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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

I'll admit that I look at tik tok. I don't post anything, but I like the military and cooking videos, and there is some funny stuff on there sometimes. But you are absolutely correct that there are some middle-aged people on there clout chasing. I don't understand that need for validation from people you'll never meet.

Look, Trump has some great policy ideas, and it is really the only appealing thing about him. With this documents thing, I think his ego will be his end. Baier made him look foolish a few times. And the more Trump talks, the deeper the hole gets. He's walking a fine line and could very well end up incriminating himself. He has about 35% of the country in his pocket no matter what he does. Guy could walk out into the street, shoot somebody and that 35% would say "Well the dude shouldn't have been standing there." It is what it is, but it speaks as much about the electorate as it does Trump.

I agree with almost everything you're saying, but shouldn't that be all that matters? He did good things.

Funny that Tibs gave your post the thumbs up. Through you Tibs apparently approves of Trumps policy ideas .... obviously too big a coward, can't bear to spit it out himself.
But he already was POTUS. Doesn't appear that those attributes were detrimental to the country, or toward his job as president. He did a lot of good things.
The only ones affected by his personality were demonrats and you pansy *** liberals.
Right, who cares about the National debt?And how do you explain his consistent and ongoing deference to Putin?
Many have been laughing at America since Slick Willie

We've had a nice run of presidents I either didn't really like or hated.

The last president I truly liked and made me feel good about the country and the direction it was heading was Ronald Reagan.

Hated Slick Willie, I didn't like either Bush, hated Obama and his marxist woke divisive bullshit. Trump had good policy,but terrible demeanor and Biden is just a big pile of steaming dogshit. If not for our little covid gift and a bogus election because of it, his corrupted *** is in assisted living eating ice cream.

Hearsay is an out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of whatever it asserts, which is then offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter. The problem with hearsay is that when the person being quoted is not present, it becomes impossible to establish credibility. As a result, hearsay evidence is generally not admissible in court. However, there are exceptions to the hearsay rule, which are explained below.

The first exception to the hearsay rule is the "excited utterance" exception. This exception applies when someone makes a statement during a startling event, in the heat of the moment, potentially providing an unguarded and accurate piece of information. This exception is most applicable in criminal cases, as the rationale behind it is that during or immediately following a criminal act, a person is not likely to have the presence of mind to lie or give false statements. In order for a statement to qualify as an excited utterance, it must have been made in conjunction with an event that would be so overwhelming as to discount the possibility of fabrication.

The second exception to the hearsay rule is the "statements against interest" exception. This exception applies to statements or actions that adversely affect the party who made the statement. These statements do not need to be formal admissions. The theory behind this exception is that a person would not fabricate a statement that is adverse to their own best interest. However, the witness offering the hearsay testimony may not be telling the truth, but that goes to credibility, not admissibility.

See: Federal Rules of Evidence 804(b)(3)

The third exception to the hearsay rule is the "matter of record" exception. This exception allows for official government records, private business records, prior court decisions or documents, and prior testimony of an unavailable witness to be admitted as evidence. In order for these records and documents to be admissible, they must be verifiable in some way, such as with a notarized original or a witness who can attest to their authenticity.

For federal trials, the rules for hearsay are contained within Article VIII of the Federal Rules of Evidence, Rules 801-807.

  • Rule 801(c) of the FRE defines hearsay.
  • Rule 802 prohibits the admissibility of hearsay.
  • Rule 803, Rule 804 and Rule 807 list exceptions to the rule against hearsay.
  • Rule 805 discusses hearsay within hearsay.
  • Rule 806 discusses the credibility of the declarant of the hearsay.
See: Federal Rules of EvidenceARTICLE VIII. HEARSAYRule 803. Exceptions to the Rule Against Hearsay

It is important to remember that even with these exceptions, the judge has the discretion to determine whether or not to admit hearsay evidence.

The most commonly-used hearsay exception is admission by a party opponent. That means ANY statement by the opposing party can be admitted as a hearsay exception. The government gets away with its people saying a legion of stupid things because for the government, the statement must be by an "authorized spokesperson." Individual defendants don't have that luxury.

An audio recording of Trump speaking of sharing the documents is hearsay?

Yes. Hearsay is ANY out-of-court statement sought to be admitted for the truth of the matter asserted (i.e., to prove that what was said is true).
Right, who cares about the National debt?

Not you apparently. Dementia Joe has doubled the debt in his first 2 1/2 years compared to Trump.

That means twice as much. Looking for your posts criticizing Dementia Boy for spending trillions we don't have ... looking ... still looking ...

And how do you explain his consistent and ongoing deference to Putin?

You say stupid things you read in Media Matters and never bother to investigate their accuracy. Dementia Boy and Barry were in charge when Putin invaded Crimea. Dementia Boy is in charge when Putin invaded Ukraine. Funny how Trump is supposedly so deferential to Putin and Putin owns him, yet Putin waits for your butt-buddies to be in office before doing stupid ****.
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Not you apparently. Dementia Joe has doubled the debt in his first 2 1/2 years compared to Trump.

That means twice as much. Looking for your posts criticizing Dementia Boy for spending trillions we don't have ... looking ... still looking ...

You say stupid things you read in Media Matters and never bother to investigate their accuracy. Dementia Boy and Barry were in charge when Putin invaded Crimea. Dementia Boy is in charge when Putin invaded Ukraine. Funny how Trump is supposedly so deferential to Putin and Putin owns him, yet Putin waits for your butt-buddies to be in office before doing stupid ****.
Media Matters? Helsinki wasn’t Media Matters. Putin has largely had his *** kicked in Ukraine. Trump would abandon Ukraine and surrender it to Putin.
Media Matters? Helsinki wasn’t Media Matters. Putin has largely had his *** kicked in Ukraine. Trump would abandon Ukraine and surrender it to Putin.

You are so dumb that dumb people distance themselves from you. To wit, Putin invaded Crimea when Biden was Vice-President; Putin invaded Ukraine when Biden was President.

The only ******* time over a generation that he did not invade a neighbor was when Trump was President, genius. Faced with these undeniable facts, Media Matters and Floggy insist that their fictional version of history ("tRuMp wOuLd hAvE aBanDoNeD UkRaEniA") is true.
Media Matters? Helsinki wasn’t Media Matters. Putin has largely had his *** kicked in Ukraine. Trump would abandon Ukraine and surrender it to Putin.

It is absolutely breathtaking sometimes to just sit back and watch you self-contradict when you drop your whataboutisms.

It's been said dozens of times. It needs repeating again. You are worth the price of admission here. You alone. Better than a circus freak show.
It is absolutely breathtaking sometimes to just sit back and watch you self-contradict when you drop your whataboutisms.

It's been said dozens of times. It needs repeating again. You are worth the price of admission here. You alone. Better than a circus freak show.

You make a good point but to be fair to circus freaks, they know they are freaks. Floggy is a circus freak who believes his knowledge of all things economy and foreign affairs makes him a combination of Brad Pitt, John Maynard Keynes and Henry Kissinger.

He is partly correct but unbeknownst to Floggy, he has the unfortunate benefit of Kissinger's looks (plus a manbun), Keynes' sexual proclivities, and Pitt's knowledge of economics and foreign affairs.
Media Matters? Helsinki wasn’t Media Matters. Putin has largely had his *** kicked in Ukraine. Trump would abandon Ukraine and surrender it to Putin.
Putin never would have had the balls to invade if Trump had still been in office.
You are so dumb that dumb people distance themselves from you. To wit, Putin invaded Crimea when Biden was Vice-President; Putin invaded Ukraine when Biden was President.

The only ******* time over a generation that he did not invade a neighbor was when Trump was President, genius. Faced with these undeniable facts, Media Matters and Floggy insist that their fictional version of history ("tRuMp wOuLd hAvE aBanDoNeD UkRaEniA") is true.
If you want to play that game… Putin suffered wide scale military losses when Biden was President, Putin suffered none while Trump was President.
Putin never would have had the balls to invade if Trump had still been in office.
😂 I can hear Trump now “He said it was an act of self defense… I don’t know why it wouldn’t be an act of self defense”
If you want to play that game… Putin suffered wide scale military losses when Biden was President, Putin suffered none while Trump was President.

"It's better for Russia to have invaded Ukraine so that Russia's military suffers losses than for Russia to remain in Russia, where its military remains intact."
- Flogic

This is arguably the stupidest comment ever made by anyone on this forum, and believe me that is saying a LOT. I mean your competition includes random stupid comments by 21Steelers, the fanatical idiocy of Tibilo, and the malevolent stupidity of ElftardPoloLiar.

Putin "suffered military losses" because he invaded a neighbor while Dementia Joe was President; he suffered no military losses while Trump was President because he DID. NOT. INVADE. A. NEIGHBOR.

Or do you think Trump should have attacked Russian forces while they were in Russia, you dolt?
Media Matters? Helsinki wasn’t Media Matters. Putin has largely had his *** kicked in Ukraine. Trump would abandon Ukraine and surrender it to Putin.
you do know that Russia invading Ukraine, affords the Biden crime family to funnel 200B of tax payer money to launder through Zelinski and self-enrich, right? It allows the Democratic party to funnel that money into it's coffers as well. So who benefits from Russia invading the Ukraine?
Wish both the GOP and Democrats would move on from Trump/Biden.

Would love to see a centrist Republican with a steady, calm demeanor, who can recapture the party from MAGA extremists.

Would love to see a centrist Democrat with a steady, calm demeanor, who can recapture the party from wigged-out, far-left extremists.

Someone from either party, with the intelligence and effervescence to recapture our imagination, get rid of the bad juju, bring Americans together and help harness our vast potential heading into the next century.

America - and Americans - deserves as much.

Tired of choosing the lesser of two evils in making political decisions. It **** ing sucks.
Would these centrists promote fiscal policies that would strengthen our economy and prosperity? Incentivize corporations to manufacturer in this country while making it more difficult for other countries to steal American jobs? Produce our own energy with the natural resources we have? Protect our borders and support legal immigration? Defend every single word of our Constitution? Stop releasing or prosecuting people based on ideology? Treat every citizen the same without constantly dividing everyone into a different subset, based on physical or mental attributes? Promote the traditional family, personal responsibility and work ethic?

If so, I might agree with you.
"It's better for Russia to have invaded Ukraine so that Russia's military suffers losses than for Russia to remain in Russia, where its military remains intact."
- Flogic

This is arguably the stupidest comment ever made by anyone on this forum, and believe me that is saying a LOT. I mean your competition includes random stupid comments by 21Steelers, the fanatical idiocy of Tibilo, and the malevolent stupidity of ElftardPoloLiar.

Putin "suffered military losses" because he invaded a neighbor while Dementia Joe was President; he suffered no military losses while Trump was President because he DID. NOT. INVADE. A. NEIGHBOR.

Or do you think Trump should have attacked Russian forces while they were in Russia, you dolt?
Like I said, anything to defend the Dem Party no matter how stupid it looks.
It’s 5 years down the road but my early prediction is that Sen. Fetterman’s condition does not improve and he gets re-elected.
you do know that Russia invading Ukraine, affords the Biden crime family to funnel 200B of tax payer money to launder through Zelinski and self-enrich, right? It allows the Democratic party to funnel that money into it's coffers as well. So who benefits from Russia invading the Ukraine?
The Yukes took half the aid money and invested it with the now-defunct FTX, who donated a whole lot of money to Democrats.
That **** ain’t even hidden. Nothing will happen.