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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

Biden has classified documents from when he was a senator, which means he stole them from a SCIF room where they were only allowed to be viewed and not even copied or photographed. He had classified documents in the office of a Chinese funded think tank.

Do you have equal outrage over that? I must have missed those posts.
No, he’s a Democrat so it’s all good. At this point the Dems and FBI don’t even care that the double standard is right out in the open.
I thought that phonics might help you comprehend better. Guess not.
What the fk does that story have to do with we are talking about.
Maybe there was little violence because the National Guard was there.
Thats like saying that 780 Patriot fans believe there was no cheating.
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Spot on analysis.

Trump’s Numbers Grow Despite The Indictment. Here’s Why​

Any astute political observer could have told you there was zero chance of Donald Trump’s diehard base abandoning him over an indictment. Now, two indictments have arrived, and an even more fascinating trend has emerged: Donald Trump isn’t just holding his support but gaining it. Republicans who in November or January were leaning toward a fresh face for 2024 have rallied back to Trump’s banner.

In fact, Trump’s average support for the Republican nomination bottomed out in the second week of March, just days before news broke that Alvin Bragg planned to turn the Stormy Daniels hush money case into “novel legal theory” to bring the first ever criminal indictment against an American president. That week, Trump’s support within the GOP dipped to 43 percent on the RealClearPolitics polling average.

The most recent GOP poll, conducted by CBS just as news of Trump’s second, federal indictment broke last week, shows Trump at his highest support yet – 61 percent.

What happened? Why does Trump appeal to the GOP most when the corporate media would have you believe he’s at his weakest and most vulnerable?

It didn’t begin this way. When Trump started his campaign in 2015, it was as a “winner,” a successful businessman and dealmaker who would use those skills to make America great again, and who was bold enough to call out lies and state unspeakable truths that other candidates simply would not.

But eight years later, Trump’s appeal has evolved, as has the experience of the Republican voter.

For rank-and-file conservatives, Donald Trump is the politician who most directly experiences what it’s like to be them. Just like they are under siege, so is he. They know that the justifications given for the indictments in New York and in Florida are shams. They know that charges of the same type would never be brought against a top Democratic presidential contender, or against any Republican who avoided saying the things Trump has said. They know the real reason for the prosecution of Trump are the things he did as president and the things they expect him to do if he becomes president again. They see through the regime’s hateful fury towards Trump, and glimpse what it really is: Hateful contempt for them.

I sometimes ask students at events whether they feel that they’ve been persecuted for their own political beliefs. Countless hands always go up. Students regale me with stories of having their grades docked because they don’t rigidly adhere to the secular theology teachers and professors have injected into the classroom. They’ve directly experienced having their student organizations treated differently for being avowedly conservative or Christian. They’ve seen their events disrupted by violent protesters or shut down before they could even be held.

Even far away from college campuses, conservatives accurately perceive that their values and way of life are under siege. Christian teachers are ordered to use trans pronouns and keep their beliefs off social media, or lose their jobs. Their workplaces and public spaces are inundated with obnoxious Pride Month materials, and insufficient enthusiasm can endanger one’s career or even basic livelihood. Parents have to raise their children with the grim knowledge that when they apply for colleges, internships, and jobs, they will be treated as representatives of a skin color rather than as individuals. Pro-life activists, traditional Catholics, and parents who want politics out of elementary school classes are all treated by the FBI as domestic terrorists in waiting.

Although the billionaire Trump at first glance appears to have nothing in common with his constituency, Trump’s willingness to fight for them has formed an unbreakable bond with his supporters. And now that he has experienced the heavy hand of government and its mobs just like his constituents, the bond is all the stronger.
Powerful and super compelling argument. Listen to this. Absolute insanity. They are undermining the law, if you listen. Prosecutorial misconduct.

Floggy giving tibs a "like" on one of his post.

Video about Hillary’s emails from 6 years ago but perfect to share now. Setting the hypocrisy to music.

Spot on analysis.

Trump’s Numbers Grow Despite The Indictment. Here’s Why​

Any astute political observer could have told you there was zero chance of Donald Trump’s diehard base abandoning him over an indictment. Now, two indictments have arrived, and an even more fascinating trend has emerged: Donald Trump isn’t just holding his support but gaining it. Republicans who in November or January were leaning toward a fresh face for 2024 have rallied back to Trump’s banner.

In fact, Trump’s average support for the Republican nomination bottomed out in the second week of March, just days before news broke that Alvin Bragg planned to turn the Stormy Daniels hush money case into “novel legal theory” to bring the first ever criminal indictment against an American president. That week, Trump’s support within the GOP dipped to 43 percent on the RealClearPolitics polling average.

The most recent GOP poll, conducted by CBS just as news of Trump’s second, federal indictment broke last week, shows Trump at his highest support yet – 61 percent.

What happened? Why does Trump appeal to the GOP most when the corporate media would have you believe he’s at his weakest and most vulnerable?

It didn’t begin this way. When Trump started his campaign in 2015, it was as a “winner,” a successful businessman and dealmaker who would use those skills to make America great again, and who was bold enough to call out lies and state unspeakable truths that other candidates simply would not.

But eight years later, Trump’s appeal has evolved, as has the experience of the Republican voter.

For rank-and-file conservatives, Donald Trump is the politician who most directly experiences what it’s like to be them. Just like they are under siege, so is he. They know that the justifications given for the indictments in New York and in Florida are shams. They know that charges of the same type would never be brought against a top Democratic presidential contender, or against any Republican who avoided saying the things Trump has said. They know the real reason for the prosecution of Trump are the things he did as president and the things they expect him to do if he becomes president again. They see through the regime’s hateful fury towards Trump, and glimpse what it really is: Hateful contempt for them.

I sometimes ask students at events whether they feel that they’ve been persecuted for their own political beliefs. Countless hands always go up. Students regale me with stories of having their grades docked because they don’t rigidly adhere to the secular theology teachers and professors have injected into the classroom. They’ve directly experienced having their student organizations treated differently for being avowedly conservative or Christian. They’ve seen their events disrupted by violent protesters or shut down before they could even be held.

Even far away from college campuses, conservatives accurately perceive that their values and way of life are under siege. Christian teachers are ordered to use trans pronouns and keep their beliefs off social media, or lose their jobs. Their workplaces and public spaces are inundated with obnoxious Pride Month materials, and insufficient enthusiasm can endanger one’s career or even basic livelihood. Parents have to raise their children with the grim knowledge that when they apply for colleges, internships, and jobs, they will be treated as representatives of a skin color rather than as individuals. Pro-life activists, traditional Catholics, and parents who want politics out of elementary school classes are all treated by the FBI as domestic terrorists in waiting.

Although the billionaire Trump at first glance appears to have nothing in common with his constituency, Trump’s willingness to fight for them has formed an unbreakable bond with his supporters. And now that he has experienced the heavy hand of government and its mobs just like his constituents, the bond is all the stronger.

What’s going to absolutely drive the hardcore libs nuts is that outside of the 30-35% of hardcore trump haters, most centrist, including Democrats who voted against him last time will vote for him this go around simply because the state of the economy…
Powerful and super compelling argument. Listen to this. Absolute insanity. They are undermining the law, if you listen. Prosecutorial misconduct.

The demoncrat party has completely turned. It's more in line with what you would find in fascist dictatorships.
Realizing that the Dims are as tenacious as a rabid Pitbull in their attempt to take down Trump, do you think this is their last gasp effort, their Pickett's charge, if you will?

You'd have to be comatose at this point to believe this is all about some documents in his bathroom.
Posts article from /checks notes, the far-right, extremist Daily **** ing Caller to get a finger on the pulse of America. lolol :rolleyes:

"Although the billionaire Trump at first glance appears to have nothing in common with his constituency..."

At first glance? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
You'd have to be comatose at this point to believe this is all about some documents in his bathroom.

Narrator: Yes, ZonaBurgh. That's exactly what this is about. Highly confidential military and nuclear secrets Trump stole and hid in his mother **** ing bathroom. Did you not read the indictment?
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Narrator: Yes, ZonaBurgh. That's exactly what this is about. Highly confidential military and nuclear secrets Trump stole and hid in his mother **** ing bathroom. Did you not read the indictment?
You read the indictment. I read the indictment. What most people don’t understand about the grand jury system is that the prosecution gets to present its evidence with no defense. So they can say or do what they want, manipulate anything to get a result without objection.

What bothers me is that a fair amount of people think that just because the government secured an indictment that everything must be on the up and up. We know that the government found 102 classified documents. Yet they showed dozens of boxes to manipulate people into thinking it is much much more.

I mean, if the documents he had were so damning, why try to make it look worse? If there are actual nuclear secrets, etc, there’s no way they could show any of that to a grand jury in which no member has a clearance to look at it. The kind of stuff being discussed isn’t just classified. We’re talking eyes only mention it and you die type of stuff here. So they can say that’s what they found, but national security doesn’t allow them to prove it. And everyone is just supposed to buy it because government said so? The way Federal law enforcement has been acting the last few years, you’ll have to forgive me for being just a tad leery.

I am skeptical, because as we have seen with any politician not named Donald Trump, you can be as careless as you please with sensitive information. You can destroy evidence, hide **** in your sock drawer, walk out of the national archives with classified information stuffed down the front of your pants and get caught, leave classified **** in your garage, Chinatown and Delaware University among other places and yet the excuse factory is in full swing about how all of that is somehow different.

Tell me this isn’t completely political. Even if he’s in the wrong it is still completely political because they’ve turned a blind eye to it for years. But NOW it’s suddenly a national security crisis. And people wanna talk about justice. FOH.

If what they say is true, Trump should be in jail. He should be in jail alongside Biden, Pence, Hillary, Bill and many more. But we live in a two tiered justice system that is pretty one sided. No way any of this leads to anything good.
Did Joe claim the $50,000 a month that Hunter was paying him as "rent" for one bedroom of his house as rental income?
Because you don't have to pay double FICA on rental income you know, only state and Federal income tax.
Narrator: Yes, ZonaBurgh. That's exactly what this is about. Highly confidential military and nuclear secrets Trump stole and hid in his mother **** ing bathroom. Did you not read the indictment?
Your response isn't surprising, after all you've admitted having terminal TDS. But guess what, all those going after the former President have contracted the same disease.
I get it, he pissssses people off, but that's no reason to throw out our system of juris prudence. He isn't the first former President to have classified documents in their homes. Heck, Ex-Senators and Secretary of States have as well. He may be guilty, and if so, faces the consequences, but there no way you will convince me that this is anything but spite.
He isn't the first former President to have classified documents in their homes. Heck, Ex-Senators and Secretary of States have as well. He may be guilty, and if so, faces the consequences, but there no way you will convince me that this is anything but spite.
Did the others share the classified docs and refuse to turn them over having aides hide them from investigators?
The painful truth. ✅
Well the world was stable, and Trump was ending wars without starting new ones so I’m failing to see how we were being endangered.