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Toronto Van Attack

Seriously? 10 people die, and the left and right are tallying score cards, and mocking each other?

The reason why our country sucks, is bipartisan politics.

Couldn't possibly be becaus leftists are always trying to make a false equivalency argument on things like this. I am going to guess this guy was an Eastern European Muslim with terror ties that Justin Truedeau allowed into Canada. This is a Truck of Peace attack.
His motive is secondary in my opinion. He will be found to be mentally unstable, just like all the others over the past three decades that are responsible for all of the carnage.

We no longer have institutions to protect the public and the mentally ill because they were deemed cruel to those living there. How's that working out?

But let's blame guns, hammers, knives, trucks, planes, backpacks, screwdrivers, razor blades, fertilizer. And I know we've been round and round on this, but at some point doesn't the individual doing all this have to be held responsible?
at some point doesn't the individual doing all this have to be held responsible?

]<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/yh3bkRA98JcGI" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/racists-yh3bkRA98JcGI"></a></p>
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Seriously? 10 people die, and the left and right are tallying score cards, and mocking each other?

The reason why our country sucks, is bipartisan politics.

So what do expect we do on a political message board?

...offer up 10 pages of nothing but heart felt condolences?
So what do expect we do on a political message board?

...offer up 10 pages of nothing but heart felt condolences?

Hashtags. Must....post...hashtags. Feel...better...help...world. Sleep at night then.
My post DELIVERED WITH TREMENDOUS BAD TASTE was simply pointing out the common occurrence on the board with terrorist attacks. Those carried out by Muslims and other non-whites are highlighted and the volume cranked up substantially. Those by non-Muslims, meh, not so much. They're mostly ignored or swept under the rug.

Really Tibs? REALLY? http://www.steelernationforums.com/...again-He-s-quot-quiet-quot-and-quot-kind-quot

It gets old, you making **** up. You seeing what you want to see and ignoring what you don't want to see. You seeing the evil on your side and saying "eh, not a big deal really" but when the same god damn thing happens in the other direction, you nearly killing one of your kitty cats in rage. What you complained about in your post, well Tiberius, that **** goes both ways. Every time a Dylan Roof or Austin bomber attacks, YOUR damned side goes ape **** mental for 40 pages.

And then you remind us you love Muslims and hate Christians.

We know exactly where you stand.

The hypocrisy and double standard is palpable. It is what it is.

I told you, never again call anyone here a hypocrite. This past week I've blatantly exposed your hypocrisy on the board, and not just once (but the link below exposes the damned best outting of your hypocrisy).

You are the King of Hypocrites, the Czar of Double Standards, the OG for Do as I Say Not as I Do:​

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I am saddened by this event and my thoughts and condolences are with the victims and their families. My post was simply pointing out the common occurrence on the board with terrorist attacks. Those carried out by Muslims and other non-whites are highlighted and the volume cranked up substantially. Those by non-Muslims, meh, not so much. They're mostly ignored or swept under the rug. The hypocrisy and double standard is palpable. It is what it is.

But your point is valid and well taken. In hindsight, I can see how my post can be viewed as grandstanding and in bad taste. I apologize for that.

You are full of ****! Any time it's a white guy killing, it's ALL OVER THE NEWS. Liar.
Damn Tim, you're wound up tighter than usual. Try to take a few slow breaths. Close your eyes slowly inhale then slowly exhale. It's imprortant to do this very slowly. You will find the stress and anxiety gradually leaving your body with each breath.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/3o7qDQ5iw1oXyDeJAk" class="giphy-embed" allowfullscreen="" width="480" height="271" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Damn Tim, you're wound up tighter than usual. Try to take a few slow breaths. Close your eyes slowly inhale then slowly exhale. It's imprortant to do this very slowly. You will find the stress and anxiety gradually leaving your body with each breath.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/3o7qDQ5iw1oXyDeJAk" class="giphy-embed" allowfullscreen="" width="480" height="271" frameborder="0"></iframe>

I figured you'd go with some diversionary post such as this.

The OG of Hypocrisy doesn't dare touch the James Comey hypocrisy. Or this hypocrisy. Or the First Lady's funerals hypocrisy.

Keep deflecting Tibs. We keep exposing.

Comedy gold.
You are full of ****! Any time it's a white guy killing, it's ALL OVER THE NEWS. Liar.

Doesnt even have to be a white guy, just lighten up the picture of Zimmerman to cover his hispanic heritage and you are good to go.
You are full of ****! Any time it's a white guy killing, it's ALL OVER THE NEWS. Liar.
I’m talking about the right wing echo chamber on this board. Idiot.
I’m talking about the right wing echo chamber on this board. Idiot.

And I provided you links where they are discussed. And I could go do the work but don't choose to...to show you every "Echo Chamber" member here denouncing said violence.

Therein lies the difference.

We will denounce the violence posted on this board committed by people of all races.

Your side will not.

There wasn't a person here who didn't denounce the violence in Charlottesville or Dylan Roof or any other.
Tibs, ease off on the holier than thou horseshit act.
Even if it were true, you still come off as a douche.

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And I provided you links where they are discussed. And I could go do the work but don't choose to...to show you every "Echo Chamber" member here denouncing said violence.

Therein lies the difference.

We will denounce the violence posted on this board committed by people of all races.

Your side will not.

There wasn't a person here who didn't denounce the violence in Charlottesville or Dylan Roof or any other.

I generally withhold comment until information is known, depending on the type of attack and location, but it's a fact that when a terrorist attack goes down the Right is saying "Please let it be a Muslim, please let it be a Muslim" and the Left is saying "Please let it be a white guy, please let it be a white guy". Of course blacks kill each other by the dozen every day in Detroit, Chicago, Gary, Memphis, Baltimore, and New Orleans and no one on either side says jack squat.

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Of course blacks kill each other by the dozen every day in Detroit, Chicago, Gary, Memphis, Baltimore, and New Orleans and no one on either side says jack squat.

Ron, you are being racist again. Since Elfie isn't around to point it out, and I have been adequately indoctrinated, I feel the need to point it out.
Of course blacks kill each other by the dozen every day in Detroit, Chicago, Gary, Memphis, Baltimore, and New Orleans and no one on either side says jack squat.

It's because the left doesn't really care if it stops because all they want is black Americans as a dependent voting block. In fact since the fix involves making the Black Family whole again and getting black families off the DNC Plantation they actively fight against a solution to the problem. If you are a conservative/libertarian and you point out the problem as being generation after generation being born into bastardy and raised without fathers by single mothers who have never had a job and know nothing but government dependency so that's what they pass on as how to live, well then you are simply a racist.
It's because the left doesn't really care if it stops because all they want is black Americans as a dependent voting block. In fact since the fix involves making the Black Family whole again and getting black families off the DNC Plantation they actively fight against a solution to the problem. If you are a conservative/libertarian and you point out the problem as being generation after generation being born into bastardy and raised without fathers by single mothers who have never had a job and know nothing but government dependency so that's what they pass on as how to live, well then you are simply a racist.

I've been saying for a long time that Republicans don't care about the black vote because they're always going to vote Democrat and Democrats don't care about the black vote either because...they're always going to vote Democrat.
It's because the left doesn't really care if it stops because all they want is black Americans as a dependent voting block. In fact since the fix involves making the Black Family whole again and getting black families off the DNC Plantation they actively fight against a solution to the problem. If you are a conservative/libertarian and you point out the problem as being generation after generation being born into bastardy and raised without fathers by single mothers who have never had a job and know nothing but government dependency so that's what they pass on as how to live, well then you are simply a racist.

Ron, you are being racist again. Since Elfie isn't around to point it out, and I have been adequately indoctrinated, I feel the need to point it out.

Indoctrination does nothing as a substitute for critical thinking skills.

Example: Black people kill other black people in almost every single case (other than cheating wife/ husband etc.) because of their economic status, as a result of the generational systemic racism that initiated it and fosters it to this day.

They don't kill each other because they are racist towards black people, or because they believe in a different sky fairy...see the difference?

Example 2:

******* vans. When will we learn.

Vans serve many purposes: family haulers, delivery, service vehicle, and ironically as ambulances to carry off the wounded and dead from an act of gun violence.

They also sadly can be used as a weapon, although this was never their intended purpose.

Ar-15's have only one purpose and one user intention in mind by it's designer(Eugene Stoner by the way) and that is to kill or mame as many human beings as efficiently as possible. That manifested itself in the choice of a .22 caliber bullet to decrease recoil as well as to allow the soldier to carry more ammunition than would be possible with the previous generation of .30 caliber rifles. And as a bonus that .22 caliber bullet because it's so small and fragments easy, tends to cause serious cavitation once it gets inside a human being so it might not kill him, but the damage is horrendous.

But yeah.......vans.

See how that critical thinking stuff works?
Example: Black people kill other black people in almost every single case (other than cheating wife/ husband etc.) because of their economic status, as a result of the generational systemic racism that initiated it and fosters it to this day.

Their economic status has less to do with generational systemic racism then it does with making generational systemic bad decisions......such as not placing value on available educational opportunities, having children out of wedlock, resorting to crime, and falling victim to a welfare system that keeps them on the Democratic plantation.

My critical thinking is better than your indoctrination talking points.
Poor whites in Appalachia are arguably worse off than poor urban blacks. Yet violent crime is nearly nonexistent in that demographic. The difference is poor whites in Appalachia still have intact families where a mother and a father raising the children and teach them right from wrong
Ar-15's have only one purpose and one user intention in mind by it's designer(Eugene Stoner by the way) and that is to kill or mame as many human beings as efficiently as possible. That manifested itself in the choice of a .22 caliber bullet to decrease recoil as well as to allow the soldier to carry more ammunition than would be possible with the previous generation of .30 caliber rifles. And as a bonus that .22 caliber bullet because it's so small and fragments easy, tends to cause serious cavitation once it gets inside a human being so it might not kill him, but the damage is horrendous.

I would like to thank you for your intelligent contribution to this thread. I was unaware we were sending our troops into combat using .22 ammunition. Thank you for learning us on this sensitive subject, of which you have displayed your supreme awareness of the issue.
.22 caliber ammunition that fragments. What does The Hague Accord say about "Dum Dum" bullets. The.223 used by the military is copper jacket lead with a sintered iron core. It doesn't fragment unless it bounces off of steel or concrete first. The .223 round was chosen because it's the lightest round that has the mass and velocity to kill a man at 300 meters.
black people kill other black people because white people are racists?