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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

What a ******* giant douchebag.

You only had a problem with it because it was Trump. The left treated McCain the same way they treated Trump until his no vote, at which time he became a liberal folk hero.
WTF are you talking about? Links?
No more than you are for disrespecting the likes of John Kerry and Pete Buttigieg.
Serious question here, that I know will not, or possibly cannot be answered.

What has John Kerry or Pete Buttigieg ever done to earn your respect of them? Marrying Teresa Heinz doesn't count.
Serious question here, that I know will not, or possibly cannot be answered.

What has John Kerry or Pete Buttigieg ever done to earn your respect of them? Marrying Teresa Heinz doesn't count.
Didn't John Kerry drive semi trucks during the Korean war for Swift Transportation or something like that?
Somewhere along the line he became an expert on climate.
Stop. You saw how they treated McCain during his presidential run. Just like they did Romney and Trump. And just like they’ll do to whoever runs for the Republican nomination in the future. It’s ok. Everyone knows already. You can say it out loud.
Fail. Trump said McCain wasn’t a war hero because he got captured and called him a “******* loser” after he died. Please provide proof democrats said anywhere close to the same.
Serious question here, that I know will not, or possibly cannot be answered.

What has John Kerry or Pete Buttigieg ever done to earn your respect of them? Marrying Teresa Heinz doesn't count.
Neither one is a narcissistic sociopath.
Neither one is a narcissistic sociopath.
Again, evading the question, just as you twisted what Sarge said about how McCain, or any Republican was treated by the left when running for the Presidency.
McCain only became your darling when he voted down the repeal of Obamacare. My question to you had nothing to do with any person other than Kerry and Buttigieg, both of which you brought into the conversation, yet you chose to do a whataboutism, and resort to name calling, saying at least they aren't narcissistic sociopaths. Sarge only mentioned Trump, as well as Romney, in regard to how they were treated, much like McCain, with they ran for the office of President.
Again, evading the question, just as you twisted what Sarge said about how McCain, or any Republican was treated by the left when running for the Presidency.
McCain only became your darling when he voted down the repeal of Obamacare. My question to you had nothing to do with any person other than Kerry and Buttigieg, both of which you brought into the conversation, yet you chose to do a whataboutism, and resort to name calling, saying at least they aren't narcissistic sociopaths. Sarge only mentioned Trump, as well as Romney, in regard to how they were treated, much like McCain, with they ran for the office of President.
Awfully easy for the pawn to champion McCain at this point. If he came back to life and shed his Rhinoism, he'd be a rediscovered *******. Neither are going to happen so they'll carry on with the fake accolades.

I’ll give you credit here.

Liberals and conservatives have both served and fought. I’ll say thanks, but I am not going to kiss your ***.

Wasn’t Ted Nugent a draft dodger?

Both sides can be entertaining after a couple of brews tbh
Was Ted Nugent old enough to doge the draft?
Was Ted Nugent old enough to doge the draft?
Probably. He's older than me and due to my birth month I was one of the first people to have to register under the new non-draft system
Conservatives aren't allowed to avoid an illegal and unjust war?
As I recall both Bruce Springsteen and Frank Sinatra failed their draft physicals.
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Probably. He's older than me and due to my birth month I was one of the first people to have to register under the new non-draft system
Conservatives aren't allowed to avoid an illegal and unjust war?
As I recall both Bruce Springsteen and Frank Sinatra failed their draft physicals.
Frank was drunk...Bruce has an IQ of 10
Musta struck a nerve.

Actually, it makes sense. When you're despised by your own mom, hated by your wife, who's a mom, reviled by your daughter, who's also a mom... you're not going to wish any women in your life a Happy Mother's Day. Because you're a pathetic, deranged ********** full of hatred and bile, who only wants to see the world burn. Perfectly normal & acceptable for MAGAs, par for the course.
Actually, it makes sense. When you're despised by your own mom, hated by your wife, who's a mom, reviled by your daughter, who's also a mom... you're not going to wish any women in your life a Happy Mother's Day. Because you're a pathetic, deranged ********** full of hatred and bile, who only wants to see the world burn. Perfectly normal & acceptable for MAGAs, par for the course.
You know Trump personally, do you? Or are you just regurgitating CNN bullshit?
Didn't John Kerry drive semi trucks during the Korean war for Swift Transportation or something like that?
He probably did.
The majority of these politicians and influencers are great on telling Americans how to choose a side but have never experienced struggle to what it means to pick a side.

Combat vets and the hard working Americans who are struggling pay check to pay check, those who have brought themselves up to better themselves all get told what to do by pompous ********
You know Trump personally, do you? Or are you just regurgitating CNN bullshit?
What’s to know? Would you find that Mothers Day message normal for ANYONE to post? It’s the latest incident in a long line of bizarre behavior from Trump.
Didn't John Kerry drive semi trucks during the Korean war for Swift Transportation or something like that?
he was the truck driver that Biden often refers to.
Actually, it makes sense. When you're despised by your own mom, hated by your wife, who's a mom, reviled by your daughter, who's also a mom... you're not going to wish any women in your life a Happy Mother's Day. Because you're a pathetic, deranged ********** full of hatred and bile, who only wants to see the world burn. Perfectly normal & acceptable for MAGAs, par for the course.
