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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

The defintion of treachery and duplicity. A clear and present danger to national security and the Republic. And you patriots defend this behavior?

Nah, they throw a squirrel in front of you, and you go chasing after that, instead. Oh well, life choices.

Interviews with seven Trump advisers with knowledge of the probe indicate he misled his own advisers, telling them the boxes contained only newspaper clippings and clothes. He repeatedly refused to give the documents back, even when some of his longest-serving advisers warned of peril and some flew to Mar-a-Lago to beg him to return them.

When Trump returned 15 boxes early last year — leaving at least 64 more at Mar-a-Lago — he told his own advisers to put out statements to the National Archives and to the public that “everything” had been returned, The Washington Post has previously reported. But he quietly kept more than 100 classified documents.

Later, facing a grand jury subpoena, the indictment alleges the former president worked quietly with an aide to move boxes without telling his own lawyers, leading to a false attestation that every document had been returned.
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here, I will give you an opportunity to.

Oh, you mean Robert Kennedy Jr, thought you were asking about JFK Jr's plane crash death.

No thanks, we have enough lunatics in politics already, anti-vax conspiracies, active on far-right Gab, et al.
The painful truth. ✅

The fact that all these MAGA Trumpers are willing to look the other way when Trump engaged in behavior that endangered themselves, their families, and the entire country shows that some people can’t handle the freedoms that our country affords.
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You can always count on extremist, far-right Christians to raise the bar. Way to go! (y)

you're a miserable cu**. this has nothing to do with any of us. nothing. you post this drivel for attention and it's just ******* sad.

Yeah, like right-wing evangelicals don’t make up the brunt of the MAGA base. Where do you live again?

The painful truth. ✅
Your brain is ******* twisted. Neither me nor my family is in danger because of anything Trump did. However, our children are in danger by just going to school. And who's fault is that?

This MEGA bullshit is all in your head. I don't own a MEGA hat. I don't know anyone that owns a MEGA hat. You live on the other side of the world and you think that you know what is going on here. You don't. All you know are the lies that you are being told. Why are you here making comments about **** that you know nothing about?
Much ado about nothing. What sucks about these political shenanigans is that each side pushes the envelope so far then loses power and the other side pushes it twice as far out of spite.

Anyone who doesn’t think this is politically driven is either completely oblivious or an actually mentally stunted individual.
This is going to end up in a massive constitutional crisis and honestly some of the potential end results none of us will want…

They are opening a can of worms out of spite. Its a terrible idea, but hey at least I have to hear this bullshit every day for another year and a half
Tweedle Tibs and Tweedle Flog
Much ado about nothing. What sucks about these political shenanigans is that each side pushes the envelope so far then loses power and the other side pushes it twice as far out of spite.

Anyone who doesn’t think this is politically driven is either completely oblivious or an actually mentally stunted individual.
This is going to end up in a massive constitutional crisis and honestly some of the potential end results none of us will want…

They are opening a can of worms out of spite. Its a terrible idea, but hey at least I have to hear this bullshit every day for another year and a half
Yeah, no offense but I’m going with what Mark Hertling had to say… being that he’s a retired general and all. I don’t think he oblivious or mentally stunted in the least.
Tweedle Tibs and Tweedle Flog

Yeah, no offense but I’m going with what Mark Hertling had to say… being that he’s a retired general and all. I don’t think he oblivious or mentally stunted in the least.
I have 2 uncles that are retired generals. Do you want to hear what they have to say?
Yeah, no offense but I’m going with what Mark Hertling had to say… being that he’s a retired general and all. I don’t think he oblivious or mentally stunted in the least.

You bought into every lie the left has told you for the past 7 years. Every goddamn one. A brief list of what you actually believe:
  • Trump colluded with Russia
  • Trump is a Russian asset
  • Trump is being blackmailed by Putin
  • Trump ignored warnings about "Russian bounties" on American soldiers
  • Trump ordered protesters tear-gassed
  • Trump ignored Fauxci's recommendations
  • Trump worsened Covid
  • Sloppy Joe did better with Covid than Trump (despite more deaths under his watch w/vax)
  • Vaccine mandates are legal
  • Vaccine mandates are a good idea
  • Shutting down businesses for a year is a great idea cuz traff ... I mean, Covid
  • Spending $2 trillion we don't have in a heating economy is a good idea
  • Masks work
  • Social distancing works
  • Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation
  • Joe Biden is not a grifter who accepted bribes
  • Joe Biden is able to buy an oceanfront mansion because he is so smart
  • Hunter Biden is smaaht, really smaaht
  • Joe Biden does not suffer dementia
  • Joe Biden fell on the stairs because of wind
  • Trump is a danger because ... January 6 or something
  • Trump incited riots by ... something
  • Biden did not incite riots by approving of them
  • Joe Biden ranted and threatened 75 million Americans but is not a danger
  • George Floyd did not hold a pregnant woman hostage and hold a gun to her unborn child and threaten her
  • George Floyd is a great man
  • The United States is better off under Biden than Trump
  • Joe Biden did not cause inflation
  • Inflation is transitory
  • Inflation is good
  • Joe Biden has secured the border
  • Trump is responsible for the open border
  • The open border is good
  • Trump is responsible for skyrocketing crime
  • Biden has clamped down on runaway crime
  • Runaway crime is good
I have 2 uncles that are retired generals. Do you want to hear what they have to say?
Will it be intellectual, like Herting, or more like what Stupe, Steeltime and you have been posting?

Why not just refute Herting yourself? What did he say that is incorrect?
You bought into every lie the left has told you for the past 7 years. Every goddamn one. A brief list of what you actually believe:
  • Trump colluded with Russia
  • Trump is a Russian asset
  • Trump is being blackmailed by Putin
  • Trump ignored warnings about "Russian bounties" on American soldiers
  • Trump ordered protesters tear-gassed
  • Trump ignored Fauxci's recommendations
  • Trump worsened Covid
  • Sloppy Joe did better with Covid than Trump (despite more deaths under his watch w/vax)
  • Vaccine mandates are legal
  • Vaccine mandates are a good idea
  • Shutting down businesses for a year is a great idea cuz traff ... I mean, Covid
  • Spending $2 trillion we don't have in a heating economy is a good idea
  • Masks work
  • Social distancing works
  • Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation
  • Joe Biden is not a grifter who accepted bribes
  • Joe Biden is able to buy an oceanfront mansion because he is so smart
  • Hunter Biden is smaaht, really smaaht
  • Joe Biden does not suffer dementia
  • Joe Biden fell on the stairs because of wind
  • Trump is a danger because ... January 6 or something
  • Trump incited riots by ... something
  • Biden did not incite riots by approving of them
  • Joe Biden ranted and threatened 75 million Americans but is not a danger
  • George Floyd did not hold a pregnant woman hostage and hold a gun to her unborn child and threaten her
  • George Floyd is a great man
  • The United States is better off under Biden than Trump
  • Joe Biden did not cause inflation
  • Inflation is transitory
  • Inflation is good
  • Joe Biden has secured the border
  • Trump is responsible for the open border
  • The open border is good
  • Trump is responsible for skyrocketing crime
  • Biden has clamped down on runaway crime
  • Runaway crime is good
Refute what Herting had to say.
Will it be intellectual, like Herting, or more like what Stupe, Steeltime and you have been posting?

Why not just refute Herting yourself? What did he say that is incorrect?
You don't become a general without being very intelligent. Its two to one, you lose.
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Will it be intellectual, like Herting, or more like what Stupe, Steeltime and you have been posting?

Why not just refute Herting yourself? What did he say that is incorrect?
You want to know why what he said was political bullshit? Because he doesn't seem to care about the secrets that Hillary and Biden released into the world. Why not? Everyone can see that he is a political hack. (Except you)
The defintion of treachery and duplicity. A clear and present danger to national security and the Republic. And you patriots defend this behavior?

Nah, they throw a squirrel in front of you, and you go chasing after that, instead. Oh well, life choices.
Biden has classified documents from when he was a senator, which means he stole them from a SCIF room where they were only allowed to be viewed and not even copied or photographed. He had classified documents in the office of a Chinese funded think tank.

Do you have equal outrage over that? I must have missed those posts.
Biden has classified documents from when he was a senator, which means he stole them from a SCIF room where they were only allowed to be viewed and not even copied or photographed. He had classified documents in the office of a Chinese funded think tank.

Do you have equal outrage over that? I must have missed those posts.

Apples and oranges, OFTB. While Biden had classified documents negligently stored in his garage, and where he had no right to have those documents, and never should have removed them from the SCIF facility, and while he admittedly had classified documents in an office run by Chinese spies, and where we STILL don't know exactly how many classified documents he mishandled, and where he has more than a million pages stored at the Univ. of Delaware that he will not allow any member of the public to see and thus have to take his word on the fact that unlike all the other locations THAT ONE has no classified information, and where Trump actually had the power to declassify documents as he alone saw fit, Trump is evil and Biden is like a gregarious dumb racist uncle who likes fondling kids and who became fabulously wealthy on a government salary because of his genius.

Come on, I can't believe I have to explain that to you.
Yeah, like right-wing evangelicals don’t make up the brunt of the MAGA base. Where do you live again?

They don't, especially the asshat you just posted. his thoughts and views don't represent "the brunt" of the MAGA crowd. your mind is so simple that you take this one whack job who is in love with trump and hold him up as a shining example of a representation of that group you hate so much. You can't fabricate truths and hold belief systems based on those truths. The ******* world don't work that way...or at least it shouldn't.
You bought into every lie the left has told you for the past 7 years. Every goddamn one. A brief list of what you actually believe:
  • Trump colluded with Russia
  • Trump is a Russian asset
  • Trump is being blackmailed by Putin
  • Trump ignored warnings about "Russian bounties" on American soldiers
  • Trump ordered protesters tear-gassed
  • Trump ignored Fauxci's recommendations
  • Trump worsened Covid
  • Sloppy Joe did better with Covid than Trump (despite more deaths under his watch w/vax)
  • Vaccine mandates are legal
  • Vaccine mandates are a good idea
  • Shutting down businesses for a year is a great idea cuz traff ... I mean, Covid
  • Spending $2 trillion we don't have in a heating economy is a good idea
  • Masks work
  • Social distancing works
  • Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation
  • Joe Biden is not a grifter who accepted bribes
  • Joe Biden is able to buy an oceanfront mansion because he is so smart
  • Hunter Biden is smaaht, really smaaht
  • Joe Biden does not suffer dementia
  • Joe Biden fell on the stairs because of wind
  • Trump is a danger because ... January 6 or something
  • Trump incited riots by ... something
  • Biden did not incite riots by approving of them
  • Joe Biden ranted and threatened 75 million Americans but is not a danger
  • George Floyd did not hold a pregnant woman hostage and hold a gun to her unborn child and threaten her
  • George Floyd is a great man
  • The United States is better off under Biden than Trump
  • Joe Biden did not cause inflation
  • Inflation is transitory
  • Inflation is good
  • Joe Biden has secured the border
  • Trump is responsible for the open border
  • The open border is good
  • Trump is responsible for skyrocketing crime
  • Biden has clamped down on runaway crime
  • Runaway crime is good
oh, goddammit, Jimmy
you forgot Trump likes/d to be peed on by Russian hookers.

I mean, who doesn't, but don't leave that out!