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There’s one reason Trump can get away with a vulgar, dysfunctional White House:


Oct 26, 2014
Reaction score
He's white

Absolutely brilliant article SPOT ON

The White House’s bad boys benefit from the privilege that society grants white men.

Sam Fulwood III
Jul 28, 2017, 7:32 pm

The Trump White House produces one salacious headline after another, and in the process, exposes the glaring double-standard and privilege automatically bestowed upon white men. Do we dare stop to think about what might have been said and done if, during the eight years of the Obama administration, a single black official committed any one of the scandalous mishaps that now seem to be a daily occurrence?

The right-wing media echo chamber surely would have released the hounds of Hades to defame and distract from the ambitions of the nation’s first African American president. What’s more, Obama’s most racist critics would have spread any misstep or political shortcoming as a referendum on the ability of black Americans to lead, govern, or exercise power. As it was, several members of this echo chamber tried to do just that, despite the fact that the Obama White House ranks among the least scandal-plagued administrations in recent history, something even its critics reluctantly acknowledge.

But the worst part of the racist vitriol directed at Obama and his family was the impact it had on everyday black Americans, who saw putative political attacks on the president and his polices as proxies for how many white Americans view African Americans.

By contrast, no such stigma of bad-boy behavior from the White House is deemed representative of white men or their kinfolk. For anyone who doubts its existence, the stench emanating from the Trump administration is a textbook definition of white privilege. Despite displaying a level of incompetence and moral deviance that is uncommon in rational democracies, the phalanx of white men surrounding the Oval Office bear no burden or shame as white Americans; their despicable behavior rests solely with them as individuals, not representatives of a race.

Consider, for example, just the most recent seven days during which the president repeatedly humiliated Attorney General Jeff Sessions, interjected self-aggrandizing politics into what should have been apolitical speeches at a Boy Scout Jamboree and dedication of the USS Gerald Ford, and issued a policy-by-Twitter that shocked the Pentagon with orders to prevent transgender people from serving in the armed forces.

That’s just the president. His newly appointed communications director, Anthony Scaramucci, aping the locker room mentality of the West Wing, described his rivals in the White House in lurid and profane language.

Perhaps all this foolishness might be forgivable, if the administration were functioning with any semblance of productivity, but it isn’t. As my ThinkProgress colleague Ryan Koronowski recently put it, Trump has bragged about how he “alone can fix” Washington’s problem. Yet after six months in office he’s produced “a boulevard of broken dreams.”

The pinnacle of his inability to fashion and navigate policies through Congress came in the wee hours Friday morning as Senate Republicans failed to pass legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act — a feat Trump claimed would be “so easy” and “would be done on Day One” of his administration.

Dysfunction is the new normal in the White House. The Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson recently noted that the administration is governed by royal “whim and fiat,” and the sycophantic white men doing its bidding are “The Court of Mad King Donald.”

“However long it persists, we must never allow ourselves to think of the Trump White House as anything but aberrant,” Robinson wrote.

Aberrant, perhaps. But as D. Watkins, an editor at Salon, recently wrote, “Trump is Privilege 101,” but has taken his privilege “to a scary new level, far past 101; I’m talking about PRIV 307.” In other words, Watkins writes, there’s a method to the madness in Trump’s exercise of white privilege:

[T]he 45th president tweets wresting clips starring himself, is a reigning MVP of sexual assault allegations, currently being investigated by a Justice Department special counsel, and has fallen short on many of his campaign promises. His gross amount of privilege is evident when you realize that he still has a job.

What if Barack Obama had played more golf in the first 100 days on the taxpayers’ dime than Bush did his entire time in office? What if Obama was suspected of cheating to get into the White House or caught swooning over his daughters. Would he have a job? Would he have even come close to winning? No. That is privilege at work.

His privilege allows him to get away with being a disconnected goofy old guy and then he uses it to distract from the things that matter.

Not that he ever sought to debase his office and reputation, but President Obama wouldn’t have survived in the court of public opinion for an hour as President Trump has for the entirety of his shameless time in office. The contrast is starkly evident as we examine the treatment of back-to-back presidents — one who is a graceful and well-spoken leader and another who is a petulant and childlike narcissist. The prevailing privilege afforded white men allows them to be judged by completely different standards of decency.

HAHAHAHAHA - **** Obama, wipe him out

Migrants will not get Welfare for First Five Years

Days after announcing his support to a merit-based immigration system, President Donald Trump has said that migrants will not get welfare in the first five years after they arrive in the US.

"You cannot get welfare for five years when you come into our country. You can't just come in, like in past weeks, years and decades--you come in, immediately start picking up welfare," Trump said in his weekly web and radio address to the nation

Um...I am certain the same things went on with B-Rocks regime. They always do in any large organization. The difference is that B-Rock didn't have the establishments of both parties AND the MSM trying to bring him down.
I called you a complete ******* idiot in a post earlier today, then I deleted it because I felt guilty. But you are a complete ******* idiot.

This thing elfpig is one i will never feel the least bad about calling a ******* moron. It's in a small group of folks I have no interest in seeing their ******* horseshit on here.

...and if you want to see a true real example of a racist hateful ****? Elfpig is a poster child for that. Just repulsive.
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There's one reason that Americans will vote for a stupid Marxist community organizer for president.
Are we still playing that game?
To the bitter loser libs, everything is racist

Solar Eclipses Are Racist

Is the eclipse throwing shade at Clinton supporters?

The path of ideal viewing spots for this month’s highly-anticipated total solar eclipse cuts overwhelmingly through places that voted for President Trump in November.

And about 92 percent of those counties swung in Trump’s favor, while fewer than two dozen counties voted for his opponent, Hillary Clinton.



That's an interesting article Elfiero, thanks for sharing. I never thought of it in those terms, but it does raise some interesting points.

We'll never know the answer to that question, whether ignoring Trump's behavior - or making excuses for it - is a form of white privilege, because we'll never have another president, black or white, that will behave like Trump, there's nothing to compare it to. So while the article raises some valid points, at the end of the day it's simply conjecture and a theory that can never be proven.

One thing we can all agree on, if Obama tried pulling even 5% of the **** Trump gets away with day in and day out, everyone on this board and the rest of the alt right in the country would be up in arms w pitchforks and torches marching on Washington DC.

Which I take it was the general point the article was trying to make.
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Tibs and Elfie,

Y'all must of forgot all of the stories that came out of the Clinton White House that the national media refused to cover. One was the cum stained blue dress. The other was Hildebeast smashing lamps and checking an ashtray at ******* Billy Blythe when she discovered that Bill was having yet another affair. The only difference between then and now is that you hear about it in the MSM from the trump White House because the MSM hates him. With B-Rock and Bill the MSM is running interference for their idealogical compatriots.
HAHAHAHAHA - **** Obama, wipe him out

Migrants will not get Welfare for First Five Years

Days after announcing his support to a merit-based immigration system, President Donald Trump has said that migrants will not get welfare in the first five years after they arrive in the US.

"You cannot get welfare for five years when you come into our country. You can't just come in, like in past weeks, years and decades--you come in, immediately start picking up welfare," Trump said in his weekly web and radio address to the nation


I think the real question is will Trump get seconds at the prison cafeteria?

He is a special snowflake you know.....Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaahaah!
Racist liberals are everywhere - time to bring the hammer down!

Down with Affirmative Action!

DOJ to Investigate Illegal Affirmative Action

The New York Times reported that an internal Department of Justice document indicates the Civil Rights Division will be investigating “intentional race-based discrimination in college and university admissions.”

If the report is accurate, it indicates the Civil Rights Division will be taking the hammer of the federal government to the programs that discriminate against students who earn higher grades and test scores but are intentionally denied admission based on their race.

Despite the race-neutral language their report itself claims is in this internal document, the New York Times immediately posits a pro-white bias in these plans, writing that the DOJ is shifting resources “investigating and suing universities over affirmative action admissions policies deemed to discriminate against white applicants.”

Later in the same report, the Times quotes Reagan administration Civil Rights Division official Robert Clegg as saying, “It is frequently the case that not only are whites discriminated against now, but frequently Asian-Americans are as well, “yet kept the language focusing on whites in the first paragraph of its article.”

In reality, both whites and Asians are widely discriminated against in college and university admissions.

A 2005 Brookings Institute study by economists Christopher Jencks and Meredith Phillips indicated affirmative action programs do the equivalent of giving black and Latino applicants 200 points on the SAT over their white and Asian rivals.
That's an interesting article Elfiero, thanks for sharing. I never thought of it in those terms, but it does raise some interesting points.

We'll never know the answer to that question, whether ignoring Trump's behavior - or making excuses for it - is a form of white privilege, because we'll never have another president, black or white, that will behave like Trump, there's nothing to compare it to. So while the article raises some valid points, at the end of the day it's simply conjecture and a theory that can never be proven.

One thing we can all agree on, if Obama tried pulling even 5% of the **** Trump gets away with day in and day out, everyone on this board and the rest of the alt right in the country would be up in arms w pitchforks and torches marching on Washington DC.

Which I take it was the general point the article was trying to make.

Yes that's the point. And why does Trump get a pass?

The alt-right made up stories about Obama that TRUMP NOW BRINGS TO LIFE! And all we hear are crickets. Example: Trump jumps on Sessions for "being weak" on leakers, so Sessions comes out and threatens reporters with arrest and tells us how "there are limits to the first amendment".........REALLY?

Yet in the alt-right world Obama was coming for their guns....because of course there are NO LIMITS to the second amendment, only the first. So they create this fantasy about Obama violating their constitutional rights then when Trump ACTUALLY IS ORDERING IT TO BE DONE........silence.

It's because they are conditioned to believe that since it's a white guy doing it, it's for the greater good.....their greater good.

Yes that's the point. And why does Trump get a pass?

The alt-right made up stories about Obama that TRUMP NOW BRINGS TO LIFE! And all we hear are crickets. Example: Trump jumps on Sessions for "being weak" on leakers, so Sessions comes out and threatens reporters with arrest and tells us how "there are limits to the first amendment".........REALLY?

Yet in the alt-right world Obama was coming for their guns....because of course there are NO LIMITS to the second amendment, only the first. So they create this fantasy about Obama violating their constitutional rights then when Trump ACTUALLY IS ORDERING IT TO BE DONE........silence.

It's because they are conditioned to believe that since it's a white guy doing it, it's for the greater good.....their greater good.


And while we're at it: this plays on the fantasy/delusion they have that they are "patriots" and the left are fascists, when at every turn we see who the true fascists are.
This is nothing but a troll thread, and has no true value. Mods should use their white privilege.and delete it.

Of course they should.....of course. Spoken like a true fascist, just like his dear leader.

Do you do book burnings as well?
Time to flush out the crooked illegal Dems once and for all

Judicial Watch Warns California to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuit

11 Counties Have More Voters than Voting-Age Citizens

Election Integrity Project: The state may be out of compliance with Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA).

“There were more total registered voters than there were adults over the age of 18 living in each of the following eleven (11) counties: Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey (104%), San Diego (138%), San Francisco (114%), San Mateo (111%), Santa Cruz (109%), Solano (111%), Stanislaus (102%), and Yolo (110%).”

The letter contains a threat to sue the Secretary of State if Padilla does not remove from the rolls “persons who have become ineligible to vote by reason of death, change in residence, or a disqualifying criminal conviction, and to remove noncitizens who have registered to vote unlawfully.

The letter notes that the percentage in L.A. Country may be as high as 144%.

Of course they should.....of course. Spoken like a true fascist, just like his dear leader.

Do you do book burnings as well?

You are starting to sound like those brain dead Antifa mutants. A fascist behind every bush. Pathetic.
The race baiting game.

It's a game? Maybe you better alert some of your fellow Trumptards in this video....Oh...wait...Are some of you in this? My bad.

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It'S a game? Maybe you better alert some of your fellow Trumptards in this video....Oh...wait...Are some of you in this? My bad.

Watch out for Bill Clinton and his Magic Johnson derived AIDS Trumptards....it will get you every time...you know if he doesn't murder you first..........

One thing we can all agree on
, if Obama tried pulling even 5% of the **** Trump gets away with day in and day out, everyone on this board and the rest of the alt right in the country would be up in arms w pitchforks and torches marching on Washington DC. .
I don't agree. I never once thought marching with a torch or a pitchfork on Washington, DC . Obama pulled a lot worse **** that curse words but, I didn't get a PM from any board members about meeting on PA Ave with pitchforks.