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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Oh, and asking for a friend - did Hunter Biden declare as income the flights on Air Force 2 to China and Europe for business deals? The accommodations would be equivalent to better than first class, the value total must exceed $10,000 so I'm guessing he had to declare that as income, given the Weisselberg rule.

How about Nancy's relatives given rides on government planes, and eating expensive meals on the government dime?

Pelosi's trip to Italy and Ukraine from July 30 to Aug. 6, 2015, cost the Air Force $184,587.81, according to documents released Saturday under a 2015 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit by Judicial Watch. ... Four family members, including Pelosi's husband Paul Pelosi, were on the trip. The delegation dined at restaurants including James Beard American Restaurant in Milan, where a five-course meal cost up to $190, according to Fine Dining Lovers. The lawmakers also toured the Vatican and met up with Italian dignitaries, including President Sergio Mattarella and then-Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, according to their itinerary.

Beginning in 2009, after the media failed to follow up on concerns raised about Nancy Pelosi's use of luxury Air Force jets to travel between her congressional district and DC, Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information act requests exposed her abuse of this travel perk. Judicial Watch uncovered that Pelosi's military travel cost the United States Air Force $2,100,744.59 over one two-year period – $101,429.14 of which was for in-flight expenses, including food and alcohol. ... It goes to show just how right President Trump was to cut off the government spigot for her – and those reported 93 relatives she was taking with her to Brussels, Afghanistan, and Egypt

93 relatives enjoying luxury travel on our dime. (Not Tiborat's, though, since he is not paying our taxes.) I'm sure Nancy's family members declared that as income, right? I mean, it's our tax dollars paying for extravagant vacations for them.

Where is LeTeYShA JaYmEs?

Liberals ... so incredibly stupid, they make everybody else feel smart.
Somewhere there is a 2 year-old girl whose mother is a stripper, whose father is a crackhead, and whose grandfather is the President of the United States.
Fact check that, *******.
Tiborat - stupid, empty moron with nothing of substance.

Idiot says, "Ooh, you are going to wear the whitewashing around your neck." I provide at least eight examples of that very idiot ranting on and on about demonstrable, proven lies to make the point he is not a good source for finger wagging.

Same idiot then stupidly prattles on about some asinine "did not declare value of apartment as taxable income" indictment of not-Trump. Takes me ten minutes to come up with irrefutable examples of political hangers-on getting considerable value, undoubtedly never declared as income, to make the point obvious to everybody with an intellect greater than a housefly that the entire thing is bullshit, theater, unequal treatment because Orange Man Bad. As expected, the same idiot who has been caught going on and on and on and on about proven lies fails the "intellect greater than a housefly" test and is unable to understand the point.

Tiborat ... I am going to pray for you and hope you get better.

Nahhh, I hope your ****** life continues to be ******, because you deserve it.
As I wrote, it's a start.
A start? So now we are just going to go through companies and properties of people we don't like, investigate them endlessly because "they must have done something wrong" until we find something, no matter how thin, to charge somebody with? That's not a slippery slope at all. If that's the new standard of justice in America, we're all ******. Hope it doesn't come to visit you.

Any objective person can see that this is all politically motivated. I know there's not a lot of objectivity in politics, but saying this stuff is on the up and up is hogwash. If Trump never becomes President, none of this happens. Trump has been operating in and around New York for decades. Now all of a sudden, they're interested in his business dealings. If this guy was such a criminal, why did it take him becoming President to get law enforcement to investigate? I'll tell you why. After a number of investigations and two failed impeachments, they can't go home empty handed. they have to get SOMETHING. So now they're on a fishing expedition.

I could give **** all about Trump. But this sort of **** does not bode well for America in the future.
Well said Sarge.

The fact that half the country doesn't clearly see this is mind blowing. Similar reaction.....

If this guy was such a criminal, why did it take him becoming President to get law enforcement to investigate? I'll tell you why. After a number of investigations and two failed impeachments, they can't go home empty handed. they have to get SOMETHING. So now they're on a fishing expedition.

I could give **** all about Trump. But this sort of **** does not bode well for America in the future.

That is exactly why I provided two examples of (D)imbos and their family getting vast amount of non-declared income with no resulting investigation, indictments, etc. Those two - I recalled basically off the top of my head - and hundreds, likely thousands, of other examples prove that the Trump organization investigations are revenge looking for a crime, a blatant example of unequal justice.

And some find that just fine, a perfect way to do business. Some examples:

A start? So now we are just going to go through companies and properties of people we don't like, investigate them endlessly because "they must have done something wrong" until we find something, no matter how thin, to charge somebody with? That's not a slippery slope at all. If that's the new standard of justice in America, we're all ******. Hope it doesn't come to visit you.

Any objective person can see that this is all politically motivated. I know there's not a lot of objectivity in politics, but saying this stuff is on the up and up is hogwash. If Trump never becomes President, none of this happens. Trump has been operating in and around New York for decades. Now all of a sudden, they're interested in his business dealings. If this guy was such a criminal, why did it take him becoming President to get law enforcement to investigate? I'll tell you why. After a number of investigations and two failed impeachments, they can't go home empty handed. they have to get SOMETHING. So now they're on a fishing expedition.

I could give **** all about Trump. But this sort of **** does not bode well for America in the future.

As was said yesterday by others in other forums....

How many bankers were sent to prison after the banking crisis that destroyed the NATION? You guessed it, zero.

These so called "crimes" the accountant will go to prison for are petty things no one is ever criminally charged for. Ever. In addition, the total $ they are talking about spread out over the time period (like a 19 year period)...when annualized, and after removing the education he paid for for others that is NOT taxable, the amount that "slid" by was $5-$10k year.

That's the crime folks. A $5-$10K annual miscalculation. Less than a rounding error for a man worth billions.

Someone goes to jail over this when no one ever has before. Hell yeah, this was 100% political war....using the courts to attack your political enemies. No different than using Congress to impeach, using the IRS to target conservative groups, using the FBI to spy. Democrats are weaponizing the Government against their opposition.

If they can come after him for pennies....they certainly can come after you as well.
Trump filling arenas > Biden filling Depends.
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"But, but, but it's Tiborat who keeps posting in this thread, his TDS keeps him constantly pre-occupied. He can't let go, not us. He's the one who's posting in here about Trump rallies, keeping this thread alive."

"But, but, but it's Tiborat who keeps posting in this thread, his TDS keeps him constantly pre-occupied. He can't let go, not us. He's the one who's posting in here about Trump rallies, keeping this thread alive."

Booted pulling up in his van. 🤡:ROFLMAO:

Nice try...My van is a chevy
And the results are in, yoo hoo! Survey says... ugh, never mind, don't look, just scroll right past.

Bottom five all time, really? Damn. Reading this board you'd get a totally different notion about this. So strange, wonder why that is?
