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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

No, Biden’s just the alternative to overthrowing democracy and installing a dictatorship. That’s good enough for me.

Oh geez this tired liberal "threat to democracy" **** again.
Our system of government makes it impossible for a dictatorship to exist.

It cannot however completely safeguard us from you socialist demonrats.
The party that thought it was a good idea to nominate and elect Trump is now desperately wanting him to go away… and you call liberals NPCs? 😂
That's correct. The irony here is that you gave an example of objective thinking you dork. lol

Electing Trump turned out to be a good idea. He did much of what he promised; however, many do not see him as being electable in 2024..
Thinking objectively, you do it with an open mind, considering the facts rather than your personal feelings..

That does not define you and liberalism. Your personal feelings take precedence over logic and reason.
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Oh geez this tired liberal "threat to democracy" **** again.
Our system of government makes it impossible for a dictatorship to exist.

It cannot however completely safeguard us from you socialist demonrats.
SMH. If the government is overthrown, then the system of that government ceases to exist.
SMH. If the government is overthrown, then the system of that government ceases to exist.
it is not a democracy, moron.

Can you name one government, anywhere, anytime, that was overthrown because it was treating its people well?
That's correct. The irony here is that you gave an example of objective thinking you dork. lol

Electing Trump turned out to be a good idea. He did much of what he promised; however, many do not see him as being electable in 2024..
Thinking objectively, you do it with an open mind, considering the facts rather than your personal feelings..

That does not define you and liberalism. Your personal feelings take precedence over logic and reason.
😂 Many don’t see Trump as electable? That’s putting it quite nicely.

Many refuse to vote for the candidates he endorses. That’s a cancer. You lost elections you had no business losing.

We tried to warn you that it was a bad idea to back Trump and you would eventually regret it. That has happened. To deny it proves you can’t look at the situation objectively.
it is not a democracy, moron.

Can you name one government, anywhere, anytime, that was overthrown because it was treating its people well?
WTF? So anytime a government has been overthrown, the lives of people improved?

Go play army with your gravy seal friends.
SMH. If the government is overthrown, then the system of that government ceases to exist.
Oh wow. Trump is a now a threat to overthrow the government.

Do you know what TDS is? You have it.
There is no limit to how far you people will reach.
Not really. A bunch of stupid cunts sitting in prison and one dead one learned that the hard way.

Amendment VI​

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

how long have these "stupid cunts" been sitting in prison without trial, and why are you ok with Ray Epps being a free man?
I remember when people bought pet rocks.
I still have the one my grandmother made me for Christmas in the early 70's...She found some rocks, painted them gold, wrote our names on them and gave them to us one Christmas..
We all thought it was the coolest thing ever :)
The woman was a saint... Italian immigrant whose husband left them and she didn't have much at all.... being the oldest son, Dad had to quit high school to go to work to support the family..
Despite this she put on the best Christmas Eve feasts (7 fishes, etc) and family celebrations ever!
I know if there is a heaven...she is there, and I hope to see her again one day,

Thanks Iron for stirring up these memories...
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Amendment VI​

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

how long have these "stupid cunts" been sitting in prison without trial, and why are you ok with Ray Epps being a free man?
You really need to take up this cause and have a loud voice in doing so. You’ll get a lot of sympathy and it’ll pay off in 2024!
You really need to take up this cause and have a loud voice in doing so. You’ll get a lot of sympathy and it’ll pay off in 2024!
my apologies for insulting your inability to develop a rational thought without being spoonfed.
my apologies for insulting your inability to develop a rational thought without being spoonfed.
Want a speedy trial? Don’t be a stupid **** and commit a crime with a few thousand others and have many of them video record it on their phones. It creates a lot of evidence for the prosecution to gather.
Want a speedy trial? Don’t be a stupid **** and commit a crime with a few thousand others and have many of them video record it on their phones. It creates a lot of evidence for the prosecution to gather.
diply, follow along as slowly as you can to ensure you're grasping this.

none - as in zero - have had a trial or seen the inside of a court room to face their charges.

The amendment stated above ensures a quick and speedy trial. Constitutional right. You're all for Constitutional rights until you're against them. Ever bite your forked tongue from speaking out of both sides of your mouth?
@Steeltime - is this normal legal proceedings for people to wait in excess of a year and half to receive a trial?
Want a speedy trial? Don’t be a stupid **** and commit a crime with a few thousand others and have many of them video record it on their phones. It creates a lot of evidence for the prosecution to gather.
How many people entered the building? And what crime did a few thousand people commit? And what does any of that have to do with Amendment VI? The point is these peoples' constitutional rights were violated. For trespassing!
The point is these peoples' constitutional rights were violated.

That's unarguable. It's point of fact. As sure as the sun rises in the east, water is wet, and Shortbus has brain damage.
diply, follow along as slowly as you can to ensure you're grasping this.

none - as in zero - have had a trial or seen the inside of a court room to face their charges.

The amendment stated above ensures a quick and speedy trial. Constitutional right. You're all for Constitutional rights until you're against them. Ever bite your forked tongue from speaking out of both sides of your mouth?
I explained it to you. Are you trying to argue that the gathering of evidence isn’t a valid reason to delay a trial? Provide a source that states that, I’ll wait.
I explained it to you. Are you trying to argue that the gathering of evidence isn’t a valid reason to delay a trial? Provide a source that states that, I’ll wait.
A year and a half? You can't even tell us what their crime was. Most of them entered a building....PERIOD! The police let them in! Have you ever entered a building? Lets lock your *** up for a year and a half!
A year and a half? You can't even tell us what their crime was. Most of them entered a building....PERIOD! The police let them in! Have you ever entered a building? Lets lock your *** up for a year and a half!
Please do share your belief that no crimes were committed with as many people as possible!