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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

They WANT violence to erupt. They're counting on it.
The anti-American globalist commie libtards poked the bear. They ****** around and now they’re about to find out.
Ok, so that idea is out.
.That kind of unity to **** over the man is easier to attain. You just need the right messenger with a big platform.

If people want **** to change in a civil manner ,then you have to get creative.
I read an article this morning claiming these MAGA's will be burning down the country because of the verdict. It won't happen, but that's the narrative that's being pushed.
Stay calm, maybe open up your wallet and gain satisfaction in November.

That's not the way we operate. If you actually saw that on a large scale I'd say the **** had completely hit the fan and it's fully on to the government replacement program in the constitution.

While I may think that's possibly inevitable, it's still a long long way off from being a reality. It would take A LOT.

That can't be said for our violent destructive lawless leftist friends.
And yet somehow, through the miracle of professional gaslighting, they’re gonna tell us that Joe Biden got 86 million votes and Trump got 77 million and that this election was on the up and up just like 2020.

Forgive me for being so cynical and having so little faith in America, but I was alive since 2015 and have seen all the things that have happened, and even if Trump were to win I’d think our government had some sinister ulterior motive for allowing it.
And yet somehow, through the miracle of professional gaslighting, they’re gonna tell us that Joe Biden got 86 million votes and Trump got 77 million and that this election was on the up and up just like 2020.

Forgive me for being so cynical and having so little faith in America, but I was alive since 2015 and have seen all the things that have happened, and even if Trump were to win I’d think our government had some sinister ulterior motive for allowing it.
well, if "we" burn down every building in the country, "we" can get AOC's Green New Deal started!
I said it after the last "election".
There will never be another "election". Only selections.
And now criminal referral for Hunter and James. Is it getting hot in DC?
I said it after the last "election".
There will never be another "election". Only selections.
It was already like that for a while until Trump came along and peed in the punch bowl.
Things were running smooth for the Deep State until Americans ordered off the menu in 2016 and now they must be punished.
Prepare to be oppressed by: low taxes, no war, a closed border, no censorship, a better economy, low gas prices and low grocery prices.
What about cushy Federal jobs or businesses tied to same? Can you imagine how govt cutbacks will affect those who have gotten fat sucking off the govt test for years? Where will it leave them?