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This is police brutality

What rock have you been living under for the past 4 years? Everything Trump says is a media talking point.
I am afraid that people aren't going to come together , at least for my lifetime. People are retreating to their tribes. Be prepared.

Indeed. And it's sad. Trump has done some great things for this country, but he can't bring people together. Not saying he is the culprit, but he sure as hell isn't the answer to any type of 'coming together' in this country. The media treat him like an absolute ******* Nazi dictator totalitarian, so you're never going to get any intellectual honesty there. So where do we go from here?
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I was born in Iran. I’ve reported all over the Middle East. I’ve *lived* with human traffickers in Istanbul. Yet I’ve never felt the insecurity of lawlessness and disorder as acutely as I did tonight. In Midtown Manhattan. <br><br>And this failure is on you and Blas. <a href="https://t.co/SAcCfzFddb">https://t.co/SAcCfzFddb</a></p>— Sohrab Ahmari (@SohrabAhmari) <a href="https://twitter.com/SohrabAhmari/status/1267669291584958464?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Indeed. And it's sad. Trump has done some great things for this country, but he can't bring people together. Not saying he is the culprit, but he sure as hell isn't the answer to any type of 'coming together' in this country. The media treat him like an absolute ******* Nazi dictator totalitarian, so you're never going to get any intellectual honesty there. So where do we go from here?

We've been in the midst of a national temper tantrum for 4 years that shows zero signs of abating and is only getting worse. 30-40% of the population are unhinged when it comes to DT and will never give him an honest chance. His greatest crime was running for POTUS and getting elected.
Huh? Our country is getting burned to the ground right now & you're bitching about Trump and how he sounds? What is asinine IYO? What's asinine to me are government officials who don't impose curfews or even consider using non-lethal means (tear gas etc.) to quell an organized insurrection.

Yes, an organized insurrection. That is what this has become unfortunately. Protesters without hate in their hearts, but who are feeling hurt & angry about certain situations that continue to happen in this country in 2020 are nothing but an overlooked stepping stone right now. Look with your own eyes. Everybody that's watching with their own eyes and open mind see what's really going on here, and it's not about George Floyd, or peaceful protest, or having a particular ethnic group's best interests at heart. It's about tearing apart America because they hate it, period. That's my opinion and you tell me where I'm wrong.

I'll listen, I promise.

Our country isn’t burning to the ground. It’s just riots in a few cities. Get a grip.

Seems I heard that somewhere......
In my opinion, two problems exist between the black and white communities in our United States of America:

On one side:

Fatherlessness - too many young men have grown up without a father figure to help guide them through life in a productive manner, with respect and a conscientiousness for all other people

Victim mentality - too many young men and women buy into the idea that they're merely victims (and always have been), and don't have the means or fortitude to forge their own path and realize their own dreams that this country affords them

On the other side:

Empathy - a wise person once said, do not judge another man/woman until you've walked in his/her shoes. I believe there's a lack of empathy for struggling young men and women who may not have been taught/provided certain tools to live a life that others have been afforded more easily & readily and perhaps have taken for granted

Racism - this is where it gets dicey. Some people seem to look at another's skin color and will immediately judge them by that. I'm not saying that anybody here does that, but I've seen and heard it with my own eyes and ears -- yes there are racists in this country. Perhaps police precincts need independent oversight committees that account for every officer's conduct that may be questionable. I know that just seems like more money spent for government-type regulation, but I don't know what else you can do at this point

I told another poster in the P&R forum I didn't have the time to give my thoughts on this earlier, but I certainly did now. Hopefully most of what I said made sense to you *peace&love*

Good points.

I also wonder if we need to get all the talking heads from both side out of it, all the connected or well heeled, and just have ordinary people in a room hashing things out. I don't listen to Limbaugh, but yesterday he had on the "Breakfast Club" people, so I listened later. And all that Charlamange guy could do is blabber about societal racism or whatever and how the country is set up for white success but never really explained how. Which I found interesting as he is making probably lots of money being a radio host in that system set up only for white success. Which I think is great, good for him, but is he really the best voice? Is a guy like Limbaugh for white folk?

I think you get just regular joes and janes in a room and things could be talked out. As a white guy, I'd like to simply explain where most of us are coming from, probably most of us here. That is most of us are just trying to get by, keep our head above water, pay our bills and when we get a chance and can afford it, have a little fun. The last thing we think about, or have time to think about, is oppressing anybody. I'd be willing to bet there is a similar sentiment among the hard working, plug away at it everyday black folks. They don't have any more time for this bullshit than most of us do, they are too busy trying to do the best things for their families, pay their bills and have a little fun. There has to be some common ground there, right?
Trump says he is with the peaceful protestors, but then tear gasses them and uses rubber bullets a full 25 minutes before curfew so he could stand on front of a church with a Bible. Im all for preventing the looting, burning, and rioting by any means, but there is a right way to do things. Going to the church did not show any symbol of strength at all and all it did was create more divide. I have not seen anyone back his actions other than to say it was legal and within his powers
Trump says he is with the peaceful protestors, but then tear gasses them and uses rubber bullets a full 25 minutes before curfew so he could stand on front of a church with a Bible. Im all for preventing the looting, burning, and rioting by any means, but there is a right way to do things. Going to the church did not show any symbol of strength at all and all it did was create more divide. I have not seen anyone back his actions other than to say it was legal and within his powers

Since tibs left for a while, you can take his place. You're doing great so far.
So please explain to me how what Trump did was helpful? Also please show me any support for his actions
So please explain to me how what Trump did was helpful?

It wasn't helpful. Everyone knows that. That said, Trump has a very high opinion of himself and nobody is gonna tell him what to do. So he just HAD to go to that church 20 minutes before curfew in the middle of a protest. For a picture. I suppose it just couldn't wait.
Likely the first time in history there are large scale protests, violent riots, and looting over something that has practically unanimous agreement and outrage.
He thinks he can bully his way out of this and all it's going to do is incite more violence. He needs to convey to African Americans that he understands their pain and outrage and that he is going to do something about it. But he's incapable of seeing past his own ego to do that.

The emperor has no clothes my friends. History will not be kind to him on this.
He thinks he can bully his way out of this and all it's going to do is incite more violence. He needs to convey to African Americans that he understands their pain and outrage and that he is going to do something about it. But he's incapable of seeing past his own ego to do that.

The emperor has no clothes my friends. History will not be kind to him on this.

Wrong. You'll see.
So please explain to me how what Trump did was helpful? Also please show me any support for his actions

It wasn't helpful. The optics were horrible as the majority were protesting peacefully and here comes the police hitting people with shields and at times punching them, lobbing tear gas. All of that for a photo op. Outside of his most staunch supporters there isn't much support for that action.

I don't have TDS or whatever, and through his presidency I have liked quite a few of his policies and at times was behind his calling out of reporters for being provocative. That being said, the man doesn't know how to fully lead as this situation has shown. Sure he gave a decent speech on Saturday, but continuously wiped his *** with it with every divisive tweet he has put out there. Not sure why anyone thinks that doesn't hurt him, but to each their own.
He needs to convey to African Americans that he understands their pain and outrage and that he is going to do something about it. .

FFS, that doesn't mean we have to condone violence and destruction on innocent citizens and businesses. Your TDS has metastasized to stage 3.
FFS, that doesn't mean we have to condone violence and destruction on innocent citizens and businesses. Your TDS has matastasized to stage 3.

No one said condone violence. He's done nothing to let people know he cares about what these protests are about.

My close friend has a black son who is a straight A student and athlete and she has to live in fear that he might die if gets pulled over for a traffic stop. Do you have any conception of what that feels like? Does Trump?

Enough with the TDS bullshit. Again, I've been fair and evenhanded. I've defended him many times on a lot of unfair criticism. Only one of us is "deranged" and incapable of seeing both the good and the bad about the man. Your cult-like worship of him is off the charts.
FFS, that doesn't mean we have to condone violence and destruction on innocent citizens and businesses. Your TDS has metastasized to stage 3.

Every time you post I sit here and go.......wow. No where did OFTB say anything close to that. I don't condone the violence and rioting as it takes away from the message that these protests have been about from day one and hurts the communities affected. Calling Trump out for his complete stupidity in matters like this doesn't mean someone suffers from TDS, the tag given to anyone that doesn't 100% agree with everything he does. There has never been a president that I have agreed with 100%..........never. I don't understand how anyone can defend the tweets he has put out there about when the looting starts the shooting starts, releasing vicious dogs and ominous weapons, calling for a MAGA night at the white house with protestors outside, and it goes on. That stupidity wipes out anything he stated prior, because to me it shows how he really feels. Trumps staunchest supporters don't ever fully call him out on these kind of things, sure there is the every once in a while "Yeah, well he says stupid stuff, but he is the best" The fact that my choices to vote for in November are two brain dead old ***** that have no clue makes me vomit.

If that makes me full on TDS then whatever.
No one said condone violence. He's done nothing to let people know he cares about what these protests are about.

My close friend has a black son who is a straight A student and athlete and she has to live in fear that he might die if gets pulled over for a traffic stop. Do you have any conception of what that feels like? Does Trump?

Enough with the TDS bullshit. Again, I've been fair and evenhanded. I've defended him many times on a lot of unfair criticism. Only one of us is "deranged" and incapable of seeing both the good and the bad about the man. Your cult-like worship of him is off the charts.

I don't get the live in fear deal. are you saying every black person if pulled over could die? if so I call bullshit. I know the media wants us all to think this but it simply is not true.
If that makes me full on TDS then whatever.

Nah, you're about halfway there. But you and OFTB post like Trump is just supposed to ignore all the criminal activity that is going on, give the rioters a cookie, kleenex and tell them its all going to be ok. How about they stop destroying **** and act civilized first?
I don't get the live in fear deal. are you saying every black person if pulled over could die? if so I call bullshit. I know the media wants us all to think this but it simply is not true.

Such a tiring narrative. George Floyd was drunk off his *** according the store clerk, high on fentanyl and methamphetamines according to his autopsy, hanging out with criminals and trying to pass counterfeit bills, and he was arrested. This wasn't a traffic stop.

[OBVIOUS DISCLAIMER THAT HAS TO PRECEDE EVERY DISCUSSION ON THIS] Of course it was terrible and the cop needs to go to prison, along with the bystander cops, and the MN justice department and police need a thorough anal probe,
My close friend has a black son who is a straight A student and athlete and she has to live in fear that he might die if gets pulled over for a traffic stop. Do you have any conception of what that feels like?

No. Do you know why? Because when I get pulled over for speeding I'm respectful. That's a problem that starts in the home. Kids need to learn that in the first place, you don't commit crimes. If you do and you get caught, you don't resist arrest. It's extremely rare for someone who obeys the law or doesn't fight the police to be killed by them. It's simple. And it has nothing to do with Trump.
Amy Klobuchar is complicit in this as well. You know...the ex MN governor who ran for President... she KNEW Chauvin had multiple complaints against him and had multiple calls to do investigations. She did NOTHING. Didn’t press the attorney general to do anything. She was on Biden’s short-bus list for VP...no way in hell does she make the cut now.