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The string pullers for AOC want war in the Left - getcher popcorn ready

The Teamsters union also lauded the company’s decision to ditch New York.

Again....imagine the look on our forefathers faces if they could have looked into the future and seen this display of total idiocy.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the way the tax laws were written prior to the Trump tax cut, those folks who paid huge NY taxes got some relief on their Federal taxes, so in essence most of us were subsidizing them with our tax dollars. The latest tax law freed us up and those folks are waking up to see how much comrade Coumo and company are fleecing them.
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NYC is so screwed. Trump should sell all his real estate there and build a new tower in Florida. **** New York.
Well I hope they don't move to Florida if they're leaving that hellhole. At least don't come down here and vote democrat. We'll end up like ny if enough of those idiots get control. South Florida is already filled with window licking fools.
This stupid ho is talking about investing the $3 billion that would have been tax breaks for Amazon, into the local community. You ******* retard their is NO $3 billion. Hey idiot that was the amount of the tax breaks NY was going to give them. Damn could this ***** be any more ******* stupid. How in the hell did this moron graduate junior high? She doesn't even know the difference between tax breaks and tax money.
This stupid ho is talking about investing the $3 billion that would have been tax breaks for Amazon, into the local community. You ******* retard their is NO $3 billion. Hey idiot that was the amount of the tax breaks NY was going to give them. Damn could this ***** be any more ******* stupid. How in the hell did this moron graduate junior high? She doesn't even know the difference between tax breaks and tax money.

Yes, Vader, she is in fact that stupid. She genuinely believes that driving a multi-billion dollar business investment out of the city is a good thing for the city's finances.

25,000 to 40,000 good jobs. That means 50,000 to 120,000 citizens who would have benefited are now **** out of luck.

Oh well, I guess Occasional-Cortex has some part-time bartending jobs she is hoping to generate instead. You know, something she actually knows.
This is better than what passes as "comedy" these a days.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the way the tax laws were written prior to the Trump tax cut, those folks who paid huge NY taxes got some relief on their Federal taxes, so in essence most of us were subsidizing them with our tax dollars. The latest tax law freed us up and those folks are waking up to see how much comrade Coumo and company are fleecing them.

that’s correct. It was a scam to cover up for how much these high tax states are taking from people. That’s why so many of these people in CA and NY are so willing to have their taxes raised for all these programs, because they were able to write it off their federal.

Cuomo was crying about it a few weeks ago that the state is coming up way short because so many rich people are leaving.
Cuomo was crying about it a few weeks ago that the state is coming up way short because so many rich people are leaving.
That would be great if at the same time they converted to conservatism, but they go to red states with no/lows taxes and bring along support for the same crap they are running away from.
That would be great if at the same time they converted to conservatism, but they go to red states with no/lows taxes and bring along support for the same crap they are running away from.

Not true for many of us, CD. I certainly did not bring California's current left-wing failures to Arizona; I brought California's status as one of the greatest places to live and work, circa 1960-1985, before illegal immigration ruined the state.