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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Trump made CNN his *****. Actually they’ve always been his *****, he just reaffirmed it tonight with a kidney punch. Pucker up *****, you got taken to the woodshed. CNNLOL!!!
Will do, soon as they're up for impeachment, or criminal indictment. ✔️

Dems love to call everything a threat to democracy. Now they are planning to remove a duly elected Republican and replace him with a Dem that goes directly against the will of the people. That's not a threat to democracy though.
Anyone who watched the 3-ring-circus on CNN last night and wants to hand the presidency back to this crazed lunatic, is truly disengaged from reason & reality. I get it, Biden's not your cup of tea... but come on. For the sake of the country, let's hope a decent, pragmatic, responsible candidate steps forward from the field. It won't happen. And if it's Trump vs. Biden, this country deserves what's coming. I'd consider voting for an alternative, Biden is beyond old at this point. But I'd vote for a 120-year-old Biden over this madman, if that's what the election looks like. Politics sucks right now stateside /duh. Would be good to hit the reset button on both sides of the aisle. Not just with presidential candidates, but also move past the status quo in Congress. Again, in both parties. America deserves better.
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Also, congrats to Trump & his handlers. This was an A++ victory for Trump, that he was allowed to walk all over CNN on live television, in front of an enthusiastic, jeering MAGA crowd. He made absolute mincemeat out of Kaitlan Collins & CNN, made them look like utter fools. Credit where credit is due. Next year in November, if enough Americans want this madness & belligerence to define the nation, are convinced that bringing Trump back is the best course of action, to reinsert this level of chaos & insanity to the WH, so be it. The fact the GOP evidently feels this way speaks volumes. If it's a chaos agent you desire, it's a chaos agent you will get. We shall reap what we sow.
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Also, congrats to Trump & his handlers. This was an A++ victory for Trump, that he was allowed to walk all over CNN on live television, in front of an enthusiastic, jeering MAGA crowd. He made absolute mincemeat out of Kaitlan Collins & CNN, made them look like utter fools. Credit where credit is due. Next year in November, if enough Americans want this madness & belligerence to define the nation, are convinced that bringing Trump back is the best course of action, to reinsert this level of chaos & insanity to the WH, so be it. The fact the GOP evidently feels this way speaks volumes. If it's a chaos agent you desire, it's a chaos agent you will get. We shall reap what we sow.
The Devil bowed his head because he knew that he'd been beat
And he laid that golden fiddle on the ground at Johnny's feet
Also, congrats to Trump & his handlers. This was an A++ victory for Trump, that he was allowed to walk all over CNN on live television, in front of an enthusiastic, jeering MAGA crowd. He made absolute mincemeat out of Kaitlan Collins & CNN, made them look like utter fools. Credit where credit is due. Next year in November, if enough Americans want this madness & belligerence to define the nation, are convinced that bringing Trump back is the best course of action, to reinsert this level of chaos & insanity to the WH, so be it. The fact the GOP evidently feels this way speaks volumes. If it's a chaos agent you desire, it's a chaos agent you will get. We shall reap what we sow.
We want this disruptor. The Bush Family, Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, McConnels are all selling American sovereignty to enrich their family. We're ******* tired of it, all of it. And these powerful interests are fighting like Hell to keep him out of their profiteering and proliferation from/of this country. Look, I get it, He is a pompous prick and I can't stand his grandiose bragging bullshit and conceited outlook on everything. But he is the only guy outside of Desantis that pushes back on the power elite trying to sell off American interests and kill the country.
Trump was a Democrat for about 45 years before he switched. Other democrats happily cashed his donations. Clinton, kamala. Now they hate him. CNN ratings are very low. Trump is a draw. They paid him a lot of money for this appearance.
We have a mugshot. The face of the MAGA GOP in 2023. ‘Tis what Trump has done to your daddy’s Republican party. A party neither Reagan nor Lincoln would recognize.

Weird. He doesn’t have that arrogant look on his face anymore.

View attachment 10929
He looks like the bullied kid thinking to himself “This isn’t what mommy had in mind when she dressed me today.”
Look, I get it, He is a pompous prick and I can't stand his grandiose bragging bullshit and conceited outlook on everything.
If only he was that. He’s sociopathic narcissist with a delusional outlook on everything. Definitely not someone you want to be POTUS.
If only he was that. He’s sociopathic narcissist with a delusional outlook on everything. Definitely not someone you want to be POTUS.
As opposed to what? Like the current President who set up shell corporations and took MILLIONS of dollars from Ukraine and China? They dont just give away money for free ya know. The bill is due and now we're in a proxy war in Ukraine pumping BILLIONS of dollars and our military inventory and China is now our PIMP and us Ho's better get in line.

This isn't a left or right issue and that is why many of us on the board give you and Tibs a rash of ****. You call us MAGA and far right and every other tag the left has you both hating and it's the furthest from the truth for many of us. We want someone in the Whitehouse to put a stop to this fleecing of America. If that means putting a narcissist in office then so be it, but we can't keep putting these elitist asshats in office who answer to no one but their corporate overlords, both Republicans and Democrats.
If only he was that. He’s sociopathic narcissist with a delusional outlook on everything. Definitely not someone you want to be POTUS.
You know who else was a sociopathic narcissist? George S Patton. And your stupid liberal politicians tried to get rid of him in the middle of a war that we could very well have lost. Thank God somebody cared more about their country than their fragile feelings.
You know who else was a sociopathic narcissist? George S Patton. And your stupid liberal politicians tried to get rid of him in the middle of a war that we could very well have lost. Thank God somebody cared more about their country than their fragile feelings.
Here’s what General James Mattis, who Trump described as being the closest thing to Patton, had to say about Trump…

How is Trump’s rape trial going, did that start this week? Still reeling from 34 felony counts in Manhattan. The Georgia election fraud case should be heating up soon, same w Jack Smith special counsel investigation(s). When the leader of your party is a criminal facing charges from all quarters, tough to run for the highest office and claim you are qualified for the job. ‘Tis the bed you made… 🤷‍♂️
Shouldn't you be asking the same of the man actually "running" er ruining the Country? He is accused of actually abusing his elected office for profit and selling out our Country. Shouldn't that be your focus not the trial and tribulations of man not in office? It won't matter who is President next the way things are going.
I never compared Mattis to anyone, Trump compared Mattis to Patton. What’s so hard to understand about that?
So What? We all agree that Trump said some stupid ****. At least he knows what country he is in.

Mattis left his post because he disagreed with an order. EVERY military personnel know to never abandon your post no matter what.

Mattis was pissed about Lafeyette? Maybe he should ask the residents and shop keepers how they feel about it. Someone needed to keep it under control. No one else was going to.