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Transgenderism - A Thread of Its Own

"We were told this wasn't going to happen"

/ People from 2012
Hey, teacher, leave them kids alone
mental illness AND "we were told this wouldnt happen" example 232209bb7823-A

Transgenderism is normal. It's NOT a mental illness.

Nation’s First Elected Transgender State Rep. Arrested On Child Porn Charges​

Stacie Laughton.

A former New Hampshire state representative and the nation’s first transgender-identifying state lawmaker was arrested by police this week and charged for allegedly distributing child pornography.

Stacie Marie Laughton, a Democrat who previously resigned twice from the New Hampshire state house, is now facing four counts of distributing sexually explicit images of children. Laughton was born Barry Charles Laughton, Jr.

Nashua Police Department public information officer Sgt. John Cinelli said that police were called to respond to a juvenile incident on Tuesday and were then told that the former lawmaker had been distributing explicit images. On Thursday, police searched Laughton’s house and arrested him.

“They spoke with reporting parties that indicated Laughton distributed sexually explicit images of children,” Cinelli said, according to Patch. “Detectives from the special investigations division were assigned to further the investigation. They applied for and were granted a warrant for Laughton’s arrest.”

Laughton is slated to be arraigned on Friday at the Hillsborough County Superior Court-South.

The 39-year-old has been plagued by repeated legal troubles in the past. In 2008, he was convicted of credit card felony, according to the New Hampshire Union-Leader. In 2012, Laughton became the first transgender-identifying person elected as a state lawmaker, thrilling LGBT activists.

“I believe that at this point, the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community will hopefully be inspired,” Laughton said at the time. “My hope is that now maybe we’ll see more people in the community running, maybe for alderman. Maybe in the next election, we’ll have a senator.”

Shortly after the election, Laughton stepped down after the credit card fraud allegations came to light. Laughton was later sentenced to six months in jail after reporting a bomb threat to a hospital in 2015. In July 2021, Laughton was arrested for giving police false information.

Laughton won election to the state house again in November 2022, only to step down in December after accusations of stalking. Laughton had been arrested on stalking charges twice in 2022, including an incident in September just months before the election.

“I’m alive, I’m safe, I’m well,” Laughton said in a Facebook video at the time, announcing he was leaving politics. “I’m not suicidal, and just trying to get by every day with what I’ve been dealt. I don’t know what the future holds but I do know this — there’s a lot of good opportunities out there for me to serve, and a lot of good opportunities for me to still stay connected with everyone and I plan to do that.”

She/He has a violent past and lengthy criminal record

Another article on the same topic: https://patch.com/new-hampshire/nas...rep-arrested-child-sexual-abuse-image-charges

The real deep ****** up part of this? This dude got voted into office. A true representative of today's demoncrat party.

What a complete lowlife piece of ****.
Beautiful article on the whacks who are destroying the gay movement.

Drag queens chanting ‘we’re coming for your kids’ hurt gay rights​

At New York’s annual Drag March on Friday, activists chanted “we’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.”

It’s shocking. But not new. In recent years, such blunt, outrageous rhetoric from the gay left has become pretty familiar.

Two years ago, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus released a YouTube video in which 81 of its members sang a song with the refrain: “We’ll convert your children / Happens bit by bit. / Quietly and subtly. / You will barely notice it.”

Groups like the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus once played an important role in giving gay Americans a positive image.

The idea of gay people as more or less ordinary people next door was crucial in helping win popular support for gay equality, gays in the military, and, ultimately, same-sex marriage.

To cite the title of my 1993 book, most gay Americans just wanted “A Place at the Table.”

The title of Andrew Sullivan’s 1995 book made the same point: gay people were, all in all, “Virtually Normal.”

Our books were part of a response by the gay mainstream to a self-styled “gay-rights movement” that, run by far-left ideologues, had all too often promoted the idea of gays as the cutting edge of a crusade to overthrow every pillar of American society: capitalism, religion, the military, the family.

Nothing could have been more untrue to the reality of ordinary gay Americans’ lives or more damaging to the prospects for their equality.

But the ideologues didn’t care. They’d hijacked the fate of gay Americans to push their own utopian socialist agenda.

When Sullivan and I appeared on Charlie Rose’s show in 1994, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the modern gay-rights movement, one of the other guests, a radical lesbian, made this agenda clear.

“We don’t want a place at the table!” she shouted. “We want to turn the table over!”

Whatever they may say nowadays, the gay left hated the idea of same-sex marriage. Those of us who supported it weren’t just criticized by right-wing defenders of traditional wedlock; we were fiercely attacked by “queers” – left-wing gays who cherished their marginality – for wanting to buy into a “heterosexual institution.”

In the end, fortunately, our side won – because as a tsunami of gays came out of the closet in the 1990s and afterwards, it became clear that those of us who just wanted to live normal lives were very much in the majority.

In 2015, the Supreme Court ruled for same-sex marriage. And despite the predictions of opponents, the sky didn’t fall in.

On the contrary, before long a large majority of Americans said they were okay with gay marriage. For those of us who remembered a very different America, the feeling of relief – and gratitude – was palpable.

Yes, I speak of gratitude. The widespread and relatively quick acceptance of gay marriage was a testament to Americans’ innate sense of fairness, of equality before the law, of respect for difference.

But a tiny – and unrepresentative – minority of gays obviously didn’t feel gratitude. Like that woman on Charlie Rose, they didn’t want rights. They wanted attention. They wanted to play at rebellion.

After the Obergefell decision, then, it didn’t take too long before a few of those irresponsible types whose great pleasure in life is apparently causing social disruption began acting up again.

That small sad segment of the gay population who are determined to be clowns, to make mischief, and to get easy thrills by terrifying nice people, they’re out there now, giving an ugly name to the overwhelming majority of decent gay Americans who struggled for so long – and with dignity and patience and sensitivity – to win equality and respect.

It’s disgusting. And I know one thing: if anybody is upset more by this sideshow than straight parents, it’s gay people who feel that their honorable movement for equal rights has been shanghaied by a gang of psychologically disturbed egomaniacs.
They are eating their own


see all you ******* in jail, soon. very, very soon.

A Michigan hate speech bill that has passed the state House and is now in the hands of the Senate is alarming conservatives, people of faith, and legal experts.

The bill, HB 4474, is part of a package of legislation that would replace Michigan’s existing Ethnic Intimidation Act and make it a hate crime to cause someone to “feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened.” Under the bill’s framework, “sexual orientation” and “gender identity or expression” are included as classes protected against intimidation. If passed, the hate speech legislation would make violators guilty of a felony punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of $10,000.

Many conservatives have voiced concerns that the bill infringes on Americans’ First Amendment rights. Distinguished Professor Emeritus William Wagner, a former federal judge and legal counsel in the U.S. Senate, joined the chorus of politicians and lawyers warning against the bill.

“Make no mistake about it. Those advocating for this legislation will wield these policies as a weapon capable of destroying conservative expression or viewpoints grounded in the sacred,” Wagner told The Daily Wire. “One merely needs to look at the scores of cases brought against schools, churches, businesses, and individuals around our country. Proponents use these laws to silence and financially cripple those who dare to adhere to a different viewpoint and oppose their agenda.”

The newest version of the bill, which passed the House, uses the term “harassment” without defining specifically what it could refer to.

“’Intimidate’ means a willful course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that would cause a reasonable individual to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened, and that actually causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened,” the bill states.

Wagner said that under HB 4474, someone could listen to a speaker such as a religious preacher or read a conservative writer and claim they’re being intimidated because their “perceived gender identity” is under attack. Under the legislation, intimidation and harassment could be up to the interpretation of the listener and a local prosecutor, according to Wagner, who added that the bill determines what is criminal “after the action,” the opposite of the due process required by the Constitution.

Rep. Angela Rigas, a Republican freshman in the state House, told The Daily Wire that including sexual orientation and gender identity as a “protected class” specifically targets conservatives who speak out against radical gender ideology.
see all you ******* in jail, soon. very, very soon.

A Michigan hate speech bill that has passed the state House and is now in the hands of the Senate is alarming conservatives, people of faith, and legal experts.

The bill, HB 4474, is part of a package of legislation that would replace Michigan’s existing Ethnic Intimidation Act and make it a hate crime to cause someone to “feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened.” Under the bill’s framework, “sexual orientation” and “gender identity or expression” are included as classes protected against intimidation. If passed, the hate speech legislation would make violators guilty of a felony punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of $10,000.

Many conservatives have voiced concerns that the bill infringes on Americans’ First Amendment rights. Distinguished Professor Emeritus William Wagner, a former federal judge and legal counsel in the U.S. Senate, joined the chorus of politicians and lawyers warning against the bill.

“Make no mistake about it. Those advocating for this legislation will wield these policies as a weapon capable of destroying conservative expression or viewpoints grounded in the sacred,” Wagner told The Daily Wire. “One merely needs to look at the scores of cases brought against schools, churches, businesses, and individuals around our country. Proponents use these laws to silence and financially cripple those who dare to adhere to a different viewpoint and oppose their agenda.”

The newest version of the bill, which passed the House, uses the term “harassment” without defining specifically what it could refer to.

“’Intimidate’ means a willful course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that would cause a reasonable individual to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened, and that actually causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened,” the bill states.

Wagner said that under HB 4474, someone could listen to a speaker such as a religious preacher or read a conservative writer and claim they’re being intimidated because their “perceived gender identity” is under attack. Under the legislation, intimidation and harassment could be up to the interpretation of the listener and a local prosecutor, according to Wagner, who added that the bill determines what is criminal “after the action,” the opposite of the due process required by the Constitution.

Rep. Angela Rigas, a Republican freshman in the state House, told The Daily Wire that including sexual orientation and gender identity as a “protected class” specifically targets conservatives who speak out against radical gender ideology.

We're definitely going to have it out with the democrats. I just don't see any kind of future with these people without some serious conflict. The persistent relentless attacking of the First and Second Ammendment shows that.
We're definitely going to have it out with the democrats. I just don't see any kind of future with these people without some serious conflict. The persistent relentless attacking of the First and Second Ammendment shows that.
i'm offended by that.

off you go!
You can't fix stupid.
We're definitely going to have it out with the democrats. I just don't see any kind of future with these people without some serious conflict. The persistent relentless attacking of the First and Second Ammendment shows that.
see all you ******* in jail, soon. very, very soon.

A Michigan hate speech bill that has passed the state House and is now in the hands of the Senate is alarming conservatives, people of faith, and legal experts.

The bill, HB 4474, is part of a package of legislation that would replace Michigan’s existing Ethnic Intimidation Act and make it a hate crime to cause someone to “feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened.” Under the bill’s framework, “sexual orientation” and “gender identity or expression” are included as classes protected against intimidation. If passed, the hate speech legislation would make violators guilty of a felony punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of $10,000.

Many conservatives have voiced concerns that the bill infringes on Americans’ First Amendment rights. Distinguished Professor Emeritus William Wagner, a former federal judge and legal counsel in the U.S. Senate, joined the chorus of politicians and lawyers warning against the bill.

“Make no mistake about it. Those advocating for this legislation will wield these policies as a weapon capable of destroying conservative expression or viewpoints grounded in the sacred,” Wagner told The Daily Wire. “One merely needs to look at the scores of cases brought against schools, churches, businesses, and individuals around our country. Proponents use these laws to silence and financially cripple those who dare to adhere to a different viewpoint and oppose their agenda.”

The newest version of the bill, which passed the House, uses the term “harassment” without defining specifically what it could refer to.

“’Intimidate’ means a willful course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that would cause a reasonable individual to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened, and that actually causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened,” the bill states.

Wagner said that under HB 4474, someone could listen to a speaker such as a religious preacher or read a conservative writer and claim they’re being intimidated because their “perceived gender identity” is under attack. Under the legislation, intimidation and harassment could be up to the interpretation of the listener and a local prosecutor, according to Wagner, who added that the bill determines what is criminal “after the action,” the opposite of the due process required by the Constitution.

Rep. Angela Rigas, a Republican freshman in the state House, told The Daily Wire that including sexual orientation and gender identity as a “protected class” specifically targets conservatives who speak out against radical gender ideology.
**** Michigan.
see all you ******* in jail, soon. very, very soon.

A Michigan hate speech bill that has passed the state House and is now in the hands of the Senate is alarming conservatives, people of faith, and legal experts.

The bill, HB 4474, is part of a package of legislation that would replace Michigan’s existing Ethnic Intimidation Act and make it a hate crime to cause someone to “feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened.” Under the bill’s framework, “sexual orientation” and “gender identity or expression” are included as classes protected against intimidation. If passed, the hate speech legislation would make violators guilty of a felony punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of $10,000.

Many conservatives have voiced concerns that the bill infringes on Americans’ First Amendment rights. Distinguished Professor Emeritus William Wagner, a former federal judge and legal counsel in the U.S. Senate, joined the chorus of politicians and lawyers warning against the bill.

“Make no mistake about it. Those advocating for this legislation will wield these policies as a weapon capable of destroying conservative expression or viewpoints grounded in the sacred,” Wagner told The Daily Wire. “One merely needs to look at the scores of cases brought against schools, churches, businesses, and individuals around our country. Proponents use these laws to silence and financially cripple those who dare to adhere to a different viewpoint and oppose their agenda.”

The newest version of the bill, which passed the House, uses the term “harassment” without defining specifically what it could refer to.

“’Intimidate’ means a willful course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that would cause a reasonable individual to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened, and that actually causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened,” the bill states.

Wagner said that under HB 4474, someone could listen to a speaker such as a religious preacher or read a conservative writer and claim they’re being intimidated because their “perceived gender identity” is under attack. Under the legislation, intimidation and harassment could be up to the interpretation of the listener and a local prosecutor, according to Wagner, who added that the bill determines what is criminal “after the action,” the opposite of the due process required by the Constitution.

Rep. Angela Rigas, a Republican freshman in the state House, told The Daily Wire that including sexual orientation and gender identity as a “protected class” specifically targets conservatives who speak out against radical gender ideology.
There's gonna be problems when Ohio State plays away at Michigan.