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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

After Years of Political Hype, the Durham Inquiry Failed to Deliver​

A dysfunctional investigation led by a Trump-era special counsel illustrates a dilemma about prosecutorial independence and accountability in politically sensitive matters.

The limping conclusion to John H. Durham’s four-year investigation of the Russia inquiry underscores a recurring dilemma in American government: how to shield sensitive law enforcement investigations from politics without creating prosecutors who can run amok, never to be held to account.

At a time when special counsels are proliferating — there have been four since 2017, two of whom are still at work — the much-hyped investigation by Mr. Durham, a special counsel, into the Russia inquiry ended with a whimper that stood in contrast to the countless hours of political furor that spun off from it.

Mr. Durham delivered a report that scolded the F.B.I. but failed to live up to the expectations of supporters of Donald J. Trump that he would uncover a politically motivated “deep state” conspiracy. He charged no high-level F.B.I. or intelligence official with a crime and acknowledged in a footnote that Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign did nothing prosecutable, either.

Predictably, the report’s actual content — it contained no major new revelations, and it accused the F.B.I. of “confirmation bias” rather than making a more explosive conclusion of political bias — made scant difference in parts of the political arena. Mr. Trump and many of his loyalists issued statements treating it as vindication of their claims that the Russia inquiry involved far more extravagant wrongdoing.

"The Durham Report spells out in great detail the Democrat Hoax that was perpetrated upon me and the American people,” Mr. Trump insisted on social media. “This is 2020 Presidential Election Fraud, just like ‘stuffing’ the ballot boxes, only more so. This totally illegal act had a huge impact on the Election.”

Mr. Trump’s comparison was unintentionally striking. Just as his and his supporters’ wild and invented claims of election fraud floundered in court (Fox News also agreed to pay a $787.5 million settlement for amplifying lies about Dominion Voting Systems), the political noise surrounding Mr. Durham’s efforts ultimately ran up against reality.

In that sense, it was less that Mr. Durham failed to deliver and more that Attorney General William P. Barr set him up to fail the moment he assigned Mr. Durham to find evidence proving Mr. Trump’s claims about the Russia investigation.
Love it when President Biden gets angry. Good. You tell ‘em, Joe.
I'm waiting for him to wig out and say that MAGA Republicans need to be rounded up and put in concentration camps and ovens.
Also that China pays him more than we do.
I'm waiting for him to wig out and say that MAGA Republicans need to be rounded up and put in concentration camps and ovens.
Tibs just read your post. He'll reply in a little while.

We have known this since 2016 and yet we have done nothing about it. We are not men of the caliber of the Founding Fathers. George Washington would be leading troops in the field already.
Agreed. Some people should be swinging with trees
Did Laura Ingraham really get canned at FoxNews? Saw a blurb earlier. Damn, first Tucker, now this. Both can easily move over to MAGA's new network, CNN, now run by billionaire Trump donor John Malone & Trump fanboy CEO Chris Licht. Or one of the other wretched, far-right channels, OANN or NewsMax. Who says the right doesn't get airtime in America? They pretty much own the airwaves nowadays. How the world's turned. Guess MAGAs can't point to media bias any longer, will have to find a new scapegoat for all that ails them. 🤷‍♂️

After Years of Political Hype, the Durham Inquiry Failed to Deliver​

A dysfunctional investigation led by a Trump-era special counsel illustrates a dilemma about prosecutorial independence and accountability in politically sensitive matters.

Great, you cherry pick the NY Times. Now there's a reputable source.

Seek the truth for a change rather than seek out what conforms to your ignorant bias you knuckle dragging Hungarian.

Or how about this one from the Wall St. Journal:

The Durham Report Finds Bad Apples Have Spoiled the FBI​

Or from CNN. You approve of this outfit don't you?

John Durham concludes FBI never should have launched full Trump-Russia probe​

Or the Washington Compost:

The Durham report is a damning indictment of the FBI — and the media​

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And the actual, real-world fallout from the Durham report? The long list of criminal indictiments that Trump & MAGA dumbasses have been screaming about for years? Nada. Not a single thing came out of four years of wasting taxpayers' money to desperately try to substantiate dumbfuck Trump's belligerent claims. Same with all the cries of election fraud & stolen election in 2020. All deception, lies & rants. Oh well, what's new?
And the actual, real-world fallout from the Durham report? The long list of criminal indictiments that Trump & MAGA dumbasses have been screaming about for years? Nada. Not a single thing came out of four years of wasting taxpayers' money to desperately try to substantiate dumbfuck Trump's belligerent claims. Same with all the cries of election fraud & stolen election in 2020. All deception, lies & rants. Oh well, what's new?
You should be scared by the lack of arrests not applauding it. If you were having to live here you might be.
And the actual, real-world fallout from the Durham report? The long list of criminal indictiments that Trump & MAGA dumbasses have been screaming about for years? Nada. Not a single thing came out of four years of wasting taxpayers' money to desperately try to substantiate dumbfuck Trump's belligerent claims. Same with all the cries of election fraud & stolen election in 2020. All deception, lies & rants. Oh well, what's new?
And the actual, real-world fallout from the Durham report? The long list of criminal indictiments that Trump & MAGA dumbasses have been screaming about for years? Nada. Not a single thing came out of four years of wasting taxpayers' money to desperately try to substantiate dumbfuck Trump's belligerent claims. Same with all the cries of election fraud & stolen election in 2020. All deception, lies & rants. Oh well, what's new?
Just reinforces our view that there is one system for Democrats and another for Republicans.
To sum up the day:

• National Archives proves Trump knew he couldn't declassify docs with his mind
• Trump's documents lawyer quit
• Erik Prince indicted for arms smuggling
• Laura Ingraham fired? (unconfirmed)
• FBI agents had clearances revoked for being pro insurrection
• Durham report turns out to be a big, fat nothingburger

74 million voted for Trump, 81 million for Biden. Around 80 million Americans couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. If we want to salvage the nation from the far-right MAGA threat and the apocalyptic return of President Numbnuts, folks better wake up and get their ***** to the polls in 2024.
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74 million voted for Trump, 81 million for Biden. Around 80 million Americans couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. If we want to salvage the nation from the far-right MAGA threat and the apocalyptic return of President Numbnuts, folks better wake up and get their ***** to the polls in 2024.
You are half right just worried about the wrong side. How anyone could even think about voting for a Democrat after the debacle that is Bidens administration is beyond me. Guess that's why everyone running against Biden is pretty much up in the polls. Even Trump. Biden, not Trump is the disaster Tibs. Trump is just an *** living your in your head as the boogeyman. They have you so you brainwashed to hate Trump you cheer on the ruination of the Country simply out of hate for the orange man. Good job.
74 million voted for Trump, 81 million for Biden. Around 80 million Americans couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. If we want to salvage the nation from the far-right MAGA threat and the apocalyptic return of President Numbnuts, folks better wake up and get their ***** to the polls in 2024.
"we" nothing. that "we" doesn't include you. Yes, you were born here but have lived the majority of your adult life in Hungaristan. Thus, you have absolutely zero personal experience with what is going on in this country. None. You dismiss the repeated tales here from a variety of different people, but cling to your confirmationed bias' brother's opinion since it echoes yours.

and this is why you flippantly dismiss Durham's report.

because it unequivocally states that Trump was NOT connected to the Russians (which you screeched about for months and months) and as such should not have been investigated by Bomma's FBI.

and that you do this shows how detached you are to what is going on in THIS country.
cling to your confirmationed bias' brother's opinion since it echoes yours.

Lol, my brother's a lifelong Republican who voted for Trump 2x. My connection stateside is as strong as ever, as much as it pains you. No worries, keep your boogey-man vision of me intact, makes for an easier narrative. I get it. That's why I no longer fight it. Just don't let it keep you up at night.
Lol, my brother's a lifelong Republican who voted for Trump 2x. My connection stateside is as strong as ever, as much as it pains you. No worries, keep your boogey-man vision of me intact, makes for an easier narrative. I get it. That's why I no longer fight it. Just don't let it keep you up at night.
So, you're leaving now?
So, you're leaving now?
Nah, will stick around to torment your dark, wretched soul. Lol, some of you guys are certifiably nuts. Wish you nothing but the best. 🌞
Lol, my brother's a lifelong Republican who voted for Trump 2x. My connection stateside is as strong as ever, as much as it pains you. No worries, keep your boogey-man vision of me intact, makes for an easier narrative. I get it. That's why I no longer fight it. Just don't let it keep you up at night.
you spelled booger-eater incorrect, but I get your meaning.
74 million voted for Trump, 81 million for Biden. Around 80 million Americans couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. If we want to salvage the nation from the far-right MAGA threat and the apocalyptic return of President Numbnuts, folks better wake up and get their ***** to the polls in 2024.
Biden got 81 million votes.....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! :ROFLMAO:
When they have to count for four days they ain't counting they are manufacturing.