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The string pullers for AOC want war in the Left - getcher popcorn ready

The gift that keeps giving....AOC says republicans amended the Constitution so FDR could not be re-elected. Yeah. One problem with that, dummy.

She's so damn ignorant. The guy was dead. Regardless of whatever Congress passes for constitutional amendments it must be ratified by 3/4ths of the states.

Stick that in your super majority *** you window licking commie dingbat.

I can't believe tax dollars are paying this nitwit a 6 figure salary.
Her handlers tell her what to say. She messes it up every time. It's funny to watch an affirmative action college graduate that can't even follow instructions. Your tax dollars at work.
Her handlers tell her what to say. She messes it up every time. It's funny to watch an affirmative action college graduate that can't even follow instructions. Your tax dollars at work.

Unfortunately, there are people that believes what she says, and applauds it. Let's hope that they are too stupid to find their voting location on election day.
Unfortunately, there are people that believes what she says, and applauds it. Let's hope that they are too stupid to find their voting location on election day.

Man, there were people in that audience nodding along to her every word. To some folks, if she is saying something bad about Republicans, it must be true.
Man, there were people in that audience nodding along to her every word. To some folks, if she is saying something bad about Republicans, it must be true.

Trog was halfway back toward the left.
The left don't think. They emote. Their herd can't negotiate anything more.

Any reparations scheme would be impossible to implement. The law suits alone would bring down the Republic. Oh, wait. That's the agenda.

How would these lunatics 'structure' reparations? The worst numbers on 'slaveholders' had 8% of the households in the US owning slaves at the time of the Civil War. The US population is tenfold at this point. It isn't even possible to 'structure' reparations. Most people's people weren't here then. Mine weren't. I/they/we have ZERO 'ownership' of slavery. Zero.

But that isn't the point. The point is to destroy the Republic. And 'reparations' is but another 'front'.

Keep in mind that these lunatics are the political descendants of those who fired on FT. Sumpter. Ironic that they'd be campaigning for reparations. Its the same party with unbroken lineage the whole way back.

Another thing to consider is that according to Pew Research there were 4.2 million black immigrants living in this country in 2016, but that doesn't reflect on blacks who had emigrated post Civil War.

Of the 13 million blacks in the US today, you wonder how many of those had ancestors who arrived post Civil War. I tried finding data on that but couldn't.
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President Trump jokes 'young bartender' Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal will get him re-elected

President Donald Trump referred to Democratic firebrand Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as the “young bartender” on Tuesday night, pleading with GOP lawmakers not to kill her Green New Deal proposal before he gets the chance to run against it in 2020.

“The Green New Deal done by a young bartender, 29 years old,” Trump said at a fundraising dinner Tuesday night for the National Republican Congressional Committee. “A young bartender, wonderful young woman, the Green New Deal. The first time I heard it I said, ‘That's the craziest thing.’”

House Republicans raised $23 million at last night's dinner

It's a beautiful thing to see so many of you with your panties in a bunch over Ocasio-Cortez.

Just goes to show how feeble, insecure and impotent conservatives have become under Trump.

The harder the Trump base goes after and attacks AOC - including Fox News - just makes her stronger and even more relevant.

Job well done gents. Kudos for helping highlight the liberal, progressive cause. Politicians like AOC are indeed working on making America great, so on her behalf, appreciate the attention and support. Keep up the good work!

It's a beautiful thing to see so many of you with your panties in a bunch over Ocasio-Cortez.

Just goes to show how feeble, insecure and impotent conservatives have become under Trump.

The harder the Trump base goes after and attacks AOC - including Fox News - just makes her stronger and even more relevant.

Job well done gents. Kudos for helping highlight the liberal, progressive cause. Politicians like AOC are indeed working on making America great, so on her behalf, appreciate the attention and support. Keep up the good work!


Come on man pay attention. We are making fun of her. She is a complete moron. What was the vote for her Green deal ? 0-247

Yeah that’s fear alright. Just watch her videos, she is so stupid.
The harder the Trump base goes after and attacks AOC - including Fox News - just makes her stronger and even more relevant.

I know, right? Compare the horrible treatment the meanies at ABC, CBS, NBC, WaPo, NYT, CNN, etc. have given her, compared to the kid glove treatment Trump receives!!

Politicians like AOC are indeed working on making America great, so on her behalf, appreciate the attention and support.

Can you admit she is as dumb as a can of dog food? Seriously, let's highlight some things this idiot has actually said:

  • "How is Columbus Day a holiday but Election Day not?"
  • "Unemployment is low because people are working 80 hours a week and have two jobs."
  • A 17-year-old can walk into a shop and purchase an assault weapon
  • Israel is "occupying" Palestine.
  • "We’re about to hit a trillion dollars in debt because of the corporate tax cuts."
  • The $3 Billion in tax breaks that Amazon was going to get should be used for other funding like teachers and subway upgrades
  • The New Deal was so popular that Republicans “had to amend the Constitution of the United States to make sure Roosevelt did not get reelected.”
  • $21 trillion of Pentagon financial transactions “could not be traced, documented, or explained.”
  • “Let’s flip this seat red!”
  • “Americans are dying from global warming”
  • On how Americans would pay for the "Medicare for all" plan she and other socialist-leaning Democrats favor: "Just pay for it."
  • Cow farts are damaging the world and endangering humanity
  • On the reason she is criticized for her imbecilic ideas: "It’s fear that they’ve allowed their riches, their privilege, + their bias to put them to a point where they can’t."
  • "If we work our butts off to make sure that we take back all three chambers of Congress — uh, rather, all three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate, and the House."

Look up those statements, Tibs. I have accurately cited what that moron has actually said. Jesus Christ, she makes Dan Quayle look like a ******* genius.
Oh, and P.S., like you, I have been busy recently and unable to keep up with some current events.

How is your boy Avenatti doing? Have not seen him on CNN for 20 minutes, so I am guessing something is up ...
Now.....Tibs, really? I actually didn't think any real people thought she was anything but a complete moron. I really thought her supporters were just blowhards in politics and on TV quacking for attention. You really think she has great ideas? You HAVE to be trolling.

So I'm curious on which part of her brilliant ideas you think will benefit the most. Question one is which evil do you want to see completely wiped out first: planes or cows? Question two, who in your mind is the greater American hero, AOC or Michael Avenatti?

ruh row


EXCLUSIVE -- Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has been hit with another Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint, this one alleging she and her campaign manager operated a “subsidy scheme” that ran afoul of campaign finance laws.

The crux of the complaint, which was given exclusively to Fox News in advance of its filing Wednesday, accused Ocasio-Cortez and her campaign manager, Saikat Chakrabarti, of overseeing a "shadowy web" of political action committees (PACs) that allowed them to raise more cash than they could have legally. It also alleged that a limited liability company (LLC) was created to avoid federal expenditure requirements by offering Ocasio-Cortez and other Democratic candidates political consulting services at a price so low that the company apparently shut down before the election was even over.

EXCLUSIVE -- Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has been hit with another Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint, this one alleging she and her campaign manager operated a “subsidy scheme” that ran afoul of campaign finance laws.

The crux of the complaint, which was given exclusively to Fox News in advance of its filing Wednesday, accused Ocasio-Cortez and her campaign manager, Saikat Chakrabarti, of overseeing a "shadowy web" of political action committees (PACs) that allowed them to raise more cash than they could have legally. It also alleged that a limited liability company (LLC) was created to avoid federal expenditure requirements by offering Ocasio-Cortez and other Democratic candidates political consulting services at a price so low that the company apparently shut down before the election was even over.

"See, she's a great capitalist."

/s Zombie Lefties

EXCLUSIVE -- Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has been hit with another Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint, this one alleging she and her campaign manager operated a “subsidy scheme” that ran afoul of campaign finance laws.

The crux of the complaint, which was given exclusively to Fox News in advance of its filing Wednesday, accused Ocasio-Cortez and her campaign manager, Saikat Chakrabarti, of overseeing a "shadowy web" of political action committees (PACs) that allowed them to raise more cash than they could have legally. It also alleged that a limited liability company (LLC) was created to avoid federal expenditure requirements by offering Ocasio-Cortez and other Democratic candidates political consulting services at a price so low that the company apparently shut down before the election was even over.

Oh, and shouldn't we have a special counsel, 19 lawyers, and 40 FBI agents assigned to investigate?
Politicians like AOC are indeed working on making America great, so on her behalf, appreciate the attention and support. Keep up the good work!


She's an American Patriot, like Michael Avenatti. What happened to him BTW? Oh yeah, what happened with that Mueller Report as well?
Oh yeah, what happened with that Mueller Report as well?
Valid question. Looking forward to reading it. If you've seen it, please post here or share the contents with the rest of us.
Valid question. Looking forward to reading it. If you've seen it, please post here or share the contents with the rest of us.

I read the Cliff Notes version. Spoiler alert:

1. No collusion.
2. No evidence of collusion, despite repeated attempts by the Russians (and the FBI) to infiltrate the Trump campaign.
3. No obstruction.
4. No nothing, not ****, zero, nada, nicht, zippo, bupkus.

So keep hanging onto another epic lie - "Hoo, boy, wait until the Mueller report comes out in full. I betcha Mueller found collusion and obstruction and perjury and lions and tigers and bears, oh my, and Barr just made up the whole ******* summary!!"

Go ahead, Tibs. Keep hanging onto that ledge, if it keeps you sane.

Just like you stroked yourself for more than two ******* years on Russia, and collusion, and perjury, and obstruction. You remember that, don't you?
It's a beautiful thing to see so many of you with your panties in a bunch over Ocasio-Cortez.

Just goes to show how feeble, insecure and impotent conservatives have become under Trump.

The harder the Trump base goes after and attacks AOC - including Fox News - just makes her stronger and even more relevant.

Job well done gents. Kudos for helping highlight the liberal, progressive cause. Politicians like AOC are indeed working on making America great, so on her behalf, appreciate the attention and support. Keep up the good work!


She's actually attractive as long as she keeps her mouth closed.
Valid question. Looking forward to reading it. If you've seen it, please post here or share the contents with the rest of us.

Bullshit you're looking forward to reading it. You know there's no collusion, Mueller confirmed it, just give it up already.