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This is police brutality

Tim I have seen racist treatment of young black men firsthand and I know where you live you have too.

All I am saying is look into our hearts (and the president should look into his) and try to understand and have compassion for the pain and fear that is out there. It is very real. Some of it may be irrational fear but that's the problem with fear. The rational can bleed into irrational and it can be very hard to know where the line is.

It that means I'm "believing the lie" so be it.

We agree. We both do look into our hearts (I know you do) and have compassion. I'm actually proud of the fact that I do live it in real life and I do work to make a difference in others' lives.

I still contend however, that we have to operate based upon facts. The country is knee-jerk reacting to an outright lie. We need to operate on truth. And no one will dare speak the truth about this issue for fear of being called a racist.

If we work to provide reparations or change systems based upon a lie, the lie gets kicked down the road, never addressed and will forever be held over the nations' head. It needs to be exposed and we need to address the ROOT of the problem - curtailing the crimes being committed.

I agree profiling and targeting are issues that also need to be addressed. But if we can get this community to lessen the amount of crime committed, interactions with police will decrease, trust will increase, wrongful deaths will decrease.
All of this BS (the Russia hoax, impeachment, Kung Flu hoax, coordinated riots) is all about 7-2. If Trump gets re-elected the Supreme Court will swing conservative by 7-2. 2020 is pure commie panic.
My close friend has a black son who is a straight A student and athlete and she has to live in fear that he might die if gets pulled over for a traffic stop. Do you have any conception of what that feels like? Does Trump?

Two points.

1. Your friend's son is about 2,000 times more likely to be murdered by a black civilian than a police officer.

2. The claim that blacks are more likely to be killed while being arrested for a violent offense is just not true.


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None of this has to do, by the way, with the fact that Floyd seemed like he was trying to keep his life on track. He was arrested. No issue so far.

The arresting officers kept him pinned to the ground while handcuffed and where one officer applied pressure to his neck. Good heavens, the best way to kill a guy hand-to-hand is to apply pressure to the carotid artery, such as during a choke hold. Seriously, wrap your arm around the guy's neck, grab the wrist of the arm applying pressure, press on the carotid artery for even sixty seconds, cut off 90% of the blood supply to the brain, and the guy is dead.

There is a much different emotional fragility between a spontaneous protest over a recent event and a "planned" protest over a long standing issue.

In every group of "protesters" you normally have a number of different scales of engagement:

1. You have the core "activists" that really care about the issues. They carry bullhorns and signs. During the day, this is about 10% of the people. At night it drops to 4-5%
2. The "lemmings". They believe the cause and they want to help, but most of the time they are just bodies and say "Amen" to the preachers, no matter what is really said (they aren't listening)
3. The instigators. These are the really bad apples. They hang out looking for trouble or actively seek trouble. During the day, they stay quiet, but at night they love to show their true colors
4. The curious. A lot of times people are just "floating about". If the group is where you live, it can be as simple as walking out your front door to see what all the commotion is about.

The problem is that you have about 10-20% core protesters that really just want to be there peacefully. And you have maybe 5% of really bad apple instigators (switch those percentages at night).

But what happens in the remaining 75% of people is a lot of "mob theory" stuff. When these protests are spontaneous and about emotion, it is very easy for the instigators to "turn" the mob into violence. It's just not that hard. This group of 75% becomes "criminal opportunists" in which they might not be criminals all the time, but when the window gets broken and free stuff is to be had? Sure, why not. Why should my neighbor get something for free and not me? If they are doing it, I can do it too.

One of the main problems of these black "protests" that often turn into violence and riots is they are BASED ON EMOTION. They are not "planned". In fact, when they are planned, they can be peaceful but the numbers are often very small.

When they become like this - emotional, angry - almost no good comes out of a "protest". And the message gets overtaken by the shear shock of violence and rioting. It is hard to convince someone of your point when you burn your own community down.

I don't care what Tibs thinks, he might care more. When I see it, I am angry and sad at all the businesses lost and know that the cost to rebuild will be placed on taxpayers like me. Those black communities certainly aren't going to pay to rebuild.
BLM and the Black Community as a whole wasted what may have been the first real opportunity to talk about change within law enforcement, the hiring process, the merit board process...etc to really find a way with support from every race that were all outraged by the murder of George.

Let me be the first to advise that the police department cannot find enough qualified officers, at all, irrespective of race or gender. I know this for a fact based on what I have seen with two police departments. Police departments are facing the same problem as our military, i.e., that way too many applicants are just not fit enough for the job. Fat, obese in fact, Type II diabetes, cannot run a 1/4 mile.

Second, every police department I am aware of already has in place proactive hiring preferences for women and minorities. The problem is that even with the preferential hiring, just not enough physically fit women and minorities are interested in the job, and many don't pass the very, VERY stringent background checks. History of arrest, treatment for drug or alcohol abuse, serious misconduct in any prior employment, current use of marijuana or mood-altering drugs, discipline in the military, dishonorable discharge, complaint of prior harassment, and on and on. Departments cannot hire such individuals, then have them kill a suspect and try to explain why the cop with a history of alcohol abuse and discipline at a prior job was given a gun and a badge.

I challenge you to find a department currently that is not hiring. Here, let me scan a few major cities, see what I get.

Los Angeles: Apply now. The department is now hiring!! https://www.joinlapd.com/
Chicago: Apply now. The department is now hiring!! https://home.chicagopolice.org/bethechange/
New York: Apply now but applications not processed until Covid restrictions lifted on the city. After then, now hiring!! https://www1.nyc.gov/site/nypd/careers/police-officers/po-hiring.page
Memphis: Apply now. The department is now hiring! https://memphistn.gov/government/police_department/police_employment
Tallahassee: Apply now. Now hiring!! https://www.talgov.com/publicsafety/tpd-employment-po.aspx
Phoenix: Apply now. Police recruit exam set for June 19, 2020!! https://hcmprod.phoenix.gov/psc/hcm...HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?FOCUS=Applicant&

I picked some completely at random, knowing that police forces are in fact facing significant shortages of qualified candidates. Therefore, this idea that police departments are the bastion of racism and are turning away qualified black and female candidates is just bullshit.
Seems like Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms is the new Dem darling. I predict she will be Gropey Joe's pick for running mate.
We agree. We both do look into our hearts (I know you do) and have compassion. I'm actually proud of the fact that I do live it in real life and I do work to make a difference in others' lives.

I still contend however, that we have to operate based upon facts. The country is knee-jerk reacting to an outright lie. We need to operate on truth. And no one will dare speak the truth about this issue for fear of being called a racist.

If we work to provide reparations or change systems based upon a lie, the lie gets kicked down the road, never addressed and will forever be held over the nations' head. It needs to be exposed and we need to address the ROOT of the problem - curtailing the crimes being committed.

I agree profiling and targeting are issues that also need to be addressed. But if we can get this community to lessen the amount of crime committed, interactions with police will decrease, trust will increase, wrongful deaths will decrease.

If much of the Tet Offensive across the country has a nerve center or command and control in the shadows, what makes us so sure what we saw on camera in Minneapolis for public consumption was 100% legit? False flags are used to instigate others to attack the desired enemy.

Chauvin's neighbors didn't know he was a cop -- that's simply not credible. Chauvin and Floyd worked security at the same night club for 17 years? Chauvin did everything a cop could do on that video to inflame sensibilities and play the jackboot role. They can easily Epstein or repurpose him at any time. In fact, nobody is even talking about Chauvin now.

Floyd's children barely knew him. Sociologically, not surprising albeit simply another odd layer to this fishy story. Floyd was in the outer bands of the entertainment industry and friends with NBA-er Stephen Jackson. We're already getting deep into the "what are odds?" territory.

And timed just as things were starting to open back up and people were catching on that Covid-1984 ain't all that.

All of course to be blamed on Trump.

I think the actors were from "Central" casting if one gets the drift. BS meter is pegged with all of 2020 so far.
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If people think the candidate pool has gotten skinny for police recruits, wait until after this ****.

No doubt, at all. And that is absolutely true before the recent events. The cop involved in shooting Michael Brown did nothing wrong. Nothing. And he had his life threatened, was illegally doxxed.

God bless 'em. Not an easy job and one made profoundly more difficult by idiot know-it-alls.
All law enforcement everywhere uses profiling. That is not inherently bad. The effort should be put into changing the profile.
People have a right to protest whatever they want whether you agree with it or if it is "right" or not. Personally I feel these protests are a huge waste of time and resources, but I have no issue with the people doing it peacefully. I feel if they put as much time and effort into the protests as finding other ways to change institute change then they may get somewhere. The church PR stunt was an un-needed trip. In my opinion I feel Trump should have addressed the protestors directly if he wanted to be a tough guy. He could have given a great speech to the protestors and even included the church instead of using tear gas and rubber bullets. If Trump was hell bent on going to the church then wait till after curfew time he only had to wait another 30 minutes. If people did not disperse then at least he could say they were ignoring curfew orders. If you look at it from a political standpoint seems like Trump is just sabotaging his own re-election. He can not possibly be that tone deaf. Trump already has an optics problem and things like this make it 100x worse. He is not happy unless he is creating some sort of chaos.
I jest with all my liberal friends about "profiling" by asking them:

"Okay. Neighborhood #1 gets about a thousand 9-1-1 calls per year. Neighborhood #2 gets about a hundred 9-1-1 calls. You have 10 police offices to "deploy". Where do you tell them to go Mr./Mrs. Police Chief?"

But what if Neighborhood #1 is 90% black and Neighborhood #2 is 90% white? What then?
People have a right to protest whatever they want whether you agree with it or if it is "right" or not. Personally I feel these protests are a huge waste of time and resources, but I have no issue with the people doing it peacefully. I feel if they put as much time and effort into the protests as finding other ways to change institute change then they may get somewhere. The church PR stunt was an un-needed trip. In my opinion I feel Trump should have addressed the protestors directly if he wanted to be a tough guy. He could have given a great speech to the protestors and even included the church instead of using tear gas and rubber bullets. If Trump was hell bent on going to the church then wait till after curfew time he only had to wait another 30 minutes. If people did not disperse then at least he could say they were ignoring curfew orders. If you look at it from a political standpoint seems like Trump is just sabotaging his own re-election. He can not possibly be that tone deaf. Trump already has an optics problem and things like this make it 100x worse. He is not happy unless he is creating some sort of chaos.

I agree. I think protests (and there have been A LOT of them in the last 5 years) don't really do all that much. ***** hat protest? Ehhh. Riots in Baltimore? Ehhh... Charlottesville? Ehh... Antifa? Operation Wall Street?

Can't think of ONE protest in the last 5 years that really made all that much a difference on policy. I mean, I know city liberals bow down and pretty much "promise" everything protesters want, but it never really happens. They kind of skim over that part come election day. Blame the other side.

And another thing. If you ACTUALLY look at the outcomes of Black Lives Matter and all the kneeling and stuff, they actually did convince liberals in cities to change policies. I mean, EVERY SINGLE one of the cities, run by democrats, that are having riots right now supposedly made "changes" to their police forces. I know for a fact St. Louis did. Philadelphia hired their first black police chief (a woman no less). I think Minneapolis has had lots of so-called "reforms" in the past decade. So-called "Community Policing" has become a wide-reaching tenet of city police forces.

But again, I don't think that's "protesting". What is happening is a little "chicken and the egg". Politicians/media are finding "victim class" issues, fanning the flames for a "protest" when emotions get high, then use that issue to try and generate turnout/votes.
People have a right to protest whatever they want whether you agree with it or if it is "right" or not. Personally I feel these protests are a huge waste of time and resources, but I have no issue with the people doing it peacefully. I feel if they put as much time and effort into the protests as finding other ways to change institute change then they may get somewhere. The church PR stunt was an un-needed trip. In my opinion I feel Trump should have addressed the protestors directly if he wanted to be a tough guy. He could have given a great speech to the protestors and even included the church instead of using tear gas and rubber bullets. If Trump was hell bent on going to the church then wait till after curfew time he only had to wait another 30 minutes. If people did not disperse then at least he could say they were ignoring curfew orders. If you look at it from a political standpoint seems like Trump is just sabotaging his own re-election. He can not possibly be that tone deaf. Trump already has an optics problem and things like this make it 100x worse. He is not happy unless he is creating some sort of chaos.

I wasn't there and I assume you weren't either, but I personally believe that there is misinformation coming from all directions. Tear gas or smoke bombs? Peaceful crowd or pushing and throwing debris at park police? The crowd asked to disburse repeatedly for 75 minutes and refused to do so, or attacked unmercifully without warning by the White House Gestapo? People have a right to assemble peacefully and express their concerns, but that isn't what's happening. Lives are being lost, personal and public property are being destroyed, with no end in sight.
All I see and read are complaints and accusations, which is easy to do. The solution to end all of this is the hard part, and will require everyone to take a deep breath.
Two points.

1. Your friend's son is about 2,000 times more likely to be murdered by a black civilian than a police officer.

2. The claim that blacks are more likely to be killed while being arrested for a violent offense is just not true.


edf442d21ea2009c76f0d5712fe6cb71d874828c9c5ae4d063  d88a0a41496f6f_1.jpg

None of this has to do, by the way, with the fact that Floyd seemed like he was trying to keep his life on track. He was arrested. No issue so far.

The arresting officers kept him pinned to the ground while handcuffed and where one officer applied pressure to his neck. Good heavens, the best way to kill a guy hand-to-hand is to apply pressure to the carotid artery, such as during a choke hold. Seriously, wrap your arm around the guy's neck, grab the wrist of the arm applying pressure, press on the carotid artery for even sixty seconds, cut off 90% of the blood supply to the brain, and the guy is dead.

Come the **** on Steel. It doesn’t fit the narrative, ....msn said......facts are for nerds.
Seems like Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms is the new Dem darling. I predict she will be Gropey Joe's pick for running mate.

That’s what the fiancé said this weekend.

Side note- we just got back from the mall. It’s not close to downtown Wichita, but all the jewelry stores were closing early. They pulled all the displays from the cases closest to the entrances, even with the cages coming down and locking the store. There’s no way a mob would go to that mall and loot. It’s a sad thing to see, TBH. Those jewelry stores just opened up 2 weeks ago and now are closing early.
Everyone needs to see the genius that is Joe Biden. Here he is explaining how police need to be trained:

Teach them that when an assailant is coming at them with a knife to shoot them in the leg? He said that out loud and on the record.

Actually it's worse. He said “Instead of standing there and teaching a cop, when there’s an unarmed person coming at them with a knife or something, you shoot them in the leg instead of in the heart is a very different thing."

The old unarmed person coming at you with a knife or something.
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Teach them that when an assailant is coming at them with a knife to shoot them in the leg? He said that out loud and on the record.

Yup, sounded like something a 5th grader would say. Guy is a moron.