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The string pullers for AOC want war in the Left - getcher popcorn ready

I imagine that Muslims laugh at Dems defending Omar, and really get a kick out of that nice Jewish boy from Brooklyn defending her.

If Hitler was alive today and had a (D) beside his name Bernie would be defending him too. For Liberals, political power trumps basic human decency. Can't break ranks!
Why'd CNN only ask those six gays?


The guys on the upper right and lower left are insulted by your question.
I imagine that Muslims laugh at Dems defending Omar, and really get a kick out of that nice Jewish boy from Brooklyn defending her.

Meanwhile in England the Muzzies successfully get a public school to drop homosexual education. Of course if the Baptists wanted it they'd have no chance, but naturally the school caves to the Muzzies because, well, they'll blow your **** up.


There’s no such thing as Christian privilege. There is such a thing as Muslim privilege. You know it, I know it, a school in Birmingham, England knows it, after they rethought their “No Outsiders” pro-LGBTQAAIP (to the power of pi) curriculum when Muslim families pulled their children from school in protest.
A primary school that taught pupils about homosexuality as part of a programme to challenge homophobia has stopped the lessons after hundreds of children were withdrawn by parents in protest.

Skip down four paragraphs in The Guardian’s writeup, and you’ll find this admission:

On Friday about 600 Muslim children, aged between four and 11, were withdrawn from the school for the day, parents said. The school would not confirm the number.

The Muslim parents must have banded together, had some chats over halal and tea, and decided little Ahmed and Mohammed wouldn’t be taught that two men can make sweet love to one another without Muhammad (peace be upon him) striking them down dead right in the middle of their bedroom shenanigans of hide the meat stick.

Now if Nigel and Mary Giles had made the same complaint, had they banded together with other Episcopalian straight couples, you and I both know the school would tell them to get their minds right. Pro-LGBTQAAIP to the power of pi is about love, acceptance, growth, tolerance, and the future of Great Britain. Diversity of sexual friction is our strength. Any white Christian who stands in the way of Pro-LGBTQUAAIP to the power of pi has no place in Britain, and can shove their crumpets up their backhoes.

But wait, because maybe the Muslim parents did a little more than have an afternoon chatterooni.

Andrew Moffat, who was awarded an MBE for his work in equality education, said he was threatened and targeted via a leaflet campaign after the school piloted the No Outsiders programme. Its ethos is to promote LGBT equality and challenge homophobia in primary schools.

Now you tell me what would’ve happened had the principal in any first world school, where mostly Christian families sent their little munchkins to be educated, had been threatened with leaflets. Would the school have rethought the LGBTQAAIP to the power of pi curriculum, or doubled down?

Rhetorical question. As it stands, Muslims have the most privilege. LGBTQAAIP to the power of pi members fall at a distant second. Then “women and people of color” followed by women of not color, and not even making the list, straight white men who should be ashamed of themselves.
Move over, AOC, Omar is another dream come true

Ilhan Omar Goes After Obama, Suggests He Was a 'Pretty Face' Who Got 'Away With Murder'

Omar was fed up—not so much with Trumpism, or with politics in general, as with the Democratic Party.


As she saw it, the party ostensibly committed to progressive values had become complicit in perpetuating the status quo. Omar says the “hope and change” offered by Barack Obama was a mirage. Recalling the “caging of kids” at the U.S.-Mexico border and the “droning of countries around the world” on Obama’s watch, she argues that the Democratic president operated within the same fundamentally broken framework as his Republican successor.

“We can’t be only upset with Trump. … His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was,” Omar says. “And that’s not what we should be looking for anymore. We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.”

More from Moore...

Global Warming A "Hoax And Scam" Pushed By Greedy Government Scientists: Greenpeace Co-Founder
by Tyler Durden | Fri, 03/08/2019 - 15:05
The co-founder and former president of Greenpeace, Patrick Moore, says that climate change is a "complete hoax and scam," which has been "taking over science with superstition and a kind of toxic combination of religion and political ideology."

Moore, who recently made headlines for calling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a "pompous little twit" and "garden-variety hypocrite" on climate change, sat down with SiriusXM's Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.

The Greenpeace co-founder's message echoes that of John Coleman, the late Weather Channel founder who called global warming "the greatest scam in history."

Moore told Breitbart how fear and guilt are driving the climate change argument, reports Breitbart News.

Fear has been used all through history to gain control of people’s minds and wallets and all else, and the climate catastrophe is strictly a fear campaign — well, fear and guilt — you’re afraid you’re killing your children because you’re driving them in your SUV and emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and you feel guilty for doing that. There’s no stronger motivation than those two.​

According to Moore, the climate change movement has co-opted and corrupted politicans and bureaucracies in order to exert further control over people, Moore explained - noting that "green" companies only exist on the back of taxpayers.

And so you’ve got the green movement creating stories that instill fear in the public. You’ve got the media echo chamber — fake news — repeating it over and over and over again to everybody that they’re killing their children, and then you’ve got the green politicians who are buying scientists with government money to produce fear for them in the form of scientific-looking materials, and then you’ve got the green businesses, the rent-seekers and the crony capitalists who are taking advantage of massive subsidies, huge tax write-offs, and government mandates requiring their technologies to make a fortune on this, and then of course you’ve got the scientists who are willingly, they’re basically hooked on government grants.

When they talk about the 99 percent consensus [among scientists] on climate change, that’s a completely ridiculous and false numbers, but most of the scientists — put it in quotes, scientists — who are pushing this catastrophic theory are getting paid by public money. They are not being paid by General Electric or Dupont or 3M to do this research, where private companies expect to get something useful from their research that might produce a better product and make them a profit in the end because people want it — build a better mousetrap type of idea — but most of what these so-called scientists are doing is simply producing more fear so that politicians can use it control people’s mind and get their votes because some of the people are convinced, ‘Oh, this politician can save my kid from certain doom.’​

Moore also warned that manmade climate change, known scientifically as anthropogenic global warming, threatens modern reasoning itself - much like the persecution of Galileo.

"But this abomination that is occurring today in the climate issue is the biggest threat to the Enlightenment that has occurred since Galileo," said Moore. "Nothing else comes close to it. This is as bad a thing that has happened o science in the history of science."

It is the biggest lie since people thought the Earth was at the center of the universe. This is Galileo-type stuff. If you remember, Galileo discovered that the sun was at the center of the solar system and the Earth revolved around it. He was sentenced to death by the Catholic Church, and only because he recanted was he allowed to live in house arrest for the rest of his life.

So this was around the beginning of what we call the Enlightenment, when science became the way in which we gained knowledge instead of using superstition and instead of using invisible demons and whatever else, we started to understand that you have to have observation of actual events and then you have to repeat those observations over and over again, and that is basically the scientific method.​

"It’s taking over science with superstition and a kind of toxic combination of religion and political ideology. There is no truth to this. It is a complete hoax and scam," Moore concluded.
Listen to this squeaky little numbskull try to formulate a thought. It wouldn't be troublesome were she just a squeaky little numbskull waiting tables in Queens. But she is a US Representative. This is unacceptable.

"I think...".. That's cute. Hearing her say 'and' makes me want to pound a treestump with an ax. 'You won't know you've drifted a hundred miles.'

Her only real appeal is to those who either are not motivated to work or learn, those that are down and out, and mostly people that want something for nothing.

My question to any politician that wants to raise taxes for the sake of " climate change " would be: now that you have collected billions of dollars in taxes how will that money be used to clean the air, clean the water, prevent CO2 emissions, etc. The real answer is that they have no plan for that.
Listen to this squeaky little numbskull try to formulate a thought. It wouldn't be troublesome were she just a squeaky little numbskull waiting tables in Queens. But she is a US Representative. This is unacceptable.

"I think...".. That's cute. Hearing her say 'and' makes me want to pound a treestump with an ax. 'You won't know you've drifted a hundred miles.'

Modern Brooklyn Valley Girl speak

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The Brains Behind AOC

Yeah. She's a dimwit. But she's just a throwaway that a group installed in a congressional seat, along with several others.

This is worth the 23 minutes to understand the real evil behind her.

The centrists fight back


Centrists fear socialism tag will cost Democrats the House in 2020

The moderate Democrats who delivered the House majority want you to know they’re not Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib or Ilhan Omar.

They haven’t all blindly signed on to the "Green New Deal." They haven't been widely accused of anti-Semitism. They aren't hungry to impeach President Donald Trump.

They are the ones on the front lines of the battlefield, defending Democrats’ House majority. And many of the endangered Democrats already see their outspoken colleagues as a potential obstacle standing between them and reelection in 2020.

“As we run up to this presidential [election], we need to show that Democrats, as a whole, are not socialists," said Rep. Katie Hill, who last November flipped a Southern California district that Republicans held for the previous quarter-century. "We’re not pushing for impeachment without serious cause and serious evidence."

The centrists fight back


Centrists fear socialism tag will cost Democrats the House in 2020

The moderate Democrats who delivered the House majority want you to know they’re not Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib or Ilhan Omar.

They haven’t all blindly signed on to the "Green New Deal." They haven't been widely accused of anti-Semitism. They aren't hungry to impeach President Donald Trump.

They are the ones on the front lines of the battlefield, defending Democrats’ House majority. And many of the endangered Democrats already see their outspoken colleagues as a potential obstacle standing between them and reelection in 2020.

“As we run up to this presidential [election], we need to show that Democrats, as a whole, are not socialists," said Rep. Katie Hill, who last November flipped a Southern California district that Republicans held for the previous quarter-century. "We’re not pushing for impeachment without serious cause and serious evidence."


Don’t worry the centrists will either be replaced by Republicans or far left candidates. AOC And her Socialist brethren will make sure of it.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
I think their idea of "centrist", probably isn't very center.
Move over, AOC, Omar is another dream come true

Ilhan Omar Goes After Obama, Suggests He Was a 'Pretty Face' Who Got 'Away With Murder'

Omar was fed up—not so much with Trumpism, or with politics in general, as with the Democratic Party.


As she saw it, the party ostensibly committed to progressive values had become complicit in perpetuating the status quo. Omar says the “hope and change” offered by Barack Obama was a mirage. Recalling the “caging of kids” at the U.S.-Mexico border and the “droning of countries around the world” on Obama’s watch, she argues that the Democratic president operated within the same fundamentally broken framework as his Republican successor.

“We can’t be only upset with Trump. … His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was,” Omar says. “And that’s not what we should be looking for anymore. We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.”


Listen to this squeaky little numbskull try to formulate a thought. It wouldn't be troublesome were she just a squeaky little numbskull waiting tables in Queens. But she is a US Representative. This is unacceptable.

"I think...".. That's cute. Hearing her say 'and' makes me want to pound a treestump with an ax. 'You won't know you've drifted a hundred miles.'

Hit. Hit so many times she starts speaking straight.