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Trump and the polls,historically speaking how much can be down in August and still wi


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Jan 13, 2015
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Trump and the polls,historically speaking how much can be down in August and still win in November?

Trump had a bad week. He's down 5.8% + or - 1% and losing all key battleground states.

He needs to get back on message quickly. There are some rumors of a deal with the Gary Johnson that essentially says, Johnson, if he joins forces will get his 1-2 agendas and a high spot in the cabinet.

There is also rumors of Trump pulling out if his poll numbers hit " the point of no return" I felt Kasich was the GOP's best shot. I said that back then and still believe it now if Donald were to exit...

Donald has my vote, but he really needs to make a move and focus his efforts on policy and using the media for his talking points. If he keeps getting baited, he'll lose
How many of these handwringing threads are you gonna start? Should we send for a fainting couch?

Relax, the race hasn't even heated up and the Bernie-bots are just starting their switch!


Trump supporters converge on Portland for afternoon rally


Standing in the growing line outside Merrill Auditorium this morning, one Trump supporter “I made a huge switch. I used to be a ‘Bernie Bro’,” said Ramirez, 19, of Bath. “At the end of the day, I realized I value Republican values over Democratic values. (Trump) is not graceful and he’s not eloquent, but he’s still my guy.”

Cianchette, an 18-year-old senior at Thornton Academy in Saco, attends rallies, volunteers to make phone calls and will be knocking on doors to speak to voters.

“If you’re going to show support for someone, you need to get involved,” he said.

Cianchette stood on the steps of City Hall chatting with Marge Trowbridge of Sanford, who was wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat and Trump sweatshirt. This will be her first Trump rally and she was clearly excited to hear him speak.

Linda McDevitt of South Portland, a protester, held a “Bernie 2016” sign issued during Bernie Sanders’ run for the Democratic presidential nomination.

McDevitt said she was surprised to see the number of young people in the line of Trump supporters.

“There’s a lot of young faces, which is very disheartening,” she said. “That’s a little frightening.”



Dems are terrified of Trump - Hillary is in deep trouble, nobody likes her, you can tell by the non-stop screeching of the presstitutes trying to prop her up.
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Ever wonder why the polls are so slanted to the Dems?

Donald Trump Leading New Poll Averages

6 polls conducted this week by LongRoom, USC-Daybreak, YouGov, CBS, CNN, and Morning Consult Trump holds a lead in 4 of them.



Are those the groups that said Romney would win and had Fox so convinced they srewed their coverage? 538 had it right. Trust them.

To set a record, I think he should try to go down 30 points and then try to come back.

I think it will end up Hillary 60, Trump 30 and Others 10
Ha ha - more Hysterical Panic mode for the Dems!

2016 Election Analysis: Trump Will Defeat Clinton in Landslide

WASHINGTON – Tuesday, November 8, 2016, Donald J. Trump will win a landslide election, to become the 45th President of the United States.

Hillary Clinton stands no chance of besting the numbers of Barack Obama from 2012. She is far less popular. She has far less charisma. She does not inspire enthusiasm, and she comes with a lifetime of corrupt decisions and illegal behavior.

Ha ha - more Hysterical Panic mode for the Dems!

2016 Election Analysis: Trump Will Defeat Clinton in Landslide

WASHINGTON – Tuesday, November 8, 2016, Donald J. Trump will win a landslide election, to become the 45th President of the United States.

Hillary Clinton stands no chance of besting the numbers of Barack Obama from 2012. She is far less popular. She has far less charisma. She does not inspire enthusiasm, and she comes with a lifetime of corrupt decisions and illegal behavior.


What's hilarious is that they have to keep her away from the public since the more they see of her the less they like her. Polls bear this out.

Election Update: Trump’s Slump Deepens In The Polls

There’s no longer any doubt that the party conventions have shifted the presidential election substantially toward Hillary Clinton. She received a larger bounce from her convention than Donald Trump got from his, but Trump has continued to poll so poorly in state and national surveys over the past two days that his problems may be getting worse.

The recent Fox News, Marist College and NBC News/Wall Street Journal national polls show Trump trailing Clinton by 9 to 14 percentage points, margins that would make for the largest general election blowout since 1984 if they held. Clinton’s numbers in those polls are on the high end of what we’ve seen lately — Marist, for instance, has generally had a Clinton-leaning house effect in its polls this year. By contrast, a series of polls released earlier in the week generally put Clinton’s advantage at 5 to 8 percentage points.

The new polls are noteworthy, however, because they postdate the earlier surveys — Marist’s poll was conducted Monday through Wednesday, for instance. That opens up the possibility that the spiral of negative stories for Trump, such as his criticism of the family of a Muslim-American soldier killed in action and his renewed feud with GOP leadership, are deepening his problems above and beyond Clinton’s convention bounce. Not only have Clinton’s numbers risen since the Democratic National Convention, but Trump’s numbers have fallen back into the mid- to high 30s in polls that include third-party candidates. And Trump’s favorability ratings, following modest improvement after his convention, are now about as bad as they’ve ever been.

Meanwhile, polls of Michigan, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire — three swing states with demographics that, in theory, could be friendly to Trump — showed Clinton with leads of 9 percentage points, 11 points and 15 points, respectively. Those are big leads for Clinton, but they shouldn’t be all that surprising: The margins look a lot like the ones by which Barack Obama defeated John McCain in those states in 2008, an election he won by 7.3 percentage points overall. According to our now-cast, Clinton would defeat Trump by a similar margin nationally, 7.9 percentage points, in a hypothetical election held today. Compared with that new, higher baseline for Clinton, a Suffolk poll showing her “only” 4 points ahead of Trump in Florida, which would have looked like an excellent result for her a week ago, is middling.

Overall, the now-cast estimates that Clinton’s electoral vote total, in an election held today, would be similar to the 365 electoral votes that Obama won in 2008. Although she’d be unlikely to carry Indiana, which Obama surprisingly won in 2008, she could make up for it by winning Arizona or Georgia, states that the now-cast has as tossups. Utah might even be competitive in an election held today — and the now-cast thinks that Texas would produce a closer finish than Pennsylvania.

The REAL STORY is that no one likes Hillary Clinton and Trump has the momentum and will win the election.

This claim comes on the heels of recent election analysis.

From Politik

When it comes to elections, the GOP has been faring better against Democrats over the last 7 years, than they ever have previously. In 2010, the GOP took back the House of Representatives with a 63-seat pickup, and also grabbed control of 29 of 50 governorships and gained 690 seats in state legislatures.
Then in 2014, The Republicans won 16 seats from Democrats, while only three Republican-held seats turned Democratic. The Republicans achieved their largest majority in the House since 1928. Combined with the Republican gains made in 2010, the total number of Democratic-held House seats lost under Barack Obama’s presidency in midterm elections rose to 77 with the 2014 midterms.
Other than Barack Obama’s unimpressive reelection against Mitt Romney in 2012, the Democrats have been losing every type of election imaginable to Republicans…
…The Secret-Trump Vote
Don’t even bother looking at a poll. If they were any accurate or valuable at predicting, then the people who ran them would be billionaires.
As we learned from the DNC-WikiLeaks scandal, the Democratic Party and Mainstream Media manipulate polls for nothing other than headlines and talking points, meant to drive narratives and suppress Republican turnout.
Instead, think of the facts.
In 2012, the voting age population was 235 million, but only 129 million voted.
Both parties left a possible 106 million votes on the table.
Because of Donald Trump’s candidacy, all the rules have been thrown out. We’ve seen that few of the old political playbook tricks work against him. Money being spent by his opponents have all gone to waste.
We saw every single professional political pundit in the country get the entire primary season wrong – on both sides.
The media and their phony polling consultants don’t have any clue what turnout will look like. If they did, they wouldn’t have bungled their Trump and Clinton predictions so badly in the primaries.
What we do know is that Trump is attracting voters from all over the map and into the Republican fold, just to vote for him. It’s how he unexpectedly massacred 16 opponents in the primary.
It’s how he will massacre Hillary Clinton in the general election.
When the media tells you that this race is close or that Hillary is leading, just simply laugh it all off.
This election is already over and Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
Either historical trends hold up and Trump is toast, or the equation has changed. Even money in my book at this point.
How can Trump expect to make up ground when his own party is jumping ship on him?
How can Trump expect to make up ground when his own party is jumping ship on him?
Beacuse Spike says so, that's why.

That didn't take long - hahahahahaha

Clinton's lead over Trump narrows to less than 3 points -Reuters/Ipsos poll

NEW YORK, Aug 5 (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's lead over Republican rival Donald Trump narrowed to less than 3 percentage points, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Friday, down from nearly eight points on Monday.


(American Lookout) – A PAC that supports Hillary Clinton is preparing to launch an online campaign to fight people who criticize her. This is part of the ongoing Democratic strategy to stifle free speech and harass critics.

The Los Angeles Times reports:

Be nice to Hillary Clinton online — or risk a confrontation with her super PAC

en the Internet’s legions of Hillary hecklers steal away to chat rooms and Facebook pages to vent grievances about Clinton, express revulsion toward Clinton and launch attacks on Clinton, they now may find themselves in a surprising place – confronted by a multimillion dollar super PAC working with Clinton.

Hillary Clinton’s well-heeled backers have opened a new frontier in digital campaigning, one that seems to have been inspired by some of the Internet’s worst instincts. Correct the Record, a super PAC coordinating with Clinton’s campaign, is spending some $1 million to find and confront social media users who post unflattering messages about the Democratic front-runner.

In effect, the effort aims to spend a large sum of money to increase the amount of trolling that already exists online.

The plan comes as Clinton operatives grapple with the reality that her supporters just aren’t as engaged and aggressive online as are her detractors inside and outside the Democratic Party.

The lack of engagement is one of Clinton’s bigger tactical vulnerabilities, particularly when compared with rivals like Donald Trump, whose viral social media attacks are legion, and Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is backed by a passionate army of media-savvy millennials.

Some experts on digital campaigns think the idea of launching a paid army of “former reporters, bloggers, public affairs specialists, designers” and others to produce online counterattacks is unlikely to prove successful. Others, however, say Clinton has little choice but to try, given the ubiquity of online assaults and the difficulty of squelching even provably untrue narratives once they have taken hold.

At the same time, however, using a super PAC to create a counterweight to movements that have sprung up organically is another reflection of the campaign’s awkwardness with engaging online, digital pros said.

Keep this in mind the next time you’re reading the comments on YouTube or Reddit.