We agree on nearly every issue but this one. The hook is set with you. You've taken the bait. You believe the lie. I'm sorry but what you "see" is the fabrication the media's fed you for years and years. That Kaepernick drove. That's based on pure, utter statistical manipulation.
It's time the nation corrected the lie. It is an outright statistical lie that Black Americans die more at the hands of police. They use "as a percentage" to hoodwink you.
Fact: 13% of the population (blacks) commits the
overwhelming % of crimes and face police FAR more often in potential gun-drawn situations
Fact: In absolute #s, double the number of white people are killed by police every year - in both armed and unarmed situations
Fact: African Americans have far MORE encounters with police in violent situations.
Fact: A white man is STATISTICALLY more likely to die at the hands of a cop in an altercation with police than an African American is
Don't buy the "as a percentage" bullshit. Unless you're willing to say "as a %" they commit 70% of the violent crimes as well.
I'm all for protesting. For a cause that's real. Not one that is a farce. The young black man I mentor....he's been at my house since Saturday. He's sitting literally 3 feet behind me taking a Zoom class right now. The other African American we housed, my older son's friend, left yesterday after being with us for the weekend and fishing and grilling and playing Rummikub.
I am sympathetic to all humans. I extend myself to help others in need - whether its a broken appliance in their home or broken parents in their home.
But I won't protest for a "lie."
This "police brutality against African Americans" is a distortion twisted to get us right here...where we are today.