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The Tea Party ain't dead yet

I think you hit the nail on the head with " Does this finally give the GOP the message to stop being Democrat lite?"

I am a registered Republican in Virginia. I have casually followed this campaign. Cantor knew he was in deep **** recently because I have been getting postcards and listening to tons of ads on TV and AM radio. Almost all of them were pro Cantor ads. Tonight at 6:11 (polls closed at 7:00) while eating dinner with my family the phone rings from an unknown # and it was from the Cantor campaign wanting to know if I had voted yet. Told them no and they don't want me to vote because I would vote against Cantor. Here is why. IMHO Cantor is a pushover. This is just going off my terrible memory, but I read one of his postcards that I received last week. It stated how Cantor was leading the charge against Obamacare and 5 other things that the Rinos have been steamrolled on in the age of the great OCommie. All this postcard did for me was cement the fact that the Republicans are a bunch of lay down ******* that talk big, but cannot get anything done. The only item on the postcard that had not yet been settled was immigration, and you know the Dems are going to win that as well, and when they do the Repubs will talk about how they are going to fight it....but ultimately they will lose. This is the signature of the modern (R), and Cantor was one of the leaders, so good riddance.

About 3 months ago I started hearing interesting ads by Cantor, he was attacking Brat calling him a flaming liberal. Well this really opened up a lot of peoples eyes to Brat since everyone assumed Cantor would be the (R) nominee once again and status quo would be served. I would wager that if Cantor ran zero campaign he would have won. Instead he ran attack ads all day and night and showed his true colors.

Hopefully Cantor will bow out gracefully, he didn't lose by a slim margin....he got his *** handed to him today. But based on the smug, arrogant, rich boy attitude I have always seen from Cantor he will probably run as an independent and lose again.
Eh, who knows? Can this new guy win the general?
Cantor was for amnesty before he realized he was in deep **** and tried to be against it. I wonder if that had anything to do with it?
I am surprised, but not shocked. People are sick of the status quo and they see what an epic clusterfuck DC is. Sucks that SC kept Lindsey Graham in though.
There is a "Sore Loser" law in Virginia that doesn't allow a loser in a primary to run as an independent. He could only run as write in, he can't have his name on the ballot.

Tea Party is just ensuring that a Dem will be President for a long time to come.
Tea Party's not ensuring that 21. The ill educated hand out crowd is. The TP is just trying to mitigate the damage they'll cause.
There is a "Sore Loser" law in Virginia that doesn't allow a loser in a primary to run as an independent. He could only run as write in, he can't have his name on the ballot.

That's actually a pretty good idea.
All Cantor has to do is move to California. They'd welcome him with open arms.
Cantor has one of the highest conservative ratings, I think 96%. California or Massachusetts are the last places he would do well.

Maybe he could move to Russia and be Putin's number 2.
then what would Bomma do?

oh...my bad.
Bomma is Putin's *****. Not his number 2.
That is worth repeating..."Bomma is Putins *****".
That's actually a pretty good idea.

That happened in AK when Murkowski lost the primary back in 2010. She lost handily to Joe Miller, and pitched a ***** about it. She got in as a write in and ended up winning.
That happened in AK when Murkowski lost the primary back in 2010. She lost handily to Joe Miller, and pitched a ***** about it. She got in as a write in and ended up winning.

Closed primaries are one of the few things that PA gets right. Democrats can only vote for Democrats and Republicans can only vote for Republicans and Independents can't vote at all.
Agree with 21 though (!), I can't believe a Tea Party guy knocked off Cantor.

Cantor Internal Poll Showed 34-Point Lead Over Brat Last Month



Cantor to Resign as House Majority Leader

Eric Cantor, the second-ranking Republican in the House, will step down from his post as majority leader after losing his primary bid Tuesday night, sources tell NBC News.

Aides say they expect Cantor to tell his colleagues he will resign from the position at a meeting of House Republicans at 4 p.m. ET



Ted Cruz Takes Tea Party Victory Lap After Cantor Defeat

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's (R-VA) defeat to primary challenger David Brat shows that the "conservative base is alive and well" and "voters in Virginia made D.C. listen loud and clear."

Cruz said that in a statement released Wednesday, a day after Brat's upset victory over the top House Republican. Here's the statement:

"The results of last night's election in Virginia are reverberating all through the nation's Capitol. Eric Cantor is a good man, but last night, voters in Virginia made D.C. listen loud and clear. This election should be a reminder to all in Congress – Republicans and Democrats alike – that the conservative base is alive and well, and the American people will hold us all accountable..."

Ought to be interesting race, two professors from the same college running against each other.

(CNN) -- What a difference 24 hours makes.

Jack Trammell unanimously won the Democratic nomination for Virginia's 7th Congressional District seat at the party convention last weekend. That's because no one else wanted to run against Rep. Eric Cantor, the second most powerful Republican in the House.

But after Cantor's shocking defeat in his primary Tuesday against political novice Dave Brat, Trammell's candidacy has a whole new meaning. Democrats have a bit more hope in this Republican district, now that the upstart Democrat is up against an upstart Republican -- both of whom are professors at the same college.
I am not going out on a limb here, Brat will win easily VS the liberal. I have lived here for 25 years and there is zero chance a liberal beats a conservative. This is NOT northern VA. When Brat won the (R) primary he punched his ticket to DC.
oh...my bad.
Bomma is Putin's *****. Not his number 2.
Obama is not Putin's number 2, he is simply number 2, as in a flaming pile of ****.

Biggest. failure. ever.
Putin is really Obama's *****. Obama schooled him on the realities of globalization. Economics is the new weapon and military force has less value.
Gaining the Crimea would be like if Pennsylvania stole Newark from New Jersey. Both have few economic resources and a lot of poor people. For the
Crimea Putin received a big devaluation of the Russian stock market and investors pulling out of Russia. Globalization means countries citizens and businesses have
a lot of economic interests in other countries well being. If China ever attacked the US, then China citizens and businesses would be damaged as well, so an attack
is not likely. I don't mind if we keep a big military, but we should start selling insurance to countries who we protect instead of putting the whole burden on US
taxpayers. If Japan wants protection, buy some insurance, Australia buy some insurance, England, France, buy insurance and help pay for a military that acts as
the worlds policeman.

Most people don't realize that its not just the cost of our military that hurts us in a global economy, but its also the diversion of resources that could be strengthening our
businesses to compete globally. The military employees a lot of highly skilled engineers, that could have been used in commercial enterprises to design competitive
consumer products. Since we divert these resources and hurt ourselves economically, those that benefit from our protection services need to chip in. We currently
are the military slut for the world, "if you give it away for free, why would anyone pay".
The military employees a lot of highly skilled engineers, that could have been used in commercial enterprises to design competitive
consumer products. Since we divert these resources and hurt ourselves economically, those that benefit from our protection services need to chip in. ".

Unless these engineers went to school in a ROTC program, why would they pass up a well paying, steady job in the private sector, for a low paying job, and difficult lifestyle, in the military?