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This is police brutality

More peaceful protesters, standing idly by while some shitbag tries to light the place on fire. But karma can be a ***** sometimes:

To quote the line from Saving Private Ryan … let him burn.
More peaceful protesters, carefully stating their views on racial intolerance:


And more:


So to sum up: Four police officers commit crime, kill citizen, face prosecution. National emergency.

Tens of thousands loot, burn, attack, and kill. No problem. Just great people showing how to protest.
Wise words from Houston police chief Art Acevedo. Bravo.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Houston Police Chief <a href="https://twitter.com/ArtAcevedo?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@ArtAcevedo</a>: “Let me just say this to the President of the United States, on behalf of the police chiefs of this country: please, if you don’t have something constructive to say, keep your mouth shut.” <a href="https://t.co/z5AJpOO0RO">pic.twitter.com/z5AJpOO0RO</a></p>— Christiane Amanpour (@camanpour) <a href="https://twitter.com/camanpour/status/1267531481322262528?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
Wise words from Houston police chief Art Acevedo. Bravo.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Houston Police Chief <a href="https://twitter.com/ArtAcevedo?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@ArtAcevedo</a>: “Let me just say this to the President of the United States, on behalf of the police chiefs of this country: please, if you don’t have something constructive to say, keep your mouth shut.” <a href="https://t.co/z5AJpOO0RO">pic.twitter.com/z5AJpOO0RO</a></p>— Christiane Amanpour (@camanpour) <a href="https://twitter.com/camanpour/status/1267531481322262528?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

Right back at 'ya, publicity hog stupid kunt racist shitbag know-nothing ******* police chief.

Do the city of Houston a favor and shut up. Or do the world a favor and have your vocal chords removed.
I gotta get off here and log off all TV and internet news for a bit. I'm not liking some of the thoughts that are entering my head right now. They are getting really ugly. And I think reading one just more of Tibs posts excusing and in some cases bordering on glorifying these *************, vile, human pieces of ******* trash will probably be enough to send me right over the edge. I'm out for a few ya'll. Take care.
Right back at 'ya, publicity hog stupid kunt racist shitbag know-nothing ******* police chief. Do the city of Houston a favor and shut up. Or do the world a favor and have your vocal chords removed.

Typical, flaccid response. Blindly and mindlessly attacking and slandering a police chief who's led his department for years, keeping citizens of his city safe.

Chief Acevedo leads a department of 5,200 sworn law enforcement officers and 1,200 civilian support personnel with an annual general fund budget of $825 million in the fourth largest city in the United States. Chief Acevedo holds various leadership positions with the Major Cities Chiefs Association and the International Association of Chiefs of Police.
I gotta get off here and log off all TV and internet news for a bit. I'm not liking some of the thoughts that are entering my head right now. They are getting really ugly. And I think reading one just more of Tibs posts excusing and in some cases bordering on glorifying these *************, vile, human pieces of ******* trash will probably be enough to send me right over the edge. I'm out for a few ya'll. Take care.

LOL, I've gone pages on end in this thread calling for an end to violence and looting, multiple posts praising the work of good cops, encouraging dialogue and peaceful protest. Some of you really need to get a grip. Or in this case, a little time-out may not be such a terrible idea. Supersteeler, you're a good man, get some fresh air.
Typical, flaccid response. Blindly and mindlessly attacking and slandering a police chief who's led his department for years, keeping citizens of his city safe.

Huh? You quoted his budget?

What the stupid ********** has said:

"the NRA doesn’t like the fact that we want to take firearms out of the hands of boyfriends who abuse their girlfriends.”


"I don't want to see their little smug faces about how much they care about law enforcement when I'm burying a sergeant, because they don't want to piss off the NRA. Make up your minds. Whose side are you on gun manufacturers, the gun lobby or the children are getting gunned down in this country every single day."

Following the press conference, the Houston Police Officers' Union board sent a memo to its members in which it described the timing of Acevedo's remarks as "offensive and inappropriate."


“These little white guys with their skateboards are the ones starting all the ****. Don't follow that bullshit!"


July 9, 2004

SACRAMENTO – A top candidate to replace retiring California Highway Patrol Commissioner D.O. "Spike" Helmick has been investigated recently for allegedly showing nude photographs of a fellow CHP officer to other high-ranking officers while on duty.

Assistant Chief Art Acevedo is the subject of a $5 million civil sexual harassment claim involving the woman with whom he allegedly had an affair in 1995.


Racist, sexual harasser, lowlife, opportunist, shitmouth *******. Based on what he said, what he's done, not the ******* police department budget.

Get a clue before you post. I realize this may mean a long hiatus for you, but it will do you good.
Thanks for the insight, didn't realize he had the balls to stand up to the NRA and the gun lobby mafia as well. Double kudos, Chief.

Digging up an affair from 1995 seems little beneath you, but given your ilk, I guess not.
Steeltime, this seems to be the policing you prefer, cops tear-gassing non-violent, peaceful protestors. This is the America you want to live in. Understood.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Hey, <a href="https://twitter.com/PhillyMayor?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@PhillyMayor</a> why are your cops tear-gassing citizens engaged in non-violent civil disobedience? This is outrageous <a href="https://t.co/wD6CeHc2iL">https://t.co/wD6CeHc2iL</a></p>— Will Bunch Sign Up For My Newsletter (@Will_Bunch) <a href="https://twitter.com/Will_Bunch/status/1267566443647963137?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
I gotta get off here and log off all TV and internet news for a bit. I'm not liking some of the thoughts that are entering my head right now. They are getting really ugly. And I think reading one just more of Tibs posts excusing and in some cases bordering on glorifying these *************, vile, human pieces of ******* trash will probably be enough to send me right over the edge. I'm out for a few ya'll. Take care.

I posted it a little earlier in this thread SS (and then deleted it), but I just simply said don't feed the troll and don't let him get to you. He's being all sweet and cute now saying that he posted rainbows and unicorns just recently, but he knows the type of **** he typically does. He's admitted to it.

We're watching our country go to hell in front of our eyes and it's very difficult to process. So when someone is here to simply rile people up, I can understand the emotional responses. Take a breather though brother, and do whatever you have to do. Our mental health is probably pretty ******* fragile right now living here and loving this country.
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I don't post here much. In politics. But my burning question is : "How am I supposed to or expected to, sympathize with a movement or a people who got abused by a bad cop, when I see what they are doing to their own neighborhoods,, and other innocent peoples property in the wake of this?"
Cop should be prosecuted to the extent of the law. I'm with you black man, this is bullshit!
But then you kill each other daily in major cities everywhere. You're (not all) destroying, burning maiming, robbing your own communities.
This will only make your neighborhoods where you live worse when the store owners/franchises decide not to rebuild in that area.
You want no peace because there is no justice. My personal racial divide is growing greater with each video that surfaces. Its not fair to good people.

We need a Dr. King again. Leadership in the black community is scarce. But there is no shortage of finger pointing and blame.
LOL, I've gone pages on end in this thread calling for an end to violence and looting, multiple posts praising the work of good cops, encouraging dialogue and peaceful protest.

You may want to re-read what you have actually written. I didn't frequent this site for the past three days, so I started on page 21 of this thread and moved forward.

You apparently forget what you actually wrote, which had a bunch to do with racism, white nationalism, more about racism, how we need to understand how angry the protesters are, and basically nothing about the fact that thugs are attacking people, attacking the police, burning down stores, and stealing and how they should be prosecuted for doing so. I am not going to re-read 13 pages, but I don't recall you saying a word in pages 21-33 about how the looting needs to stop, the looters are lowlife thieves, or anything of the sort.

Meanwhile, I posted two twitter videos and a YouTube video showing African-Americans violently attacking, in groups, citizens and you said not a word. Not a syllable. Like it was nothing.
Thanks for the insight, didn't realize he had the balls to stand up to the NRA and the gun lobby mafia as well. Double kudos, Chief.

Digging up an affair from 1995 seems little beneath you, but given your ilk, I guess not.

Why don't you do us all a favor and take a break for a few days? All you're doing is inciting and riling people up.
More on the ******* Houston police chief, dating back years and detailing his grotesque and repeated misdeeds.

Disgraced Chief Falls Upward
The tendency of municipal bureaucrats to recycle disgraceful police chiefs from one city to another demonstrates why the powerful position should be elected.

Greg Harrison
November 17, 2016

A police chief with a history of problems is being recycled from one cushy job to another, according to city reports.

Condolences to the Bayou City: Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo has accepted a job as the Houston Police Chief. Although a start date for his new job has not yet been announced, Mayor Turner is scheduled to make the announcement around 2 p.m. today.

Acevedo leaves the Capital City as yet another milestone in his legacy of disgrace. He was pressured to leave the California Highway Patrol in 2007 following a sexual harassment lawsuit from a woman who allegedly had an affair with him. Afterwards, he was snatched up by the City of Austin and hired as Police Chief.

In his nearly decade-long tenure in Austin, Acevedo has been pockmarked with rocky relationships and controversies. It is well known that Acevedo had a difficult working relationship with City Manager Marc Ott – Acevedo has been reprimanded several times for disobeying orders, including having his pay docked for speaking out about ongoing investigations to officers when told not to.

In 2014, he exacerbated community relations for a tone-deaf comment in which he defended his officers for slamming a 19-year-old woman on the pavement for jaywalking, saying that sexual abuse by officers in other cities made his officers look good by comparison.

Despite his tendency to constantly put his foot in his mouth, Acevedo has not shied away from the public spotlight, and frequently grandstands for liberal causes. Last year, he testified against both open carry and campus carry. He caught flak for his comments on the latter, in which he stated that it would be better for a sexual assault victim to undergo counseling following an incident than have had the ability to defend oneself in the first place.

Acevedo did briefly voice support for ridesharing companies such as Uber and Lyft, testifying at an Austin City Council meeting on how the services led to a substantial decrease in DWI offenses. However, during the Prop 1 campaign over ridesharing regulations Acevedo forced organizers supporting the measure to remove any reference to his statements on the issue.

Further underscoring his liberal inconsistency when it comes to public safety, Acevedo has also publicly opposed measures that would strengthen cooperation with federal authorities on matters pertaining to illegal immigration, such as a ban on sanctuary cities.

There is no word yet on who will be his replacement, although it is likely that the Austin establishment will appoint someone just as bad or worse to take his place.

The unfortunate truth with appointed officials is that they are not held accountable by elections – Acevedo’s unpopularity with his community and history of controversy merely demonstrates why such a powerful position should be subject to the will of voters – not the whim of municipal bureaucrats.


So of course Tibs licks the guys ******* like an ice cream cone, completely unaware of what a lowlife Acevedo is.

Hey, don't carry and protect yourselves, ladies, just get raped and get counseling.
Why don't you do us all a favor and take a break for a few days? All you're doing is inciting and riling people up.

He benefits from a nation that protects its borders, punishes criminals, protects property rights and would not ******* allowing morons to burn and loot.

And them comes here to lecture us on how racist we are for criticizing the looting, and blaming white nationalists for the looting. Yes, he really did that.

You must be referring to the Proud Boys and Boogaloos who are increasingly being outed while mingling with the legitimate protestors. Don't be so easily fooled. The dead give away was Barr and Trump immediately leaping to scapegoat and fingerpoint, before any relevant information was gathered from the sites of the various protests. There are surely far-left anarchists involved in the escalation of violence, damage to property, etc. There is no doubt about that, they thrive for this type of chaos and mayhem. But you are cutting yourself short if you don't think far right activists aren't up to their necks in this as well.

Far-Right Extremists Are Hoping to Turn the George Floyd Protests Into a New Civil War
And them comes here to lecture us on how racist we are for criticizing the looting, and blaming white nationalists for the looting. Yes, he really did that.
You should hand back your law degree, you clearly have difficulty with reading comprehension:

Tibs said:
There are surely far-left anarchists involved in the escalation of violence, damage to property, etc. There is no doubt about that, they thrive for this type of chaos and mayhem.

He benefits from a nation that protects its borders, punishes criminals, protects property rights and would not ******* allowing morons to burn and loot.
And you should definitely stop commenting on **** you know nothing about. For instance how Budapest was in flames, with barricades shutting down bridges, in full lockdown during multiple, massive protests spanning weeks over the past two decades. Or, that the Islamic terrorists who shot up the Bataclan theater in Paris in 2015, murdering 89 innocent people in cold blood, organized their attacks in a hotel in downtown Budapest over the span of months, before driving to France to carry out their attack.

I'll take Steelworth's advice and take a break from the board, before some of you completely lose your ****. Stay safe folks.
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I'll take Steelworth's advice and take a break from the board, before some of you completely lose your ****. Stay safe folks.

Don't kid yourself. You're not that important. I think most people here are like me in that they just chalk you up as the irrelevant, ****-stirring Hungarian ******** troll that you are. But by all means, go check on your safe space.
I posted it a little earlier in this thread SS (and then deleted it), but I just simply said don't feed the troll and don't let him get to you.

A few weeks ago, I actually defended this individual, I now regret doing so. It's become apparent that all that matters, literally everything, revolves around the defeat of President Trump.
I know many of you enjoy the back and forth banter, but for me, I'll choose to scroll on by and simply ignore, because it's the attention that feeds him.
Sojourner tends to quote Biblical passages, I think Proverbs 29:9 is appropriate.
Don't have time to find them all right now, but I've seen literally a dozen of these pallets of bricks just showing up out of thin air:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I've never seen something like this<br><br>This is insane<br><br>I have seen people pull bricks from the ground but to see so many instance of bricks just lying around is very strange to me <a href="https://t.co/IcjzQs4roB">https://t.co/IcjzQs4roB</a></p>— Tim Pool (@Timcast) <a href="https://twitter.com/Timcast/status/1267464631494348801?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

It's like manna from hell if you're an antifa punk.
You should hand back your law degree, you clearly have difficulty with reading comprehension:

I quoted some idiot to prove that you were blaming "white nationalists" for the rioting.

Oh, I quoted you. Verbatim. And yes, you did say that so pretending you didn't is not surprising, but clearly ineffectual.
Any comments on Trump’s speech he just gave?