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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Assuming Trump wins and DeSantis wants to run in '28, it would make sense to accept the VP role if offered.
But I don't see him attracting any more voters than Trump would get anyway.
Tulsi Gabbard maybe?
This can't be true. I've seen Joe break out in a jog on his way up to podiums. He looks chipper. His young staff complain because he is hard to keep up with.

They called a lid at 10 a.m. the other day.
Please tell me it isn't true that McConnell is asking republicans not to make a border deal because Trump wants to have it as an election issue. I read that was the case in another article but cannot find an article directly quoting McConnell or any republican for that matter.

If it turns out to be true, I've cast my last vote for Republicans and Trump. The open border is a huge problem, and it needs fixed. Now. Today. Not in a week, not in a month and not in a year. You cannot call it a national security crisis and then do nothing about it because you wanna play politics.

I hope it isn't true.
Please tell me it isn't true that McConnell is asking republicans not to make a border deal because Trump wants to have it as an election issue. I read that was the case in another article but cannot find an article directly quoting McConnell or any republican for that matter.

If it turns out to be true, I've cast my last vote for Republicans and Trump. The open border is a huge problem, and it needs fixed. Now. Today. Not in a week, not in a month and not in a year. You cannot call it a national security crisis and then do nothing about it because you wanna play politics.

I hope it isn't true.
I agree...Big issue for me if true...

But McConnell's involvement kind of puts a damper on the Big Mean Orange Man being involved..
That guy does not want anything to do with Donald J. Trump, so it could be a political maneuver..

Remember...its 2024 and there's a big thing happening in 10 months...
Yinz ain't seen nothing yet!!
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Please tell me it isn't true that McConnell is asking republicans not to make a border deal because Trump wants to have it as an election issue. I read that was the case in another article but cannot find an article directly quoting McConnell or any republican for that matter.

If it turns out to be true, I've cast my last vote for Republicans and Trump. The open border is a huge problem, and it needs fixed. Now. Today. Not in a week, not in a month and not in a year. You cannot call it a national security crisis and then do nothing about it because you wanna play politics.

I hope it isn't true.
Yep, it needs fixed now, it needed fixed 4 years ago as well, but playing politics is all they do. Not going to vote R, then you can't vote D either because they've been playing this game as well, and for a lot longer.
Yep, it needs fixed now, it needed fixed 4 years ago as well, but playing politics is all they do. Not going to vote R, then you can't vote D either because they've been playing this game as well, and for a lot longer.
There's no scenario in the world where I vote D. Ever. Kooks, the lot of them. I'll vote independent or write in Mickey Mouse. I can't vote for this nonsense anymore. It's petty, it's stupid, and it's dangerous. It needs to stop.
The enemy is much better organized than our government. They are on the move while our government fights among themselves about what to do.
Please tell me it isn't true that McConnell is asking republicans not to make a border deal because Trump wants to have it as an election issue. I read that was the case in another article but cannot find an article directly quoting McConnell or any republican for that matter.

If it turns out to be true, I've cast my last vote for Republicans and Trump. The open border is a huge problem, and it needs fixed. Now. Today. Not in a week, not in a month and not in a year. You cannot call it a national security crisis and then do nothing about it because you wanna play politics.

I hope it isn't true.

You can rest assured any deal made screws us. It's been an intentional border action from the get go.

For God's sake, they're sending feds to cut barbed wire being put up by Texas.

And Texas is saying **** you we will put it right back if you do. I believe we have over 20 states supporting Texas, some are sending National Gaurd troops to help.

This has been 100% political from the get go.

Don’t be sheep who believe Fake News. Everyone knows that border security is Trump’s thing.
Please tell me it isn't true that McConnell is asking republicans not to make a border deal because Trump wants to have it as an election issue. I read that was the case in another article but cannot find an article directly quoting McConnell or any republican for that matter.

If it turns out to be true, I've cast my last vote for Republicans and Trump. The open border is a huge problem, and it needs fixed. Now. Today. Not in a week, not in a month and not in a year. You cannot call it a national security crisis and then do nothing about it because you wanna play politics.
I hope it isn't true.
do you really believe this?
When you really look at what happens in Washington, do you think it makes much difference who is in charge?
Mind you, I would never vote for a D, unless perhaps they actually were sane, and a fiscal conservative. Not likely, I know.

But just look at the situation at the Texas border with the Potato Head tearing down the razor wire. Why does the Republican controlled House allow it?
They do control the purse strings and simply not fund it, but they don't.
When you really look at what happens in Washington, do you think it makes much difference who is in charge?
Mind you, I would never vote for a D, unless perhaps they actually were sane, and a fiscal conservative. Not likely, I know.

But just look at the situation at the Texas border with the Potato Head tearing down the razor wire. Why does the Republican controlled House allow it?
They do control the purse strings and simply not fund it, but they don't.

I have given up all hope in Washington. They're worthless corrupt money sucking self serving scumbags.

It's your state and local governments that mean the most. If they're messed up then you're totally screwed and must relocate to one that isn't.
So much for that bit of fake news.


Donald J. Trump


The illegal Aliens that are pouring into our Country are taking over our cities and attacking our police. They are forming gangs, and they are tough. Close the Border, you do not need a ridiculous Border Bill that will allow 5000 people into our Country a day. Call it the “Stupid Bill” and make sure it doesn’t get passed. It will make things MUCH WORSE. CLOSE THE SOUTHERN BORDER, NO BILL NECESSARY!!!
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