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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Ha ha! **** you, Liz Cheney! You evil communist. Don't screw with MAGA, that's what you get.

She's gone.

Donald J. Trump​

8:33am May 12, 2021
The Republicans in the House of Representatives have a great opportunity today to rid themselves of a poor leader, a major Democrat talking point, a warmonger, and a person with absolutely no personality or heart. As a representative of the Great State of Wyoming, Liz Cheney is bad for our Country and bad for herself. Almost everyone in the Republican Party, including 90% of Wyoming, looks forward to her ouster—and that includes me!

Former President Donald Trump celebrated the news Wednesday that House Republicans had ousted Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) from Republican leadership.

“Liz Cheney is a bitter, horrible human being,” Trump wrote in a statement issued after Cheney was voted out. “I watched her yesterday and realized how bad she is for the Republican Party. She has no personality or anything good having to do with politics or our Country.”
Trump is right when he says Liz Cheney has no personality. I listened to about 30 secs of that speech she made.... would be a great cure for insomnia.
Thats about right, Tibs
scribble over the face of the man who set the Democrats' slaves free, and then shot him in the back of the head like a goddamned coward

I think Joe Biden is the only living American who voted for Stephen Douglas. (Liberals googling Stephen Douglas in 3 ... 2 ... 1)
And after everything's that been exposed about those scum of the earth grifters (The Lincoln Project), he still actually follows them.
We went from a president who refused to condemn white supremacists and told them to "Stand back and stand by" to one who will fight them like the domestic terrorists they are

Elections matter. (y)

The Biden administration's top law enforcement officials on Wednesday pledged to dedicate their resources to combat domestic violent extremists amid questions over whether the agencies are equipped to monitor such threats in the wake of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Attorney General Merrick Garland and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas appeared before the Senate Appropriations Committee for a hearing on domestic extremism as Congress ramped up its scrutiny this week of the circumstances around the attack on the Capitol.

Both Garland and Mayorkas testified that white supremacist groups pose the most serious domestic national security threat in the U.S., reinforcing what analysts have long concluded about far-right organizations.

“Domestic violent extremists pose an elevated threat in 2021 and in the FBI’s view, the top domestic violent extremist threat we face comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocate for the superiority of the white race,” Garland told lawmakers at the top of the hearing.
We went from a president who refused to condemn white supremacists and told them to "Stand back and stand by" to one who will fight them like the domestic terrorists they are

Elections matter. (y)

The Biden administration's top law enforcement officials on Wednesday pledged to dedicate their resources to combat domestic violent extremists amid questions over whether the agencies are equipped to monitor such threats in the wake of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Attorney General Merrick Garland and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas appeared before the Senate Appropriations Committee for a hearing on domestic extremism as Congress ramped up its scrutiny this week of the circumstances around the attack on the Capitol.

Both Garland and Mayorkas testified that white supremacist groups pose the most serious domestic national security threat in the U.S., reinforcing what analysts have long concluded about far-right organizations.

“Domestic violent extremists pose an elevated threat in 2021 and in the FBI’s view, the top domestic violent extremist threat we face comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocate for the superiority of the white race,” Garland told lawmakers at the top of the hearing.
and since white supremacist groups are universally scorned in this country, we must be absolutely safe.

when you equate the silent groups lurking in the shadows who are too afraid to exit those shadows as being the most dangerous, while applauding, nay, cheering on and encouraging the burning of buildings, property, homes and livelihoods by the ******* dolts at BlackLivesMatter, you're a special breed of retard.
I always felt Jimmy was well-meaning, if inept. I do give him credit for standing up the to the Russians. We were all pissed at the grain embargo, but at least he did SOMETHING to let the Russians know the U.S. wasn't going to just turn a blind eye.
Ya, in the end it really sucked for the U.S. but at least Carter made an attempt to stand up for the country.
Imagine how vegetable would have handled a MUCH more overtly aggressive Russia, or... heaven forbid the hostage crisis? (I'm not suggesting Carter handled the hostage crisis well, although he HAD negotiated their release. He was just undermined by a much more devious G.H.B.) But vegetable? Jesus, he probably would have sent an aid package.

Donald J. Trump​

9:28am May 14, 2021
Congratulations to Elise Stefanik for her Big and Overwhelming victory! The House GOP is united and the Make America Great Again movement is Strong!
I always felt Jimmy was well-meaning, if inept. I do give him credit for standing up the to the Russians. We were all pissed at the grain embargo, but at least he did SOMETHING to let the Russians know the U.S. wasn't going to just turn a blind eye.
Ya, in the end it really sucked for the U.S. but at least Carter made an attempt to stand up for the country.
Imagine how vegetable would have handled a MUCH more overtly aggressive Russia, or... heaven forbid the hostage crisis? (I'm not suggesting Carter handled the hostage crisis well, although he HAD negotiated their release. He was just undermined by a much more devious G.H.B.) But vegetable? Jesus, he probably would have sent an aid package.
China and Russia are paying him and his family a lot more than we are.

Donald J. Trump​

9:28am May 14, 2021
Congratulations to Elise Stefanik for her Big and Overwhelming victory! The House GOP is united and the Make America Great Again movement is Strong!
I'm hearing that Cheney had a more Conservative voting record than Stefanik though.
Powerful and spot on. These are troubling times indeed, seeing all that's going on with former guy & the GOP. Time to stay strong, vigilant and resilient.

Powerful and spot on. These are troubling times indeed, seeing all that's going on with former guy & the GOP. Time to stay strong, vigilant and resilient.

No, It's the global elite versus the anti-establishment. Marxism versus Freedom if you will. The GOP is now woke to what the left has been doing, selling off America to the highest bidder. Trump exposed them and it's beautiful. **** is about to get real and the swamp will be drained.
No, It's the global elite versus the anti-establishment. Marxism versus Freedom if you will. The GOP is now woke to what the left has been doing, selling off America to the highest bidder. Trump exposed them and it's beautiful. **** is about to get real and the swamp will be drained.
It’s no longer Democrat vs. Republican. It’s democracy vs. fascism. There's never been a question which side you & the other MAGA's are on.
It’s no longer Democrat vs. Republican. It’s democracy vs. fascism. There's never been a question which side you & the other MAGA's are on.
Except the United States isn't a democracy. And nothing, absolutely nothing, that any of us stand for is remotely close to Fascism with exception of pledging allegiance to this great country of ours. Nationalism isn't Fascism. The Democratic party is the Fascist group, rounding up people based on ethnicity and imprisoning them, hanging them from a tree, etc. Using Bombs, burning, and violence to progress their agenda against the government. Calling for Trump supporters to be marked and shunned from society and worse yet, harrassed and re-educated into their line of thinking. Authoritarian rule by digitally silencing anyone who speaks out against their beliefs, including a sitting President.

You may as well change the logo from a Donkey to a swastika.
"...with exception of pledging allegiance to the former guy, above and beyond everything else."

Helped you out a little with the syntax, got a little jumbled up along the way. (y)
"...with exception of pledging allegiance to the former guy, above and beyond everything else."

Helped you out a little with the syntax, got a little jumbled up along the way. (y)
I just love that you ignore the more significant attributes of the party that you support. I guess, you kinda have to right? I mean, supporting a party that hates American ideals and has used race to define policy, imprison it's citizens, and even murder them outright must sting when faced with the truths. Lemme guess, your response will be to deflect and present some things Republicans have done. Right? It must sting you badly, indeed.
I just love that you ignore the more significant attributes of the party that you support. I guess, you kinda have to right? I mean, supporting a party that hates American ideals and has used race to define policy, imprison it's citizens, and even murder them outright must sting when faced with the truths. Lemme guess, your response will be to deflect and present some things Republicans have done. Right? It must sting you badly, indeed.

I think it's pretty clear who you pledge your allegience to. It's not the American flag, or the Republic for which it stands, that's for sure.

I just love that you ignore the more significant attributes of the party that you support. I guess, you kinda have to right? I mean, supporting a party that hates American ideals and has used race to define policy, imprison it's citizens, and even murder them outright must sting when faced with the truths. Lemme guess, your response will be to deflect and present some things Republicans have done. Right? It must sting you badly, indeed.
you called it