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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

It is from a NYT opinion columnist. Same, same.

Not even close. Sure, over the years he's been published in the NY Times, along with many other papers. But he's not a 'NYT opinion columnist.' Not that any of this matters to you, beneath the surface.

Charles C. W. Cooke is a senior writer for National Review and the former editor of National Review Online. He is a graduate of the University of Oxford, at which he studied modern history and politics. His work has focused especially on Anglo-American history, British liberty, free speech, the Second Amendment, and American exceptionalism. He is the co-host of the Mad Dogs and Englishmen podcast, and is a regular guest on HBO's (Real Time with Bill Maher). He has written for the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times.
Not even close. Sure, over the years he's been published in the NY Times, along with many other papers. But he's not a 'NYT opinion columnist.' Not that any of this matters to you, beneath the surface.

Charles C. W. Cooke is a senior writer for National Review and the former editor of National Review Online. He is a graduate of the University of Oxford, at which he studied modern history and politics. His work has focused especially on Anglo-American history, British liberty, free speech, the Second Amendment, and American exceptionalism. He is the co-host of the Mad Dogs and Englishmen podcast, and is a regular guest on HBO's (Real Time with Bill Maher). He has written for the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times.

National Review has always been a Washington elite insiders opinion rag that thinks they know better than the rest of us. Bunch of never Trumpers who think their opinion still count in the MAGA era.

I started reading one his other articles.......I quote......

"Every time someone connects COVID-19 to China, I die a little inside, for divisive insinuations such as these are the exact opposite of what we need after this horrible year"

Are you kiddin me?

Tibs, for the record, I don't spend much time reading your citings. Not very interested.
Different strokes for different folks I guess. It's refreshing to see people wanting to be civilized on any level though. This planet needs more of you,
I still get angry about things. This country is a mess, headed down the sewer drain. And I’m prepared to defend my family when the politicians are done ******* everything up and get the anarchy they seem to be looking for. But that’s a different anger than telling Tibs to get bent over something he posted here. I don’t see the point in that, but I’ll gut you like a fish if you **** with my family. Maybe that doesn’t make sense to anyone else, but it does to me.
I still get angry about things. This country is a mess, headed down the sewer drain. And I’m prepared to defend my family when the politicians are done ******* everything up and get the anarchy they seem to be looking for. But that’s a different anger than telling Tibs to get bent over something he posted here. I don’t see the point in that, but I’ll gut you like a fish if you **** with my family. Maybe that doesn’t make sense to anyone else, but it does to me.

I guess the issue most of us have is that people like Tibs support and more importantly enable those that are driving us to the anarchy that none of us want.
I still get angry about things. This country is a mess, headed down the sewer drain. And I’m prepared to defend my family when the politicians are done ******* everything up and get the anarchy they seem to be looking for. But that’s a different anger than telling Tibs to get bent over something he posted here. I don’t see the point in that, but I’ll gut you like a fish if you **** with my family. Maybe that doesn’t make sense to anyone else, but it does to me.

That makes perfect sense to me. And if anybody attempts to hurt my family or myself, I'm using my rights afforded to me by the Constitution of the United States to protect us as well. That's a whole 'nother thing though. This is a message board and these are typed out words. And Fibs embodies all that is ugly and corrupt about our current 'sewer drain' status. Deflection and garbage.

TBH with you, I don't even read 90% of what he writes because it's all the same ****. Some choose not to respond to him, some choose to try to talk sense into him (SIL comes to mind) - I choose to troll the troll. It's pretty much as simple as that.
I guess the issue most of us have is that people like Tibs support and more importantly enable those that are driving us to the anarchy that none of us want.

Well said. I don't think it's complicated.
Amazing to see how far they've fallen, a mere six months after getting shitcanned out of the WH.

Grifters gotta grift, I guess, even the so-called millionaire grifters. :ROFLMAO:

I guess the issue most of us have is that people like Tibs support and more importantly enable those that are driving us to the anarchy that none of us want.
Of course he does. You have to create a power vacuum through anarchy that you can then fill with communism. It’s straight out of the KGB playbook.
Trump, his sons, daughters and Melania are now immortal.
they'll live forever in the heads of all the Libs and Dims.
Trump, his sons, daughters and Melania are now immortal.
they'll live forever in the heads of all the Libs and Dims.

Hunter Biden would like a word with you. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Hunter Biden would like a word with you. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
uh, Hunter is a "current" guy, not a "former guy"

you're really not good at this, are you?
uh, Hunter is a "current" guy, not a "former guy" you're really not good at this, are you?

What the **** role does Hunter hold in the government? Run along and check on that for me. Unlike the former guy, who brought his entire ******* family into the fold, including his daughter and son-in-law in key advisory roles. While you're digging up the facts on this, why not let us all know how much money Kushner & Ivanka made these past four years? Or the amount of money former guy charged USSS for the use of his properties. Or the money they made through GOP events at his hotels. Do you have any idea? I doubt it. Nepotism & corruption at its finest.
What the **** role does Hunter hold in the government? Run along and check on that for me. Unlike the former guy, who brought his entire ******* family into the fold, including his daughter and son-in-law in key advisory roles. While you're digging up the facts on this, why not let us all know how much money Kushner & Ivanka made these past four years? Or the amount of money former guy charged USSS for the use of his properties. Or the money they made through GOP events at his hotels. Do you have any idea? I doubt it. Nepotism & corruption at its finest.
like i asked, you're really not good at this are you?
like i asked, you're really not good at this are you?

Look, I don't care if you and your pals here insist on proving what dumbasses you are, over and over again. Knock yourselves out. Have a great day, Supe. (y)
Look, I don't care if you and your pals here insist on proving what dumbasses you are, over and over again. Knock yourselves out. Have a great day, Supe. (y)
yeah, you're not good at this.
Poor baby. FB just announced they're keeping boo-boo former guy off the platform for at least two more years.

With his 'groundbreaking' blog failing spectacularly, went down in flames in less than a month, how is former guy gonna reach out to his deranged base? Smoke signals? Morse code? Rhythmical farts sent over cell phone? It's a mystery.

Serves him right, trying to overthrow a free and fair election and inciting an insurrection. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Poor baby. FB just announced they're keeping boo-boo former guy off the platform for at least two more years.

With his 'groundbreaking' blog failing spectacularly, went down in flames in less than a month, how is former guy gonna reach out to his deranged base? Smoke signals? Morse code? Rhythmical farts sent over cell phone? It's a mystery.

Serves him right, trying to overthrow a free and fair election and inciting an insurrection. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

like i asked, but you continue to confirm, you're not good at this, are you?
Poor baby. FB just announced they're keeping boo-boo former guy off the platform for at least two more years.

With his 'groundbreaking' blog failing spectacularly, went down in flames in less than a month, how is former guy gonna reach out to his deranged base? Smoke signals? Morse code? Rhythmical farts sent over cell phone? It's a mystery.

Serves him right, trying to overthrow a free and fair election and inciting an insurrection. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

The Hungarian Halfwit: An Orange Man Journey In Pictures













What the **** role does Hunter hold in the government? Run along and check on that for me. Unlike the former guy, who brought his entire ******* family into the fold, including his daughter and son-in-law in key advisory roles. While you're digging up the facts on this, why not let us all know how much money Kushner & Ivanka made these past four years?


Ivanka Trump Actually Isn’t Earning a Cent by Working at the White House​

Or the amount of money former guy charged USSS for the use of his properties.

Did you develop a lisp?


Or the money they made through GOP events at his hotels. Do you have any idea? I doubt it. Nepotism & corruption at its finest.

Nothing. I have explained this to you several times already, you imbecile.

The hotels are owned by a corporation with a huge number of shareholders. The money paid to the corporation is not HIS; it belongs to the corporation. If you were not an idiot parroting stupid **** from Media Matters, you might learn something.
Not sure where to drop this, but this type of mentality is winning mentality. Young lady crushes it. Bravo.

You guys are the best. My wife has been checking in on my in my office because I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe. I showed her your posts and she's dying as well. Tibs...keep being you, entertainment at it's finest. What a ******* idiot. the great comedic acts of all time don't get this kind of mockery and idiocy.
You guys are the best. My wife has been checking in on my in my office because I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe. I showed her your posts and she's dying as well. Tibs...keep being you, entertainment at it's finest. What a ******* idiot. the great comedic acts of all time don't get this kind of mockery and idiocy.

Sign her up!!!!!!!!! We will treat her with respect.