see you guys.’ And he just hung out. He didn’t ask questions.”

Smith continued, while recalling how this “A-list actor” just sat there and played an X-box NCAA football video game with him.

“The way I felt, he was more in awe of all of us then we were of him,” Colby said. “And that was really cool.”

“I don’t care who it is. It would be amazing [to shake the president’s hand],” he added, while explaining why he decided to share the story. “And it made me really mad because this was a man [Vaughn] who supported me in my endeavors and to me it was a very heroic and amazing thing to do.”

Smith concluded, “This guy they were bashing was not just a good guy, but a hero. It was not safe. He was not going to the Green Zone. He really went into a war zone to entertain some guys who desperately needed it.”
Trump got a lot smarter about politics and government after his first year in office. The debates this year will be an epic beatdown.
Trump will have more flexibility after the election.

I see what you did there. The uptick in his presidency seemed to start around the time he canned Reince Priebus and John Kelly.
What? No impeachment trial thread by Tibs?

He slacking
Impeach this...

All three major indices finished at all-time highs, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average up 0.9 percent at 29,297.57.

The broad-based S&P 500 gained 0.8 percent to close at 3,316.89, while the tech-rich Nasdaq Composite Index jumped 1.1 percent to 9,357.13.
Well, okay, the fat cats are getting rich off the stock market, Indy, but what about middle America?!?


Fine, median income - meaning the status of the middle class - booming under Trump. What about home values? Sucking ***, amirite??


Goddammit, that housing price increase is simply a reflection of the Donald's economic policies bringing about runaway inflation, right??


JESUS ... okay, so median income booming, housing prices booming, inflation low and steady. But, but ... like Annoying Oral Crap says, that's because people don't have full-time work under the Donald and are working two jobs, right? RIGHT?!?


Motherfu ... but, but, but, see, that's only because of the declining labor participation rate, like 21 warned us about, right?


But, see ... uhhh, no manufacturing jobs, like Trump promised. I mean, that HAS to be true, right??


AAAAAAARGH, if you make me admit that this is the best economy in the nation's history, with middle America benefiting more than any other, I will scream!! I won't admit it, I WON'T, I WON'T, I WON'T.


Okay, it's the greatest economy this nation has ever seen - better than 1950, when the United States was the ONLY industrialized nation in the world not ravaged by WWII.
What? No impeachment trial thread by Tibs? He slacking

Trump lies so blatantly, it's beyond embarrassing. He'd deny knowing or even speaking to Melania if she ever turned on him. This is beyond a freakshow or circus act.

But Obama! But the Dems! But Soros! But Hillary! But Antifa! But Libs! But the MSM!

In a few years, 'The Trump Base' will be a 16-part Netflix miniseries, how a millions of Americans lost their minds supporting a known fool and charlatan.

I won't hold it against you. I'll be here holding the olive branch, reaching across the aisle...


<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">More pictures have been published of Trump with Lev Parnas in the last three days, than I have seen of Trump with with some of his children or any of his living siblings in the last three years. But he says he doesn’t know the guy. <a href="https://t.co/e1aGFVfWjL">https://t.co/e1aGFVfWjL</a></p>— Ana Navarro-Cárdenas (@ananavarro) <a href="https://twitter.com/ananavarro/status/1217939910092623873?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 16, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script></code></samp>
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That's it, Lev Parnas!! Yeah, now we got ...



Oh, and I may have found a video of you, Tibs. Is this you?

Impeachment is a solemn event. Not often the country's gone down this road over the past two centuries. Quite sad that we've arrived to this point. Not a happy time in our history. Thank God the stock market is up and 401k's are killin' it. Otherwise, this would be a sad time for our country.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">With the weight of history on our shoulders, every senator signed the same Oath Book today. We have now pledged ourselves to provide impartial justice—a pledge we cannot keep without exploring the evidence as in any fair trial which requires witnesses and relevant documents. <a href="https://t.co/8rQyPP0VPQ">pic.twitter.com/8rQyPP0VPQ</a></p>— Senator Chris Van Hollen (@ChrisVanHollen) <a href="https://twitter.com/ChrisVanHollen/status/1217955053035753472?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 16, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
Impeachment is a solemn event.

Aww, are you praying for the President too like Nancy Pelosi is little scooter? It looked real solemn when they were grinning and taking pictures with their commemorative pens.
Impeachment is a solemn event. Not often the country's gone down this road over the past two centuries. Quite sad that we've arrived to this point. Not a happy time in our history. Thank God the stock market is up and 401k's are killin' it. Otherwise, this would be a sad time for our country.

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Aww, are you praying for the President too like Nancy Pelosi is little scooter? It looked real solemn when they were grinning and taking pictures with their commemorative pens.

It was solemn, prayerful laughter and squealing in delight. The impeachment procession:


The Senate handling the stupidity, uhhh, "impeachment":

When I saw those Dem posers walking the AOI into the Senate, I was hearing "Send in the Clown".

I'll be honest, I haven't been following the dog and pony show. They are saying Trump has been impeached. I thought the Senate has to vote on the articles and if there is a majority, then the President is impeached. Did I miss something?

This seems comparable to a bill being passed by the House but still needs to be voted on by the Senate before it can be a law.
I'll be honest, I haven't been following the dog and pony show. They are saying Trump has been impeached. I thought the Senate has to vote on the articles and if there is a majority, then the President is impeached. Did I miss something?

This seems comparable to a bill being passed by the House but still needs to be voted on by the Senate before it can be a law.

Well, from what I understand, the House file the articles of Impeachment and send it to the Senate to be tried as a criminal case. They say he's been Impeached, but if he is acquitted in the Senate (which he will very likely be), it's really nothing more than just a pretty word for Democrats.

Hey, they feel they have to have a victory somewhere.
Well, from what I understand, the House file the articles of Impeachment and send it to the Senate to be tried as a criminal case. They say he's been Impeached, but if he is acquitted in the Senate (which he will very likely be), it's really nothing more than just a pretty word for Democrats.

Hey, they feel they have to have a victory somewhere.

So what's from stopping any House majority from impeaching a president who is in the opposing party?

To be honest this might be more than their hatred of Trump. I think it's a warning for anyone who wants to try and drain the swamp, that you'll face impeachment if you try to buck the establishment. Some here rail on about the state of things with respect to Trump, what the House did, that's pretty scary stuff right there and something any freedom loving American should be very concerned about.
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So what's from stopping any House majority from impeaching a president who is in the opposing party?

To be honest this might be more than their hatred of Trump. I think it's a warning for anyone who wants to try and drain the swamp, that you'll face impeachment if you try to buck the establishment. Some here rail on about the state of things with respect to Trump, what the House did, that's pretty scary stuff right there and something any freedom loving American should be very concerned about.

Oh I hear you. It sets an extremely dangerous precedent. Seems to me that now Impeachment articles will be filed over a wrong look or mannerism -- if it's the opposition party that's offended. It's scary ****.

We're heading into dark days. Our second amendment rights are being trampled on, they've weaponized our intelligence agencies against political opponents, we have homeless people defecating in streets of major cities, our mainstream media has completely lost its way -- the list goes on.

Sorry to be such a buzzkill, but this **** is real and is coming to a theater near you. I really wish it didn't have to come to this.