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This is police brutality

Hey Trump addressed the nation! Now everything will be all better!
Outside of a few of the personalities, Fox News is so annoying. There is no alternative on the channels that I get.
Steeltime, this seems to be the policing you prefer, cops tear-gassing non-violent, peaceful protestors. This is the America you want to live in. Understood.

This is where you always wind up and then get proven wrong. First, YOU praised the Houston Police Dick, Acevedo. I knew that the guy was an ******* years ago, and provided evidence as to what ACEVEDO did and said to make my point. You then just shrink away, pretend you did not compliment a guy who sexually harassed a female under his supervision, showed nude photos of her to other officers, who said women should not protect themselves from rape by way of concealed carry and should instead just get counseling after being raped, who repeatedly violated policy and department practice by commenting on ongoing investigations, who made racist comments about white people.

No big deal to you. Oh, sorry, no deal at all since that vile scum had something negative to say about Trump.

You then write that I am all for tear gassing peaceful protesters.

Really? Why don't you quote one of my comments where I say A-NY-THING close to that. Go ahead.

Further, this thread is entitled, "This Is Police Brutality." Literally not one person here, repeat, NOT ONE PERSON HERE, argued to the contrary. My original post was:

Yeah, he's in cuffs. Take your knee off his neck, sit him upright.

If something goes bad from there, then the cops can say, "Hey, tried to make sure he was okay. **** happens."

Is that where I said that tear gassing peaceful protesters is a good idea? Not the way I read it, but whatever.
Any comments on Trump’s speech he just gave?

I didn't catch it. Lyn, I trust you to give an honest assessment, what do you think?
Nope, haven't seen a confederate flag fly in years. I have no idea where people would get that idea. You're right, my bad.


Look look the blind squirrel found a nut.
I have never seen an atom bomb, but I am sure I can find one on the internet. I asked when was the last time YOU have seen one.
Love this. Antifa tough guy who incited riots in Pittsburgh turns himself in at police station for arrest …

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The Antifa kid who police say incited riot in Pittsburgh has been arrested and watching him turn himself in with mommy and daddy is the absolute greatest thing on the internet today.<a href="https://t.co/pTZUPV9XZL">pic.twitter.com/pTZUPV9XZL</a></p>— Jason Howerton (@jason_howerton) <a href="https://twitter.com/jason_howerton/status/1267575598693715974?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I didnt see Trump's speech, but what the hell is he doing? Tear gassing and shooting rubber bullets at peaceful protestors for a church photo op?? I dont get it.......Am I missing something?
I didnt see Trump's speech, but what the hell is he doing? Tear gassing and shooting rubber bullets at peaceful protestors for a church photo op?? I dont get it.......Am I missing something?

The police asked the protestors to move and start leaving since it was getting close to curfew. They wouldn’t move. They also rode horseback and chased the protestors down the street.
It would be great to hear from the President himself, in a crisis like this. Has anyone seen him? Has he come out of his bunker yet?


Spewing nonsense again. He made a speech on Saturday, and eloquent one, regarding these riots and the protest during the SpaceX launch. Wake the **** up.

He spoke again today.

Ya'll running around saying he has been silent literally make up your own realities.

Wise words from Houston police chief Art Acevedo. Bravo.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Houston Police Chief <a href="https://twitter.com/ArtAcevedo?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@ArtAcevedo</a>: “Let me just say this to the President of the United States, on behalf of the police chiefs of this country: please, if you don’t have something constructive to say, keep your mouth shut.” <a href="https://t.co/z5AJpOO0RO">pic.twitter.com/z5AJpOO0RO</a></p>— Christiane Amanpour (@camanpour) <a href="https://twitter.com/camanpour/status/1267531481322262528?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

As Steeltime has pointed out, this man is a literal walking POS. A man who calls Houston residents "my people."

This is your second Michael Avenatti moment - anointing a piece of **** as an American Hero simply because he agrees with you - when said person is still vermin.

Bravo Tibs.
Sounds like Trump went on an ego trip to show how tough he is. Just an asinine move in my opinion
Sounds like Trump went on an ego trip to show how tough he is. Just an asinine move in my opinion

Huh? Our country is getting burned to the ground right now & you're bitching about Trump and how he sounds? What is asinine IYO? What's asinine to me are government officials who don't impose curfews or even consider using non-lethal means (tear gas etc.) to quell an organized insurrection.

Yes, an organized insurrection. That is what this has become unfortunately. Protesters without hate in their hearts, but who are feeling hurt & angry about certain situations that continue to happen in this country in 2020 are nothing but an overlooked stepping stone right now. Look with your own eyes. Everybody that's watching with their own eyes and open mind see what's really going on here, and it's not about George Floyd, or peaceful protest, or having a particular ethnic group's best interests at heart. It's about tearing apart America because they hate it, period. That's my opinion and you tell me where I'm wrong.

I'll listen, I promise.
Pro Trump...It was great!
Anti Trump. It sucked!

The bubble headed bleach blonde on the local CBS affiliate tonight was literally seething with contempt for Trump, veins popping out in her neck.

I sent an email to KPHO letting them know I tune in for the news and not the ideology. Doubt I'll hear anything back.
Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. If he wasn't tough people would ***** that he sounded weak. He isn't talking enough... he is talking too much. He can't win

There is a difference between being tough and being an prick. The only reason that he tear gassed and shot rubber bullets was so he could take a picture at a church that didn't even want him there. I have no problem with the national guard and what not, but disturbing a peaceful protest for really no reason is just throwing gas on a fire. It is giving the media a talking point and certainly not going to help bring people together.
There is a difference between being tough and being an prick. The only reason that he tear gassed and shot rubber bullets was so he could take a picture at a church that didn't even want him there. I have no problem with the national guard and what not, but disturbing a peaceful protest for really no reason is just throwing gas on a fire. It is giving the media a talking point and certainly not going to help bring people together.

Suggest you understand the context. When the President...any President...goes to a public location, the Secret Service and local law enforcement maintains crowd control. Whether it is at a stadium, in a town square, or at a facility. The White House planned, rightfully SO, this moment. And it was needed. Thugs and criminals tried to burn down a national monument, St. Johns church - otherwise known as the "Church of Presidents."

"From its opening in October 1816, every person, beginning with James Madison, who has held the office of President of the United States, has attended St. John’s at least once. Several Presidents have been members. Thus, St. John’s is called “the Church of the Presidents.”"

Like after 9/11 when President Bush showed up at Ground Zero in NYC to show the American people, we stand United and strong, President Trump and the White House showed up at St. Johns Church to show America, we stand strong.

Protesters were in the streets. The police asked them to move. They were in the path to the church. They refused. Eventually, after much coaxing, they needed to use force.

You may have missed the news last night and missed the violence wreaked upon the Nation's capitol. The protesters could have followed direction, as any crowd does when a President makes an appearance, and cleared the way. They refused.

HE didn't tear gas them and fire rubber bullets btw. Don't say "he" did that. They didn't do this "for no reason."
. It is giving the media a talking point and certainly not going to help bring people together.

What rock have you been living under for the past 4 years? Everything Trump says is a media talking point.
I am afraid that people aren't going to come together , at least for my lifetime. People are retreating to their tribes. Be prepared.
In my opinion, two problems exist between the black and white communities in our United States of America:

On one side:

Fatherlessness - too many young men have grown up without a father figure to help guide them through life in a productive manner, with respect and a conscientiousness for all other people

Victim mentality - too many young men and women buy into the idea that they're merely victims (and always have been), and don't have the means or fortitude to forge their own path and realize their own dreams that this country affords them

On the other side:

Empathy - a wise person once said, do not judge another man/woman until you've walked in his/her shoes. I believe there's a lack of empathy for struggling young men and women who may not have been taught/provided certain tools to live a life that others have been afforded more easily & readily and perhaps have taken for granted

Racism - this is where it gets dicey. Some people seem to look at another's skin color and will immediately judge them by that. I'm not saying that anybody here does that, but I've seen and heard it with my own eyes and ears -- yes there are racists in this country. Perhaps police precincts need independent oversight committees that account for every officer's conduct that may be questionable. I know that just seems like more money spent for government-type regulation, but I don't know what else you can do at this point

I told another poster in the P&R forum I didn't have the time to give my thoughts on this earlier, but I certainly did now. Hopefully most of what I said made sense to you *peace&love*