Wow, are you for real? While I don't in any way condone the acts of looting, vandalism and bodily harm that have occurred, I would hope that officers wouldn't double down on being "brutal" as you put it. Not sure that would be a good look considering that the protests (not the extra **** going on) are about police brutality, lack of accountability and equality. It would almost be proving that police are brutal, and I know the majority aren't, but that doesn't excuse the ones that are and the silence about it, the cover ups and ongoing looking the other way when an officer abuses their power. There needs to be some real discussions on this that occur between the police, community leaders and citizens alike. People need to come together on this.
Quite a few demonstrations across the country remained calm and without issues as police walked in solidarity with the protestors. Some took knees to show support and others engaged in conversations to reach out and show they are there to actually serve and protect. Here in Raleigh the protests remained calm until cover of night and then the instigators started **** up. They were no where near a majority of the people there earlier that just wanted their voices to be heard. Most people understand this, most people aren't letting these trouble makers high jack the message. Out of all the cities around here in NC that had protests the one I thought would have violence didn't.......Durham. Why? Here is what was said from a local article -
"Taylor also says the way Durham police handled the protests helped prevent tensions from boiling over. Durham officers primarily closed streets and blocked intersections as marchers moved around downtown, including three trips to police headquarters on East Main Street.
“While protesters in other cities were surrounded by policemen in the streets, the Durham Police Department stayed at a distance and created a safe haven for us to voice our opinions, just to protect us,” Taylor said.
......but let the police escalate and get brutal and it will only make it worse.
So, you think the police and National Guard should just stand by and watch them burn **** down and destroy our cities? That's not having a discussion about the problem.