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This is police brutality

Protesters......what protesters ?

as usual the media is full of ****....

This is the "real" story because?? Also doesn't mention secret service or rubber bullets... They are also claiming they had no knowledge of the presidents "walk" which i find hard to believe considering they were federal police. I would think the secret service would have been out and about in contact with them considering this was minutes before Trump was coming out. I don't believe anything either side says anymore.
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There was absolutely no purpose for him to walk over to that church and hold a Bible over his head like it was some kind of trophy except to poke and incite. He didn't lead a prayer. He didn't have any inspiring words to say. It was a display of ego and faux religious devotion.

He put police in the dangerous position of having to forcefully clear protesters for that?

"For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” Luke 14:11
There was absolutely no purpose for him to walk over to that church and hold a Bible over his head like it was some kind of trophy except to poke and incite. He didn't lead a prayer. He didn't have any inspiring words to say. It was a display of ego and faux religious devotion.

He put police in the dangerous position of having to forcefully clear protesters for that?

"For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” Luke 14:11

It was symbolic in the fact that he held up a bible at a historic place of religious worship that the criminal rioters tried to burn down. Only atheists should have a problem with it. How about the dangerous position that the ******* rioters put the police in to begin with. Your hatred is blatant.
It was symbolic in the fact that he held up a bible at a historic place of religious worship that the criminal rioters tried to burn down. Only atheists should have a problem with it. How about the dangerous position that the ******* rioters put the police in to begin with. Your hatred is blatant.

LOL. The bishop of the church had a huge problem with it I'm guessing she's not an atheist.

Yeah, I have hatred for his idiotic, immature and irresponsible posturing.

I also don't condone violence and destruction. It's possible to not like Trump and the dumb things he does and still be against violence. Even though you would love to frame these as opposing viewpoints.
Not a big Hannity fan either, but a bad Conservative talker is still better than any lib.

I do like Hannity, he just has his face plants at times.
There was absolutely no purpose for him to walk over to that church and hold a Bible over his head like it was some kind of trophy except to poke and incite. He didn't lead a prayer. He didn't have any inspiring words to say. It was a display of ego and faux religious devotion.

He put police in the dangerous position of having to forcefully clear protesters for that?

"For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” Luke 14:11

Seems to me that God is concerned first of all with us directing our energies toward praying for all those in authority that "we might live a quiet and peaceable life."

The criticism and hatred toward Trump is obsessive for many and consumes their energies The lawless tried to burn a Church and an indelible part of our history. Trump is criticized for "staying in his bunker" (a SS decision), and for coming out to defy the anarchist attempts to burn a Church. Unreal.

God isn't within a million miles nor taking any common cause with anarchists and looters.

1 Timothy Chapter 2.

"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
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LOL. The bishop of the church had a huge problem with it I'm guessing she's not an atheist.

There are some misguided religious figures with TDS. The commie Pope is one of them. Probably every church in the DC swamp is run by corrupt TDSers.
It was symbolic in the fact that he held up a bible at a historic place of religious worship that the criminal rioters tried to burn down. Only atheists should have a problem with it. How about the dangerous position that the ******* rioters put the police in to begin with. Your hatred is blatant.

Of course the rioters put police in tough situations and I'm surprised none got lit up. However that wasn't the case during Trumps "walk." I am not very religious, but the leaders of the church were against it so your comment is pretty ignorant.
There are some misguided religious figures with TDS. The commie Pope is one of them. Probably every church in the DC swamp is run by corrupt TDSers.

We are really at the point where we will have to form house churches like in China to avoid the leaven that leavens the whole lump. Deep State and liberal control over the mainline denominations has become that strong -- just think Russell Moore and Christianity Today for anyone around the Southern Baptist or Billy Graham orbits.

I'm having a hard time going back to a physical service with no hand shaking and "social distancing" as prominent as the music and message. I feel the churches readily capitulated to the Covid-1984 diktats. Church is where you go to escape the philosophies and din of the world. When they want to drop all that and not worship in fear and obeisance to the New World Order Hostile takeover of our social compact, then I'll feel better about going back. In short, like the DC bishop, the churches have become feminized and now value safety and security over freedom in Christ and truth.

Which goes back to China and Covid-1984. They've taken our capitalism and technology to strengthen their police and surveillance state, while we've taken their communist model here to employ greater surveillance and social controls over the law abiding -- while letting the lawless have at it right now.

The ******** are even donating the drones to various PD's.
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Of course the rioters put police in tough situations and I'm surprised none got lit up. However that wasn't the case during Trumps "walk." I am not very religious, but the leaders of the church were against it so your comment is pretty ignorant.

See the difference in the Bible between a "shepherd" and a "hireling" and you'll know all you need to know about the leaders of that church.

The hireling flees when the wolves come to burn their church down or attack their flock.
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What would you call Trump when he was hiding in his bunker the night of the riots? He chose to pick on the peaceful ones
What would you call Trump when he was hiding in his bunker the night of the riots? He chose to pick on the peaceful ones

I am 150% certain that he was told to go to the bunker by Secret Service Agents. Don't get it twisted. And there has been so much misinformation with regards to what happened outside the WH grounds that I doubt anyone will ever know the truth except those that were there.
the best thing I saw today that someone posted said," AOC said Trump wants a race war. I believe her. He wants us to go to war."

He may not have been all peaches & cream through this and handle it with kid-gloves, but he has made some tough decisions to try to retore order in some chaotic cities. I have to ask, how did this become about HIM? I seriously want to know that it went from a Cop murdering George Floyd to Trump want s a race war. I'm not trying to be naive. I'm really not and I try to see both sides of all of this, but I need educated, like I'm a 5 y.o.
the best thing I saw today that someone posted said," AOC said Trump wants a race war. I believe her. He wants us to go to war."

He may not have been all peaches & cream through this and handle it with kid-gloves, but he has made some tough decisions to try to retore order in some chaotic cities. I have to ask, how did this become about HIM? I seriously want to know that it went from a Cop murdering George Floyd to Trump want s a race war. I'm not trying to be naive. I'm really not and I try to see both sides of all of this, but I need educated, like I'm a 5 y.o.

Don't you know, everything is about Trump? Everything. Literally. First hurricane that ***** up a city this year will be his fault. It's why I rarely watch the news anymore.