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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"


THE COUP DE'TAT OF AMERICA: Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump. Satellites being controlled from Italy added votes to Biden to defeat Trump. Joe Biden is not the lawful U.S. President.

Leonardo Aerospace, Defense and Security along with a U.S. State Department employee, the CIA, Italian Citizens and a Dominion Employee were all involved in the fraudulent stealing of the U.S. 2020 Presidential Election. Joe Biden, once installed as the unlawful President of the United States, orders Mateo Renzi the Former Prime Minister of Italy to take down the current Prime Minister of Italy Guiseppe Conte.

This is done by paying off Conte with millions of dollars in cash to keep him quiet. U.S. Federal Prosecutor John Durham has in his possession documents of evidence that shows Barack Obama illegally moved $400 Million dollars in cash on pallets through the Dubai Embassy with the help of the Italians. They stole $400 Million dollars from America and put the money into a Merrill Lynch account in Geneva Switzerland.

Those involved in these atrocious crimes have murdered five Italian government officials in March alone to cover up their crimes. We cannot let them get away with stealing the Presidency of America and murdering innocent people. We must fight for justice and restore the rightful President of the United States.
Pallets of cash delivered by plane. They used this delivery method other times too.

THE COUP DE'TAT OF AMERICA: Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump. Satellites being controlled from Italy added votes to Biden to defeat Trump. Joe Biden is not the lawful U.S. President.

Leonardo Aerospace, Defense and Security along with a U.S. State Department employee, the CIA, Italian Citizens and a Dominion Employee were all involved in the fraudulent stealing of the U.S. 2020 Presidential Election. Joe Biden, once installed as the unlawful President of the United States, orders Mateo Renzi the Former Prime Minister of Italy to take down the current Prime Minister of Italy Guiseppe Conte.

This is done by paying off Conte with millions of dollars in cash to keep him quiet. U.S. Federal Prosecutor John Durham has in his possession documents of evidence that shows Barack Obama illegally moved $400 Million dollars in cash on pallets through the Dubai Embassy with the help of the Italians. They stole $400 Million dollars from America and put the money into a Merrill Lynch account in Geneva Switzerland.

Those involved in these atrocious crimes have murdered five Italian government officials in March alone to cover up their crimes. We cannot let them get away with stealing the Presidency of America and murdering innocent people. We must fight for justice and restore the rightful President of the United States.

Well that's really of no surprise. The amount of treasonous people in the country is vast and deep.

The the amount of people who hate the country and what to fundamentally change it is growing.

Nothing has made that more apparent then this last few weeks in colleges around the country.

I never realized the ivy league schools were such hateful oppressive ********.

We're on a really, really bad trajectory here.
Pallets of cash delivered by plane. They used this delivery method other times too.

We have a lot of criminals in places of power who are untouchable. This stuff is what destroys republics.
If you combine that with an ever growing immoral population who devour everything indecent and wicked like a desert.

The line of what is now accepted in society has been pushed to the extreme. It's all about feelings and if it feels good do it.

THE COUP DE'TAT OF AMERICA: Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump. Satellites being controlled from Italy added votes to Biden to defeat Trump. Joe Biden is not the lawful U.S. President.

Leonardo Aerospace, Defense and Security along with a U.S. State Department employee, the CIA, Italian Citizens and a Dominion Employee were all involved in the fraudulent stealing of the U.S. 2020 Presidential Election. Joe Biden, once installed as the unlawful President of the United States, orders Mateo Renzi the Former Prime Minister of Italy to take down the current Prime Minister of Italy Guiseppe Conte.

This is done by paying off Conte with millions of dollars in cash to keep him quiet. U.S. Federal Prosecutor John Durham has in his possession documents of evidence that shows Barack Obama illegally moved $400 Million dollars in cash on pallets through the Dubai Embassy with the help of the Italians. They stole $400 Million dollars from America and put the money into a Merrill Lynch account in Geneva Switzerland.

Those involved in these atrocious crimes have murdered five Italian government officials in March alone to cover up their crimes. We cannot let them get away with stealing the Presidency of America and murdering innocent people. We must fight for justice and restore the rightful President of the United States.

And once again, nothing will be done. Wake me when any American involved in this is arrested.
Media doesn't cover it because of low turnout.

That's about the sum of it. I'd just like to clean the government out of **** heads selling us out to China and inflicting hardship that isn't needed.

Stop giving all of our money away while taxing and regulating us to death while operating in a negative trillions deficit every year.

Everyone should have a serious problem with the country being run into the ground.

We're a bunch of consumers and not producers. There's no good ending in the direction we're going.
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Did you live in the 80s? 🤣

It's a scientific fact. The average is way down. Bunch of spoiled little beta cunts growing up raised by girls minus men who get upset over micro aggressions..lol

I especially love the "It's not a cult, it's a revolution" part.

Obama exemplified everything cult. We had school children in classrooms literally singing his praises, Oprah calling him "The One". According to Jamie Foxx Obama was "Our Lord and Savior".

Trump is not our leader, he is our voice. That is not how cults work you f uc king liberal morons.