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This is police brutality

Wow, are you for real? While I don't in any way condone the acts of looting, vandalism and bodily harm that have occurred, I would hope that officers wouldn't double down on being "brutal" as you put it. Not sure that would be a good look considering that the protests (not the extra **** going on) are about police brutality, lack of accountability and equality. It would almost be proving that police are brutal, and I know the majority aren't, but that doesn't excuse the ones that are and the silence about it, the cover ups and ongoing looking the other way when an officer abuses their power. There needs to be some real discussions on this that occur between the police, community leaders and citizens alike. People need to come together on this.

Quite a few demonstrations across the country remained calm and without issues as police walked in solidarity with the protestors. Some took knees to show support and others engaged in conversations to reach out and show they are there to actually serve and protect. Here in Raleigh the protests remained calm until cover of night and then the instigators started **** up. They were no where near a majority of the people there earlier that just wanted their voices to be heard. Most people understand this, most people aren't letting these trouble makers high jack the message. Out of all the cities around here in NC that had protests the one I thought would have violence didn't.......Durham. Why? Here is what was said from a local article -

"Taylor also says the way Durham police handled the protests helped prevent tensions from boiling over. Durham officers primarily closed streets and blocked intersections as marchers moved around downtown, including three trips to police headquarters on East Main Street.

“While protesters in other cities were surrounded by policemen in the streets, the Durham Police Department stayed at a distance and created a safe haven for us to voice our opinions, just to protect us,” Taylor said.

......but let the police escalate and get brutal and it will only make it worse.

So, you think the police and National Guard should just stand by and watch them burn **** down and destroy our cities? That's not having a discussion about the problem.
Show me a single Democrat who supports the 'crimes and destruction.'

I would say that calling for citizens to pay the bail of those people doing the looting and property damage a form of support. That's what all of the Hollywood elitists are doing.
The question is where do we go from here? As a white guy, what would I need to do to satisfy people that I am not a racist? See, this is part of the problem. I am willing to listen, but I am not willing to just agree to anything,

For example,what if someone would say to me that reparations are an answer? I totally disagree with that, as all the money thrown at these problems over the years hasn't helped, why would this? And in our present moral state as a country and where some of our young peoples heads are, I don't know if I'd just give away money to anyone, regardless of color. Am I allowed these thoughts, or am I a racist?

As with all of these things, other issues get piggybacked on. Sooner or later we will be told in the spirit of coming together that we need to just accept unfettered immigration into this country. I don't agree with that. Will I be dismissed as a racist?

When I say that while we are addressing the issues of police brutality, is it also fair to ask what an be done about black on black crime? Can't both be done at the same time? Am I a racist for simply suggesting it?

These problems will never, ever be solved if the fall back position, when disagreements arise, is to call one side or the other racist or whatever it may be.
If anyone has any doubt where the calls for escalation of violence is coming from.... it's been non-stop over the past few years, coming directly from the WH and from posters on this very board.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">📺 NEW VIDEO<br><br>The White House is the Hate House. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/VoteOutHate?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#VoteOutHate</a> <a href="https://t.co/9yIAU4343x">pic.twitter.com/9yIAU4343x</a></p>— MeidasTouch.com (@MeidasTouch) <a href="https://twitter.com/MeidasTouch/status/1267230766196355073?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 31, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
You need to pump the brakes a bit on the rhetoric, as it seems Trump himself is the one having trouble differentiating between a protest and a riot. As are most of you Trump apologists on this board.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">President Trump appears to have seen footage of police officers throwing women to the curb, speeding cars into crowds, firing rubber bullets at reporters, and pushing a man with a cane to the ground — and has said: “Yes. We need more of that."</p>— Matt Viser (@mviser) <a href="https://twitter.com/mviser/status/1267485618470256640?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

Can you ever respond to people calling you out on your bullshit without mentioning the name Trump?
Can you ever respond to people calling you out on your bullshit without mentioning the name Trump?

It would be great to hear from the President himself, in a crisis like this. Has anyone seen him? Has he come out of his bunker yet?

It would be great to hear from the President himself, in a crisis like this. Has anyone seen him? Has he come out of his bunker yet?

In plain words, the troll has nothing, like usual.
<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Protests across the United States.<br><br>And Canada.<br><br>And England.<br><br>The Netherlands.<br><br>New Zealand.<br><br>Australia.<br><br>Denmark.<br><br>And this is the U.S. embassy in Ireland right now.<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BlackLivesMatter?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BlackLivesMatter</a> <br><br> <a href="https://t.co/vvxKiuTeO3">pic.twitter.com/vvxKiuTeO3</a></p>— Joshua Potash (@JoshuaPotash) <a href="https://twitter.com/JoshuaPotash/status/1267505719819018242?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
In plain words, the troll has nothing, like usual.

Ah come on, I'd give Trump more credit than that. I'm sure he'll address the nation at some point. Let's just hope he doesn't further escalate the tension and violence as he's done over the past few days.
So, you think the police and National Guard should just stand by and watch them burn **** down and destroy our cities? That's not having a discussion about the problem.

Yeah, that's what I said. They should offer coffee and donuts and sit around singing kumbaya while buildings burn.

Glad you read the whole thing and got anything out of that at all, but by all means, let's bust skulls because that will work out really well.
Ah come on, I'd give Trump more credit than that.

Damn, my 12 year old can do better than that. You better go find another meme to share.
The best thing that Trump can do right now is to release the DOJ and FBI to determine who is orchestrating this organized assault on our cities, determine who is leading, who is funding. Throw the book at them.

Spot on.
Trump rightfully bitchslapped weak Governors for not deploying the National Guard. He should just Federalize them and take it over.

Donald Trump Berates ‘Weak’ Governors for Permitting Looting and Violence

President Donald Trump unleashed heavy criticism for several U.S. governors Monday for allowing rioting and looting in their states, describing them as weak.

“The only time it’s successful is when you’re weak, and most of you are weak,” Trump said in a private video conference in the Situation Room of the White House, referring to the consecutive nights of looting and rioting across the nation.

The intense call lasted nearly an hour, according to reports.

Ryan Nobles

NEW- In ongoing call with Governors- President Trump is scolding their response to the crisis.
Trump blamed protests on "radical left" and then said:

“The only time it's successful is when you’re weak and most of you are weak.”

11:31 AM - Jun 1, 2020

Details and audio of the call leaked immediately to the press, who started sharing quotes on social media.

Trump warned governors that they would look like fools if they did not take more action to stop rioting.

A second person on call says Trump's "fools" comment was more of a warning, saying if the governors didn't take more action on the protests, they'd look like "fools."

11:41 AM - Jun 1, 2020

He urged them to dominate the streets with law enforcement and to call up the National Guard before violence breaks out, rather than simply reacting to reports of looting and rioting.

“We have all the men and women that you need, but people aren’t calling them up you have to dominate, if you don’t dominate, you’re wasting your time, they’re going to run all over you and you’re going to look like a bunch of jerks,” he said.

Mayors and governors, he said, needed to come down hard on violent protesters.

“You’ve got to arrest people, you have to track people, you have to put them in jail for 10 years and you’ll never see this stuff again,” he said.

Trump also commented that he saw footage of people driving up in nice cars, looting stores, and driving off.

“They’re all on camera, they’re wise guys, and it’s coming from the radical left you know it, everybody knows it, but it’s also looters and it’s also people that figure they can get free stuff by running into stores and running out with television sets,” he said.

He compared the ongoing riots to the Occupy Wall Street movement of leftists in major cities during the Obama administration.

“This is like a movement, we found out they’re delivering supplies to various places, to various states, you’re people know about it now,” he said. “It’s a movement that if you don’t put it down it will get worse and worse, this is like Occupy Wall Street, it was a disaster, until one day some person said, ‘That’s enough.'”

The president said that weak governors were making America look bad around the world.

“You know when other countries watch this, they’re watching this, the next day, ‘wow, they’re really a pushover,'” he said. “And we can’t be a pushover. And we have all the resources – it’s not like we don’t have the resources. So, I don’t know what you’re doing.”
Sigh, and not a single word, not a single word, about addressing the legitimate concerns of the hundreds of thousands of Americans peacefully marching and protesting around the country.

All of this is truly just a reality tv show to him, a spectacle. Sadly, I'm afraid things won't get better anytime soon. In fact, it may take an omnious turn for the worse from here.
I just got an emergency alert on my phone stating that there is an 8pm curfew for Indianapolis tonight. Peaceful protesting, my ***. It's violent rioting and destruction.
When you throw a brick at a law enforcement officer you are no longer a protester, you are a criminal at best, and if you are a paid anarchist you are a terrorist. Can you not comprehend the difference between a protest and a riot?

An enemy of the Constitution -- the covenant between government and We the People. They should be dealt with as such. Nothing more and nothing less.
Sigh, and not a single word, not a single word, about addressing the legitimate concerns of the hundreds of thousands of Americans peacefully marching and protesting around the country.

All of this is truly just a reality tv show to him, a spectacle. Sadly, I'm afraid things won't get better anytime soon. In fact, it may take an omnious turn for the worse from here.

Right now cities are being burned. You don't talk about what's on TV or NPR when the house is burning. The first and fundamental role of government is order and security.
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Here's my take on this, which of course is pretty much worth jack, just like everyone else's.

When a certain segment of the population repeatedly hears the echos that they are victims, pretty soon they begin to believe it. Just who does that benefit?

Perhaps it's time to start building people up, encourage them to believe in themselves, and that opportunities exist when one accepts the challenges toward those goals.
Right now cities are being burned. You don't talk about what's on TV or NPR when the house is burning. The first and fundamental role of government is order and security.

I have to agree here. I'm sure Trump and other government officials assured the Floyd family that steps will be taken to have some sort of oversight of police precincts and officer conduct (or whatever it may be), but right now you're dealing with a burning building x 1000, you protect the safety and security of Americans right now first and foremost.
Just heard that a truck driver was murdered in Dallas and the Children’s hospital is on fire. With kids in it.
You need to go back these past few pages and read what I've written about violence at these protests.

You've approvingly quoted Black Lives Matter. That group has made grotesquely violent statements about whites and in particular about white police officers and its leaders have more than once called for violence against police and against white people for the sin of being white:

DeRay Mckesson, a Black Lives Matter leader, in May of 2015 said that the police were "engaged in ethnic cleansing."


Black Lives Matter Toronto co-founder Yusra Khogali was criticized after she argued on social media that black people are a superior race because white people are "sub-humxn" who suffer from "recessive genetic defects," and how they could be wiped out."


If you take a look at the Black Lives Matter Twitter feed, you'll find photos of activists wearing shirts that say, "Assata Taught Me."

Looks like it's going down in Cleveland. Follow @FEARLESSnFREE and @LotusLightSage for more details pic.twitter.com/wVe6oKF7jn
— Black Lives Matter (@Blklivesmatter) August 27, 2015

They're referring to infamous cop killer Assata Shakur, otherwise known as Joanne Chesimard, who shot and killed a New Jersey State Trooper back in 1973. In 1977, Shakur was convicted and sentenced to prison but quickly escaped and has been a fugitive in Cuba ever since. She's also on the FBI's most wanted terrorism list. BLM glorifies Shakur as a hero and uses her writings and materials during training sessions. Lee Stranahan has more:

BlackLivesMatter—the activist group that demands a “racial justice agenda” that includes constant criticism and activism against police—invokes the words of convicted cop killer Assata Shakur at “all its events.”

At a recent event for female bloggers, BlackLivesMatter leaders had a crowd of thousands repeating lines from a letter written by Shakur that include an explicit reference to the Communist Manifesto.

The BlackLivesMatter group, which has met with President Obama and largely been given a free pass by the media, has skyrocketed to national prominence after its involvement with unrest and rioting in Ferguson, Baltimore, and a recent takeover of events the Netroots Nation conference for progressive Democrats in Phoenix, Arizona.


So giving kudos to a murderer who fled to Cuba, calling whites "sub-human," talking about plans on how to exterminate white people, accusing police of "ethnic cleansing."

You support that group. And pretend that the "white supremacist" boogeyman is supposed to scare people. Uh, yeah, sure.

When's the last time "white supremacists" inspired the calculated murder of five police officers, and a total of at least twenty police officers being ambushed and shot by "white supremacists"?? Black Lives Matter? Google BLM and police shootings, and BOOM. Easy to find.


So spare me the moral preaching when you cite Black Lives Matter as a reference source. Seriously, Tibs, I get that people of pigment are supposed to be immune from charges of racism, but citing Black Lives Matter as some reasoned inspiration would be no different than me citing some passage in Mein Kampf.
Sigh, and not a single word, not a single word, about addressing the legitimate concerns of the hundreds of thousands of Americans peacefully marching and protesting around the country.

You are just lying, Tibs. Seriously, you cannot formulate an independent thought, keep repeating garbage from places like Media Matters. (I know because I read all sources, not just one as you obviously do.) Specifically, as to your claim that Trump said "nothing" about the matter and nothing about supporting legitimate protests and investigation of wrongdoing by all, cops included:

Mr. Trump held a news conference about China shortly after Mr. Biden delivered his remarks, but did not mention Mr. Floyd or take any questions. A few hours later, he addressed Mr. Floyd’s death at the start of a round table discussion with executives. “I understand the hurt. I understand the pain,” Mr. Trump said, while also criticizing “looters” in Minneapolis.


President Trump said Friday afternoon that he spoke to the family of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died during a police arrest in Minneapolis earlier this week.

Trump called Floyd’s death a “terrible thing” and said he was “determined that justice be served” in remarks at the beginning of a White House roundtable event on reopening the economy following the coronavirus outbreak.

“We all saw what we saw,” the president said, referring to bystander video capturing the moments leading up to Floyd’s death that prompted widespread outrage in Minneapolis and across the country. “Should never be allowed to happen, a thing like that.”


Terrible thing, I understand the hurt, I understand the pain, we're investigating, spoke to the family, should never be allowed to happen, won’t let that happen, justice will be served.

Stop. Lying.
These are a lot bigger than the protests about all the black victims of violent crimes.

Wait, they don't have any of those.
Just heard that a truck driver was murdered in Dallas and the Children’s hospital is on fire. With kids in it.

Man I sure hope this isn't true. We've had enough loss of life.