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Trump basers...interpret please !!!

We told the Russians that the missiles where coming. For some reason they chose not to intercept them. I get the feeling that all the big talk is just both sides pumping up the masses.

They didn't choose not to intercept them. Their missile defense never saw them. New Tomahawks with stealth technology. French ship launched missiles with stealth technology. They (Russia, Syria) should be very afraid. Launched from seven locations around the red sea and Arabian Gulf. And a rope a dope of sorts.

Notice how Fake News MSM barely mentions the strikes on Syria? They are still all "Comey and Stormy" as a distraction because the mission was successful and partnered with the French and British. They can't talk about anything positive that Trump does. Plus it's just another of many measurements that proves he is a much stronger leader than the OTerrrorist and his pathetic red line. Also, Trump went against the will of Putin. More proof that he did not collude with Russia to influence the election.

And the most shocking thing about all of this is that the ******* French attacked someone.
Notice how Fake News MSM barely mentions the strikes on Syria? They are still all "Comey and Stormy" as a distraction because the mission was successful and partnered with the French and British. They can't talk about anything positive that Trump does. Plus it's just another of many measurements that proves he is a much stronger leader than the OTerrrorist and his pathetic red line. Also, Trump went against the will of Putin. More proof that he did not collude with Russia to influence the election.

And the most shocking thing about all of this is that the ******* French attacked someone.

Oh................by the way............the 2 Korea's are no longer at war. This is a big deal, but I bet nothing is mentioned on CNN.
Oh................by the way............the 2 Korea's are no longer at war. This is a big deal, but I bet nothing is mentioned on CNN.

They signed a formal peace treaty?
So POTUS called the shot. Striking against evil, poison gas attacks, universally outlawed over 100 years ago. Thank you USA.

I don't have a problem with going after Syria in any shape or form. I support military action against Assad and in particular his chemical weapons capabilities. But the way this was handled was profoundly wrong, giving the Russians (and in turn, the Syrians) a heads up. I'm shocked not more of you are calling out Trump on this. This was a huge point of contention for you guys with Obama talking tough, drawing red lines, etc. yet when your homie Trump does it, utter silence.

For the record:

Israeli intelligence reportedly says Trump's Syria strike failed, didn't take out much of anything

- Israeli officials cited in a Ynetnews report characterized the missile strike on Friday by the US, the UK, and France on suspected chemical weapons facilities in Syria as a failure.
- Multiple Israeli government and military sources suggested the strike was not effective in hurting Syria's ability to conduct chemical attacks.
- These officials also criticized President Donald Trump's talking about the strike beforehand.
- The latest strike most likely didn't change anything on the battlefield in Syria, and it's hard to know how much of the chemical weapons stockpile it hit.

The strike by the US, the UK, and France in Syria on Friday involved 105 missiles fired from air and sea to rain down thousands of pounds of explosives on three targets suspected of being chemical weapons facilities— but Israeli officials cited in a recent news report characterized it as a failure.

"If President Trump had ordered the strike only to show that the US responded to [Syrian President Bashar] Assad's use of chemical weapons, then that goal has been achieved," Israel's Ynetnews quoted a senior defense official as saying. "But if there was another objective — such as paralyzing the ability to launch chemical weapons or deterring Assad from using it again — it's doubtful any of these objectives have been met."

An intelligence official who talked to Ynetnews wasn't as forgiving.

"The statement of 'Mission Accomplished' and (the assertion) that Assad's ability to use chemical weapons has been fatally hit has no basis," the official said, most likely referring to a recent tweet from President Donald Trump.

Unlike the US's strike in April 2017, the latest one did not target Syrian jets or airfields — though the earlier attack apparently had little impact, as Syrian jets took off from the damaged airfield within 24 hours and reports of chemical warfare persisted.

The Israeli officials seemed to take issue with Trump's talking about plans to strike before doing so.

Israel is suspected of carrying out a silent but lethal air war against Iranian-aligned militias in Syria, though Israel seldom comments on whether it took part in specific strikes, and if it does, it's always after the fact.

"If you want to shoot — shoot, don't talk," Ynetnews quoted an Israeli diplomatic source as saying. "In the American case, this is mostly talk. They themselves show actions are not going to follow."

After Trump tweeted a warning last week to "get ready" for incoming missiles, it appears Russia and Syria moved assets to more protected locations in an attempt to limit the available targets for a strike.
I would have bombed Assad's palace/house. Take him out. Any collateral damage, so be it. If it kills some of his family in the process of him living, so be it.

Dictators in this world need to know there are lines NOT to be crossed and using chemical weapons to keep down dissent or quell rebellion or even use them in civil wars is OFF LIMITS. Period. You do that, we come at you and your family.

Eh... probably not politically correct or diplomatic but that's what I would have done.

What did happen was a slap on the wrist led by our weak allies in Europe. Sounds like Assad has been using chlorine a lot (not just this one time) and the only reason this attack him mainstream media and demanded action was because it was a lucky hit/perfect storm of getting the gas into a very confined area with lots of people.
"For the record"

I have a problem with any intervention it all in Syria. We have no national interest there. But I also don't believe for a second that the Russians allowed the Assad regime to use chemical warfare anywhere near their troops. This chemical attack just like the one last year was staged by the rebels.

And you know the reason why we took issue with B-Rock talking tough and drawing lines is because he seldomly ever did anything but talk. And when he did more than talk he did stupid **** that helped Islamic terrorists like getting us involved in Syria in the first place.
We are wasting money in Syria. Let Israel take care of its own interests. I'm sick of wasting money over there.

Also I'm not sure if getting rid of dictators is a good idea. It created a power vacuum in Iraq, who was keeping Iran in check for centuries. We take out Saddam, and that area destabilizes and now is a haven for extremists groups. And Iran is now unchecked.
We are wasting money in Syria. Let Israel take care of its own interests. I'm sick of wasting money over there.

Also I'm not sure if getting rid of dictators is a good idea. It created a power vacuum in Iraq, who was keeping Iran in check for centuries. We take out Saddam, and that area destabilizes and now is a haven for extremists groups. And Iran is now unchecked.
Iraq was pretty much under control and having free elections until Bomma got elected and pulled almost everyone out. Of course that didn't work and as a result He ended up tripling the number of troops in Afghanistan, which is a worse place to be.
Don't get me started about Afghanistan. Talk about a waste of money, and even more importantly American lives. Place is a **** show.
Don't get me started about Afghanistan. Talk about a waste of money, and even more importantly American lives. Place is a **** show.

It bankrupted Russia, and we just keep dumping billions into that shithole.

Ron, if we should have never been in Iraq in the first place. It was a fabricated war based on WMDs that weren't there, and they weren't found in any searches prior to launching an offensive on ZERO concrete proof. Spending a dime on that place was irresponsible to American taxpayers.

And that's good to hear SF. Israel needs to fight their own wars, especially when they border the ******* country...
Syria is a no-win situation. Trump realizes or soon will, what Obama had to deal with. Poor planning or miscalculation will result in a catastrophe greater than Iraq.
Ron, if we should have never been in Iraq in the first place. It was a fabricated war based on WMDs that weren't there, and they weren't found in any searches prior to launching an offensive on ZERO concrete proof. Spending a dime on that place was irresponsible to American taxpayers.
They did have WMD's and we know they were sent to Syria before we invaded.
Speaking of chemical weapons, we can't look the other way and pretend this isn't happening. But I doubt there will be French, British and American missiles raining down on Israel anytime soon, to take out their 'chemical weapons' capabilities.

Israel accused of indiscriminate phosphorus use in Gaza

Israel's military fired white phosphorus over crowded areas of Gaza repeatedly and indiscriminately in its three-week war, killing and injuring civilians and committing war crimes, Human Rights Watch said today.

In a 71-page report, the rights group said the repeated use of air-burst white phosphorus artillery shells in populated areas of Gaza was not incidental or accidental, but revealed "a pattern or policy of conduct".

It said the Israeli military used white phosphorus in a "deliberate or reckless" way. The report says:

Israel was aware of the dangers of white phosphorus.
• It chose not to use alternative and less dangerous smoke shells.
• In one case, Israel even ignored repeated warnings from UN staff before hitting the main UN compound in Gaza with white phosphorus shells on 15 January.

"In Gaza, the Israeli military didn't just use white phosphorus in open areas as a screen for its troops," said Fred Abrahams, a senior Human Rights Watch researcher. "It fired white phosphorus repeatedly over densely populated areas, even when its troops weren't in the area and safe smoke shells were available. As a result, civilians needlessly suffered and died." He said senior commanders should be held to account.

Human Rights Watch called on the UN secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon, to launch an international commission of inquiry to investigate allegations of violations of international law in the Gaza war by the Israeli military and Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist movement that controls Gaza.

The Israeli military has defended its conduct in Gaza in the face of mounting allegations of serious violations of international law and said its soldiers did not intentionally target civilians. When Israel's use of white phosphorus emerged during the war, the military at first denied using the weapon, then said it only used weapons in accordance with international law. Later it announced an internal inquiry, led by a colonel, would be held.

Tonight the Israeli military said its investigation into the use of white phosphorous was still under way, but insisted its use of what it called 155mm "smoke shells" was legal.

"Based on the findings at this stage it is already possible to conclude that the IDF's use of smoke shells was in accordance with international law," it said. "These shells were used for specific operational needs only and in accord with international humanitarian law. The claim that smoke shells were used indiscriminately, or to threaten the civilian population, is baseless."

White phosphorus
burns in contact with oxygen and causes deep burns when it touches human skin, sometimes reaching to the bone. The weapon is not illegal itself and can be used to provide a smokescreen on the battlefield or as an incendiary weapon against a military target. However, its use is regulated even by customary international law. It must be used in a way that distinguishes between combatants and civilians and cannot be used to target civilians.

Most of the Israeli military's white phosphorus in Gaza was fired in 155mm artillery shells, each containing 116 wedges soaked with the chemical.

In January, the Guardian found one such shell still smoking several days after it was fired, outside the home of the Abu Halima family in Atatra. One white phosphorous shell hit the house directly, killing a father and four of his children. His wife was severely burnt. Human Rights Watch also reported the same case.

Human Rights Watch found 24 spent white phosphorus shells in Gaza, all from the same batch made in a US ammunition factory in 1989 by Thiokol Aerospace. Other shells were photographed during the war with markings showing they were made in the Pine Bluff Arsenal, also in America, in 1991.

Human Rights Watch said the Israeli military often used the weapon even in areas where there were no Israeli troops on the ground, which it said, "strongly suggests that the IDF [Israel Defence Forces] was not using the munition for its obscurant qualities but rather for its incendiary effect".

The group said it found no evidence that Hamas fighters used Palestinian civilians as human shields - a key Israeli claim - in the area at the time of the attacks it researched.

The rights group studied six cases in detail in which 12 civilians were killed and dozens more were injured.

In one case, witnesses described how a white phosphorus shell hit a car in Tel al-Hawa, in south-eastern Gaza City, killing a bank manager, his wife and two of their children on 15 January.

On the same day, at about 7.30am, Israeli artillery shells began falling near the main compound of the UN Relief and Works Agency in Gaza City, where 700 civilians were sheltering. UN staff made repeated telephone calls to the Israeli military asking them to stop but, at about 10am, six shells hit the compound, three of which contained white phosphorus. The warehouse was hit, causing at least $10m of damage, and it continued to burn for 12 days.

The Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, said at the time that "Hamas fired from the UNRWA site". But the UN has always denied there were any militants in the compound or firing from the compound.

In another case, on 17 January, an artillery shell that had already discharged its white phosphorus hit a UN school in Beit Lahiya, where 1,600 civilians were sheltering. It killed two brothers in a classroom and severely injured their mother and cousin.
Speaking of chemical weapons, we can't look the other way and pretend this isn't happening. But I doubt there will be French, British and American missiles raining down on Israel anytime soon, to take out their 'chemical weapons' capabilities.

Israel accused of indiscriminate phosphorus use in Gaza

Yeah...nice reach. White phosphorous is not banned by the Geneva convention. The shells killed those people. Collateral damage.
White phosphorous isn't a chemical weapon. It is highly flammable and burns really, really hot. It is an incendiary weapon. Kinda cruel, but very effective, legal and still in use today. We use willie petes in combat to **** people up, but white phosphorous is also used in smoke grenades because it creates a **** ton of smoke. It is also used in tracer rounds I think.
White phosphorous isn't a chemical weapon. It is highly flammable and burns really, really hot. It is an incendiary weapon. Kinda cruel, but very effective, legal and still in use today. We use willie petes in combat to **** people up, but white phosphorous is also used in smoke grenades because it creates a **** ton of smoke. It is also used in tracer rounds I think.

Understood. And how do you feel about white phosphorous being used on civilians, women and children?
White phosphorous isn't a chemical weapon. It is highly flammable and burns really, really hot. It is an incendiary weapon. Kinda cruel, but very effective, legal and still in use today. We use willie petes in combat to **** people up, but white phosphorous is also used in smoke grenades because it creates a **** ton of smoke. It is also used in tracer rounds I think.

Those tracers are coated in it at well. I used to pick them up at gun shows in 7.62x39. Just because they look cool shooting them at night. They also use magnesium.
I do get a chuckle every time I see this thread.."Trump Basers" I'm just anti democrat party. I'd vote for a libertarian in a flash if I actually thought they could win. I suppose they need heavy funding to get it done. That's what my personal base is.
Understood. And how do you feel about white phosphorous being used on civilians, women and children?

Do you really need to ask? I would not advocate using any weapon exclusively against civilians. And if you understood, then why include the chemical weapons part in your headline?
Do you really need to ask? I would not advocate using any weapon exclusively against civilians. And if you understood, then why include the chemical weapons part in your headline?

They should have used white phosphorus in Ferguson, Baltimore and Berkeley.
They should have used white phosphorus in Ferguson, Baltimore and Berkeley.


Again, I'm sure Tim will be running along soon to voice his alarm over you calling for the murder of your fellow American citizens. Just when you think this board can't sink any lower...
They should have used white phosphorus in Ferguson, Baltimore and Berkeley.

Come on now. Like them or not, they are Americans. As someone who swore an oath to defend this nation, I can't advocate that.