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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Depends on how, why and what. If it is a spurious politically motivated kangaroo court conviction then yes I am fine with it. If it is a legitimate conviction for real criminal charges not politically motivated I wouldn't vote for them. But legally speaking it isn't disqualifying.
Realizing that there isn't a single person in the country that doesn't already have an opinion on this, I can't see how Trump gets a fair trial.
It's possible the prosecution proves nothing, and he still gets convicted.
Realizing that there isn't a single person in the country that doesn't already have an opinion on this, I can't see how Trump gets a fair trial.
It's probable the prosecution proves nothing, and he still gets convicted.
One word needed fixed.
If they put Trump in jail the left is opening up a box they won’t be able to close…. They won’t like the fallout in the future when it’s their turn
I disagree. Nothing will happen. Joe just laughed in the face of every American when asked if he would turn over his bank records. He is above laws for commoners.
If they put Trump in jail the left is opening up a box they won’t be able to close…. They won’t like the fallout in the future when it’s their turn

You could stick 75% of them in jail for all kinds of **** much worse. Hell....they put Matha Stewart in jail for insider trading. If you did an audit on all of congress and their families, A LOT of people would go to jail for that alone.

The two standards,actually three standards of justice need to be one or just remove the law.

The democrats have the highest above the law standard, then republican, then all the rest of us peasants with no connections go right to jail.
I disagree. Nothing will happen. Joe just laughed in the face of every American when asked if he would turn over his bank records. He is above laws for commoners.

That should tell everyone we no longer have a government that governs and represents the people. We have rulers who are set above the rules.

You can't even truly impeach anyone without both sides of congress. You can pass it in the house,but you can't convict without the senate. So that's worthless other than saying you halfway impeached him.
They haven’t done **** so far with all the dims have done. I think they still wouldn’t. No balls.

Only one side will slander you,set you on fire and put you out with gasoline. They won't feel a damn bit bad about it either.

The party is above all things.

I wonder what party that is?
They haven’t done **** so far with all the dims have done. I think they still wouldn’t. No balls.
That's not why.

They're protecting themselves too. That's the piece you're missing. Trump threatens all of them, because they're all guilty.
Time was there was an unspoken rule that we won’t go after your guys and you don’t go after ours. Talk tough to appeal to the base but don’t actually do anything (Trey Gowdy, Lindsay Graham). Except with Trump that’s out the window and they’re going after your guy because they can’t beat him at the polls.
Time was there was an unspoken rule that we won’t go after your guys and you don’t go after ours. Talk tough to appeal to the base but don’t actually do anything (Trey Gowdy, Lindsay Graham). Except with Trump that’s out the window and they’re going after your guy because they can’t beat him at the polls.

And they know if they don't get him and he becomes president. He would absolutely go after as many of them as possible.

These ******* clowns on the very day they swear Biden go full press on undoing everything positive and helpful Trump did for the country.

It's all become completely repulsive and the entire thing needs a time out with a constitutional convention.

Good grief I saw yesterday Pelosi is going to run for reelection again and she's like 120 years old. They're so consumed by power and corruption they just won't let go. It certainly has zero to do with service to the country.

If you look at her district, it's done. Complete and total destruction.
Nancy is over 80 years old. Let's see if people really don't want legislators that old. I boldly predict she wins her seat again.
Nancy is over 80 years old. Let's see if people really don't want legislators that old. I boldly predict she wins her seat again.
Are you still suffering the delusion that We the People decide this s#!t?
Nancy is over 80 years old. Let's see if people really don't want legislators that old. I boldly predict she wins her seat again.
In CA the top two vote getters in the primary face off in November, regardless of party. This means in all the coastal counties that there are usually two Democrats who are trying to out-Left each other. One reason why CA is so F’d up.
Nancy is over 80 years old. Let's see if people really don't want legislators that old. I boldly predict she wins her seat again.

She is 83 years old. I don't get how anyone who has atleast a partially functioning brain could vote her back in.
We get to vote. It makes us feel better. It's like putting water on a Tesla fire. You feel good about taking some action. The action has no effect.
Exactly. Our representative government is kaputt. We don't even need foreign enemies. We've got an abundance right here committed to undoing the entire foundation this country was built on.