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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Drove halfway across the state and back over the last couple days. In Central PA you see lots of homemade signs, billboards, and trailers in the fields next to the Turnpike for Trump, GOP gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano, and some guy named Brandon, no last name. Did not see a single sign for a Democrat.
Drove halfway across the state and back over the last couple days. In Central PA you see lots of homemade signs, billboards, and trailers in the fields next to the Turnpike for Trump, GOP gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano, and some guy named Brandon, no last name. Did not see a single sign for a Democrat.
When you see that in Philly, I'll have hope for the future.

Trump Hits Fox News, Paul Ryan​

Paul Ryan

Former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
By Eric Mack | Sunday, 05 June 2022 01:41 PM



Former President Donald Trump has picked up his criticisms of a pair of targets he once considered conservative allies: Fox News and former Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan.
Trump's aim at Ryan comes after the former Wisconsin representative suggested Republicans lacked the "guts" to vote to impeach the former president. Trump called Ryan a RINO (Republican in name only) and "a pathetic loser."
"Did anyone notice that Fox News went lame (bad!) when weak RINO Paul Ryan, who is despised in the great state of Wisconsin for being 'a pathetic loser,' went on the Fox board," Trump wrote Saturday on his Truth Social account. "They won't even talk about an obviously rigged 2020 presidential election, not even a mention.

"That's why our country is going to hell – elections have consequences."
Trump called for Fox News board to give Ryan the boot.
"Get Ryan off your board and report the News as it should be reported," Trump's rebuke concluded.
"And stop taking negative ads from the perverts, and others!!!"
When you see that in Philly, I'll have hope for the future.
Well, Philly is paying almost $5 for gas and out of baby formula too.
Well, Philly is paying almost $5 for gas and out of baby formula too.
And they're damn happy about it too. If Trump wasn't usurped and the Senate vote was not also mangled, they'd be paying $6 for gas and Putin would have his way in Europe...No wait...
And we be killing folks left and right. So much they call it “mass killings now”. **** mass my ***, just a typical weekend here
More gun laws are racist. If they actually enforce them they will have to arrest a disproportionate number of minorities.
So yesterday was SC’s republican primary. In one of the races, Nancy Mace beat Katie Arrington, and Arrington was “completely and totally” endorsed by Trump.

This morning on the Kelly Golden show, Arrington backers were upset. What was astonishing was the number of conservatives calling in to say they were voting for the democrat candidate in the general to keep Mace from winning.

Look I might be upset my candidate lost, but there is nothing, and I mean nothing that is going to get me to vote for a democrat. Not in this lifetime.