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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

they know that true Americans who love this country will vote for Trump and that they can’t win in a fair election. No one (except for the libtard commies) are going to fall for the Covid lie again and have the election flooded with fake ballots again, so they are doing everything they can to keep him from winning. It’s not going to work and they are ******. The storm is coming…

That is so very true and those things I'm aware of.
What I was asking was in which direction these court cases were heading. So do you think it's looking good for Trump ("winning")? Or does it look like he's doomed due to corrupt tyrannical system.?
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That is so very true and those things I'm aware of.
What I was asking was in which direction these court cases were heading. So do you think it's looking good for Trump ("winning")? Or does it look like he's doomed due to corrupt tyrannical system.?
He will win. The facts are coming out. The prosecutors colluded with the Biden White House before pressing charges. It’s all a scam, a lie like the Russia hoax and the phone call with Ukraine Horse-**** impeachment.
He will win. The facts are coming out. The prosecutors colluded with the Biden White House before pressing charges. It’s all a scam, a lie like the Russia hoax and the phone call with Ukraine Horse-**** impeachment.

I pray that you're right. What bothers me is the location of the trial, the Obama appointed judge, and the jury makeup. I'm afraid that facts won't matter to that bunch...as they don't to any liberals.
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I pray that you're right. What bothers me is the location of the trial, the Obama appointed judge, and the jury makeup. I'm afraid that facts won't matter to that bunch.
He's done. No way in hell the powers that be will allow it. We're ****** as a country and a society.
He's done. No way in hell the powers that be will allow it. We're ****** as a country and a society.
Thats the way I was leaning as well. Yet every time I happen listen to conservative talkers Travis and Sexton they include Trump in their discussions as to who the Republican nominee may be...as though he is just another candidate without taking into consideration that he may go to jail.
Thats the way I was leaning as well. Yet every time I happen listen to conservative talkers Travis and Sexton they include Trump in their discussions as to who the Republican nominee may be...as though he is just another candidate without taking into consideration that he may go to jail.
Jail implies fair hearings. He'll essentially be going to a concentration camp for political prisoners. At least if the powers that be have their way and they usually do
This is a "Trump winning" thread.
So does anyone believe Trump is winning these bullsh!t court cases ?

It's really hard for me to get the feel of what is going on.
He’s going to lose the one in New York. That judge pronounced him guilty, publicly, in court during opening arguments. How can you win on the merits when the guy deciding your fate has already pronounced your guilt?
He's done. No way in hell the powers that be will allow it. We're ****** as a country and a society.
This is what I’m saying. Been saying it from the start. They are going to put him in jail and he is going to go the way of Epstein. Hell, I’m surprised they haven’t offed him already. The left would cheer and the right would ***** about it on the internet. Either way, no one would be held accountable because no one is ever held accountable.
This is what I’m saying. Been saying it from the start. They are going to put him in jail and he is going to go the way of Epstein. Hell, I’m surprised they haven’t offed him already. The left would cheer and the right would ***** about it on the internet. Either way, no one would be held accountable because no one is ever held accountable.

Country is done. This is just another exclamation point.
Jail implies fair hearings. He'll essentially be going to a concentration camp for political prisoners. At least if the powers that be have their way and they usually do

It's funny other countries are pointing this our hypocrisy in our so called democratic republic.

Which is closer to a democracy because the rule of law doesn't apply to a party who means to rule. The constitution and our laws do not apply to them.

The current illegitimate administration should have been arrested and impeached on the border alone.
This is what I’m saying. Been saying it from the start. They are going to put him in jail and he is going to go the way of Epstein. Hell, I’m surprised they haven’t offed him already. The left would cheer and the right would ***** about it on the internet. Either way, no one would be held accountable because no one is ever held accountable.
He will have the secret service around him for the rest of his life.....
This is what I’m saying. Been saying it from the start. They are going to put him in jail and he is going to go the way of Epstein. Hell, I’m surprised they haven’t offed him already. The left would cheer and the right would ***** about it on the internet. Either way, no one would be held accountable because no one is ever held accountable.
I'm not surprised they haven't offed him for two reasons:

1. That would be the one thing that could lead to a BLM like response from the Doomsday preppers, even if the majority of conservatives would have minimal reaction;
2. I'm not entirely convinced Trump isn't a wolf in sheep's clothing/trojan horse.
Keep your chin up. Good prevails over evil.
It never does in the short term. Maybe in 50-75 years when this country is so far gone that another revolution is the only option. It is going to have to get sooooooooooooo much worse, and millions will have to die before people can be bothered.
This is what I’m saying. Been saying it from the start. They are going to put him in jail and he is going to go the way of Epstein. Hell, I’m surprised they haven’t offed him already. The left would cheer and the right would ***** about it on the internet. Either way, no one would be held accountable because no one is ever held accountable.

Perhaps offing him could backfire. Trump is a highly public figure and the hatred and controversy surrounding him every American is aware of. Offing him would look suspicious as hell, whereas Epstein and the others offed were more obscure, making killing them easier to pull off and get away with..

But you're right, the left would cheer..... even if they believed it was a government plot, applaud it as job well done. They are pure evil.

He will have the secret service around him for the rest of his life.....
Just like JFK had SS for his whole life. They killed him in front of the world.
I'm not surprised they haven't offed him for two reasons:

1. That would be the one thing that could lead to a BLM like response from the Doomsday preppers, even if the majority of conservatives would have minimal reaction;
2. I'm not entirely convinced Trump isn't a wolf in sheep's clothing/trojan horse.
No. It may lead to more grumbling on the internet but expect nothing more out of a group of people while they're still fat and happy.
Offing him would look suspicious as hell, whereas Epstein and the others offed were more obscure, making killing them easier to pull off and get away with..
I don’t think they care because no one is going to do anything about it anyway. They know it. No one in government is concerned with the response of the citizens because we’ve proven we won’t respond. Honestly, what do they have to fear?
2. I'm not entirely convinced Trump isn't a wolf in sheep's clothing/trojan horse.
You mean like a democrat plant? I’ve thought that years ago, but it’s pretty plain to see his ego would never allow him to be somebody’s lackey. Either that, or he’s the best actor in the history of acting. And if he’s that good of an actor, I know a whole lot of fools falling for it.
That’s not going to age well. See me in November.
IDK Indy, the hate is strong with this. Given a choice between Trump and Biden, I will vote for the former.
Problem is the general public has been programed to believe that the man is pure evil and will vote for a demented fool just to keep him out of office.
And of course that's assuming there won't be any shenanigans in counting the votes.
That’s not going to age well. See me in November.
Normally the party in charge loses numbers in off cycle elections. That didn’t really happen, because people really didn’t give a ****. 24 will be no different. Then add in all the shenanigans too.