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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

What’s to know? Would you find that Mothers Day message normal for ANYONE to post? It’s the latest incident in a long line of bizarre behavior from Trump.
God your petty!

Here is what I care about:
A secure boarder
My grocery bill
The price of gasoline
A strong military
Not getting in a war with China or Russia
Grade school kids getting indoctrinated by fags
Out of control crime
Here is what I care about:
A secure boarder
My grocery bill
The price of gasoline
A strong military
Not getting in a war with China or Russia
Grade school kids getting indoctrinated by fags
Out of control crime

Yet, you're a Trump supporter, who is an absolute chaos agent; a disruptor, instigator, agitator, antagonizer... who's hellbent on tearing America apart at the seams. Go figure. How many more impeachments and special counsel investigations do you want to sit through... 3, 4, 5, 6?
Yet, you're a Trump supporter, who is an absolute chaos agent; a disruptor, instigator, agitator, antagonizer... who's hellbent on Saving America.
Fixed it for you. I can't argue the first part. He is absolutely all those things as well as egotistical, narcissistic, crude and an all around *** most of the time. Despite all that he is usually right and that is what pisses you off the most. He isn't the "person" I want as President but he is the a necessary evil to counter the absolute mindless nonsense from the current left.
Elections: Election day in AZ, and more than half of the precincts (all R districts) had issues with tabulators and printers. Fortunately, mine did not, but it did take 12 full days before my vote was recognized. Nothing to see here, right? It worked like a well oiled machine. Smoooooth.....
Same old, same old. Until the GOP uproots & gets rid of the MAGA menace from its ranks, we’re right back to square one in 2024.

I'm sure they'll be charged with treason and obstructing democracy in the United States.

Gold, Jerry! Gold! :ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO:

Been missing MAGA criminal cases involving an astonishing amount of corruption, deceit & duplicity, along with lurid, sordid, criminal sexual offenses? Rudy Giuliani, come on down…

$2M in cash for pardons, split 50/50 between Trump & Rudy? And there are receipts? This’ll be good. Nothing to see here, MAGAs, just typical presidential stuff from your esteemed leader & his crew.
Yet, you're a Trump supporter, who is an absolute chaos agent; a disruptor, instigator, agitator, antagonizer... who's hellbent on tearing America apart at the seams. Go figure. How many more impeachments and special counsel investigations do you want to sit through... 3, 4, 5, 6?
Did he hurt your feelings?
What's funny is the posts I see on social media from Dems I know talking about how much better things used to be, conveniently forgetting that Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush were the Presidents at the time.

500 pages, is this longer than the Dri Archer thread now?
Yet, you're a Trump supporter, who is an absolute chaos agent; a disruptor, instigator, agitator, antagonizer... who's hellbent on tearing America apart at the seams. Go figure. How many more impeachments and special counsel investigations do you want to sit through... 3, 4, 5, 6?
John Durham says hello.
What's funny is the posts I see on social media from Dems I know talking about how much better things used to be, conveniently forgetting that Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush were the Presidents at the time.

500 pages, is this longer than the Dri Archer thread now?
go check out cnn.com
they're not even reporting on this. just an analysis and burying it.
John Durham says hello.

Excellent thread on Durham Report by former US Atty Barb McQuade, if there’s anyone left on the board sane enough to read & comprehend it.

1 Durham Report is in. After four years, review of 1 million documents, 490 interviews, his conclusion is that FBI should have opened a preliminary investigation (PI) instead of a full investigation (FI) in 2016.

2 The only difference between FI and PI is the duration and the authorities that may be used. This is a hairsplitting quibble, and one on which FBI officials routinely disagree.

3 Durham also minimizes the reasons FBI was alarmed enough to open a FI in 2016 based on information received from Australian diplomats about Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos.

4 According to Aussies, Papadopoulos said, “Trump team had received some kind of suggestion from Russia that it could assist this process with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to Mrs Clinton.”

5 Papadopoulos’s statement came right after the DNC hack. FBI was properly concerned about Russia’s efforts to influence the presidential election. This was an investigation into RUSSIA.

6 Trump had other concerning ties to Russians: real estate deals, Miss Universe Pageant, loans from Russian lenders, Trump Tower Moscow project. Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort had lobbied for pro-Russian oligarchs.

7 Trump campaign members also had ties to Russia. Mike Flynn was paid $45,000 by Russia Today in 2015 for a speech he gave at a banquet where he sat next to Putin. He later lied to FBI about his calls with the Russian ambassador about sanctions during the transition.

8 Carter Page had been seen meeting with Russian intel officers. It now appears that he was unaware that they were trying to recruit him. Papadopoulos worked to set up a meeting with Putin.

9 Durham criticizes the FBI for relying on the Steele Dossier for the Carter Page FISA. Steele Dossier was not the basis for opening the investigation, but it makes for a useful scapegoat to blur that fact.

10 We now know FBI was unable to corroborate the Steele Dossier, which contained explosive details about Russian kompromat on Trump. That’s 20/20 hindsight. And, importantly, Durham never says the information in it was false, just unconfirmed.

11 In fact, some aspects of Steele Dossier were confirmed by Mueller and DNI: Putin favored Trump and was working to influence the election in Trump’s favor and against Clinton. It also contained unconfirmed information that could have seriously compromised Trump as president.

12 Failing to investigate these ties would have been a breach of duty by FBI. This was an investigation into RUSSIA. Russia was the threat and the focus. Trump was just Russia’s useful idiot.

13 Page FISA also was based on an e-mail altered by an FBI lawyer. That lawyer was identified by IG, not Durham, and he was properly convicted for making false statements. Mueller disregarded all aspects of Page FISA.

14 In addition to criticizing the FBI for opening a FI instead of a PI, Durham also ignores other facts and helps advance the narrative that the Russia investigation was a hoax.

15 Like Barr, Durham says Mueller found no conspiracy between Trump and Russia but fails to mention the 2016 Trump Tower meeting to receive dirt on Clinton, sharing of polling data with Russian intel officer Konstantin Kilimnik, and coordinating of messaging with Wikileaks.

16 Durham also ignores Trump’s public statement, “Russia, if you’re listening …” asking them to find Clinton’s missing emails, and the subsequent release of hacked emails hours after the release of the Access Hollywood tape.

17 The result of Durham’s four-year investigation is two failed prosecutions of bit players outside of government and a recommendation for FBI to hire someone to oversee their FISA work.

18 But the Durham Report provides fuel for the false claim that the Russia probe was a hoax. Don’t fall for it. While Mueller found no conspiracy, he concluded that Russia worked to help Trump become president.

19 And rather than report Russia’s overtures to FBI, Trump’s campaign was willing to accept the help.

20 The only winner here is Russia, which succeeded in its mission to get its favored candidate elected, sow discord in the United States, and undermine public trust in American institutions.
Excellent thread on Durham Report by former US Atty Barb McQuade, if there’s anyone left on the board sane enough to read & comprehend it.

1 Durham Report is in. After four years, review of 1 million documents, 490 interviews, his conclusion is that FBI should have opened a preliminary investigation (PI) instead of a full investigation (FI) in 2016.

2 The only difference between FI and PI is the duration and the authorities that may be used. This is a hairsplitting quibble, and one on which FBI officials routinely disagree.

3 Durham also minimizes the reasons FBI was alarmed enough to open a FI in 2016 based on information received from Australian diplomats about Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos.

4 According to Aussies, Papadopoulos said, “Trump team had received some kind of suggestion from Russia that it could assist this process with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to Mrs Clinton.”

5 Papadopoulos’s statement came right after the DNC hack. FBI was properly concerned about Russia’s efforts to influence the presidential election. This was an investigation into RUSSIA.

6 Trump had other concerning ties to Russians: real estate deals, Miss Universe Pageant, loans from Russian lenders, Trump Tower Moscow project. Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort had lobbied for pro-Russian oligarchs.

7 Trump campaign members also had ties to Russia. Mike Flynn was paid $45,000 by Russia Today in 2015 for a speech he gave at a banquet where he sat next to Putin. He later lied to FBI about his calls with the Russian ambassador about sanctions during the transition.

8 Carter Page had been seen meeting with Russian intel officers. It now appears that he was unaware that they were trying to recruit him. Papadopoulos worked to set up a meeting with Putin.

9 Durham criticizes the FBI for relying on the Steele Dossier for the Carter Page FISA. Steele Dossier was not the basis for opening the investigation, but it makes for a useful scapegoat to blur that fact.

10 We now know FBI was unable to corroborate the Steele Dossier, which contained explosive details about Russian kompromat on Trump. That’s 20/20 hindsight. And, importantly, Durham never says the information in it was false, just unconfirmed.

11 In fact, some aspects of Steele Dossier were confirmed by Mueller and DNI: Putin favored Trump and was working to influence the election in Trump’s favor and against Clinton. It also contained unconfirmed information that could have seriously compromised Trump as president.

12 Failing to investigate these ties would have been a breach of duty by FBI. This was an investigation into RUSSIA. Russia was the threat and the focus. Trump was just Russia’s useful idiot.

13 Page FISA also was based on an e-mail altered by an FBI lawyer. That lawyer was identified by IG, not Durham, and he was properly convicted for making false statements. Mueller disregarded all aspects of Page FISA.

14 In addition to criticizing the FBI for opening a FI instead of a PI, Durham also ignores other facts and helps advance the narrative that the Russia investigation was a hoax.

15 Like Barr, Durham says Mueller found no conspiracy between Trump and Russia but fails to mention the 2016 Trump Tower meeting to receive dirt on Clinton, sharing of polling data with Russian intel officer Konstantin Kilimnik, and coordinating of messaging with Wikileaks.

16 Durham also ignores Trump’s public statement, “Russia, if you’re listening …” asking them to find Clinton’s missing emails, and the subsequent release of hacked emails hours after the release of the Access Hollywood tape.

17 The result of Durham’s four-year investigation is two failed prosecutions of bit players outside of government and a recommendation for FBI to hire someone to oversee their FISA work.

18 But the Durham Report provides fuel for the false claim that the Russia probe was a hoax. Don’t fall for it. While Mueller found no conspiracy, he concluded that Russia worked to help Trump become president.

19 And rather than report Russia’s overtures to FBI, Trump’s campaign was willing to accept the help.

20 The only winner here is Russia, which succeeded in its mission to get its favored candidate elected, sow discord in the United States, and undermine public trust in American institutions.
the ****?

his report clearly states that there was NO correlating evidence between Trump and Russia and that there should not have been an investigation launched. at all.
"Still in a passage of the report that is certain to be highlighted by the former GOP president for political purposes, he argued that neither US law enforcement officials nor the intelligence community appears to have had “any actual evidence of collusion” before investigating Trump. And the special counsel also criticized the FBI’s use of the Steele dossier, a now largely debunked document that was used by the FBI to secure surveillance warrants against a former Trump campaign adviser."

Quote from the most trusted source of news, CNN.

Ironic that they have to preface the quote with Trump using the decision for political purposes, when that's exactly what they are doing instead of just reporting the facts.
Last edited:
Same old, same old. Until the GOP uproots & gets rid of the MAGA menace from its ranks, we’re right back to square one in 2024.

View attachment 10968
Label and divide again. Typical playbook of the left, the hate and intolerance is on the left and in this very statement. How do you not see it? It also contradicts itself with Democratic traditions but admits it isn't a democracy. Our tradition is to overthrow an oppressive dictatorial government and that is exactly what the Democrats are trying to institute yet claim it is the other side.
Excellent thread on Durham Report by former US Atty Barb McQuade, if there’s anyone left on the board sane enough to read & comprehend it.

1 Durham Report is in. After four years, review of 1 million documents, 490 interviews, his conclusion is that FBI should have opened a preliminary investigation (PI) instead of a full investigation (FI) in 2016.

2 The only difference between FI and PI is the duration and the authorities that may be used. This is a hairsplitting quibble, and one on which FBI officials routinely disagree.

3 Durham also minimizes the reasons FBI was alarmed enough to open a FI in 2016 based on information received from Australian diplomats about Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos.

4 According to Aussies, Papadopoulos said, “Trump team had received some kind of suggestion from Russia that it could assist this process with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to Mrs Clinton.”

5 Papadopoulos’s statement came right after the DNC hack. FBI was properly concerned about Russia’s efforts to influence the presidential election. This was an investigation into RUSSIA.

6 Trump had other concerning ties to Russians: real estate deals, Miss Universe Pageant, loans from Russian lenders, Trump Tower Moscow project. Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort had lobbied for pro-Russian oligarchs.

7 Trump campaign members also had ties to Russia. Mike Flynn was paid $45,000 by Russia Today in 2015 for a speech he gave at a banquet where he sat next to Putin. He later lied to FBI about his calls with the Russian ambassador about sanctions during the transition.

8 Carter Page had been seen meeting with Russian intel officers. It now appears that he was unaware that they were trying to recruit him. Papadopoulos worked to set up a meeting with Putin.

9 Durham criticizes the FBI for relying on the Steele Dossier for the Carter Page FISA. Steele Dossier was not the basis for opening the investigation, but it makes for a useful scapegoat to blur that fact.

10 We now know FBI was unable to corroborate the Steele Dossier, which contained explosive details about Russian kompromat on Trump. That’s 20/20 hindsight. And, importantly, Durham never says the information in it was false, just unconfirmed.

11 In fact, some aspects of Steele Dossier were confirmed by Mueller and DNI: Putin favored Trump and was working to influence the election in Trump’s favor and against Clinton. It also contained unconfirmed information that could have seriously compromised Trump as president.

12 Failing to investigate these ties would have been a breach of duty by FBI. This was an investigation into RUSSIA. Russia was the threat and the focus. Trump was just Russia’s useful idiot.

13 Page FISA also was based on an e-mail altered by an FBI lawyer. That lawyer was identified by IG, not Durham, and he was properly convicted for making false statements. Mueller disregarded all aspects of Page FISA.

14 In addition to criticizing the FBI for opening a FI instead of a PI, Durham also ignores other facts and helps advance the narrative that the Russia investigation was a hoax.

15 Like Barr, Durham says Mueller found no conspiracy between Trump and Russia but fails to mention the 2016 Trump Tower meeting to receive dirt on Clinton, sharing of polling data with Russian intel officer Konstantin Kilimnik, and coordinating of messaging with Wikileaks.

16 Durham also ignores Trump’s public statement, “Russia, if you’re listening …” asking them to find Clinton’s missing emails, and the subsequent release of hacked emails hours after the release of the Access Hollywood tape.

17 The result of Durham’s four-year investigation is two failed prosecutions of bit players outside of government and a recommendation for FBI to hire someone to oversee their FISA work.

18 But the Durham Report provides fuel for the false claim that the Russia probe was a hoax. Don’t fall for it. While Mueller found no conspiracy, he concluded that Russia worked to help Trump become president.

19 And rather than report Russia’s overtures to FBI, Trump’s campaign was willing to accept the help.

20 The only winner here is Russia, which succeeded in its mission to get its favored candidate elected, sow discord in the United States, and undermine public trust in American institutions.

Damn! That left a mark!
neither US law enforcement officials nor the intelligence community appears to have had “any actual evidence of collusion” before investigating Trump