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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Deflection...go figure. called it! You have nothing but contempt and a foundation of Fascism. What a sad and pathetic existence.
Some pictures don't need a caption, they speak for themselves brilliantly.

obvious photoshop. painfully obvious.

Stoopid, we all know Liberals don't do memes good. You think they can spot a photoshop? Clearly this is a Liberal attempt at a funny image. The funniest part is, Tibor fell for it, thought it was real...and now sits in Hungaristan saying "**** how didn't I spot that?"
Hungaristan, nice touch.
You may have noticed by now. Tibs falls for a lot of fake **** he finds online.

And it's a beautiful thing to watch. He does it so often too. His TDS turned PTSD (Post Trump Stress Disorder) has left him a feckless little person.
Some pictures don't need a caption, they speak for themselves brilliantly.

View attachment 5227
Beautiful Classic Whaler. A 65 Eastport I think. Definitely more engine than that boat is rated for.

Guarantee the owner of that boat would not drive her in bow first. A medical emergency, maybe but even then, doubtful. Funny photo though.
And it's a beautiful thing to watch. He does it so often too. His TDS turned PTSD (Post Trump Stress Disorder) has left him a feckless little person.
I'm done, Tibs is nothing but a troll in the political forum. He posts lies and semi-truths, he's given the facts and sometimes links to sources that he cannot refute, he'll then deflect by posting a meme or more semit-truths/lies, and the cycle continues. At some point you are all going to have to realize that some people aren't worth your time and effort.
And it's a beautiful thing to watch. He does it so often too. His TDS turned PTSD (Post Trump Stress Disorder) has left him a feckless little person.
It's not like anyone can talk about how much better things are under Xiden.
You may have noticed by now. Tibs falls for a lot of fake **** he finds online.
I have a different take on this and think he very well knows that it's fake, but follows page one of the socialist handbook, repeating a lie long enough until it becomes the truth to the masses.
I'm done, Tibs is nothing but a troll in the political forum. He posts lies and semi-truths, he's given the facts and sometimes links to sources that he cannot refute, he'll then deflect by posting a meme or more semit-truths/lies, and the cycle continues. At some point you are all going to have to realize that some people aren't worth your time and effort.

Believe me, I was done with Tibs a long time ago (you'll notice I don't argue anything substantive with him). Discussing anything reasonable with him is like banging your head against a wall IMO. But since he refuses to leave a place where he's generally despised, I simply troll the troll. And I know it bothers him because he's taken his wittle ball and went home before over it.

In a perfect world, we wouldn't feed the troll and it would die - but we don't live in that world.
Believe me, I was done with Tibs a long time ago (you'll notice I don't argue anything substantive with him). Discussing anything reasonable with him is like banging your head against a wall IMO. But since he refuses to leave a place where he's generally despised, I simply troll the troll. And I know it bothers him because he's taken his wittle ball and went home before over it. In a perfect world, we wouldn't feed the troll and it would die - but we don't live in that world.

Good God, you have an inflated opinion of yourself. When you mix ignorance with narcissism, foolishness with vanity, it's a nasty brew indeed.

The only reaction I've ever had to reading your dumbass posts is a deep sense of remorse and pity.

Watching you flop around on the board like a fish out of water, chasing after your false prophets who tell you how to think, seeking - no, begging for - approval, is one of the more pathetic things you'll see here at SN. And thanks for wishing upon my death. That's real classy. I'm sure you'll get plenty of slaps on the back for that from the nuthouse crew.

For whatever it's worth, over the years this board has become a real travesty. It's the large pot of water, sitting on the slow-burning stove, with the frogs in it. The frogs who are too dumb and oblivious to realize they're sitting in boiling water and will soon perish. Alas, that's a poignant analogy for the entire right-wing MAGA movement right now. You're cutting the tree branch beneath you, in your race to the absolute bottom of utter and complete dumbassery. No class, no morals, no ethics, no intelligence. Just a bunch of brooding, disaffected, distrustful, angry, suspicious, vain, underinformed, misguided folks with broken minds & broken souls.

As always, there are exceptions, but with each passing year that number dwindles. After four years of former guy, that number - of reasonable, sane, level-headed posters - has fallen even further by the wayside.

I knew it would be tough sledding for the MAGA crew after the failed insurrection and the unceremonious exit of disgraced former guy. That was pretty clear. I just didn't understand the extent of how bad it will be, how hard you will have fallen, collectively.

Here's hoping you find a way to pick yourselves up again.
Good god you are dense, Barista Boy. I didn't wish death on you. The expression "stop feeding the troll and it will die" simply means don't feed the retard seeking attention with, you know, attention, and it'll ultimately look elsewhere for that attention.

But I would kidnap you and hold you for "randsom".
The only reaction I've ever had to reading your dumbass posts is a deep sense of remorse and pity.
Remorse, pity aanndd...A long winded reply which is both a waste of your time and ours.
Good God, you have an inflated opinion of yourself. When you mix ignorance with narcissism, foolishness with vanity, it's a nasty brew indeed.

The only reaction I've ever had to reading your dumbass posts is a deep sense of remorse and pity.

Watching you flop around on the board like a fish out of water, chasing after your false prophets who tell you how to think, seeking - no, begging for - approval, is one of the more pathetic things you'll see here at SN. And thanks for wishing upon my death. That's real classy. I'm sure you'll get plenty of slaps on the back for that from the nuthouse crew.

For whatever it's worth, over the years this board has become a real travesty. It's the large pot of water, sitting on the slow-burning stove, with the frogs in it. The frogs who are too dumb and oblivious to realize they're sitting in boiling water and will soon perish. Alas, that's a poignant analogy for the entire right-wing MAGA movement right now. You're cutting the tree branch beneath you, in your race to the absolute bottom of utter and complete dumbassery. No class, no morals, no ethics, no intelligence. Just a bunch of brooding, disaffected, distrustful, angry, suspicious, vain, underinformed, misguided folks with broken minds & broken souls.

As always, there are exceptions, but with each passing year that number dwindles. After four years of former guy, that number - of reasonable, sane, level-headed posters - has fallen even further by the wayside.

I knew it would be tough sledding for the MAGA crew after the failed insurrection and the unceremonious exit of disgraced former guy. That was pretty clear. I just didn't understand the extent of how bad it will be, how hard you will have fallen, collectively.

Here's hoping you find a way to pick yourselves up again.
Good god you are dense, Barista Boy. I didn't wish death on you. The expression "stop feeding the troll and it will die" simply means don't feed the retard seeking attention with, you know, attention, and it'll ultimately look elsewhere for that attention.

But I would kidnap you and hold you for "randsom".

No one has ever accused Tibs of being intelligent, believe me.
Some more news you'll never read visiting the maga bubble on this board.

taking a cue from you at this point on May 19, 2016...

He's taken full control of the GOP, with lemmings like McCarthy & the Qanon caucus in the House, and Senate Republicans all rallying around the MAGA flag.

Trump = Republican Party 2021 & beyond.

Get it, yet?

Donald Trump just released a statement saying that he barely knows Donald Trump, he never met anyone named Ivanka, Eric, or Don Jr, and never had any business dealings with the Trump Organization.
He's taken full control of the GOP, with lemmings like McCarthy & the Qanon caucus in the House, and Senate Republicans all rallying around the MAGA flag.

Trump = Republican Party 2021 & beyond.

Get it, yet?
wait...so you're NOW wanting ex-POTUS to gracefully exit the stage and allow the sitting POTUS to be POTUS without chirping in.

that wasnt a question, btw.