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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Jen Psucki:

"Here's how me and other upper middle class white ladies handle problems ..."
My thought is they want to question them under oath because they are on a fishing expedition. They don't have anything, so they are hoping they perjure themselves. That's my thinking anyway. If they had anything it would have been leaked and leading the news from then til now. Who knows? That's my thinking anyway.

I've lost track how many fishing expeditions there are at this point, but the fish ain't biting.

I've lost track how many fishing expeditions there are at this point, but the fish ain't biting.

Another sham prosecution fails.
I can't believe how the Dems flippantly abuse our justice system.
This abuse should be a capital offense.
Jen Psucki:


Russia Russia Russia!
and.........the 2024 Republican nominee is..........
Desantis for VP?
He's doing such a good job I don't know if Florida will let him go.
Trump is crushing it at CPAC right now.

After hearing all these feckless, inept and corrupt pieces of **** the past year (and beyond), it was definitely a breath of fresh air. And the gloves are completely off.
What's the scoop with that?

It's real. It was from like 2014 and she was standing next to the Russian foreign affairs minister at the time I think, and John "swift boat" Kerry. I should've posted both pics but it's definitely real.
It's real. It was from like 2014 and she was standing next to the Russian foreign affairs minister at the time I think, and John "swift boat" Kerry. I should've posted both pics but it's definitely real.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where our powers that be are in cahoots with the commies. Both sides of the isle I'm sure but definitely more on the dem side. Otherwise it would have never gotten to this point.. I mean Obama and Hillary sold the guy rights to our uranium, Biden killed our energy independence and gave Putin a green light to their pipeline...Id really like to know how deep our government is involved with Russia and China..
Gotta circle back this morning. I usually am gone by now but after reading this "AT" article, it fell right into this thread.

The Economic Balloon That May Finally End Progressive Leftism​

One can postpone the fatal effects of violating the Law of Gravity by jumping from a high building (as opposed to jumping from a low one), but that postponement lasts only until the instant one meets the pavement. Believing you can fly by flapping your arms still ends in disaster. Thinking one can control economies, prices, and the environment by violating the laws of economics is just as mad. I compare economics to a water-filled balloon. When you squeeze the economy’s balloon here, it must pop out over there.

The energy policies of progressives and leftists are aimed at cutting fossil fuel use and driving us to alternative sources. Even if we believe there are viable solutions, that transition will take decades. In the meantime, people must drive to work, and trucks still need to stock grocery stores. Interim replacement energy must come from somewhere, so shortages merely increase prices for no good reason, except perhaps to punish us.

When President Biden took office last year, the US was a net exporter of energy, and gasoline prices were low. Biden immediately reversed many US regulations; drilling permits; the Keystone pipeline; and ANWAR, all while greenlighting the Nord Stream pipeline in Europe. That’s the one that helps Russia sell its energy to Europe.

So, Joe, is energy good or bad? Or does it only depend on the venue? Our shortfall again makes us dependent on foreign energy, importing around 700,000 barrels per day just from Russia!

Russia’s GDP is heavily dependent on energy sales. When we were a net energy exporter, we had them over a figurative “barrel” because Russia’s breakeven price for oil production is $69/bbl (2021 figure). Below that, Putin struggles. With the price now approaching $100/bbl—again, because of the balloon—Russia is flush enough to invade Ukraine. All because of Biden—the same Biden who approached OPEC last November and requested they pump more oil to help us out...to fix a problem he had caused. Just insane.

And this oil price rise is also increasing the oil wealth of Iran, our next crisis pariah. So, Biden squeezed the balloon to follow the insanity of the climate alarmists and, by doing so, made the world many times worse. But of course, if you ask a progressive, there is no causal relationship between these issues.



  • 1646315441123.png
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Just 100% correct...
That sounds so crazy it just might work!

15 – Suzanne Coleman – Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.

Was she the one that her husband/ boyfriend insisted it was murder and his body was found on her grave shot in the back of the head and ruled a suicide too? Its hard to keep all of the shotgun to the back of the head suicides connected to the Clintons straight… so many of them
Was she the one that her husband/ boyfriend insisted it was murder and his body was found on her grave shot in the back of the head and ruled a suicide too? Its hard to keep all of the shotgun to the back of the head suicides connected to the Clintons straight… so many of them
Shitload of skeletons in HillarynBill's closets. Best not go poking around in there.
Moron grifters who never worked a day in their lives, grift off the taxpayer + bribes:

"Buy electric cars! We get ours for freeee!!!"

Guy who makes electric cars:

"We need to pump more oil."