set the slaves free?
set the slaves free?
This is beautiful. Watch what happens to a Salon reporter who showed up at CPAC. Read/watch all the Tweets.
Vladimir Putin personally authorised a secret spy agency operation to support a “mentally unstable” Donald Trump in the 2016 US presidential election during a closed session of Russia’s national security council, according to what are assessed to be leaked Kremlin documents.
The key meeting took place on 22 January 2016, the papers suggest, with the Russian president, his spy chiefs and senior ministers all present.
They agreed a Trump White House would help secure Moscow’s strategic objectives, among them “social turmoil” in the US and a weakening of the American president’s negotiating position.
"The report – 'No 32-04 \ vd' .... says Trump is the 'most promising candidate' .... There is a brief psychological assessment of Trump ... as an 'impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex.'"
The expert report appears to confirm the Kremlin possesses kompromat on Donald Trump, secretly collected during his many visits to Moscow. It refers to “certain events” that happened during his stay "on Russian Federation territory". No dates or locations are given
The document discusses the damage western sanctions have inflicted on the Russian economy. It concludes the Kremlin can best destabilise the US by backing the “impulsive” and “mentally unstable” Trump, a person with conservative views and an “inferiority complex”
So, I'd say you should be on board with the audits and ensuring that foreign leaders are unable to interfere in our elections, no?Five years has passed, nothing has changed. All roads lead to Putin & Russia with former guy. Yawn, tell me something I didn't know, back in 2016.
Kremlin papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in White House
Exclusive: Documents suggest Russia launched secret multi-agency effort to interfere in US
Exclusive: Documents suggest Russia launched secret multi-agency effort to interfere in US democracy
And look at where we are. America is in the midst of the very definition of 'social turmoil.' Putin succeeded to cut America at her knees by helping Trump at every bend, turn Americans against each other, accelerate the process of Americans not having faith in the country's institutions, election system or news media. In turn, all of this has helped destabilize & kneecap the country, primarily by turning Americans against Americans, and call into question the legitimacy of our elections, as we see play out here on the board each and every day.
What a ******* travesty.
So, I'd say you should be on board with the audits and ensuring that foreign leaders are unable to interfere in our elections, no?
If DT was a useful idiot, why didn't Vlad get The Donald re-elected???
Because Americans, who were rather flaccid about Hillary, rose together as one to bring it home for Joe Biden ...
Because Americans, who were rather flaccid about Hillary, rose together as one to bring it home for Joe Biden, ending former guy's pathetic reign and ****-curbing him as a failed, twice-impeached, one-term President.
Yeah, that's the ticket, the energy, the love, the absolute frenzy (D)imbos had for Beijing Joe
Because Americans, who were rather flaccid about Hillary, rose together as one to bring it home for Joe Biden, ending former guy's pathetic reign and ****-curbing him as a failed, twice-impeached, one-term President.
Tiborat continues with his penis-envy comedy!
All I can say at this point, with this latest leak from Putin & the Kremlin: